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Old 06-25-2013, 07:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
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I plan to outdue subjective long windedness w longer windedness. Keep score ppl. So far it is 21 to 0.
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:11 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
See, that... I love long winded people that know nothing, of what they speak, but they have read a few books, watched a life time movie, know somoeone who knows someone and are suddenly an expert on all things pertaining.. the topic in question... we can have a serious discussion if you want but not in your thread... feel free to pm, and we'll talk logically, philosophically, and by the time the conversation is done. I will have at least educated you on the violence, abuse and devastation that cults cause... but as for doing it here on this thread no....

And no I retracted my claws... I meant what I wrote.
I have nothing to say to you that everybody on the internet can't read. That's what these threads are for--entertainment. That's what this forum is for. If you don't want to talk in public then we're done talking.

Anywho here's a famous example of a psychic dream to start out with in his own words:

"About ten days ago, I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber, for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. I saw light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. 'Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers, 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin.' Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it ever since." -Abraham Lincoln
Except those aren't Lincoln's own words. He NEVER wrote an account of this dream. The story was given to us by Lincoln's bodyguard, Ward Hill Lamon, some 20 years after Lincoln's death. Lamon also stated at one point, while discussing the dream with the president, that Lincoln told him the body in the casket was NOT his own. Lamon stated that Mary Lincoln was also present when Lincoln recounted his dream but she never mentioned it to anyone which we should certainly find odd if she had really heard it.

Did Abraham Lincoln predict his own death?

As for Sylvia Browne's right predictions, I think we can safely chalk that up to scripted encounters (which Montel Williams was notorious for). They have to script them because when she tries to wing it cold, you can see how abysmal she is.

'According to Browne, “my accuracy rate is somewhere between 87 and 90 percent, if I’m recalling correctly.” This article disputes that statistic by examining the criminal cases for which Browne has performed readings. The research demonstrates that in 115 cases (all of the available readings), Browne’s confirmable accuracy was 0 percent.'

Psychic Defective: Sylvia Browne?s History of Failure - CSI

I highly recommend you read the entirety of that last link.
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:16 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Why does it take you so long to reply?...

Originally Posted by LordLarehip
[...]You don't fool people into drinking kool-aid. They will drink it quite voluntarily knowing full well they will die if they do. [...]
Yes, but it's because James Jones told them there was no way out and that they would be greeted in heaven.
People WANT to be controlled.
I think the exact opposite is more true...
Deep down we know we don't know who we are,
This is complete rubbish. Human beings start learning who they are in their early twenties. With higher IQs and acceptance of human imperfection one can know themselves too well.
what we are doing or why we do it.
No, our subconscious always knows what it is doing.
On the surface, it seems that way but underneath, we are dummies.
We are so geared in this age to accept arguments from authority that we often believe statements without testing them if they come from someone with a fancy title.
Speak for yourself... There are people to defy authority. They're called rebels, individuals, or some branch of democracy.
In fact, we often accept these statements without even bothering to find out if this authoritative person in question actually said it!
You do?! Lower IQ or children probably do this.
I'd be a liar if I said I didn't.

We also will take a skeptical position without knowing whether it is the correct one because we feel it makes us seem more educated and free-thinking.
I don't understand your point here, and the pt of the entire thread, but first thing is first. You are typing a lot of things that go without saying. Not everybody is going to like you or something because that is the balance of the universe. People want to believe they are unique, special, and a cut above the rest.

We become accustomed to believing we see the world as it is because we know ourselves--until we find out that we don't.
No, I think many people can admit to seeing through rose-colored glasses. Smart people are in tune with their subconscious motives, know themselves consciously, and know when they have been sheltered (or jaded) about how the world really is.
As an example, a professor at a college flashed a bunch of slides on a screen for just a split second. The students were to write down what they saw. One slide depicted two men--one white and one black--stripped the waist, grappling in hand-to-hand combat where one man held a knife. The majority of white students stated that the black man held the knife. When the slide was shown again and left up so that it could be clearly observed and studied, the knife was not only in the white man's hand, it was CLEARLY in the white man's hand. The angle of the knife would be impossible for the black man to hold it that way. Many of these students became VERY upset. "You're trying to tell me I'm a racist, is that it?" or "You switched the slides because the black guy was holding the knife!" The slides were not switched and those students who saw the knife in the black man's hand were not necessarily racist. The experiment was meant to show the unconscious but highly important role that cultural bias plays in our everyday lives and perceptions.
This attempt here makes the most sense to me out of anything you said; it is a sad truth, except I have more of a shocker. We are all primates so it doesn't matter what color.

Is it any wonder so many black men are freed from prison based on DNA evidence only now available after they had already spent 25 years behind bars? Is it any wonder that a black man is far more likely to be convicted of a crime than a white man for the same crime? Because of our subconscious biases, our justice system is very unjust.
Yes, it is, but there are a lot of cases where justice has been served.

We really don't know ourselves the way we assume we do.
You're typing in circles here about your own philosophy with no sources.
You like to think you're honest but if you found a million dollars would you turn it in, would you turn most of it in but keep some? Before you answer, remember, you don't really know yourself the way you think.
Like I said before - an intelligent human being knows who they are inside and out and accepts human err from themselves and others.

What if you were in deep financial straits and desperately needed this money for your family or to feed and clothe your kids or you had no retirement savings to live off when you get too old to work in a couple of years and have no idea what you're going to do to get by?--scared to death of becoming a homeless old beggar. What would you do then? Basically, until you are in that situation, you don't know.
Yes, I think we DO know nor is the stable person ashamed. Are you going to find a million dollars? I wonder where to find that much blowing on the sidewalk like one of the billions of leaves in the Fall like that just happens to happen all the time.

We commit massacres and we really don't know why we do it. Someone told us to.
Any evolved person with a mind of their own questions commands and thinks for themselves.
So we figure it is better to be controlled for a purpose than to be doing things subconsciously for no purpose or for a purpose we don't understand. In Jonesville, they figured it was better to die for Jim Jones than to continue living and not knowing what for.
Now you're speaking for the dead? I wouldn't do that if I were you - it's bad karma. Some people are just lost and James Jones had a lot of magnetism and charisma.

Originally Posted by Lord Larehip View Post
I have nothing to say to you that everybody on the internet can't read. That's what these threads are for--entertainment. That's what this forum is for. If you don't want to talk in public then we're done talking.
Just so you know I will out-type, out-persist, out-philosophies, out-BS you any time, any place and I will never retract. It's just that normally, what I find entertaining is someone who is as quick in the mind as myself. Not to complain because making threads is a contribution to the bored like me, but it's like I said before about how you take a day to reply and come up with paragraphs of your own view trying to make that the view of everyone else or thinking it is or must be.
A very nice young lady asked you what your beef was. To me it doesn't matter as I don't care to get to know you (deeply anyway) or what makes you tick. I'm simply not interested. On the other hand, I get a certain satisfaction from behaving like other people (becoming a product of my environment) through mimicry, holding a mirror up to them, and showing them what they're like in hopes they gain better perspective and improve as a human being. Even my bored philosophical ideas and thinking is far more intelligible, but who am I to compare when we think 700 words a minute but can only say or type around 100.

Except those aren't Lincoln's own words.
Yes, they are.
This is what I figured you would do is make excuses when cold, hard life facts are presented to a certain type of personality. Actually, I change that because it's human nature, period. When wrong and presented with contrary facts we better stand our ground lest we look silly. To accept we are wrong (when the argument isn't that strong, but mostly subjective and severely limited and closed) takes a big human being, an evolved one who will continue to grow spiritually and intellectually surpassing his peers. That leads me back to my theory of everyone thinking they're better than everybody else. It is a survival technique. Some of us are so fragile if they knew the truth they'd be unhappy 24/7 and that's the kind of person you want to avoid bc they grow up to be... alone.

As for Sylvia Browne's right predictions, I think we can safely chalk that up to scripted encounters (which Montel Williams was notorious for). They have to script them because when she tries to wing it cold, you can see how abysmal she is.
There's something about Montel Williams I do not like at all, but I still refuse to close my mind to watching things (not just talk shows), reading whatever I want, and observing whoever in order to learn. We're not going to agree with how life has sculpted every personality on the planet. It will rub us the wrong way every day of our lives, the ego of others, but it doesn't make them or everything they do a complete fabrication. If you tune or shut something out just because of a wrong note how will you ever broaden your mind?

'According to Browne, “my accuracy rate is somewhere between 87 and 90 percent, if I’m recalling correctly.” This article disputes that statistic by examining the criminal cases for which Browne has performed readings. The research demonstrates that in 115 cases (all of the available readings), Browne’s confirmable accuracy was 0 percent.'
Make up your mind. Is it 87, 90, or 0?

Since you take quite awhile I am going to put myself on hold til your next reply with this:

VAN McCOY - the hustle (1975) (HQ) - YouTube
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:04 PM   #24 (permalink)
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You're apparently unaware of the research that's been done on the brain in the last few years. We do not and cannot know ourselves because we are driven by our subconscious mind and since it is subconscious, its workings are not in any wise perceptible to our conscious minds. Our conscious minds must invent "narratives" to explain what we do and why we do it.

Our brains are divided into halves but held together by a skein of nerves called corpus callosum. When epileptics have extreme episodes nothing can be done for them other than to sever the corpus callosum so that the two halves of the brain are now completely separate. Such a person actually has two brains. Wouldn't this harm patients? No. In fact, to you they seem perfectly normal.

In a normal brain, language is handled by the left hemisphere of the brain which formulates what you're going to say then it passes it to the right hemisphere which handles the task of getting those words out of your mouth. A split-brained person can't do this however because they can't pass anything from one hemisphere to the other. The information from lef to right brain has to take a decidedly more circuitous route. An experiment was done where a split-brained patient was shown the word "bell" on the left side of a screen and the word "music" on the right. Then with the right hand, they were to pick out one of four images showing musical instruments. One was a bell. The person would pick out the bell. When asked why, he explained the last music he had heard was of a bell tower. In other words, he was unaware of the word "music" because it has bypassed his left hemisphere but because it was in his right hemisphere he incorporated a musical reason for why he chose the photo of the bell. The total brain was "confabulating" a reason so the halves could work in harmony. We know his reason was bogus but HE DIDN'T! He thought he was being truthful.

In another experiment, a split-brain patient was given the command to walk to his right brain without his left brain knowing. He stood up and started to walk. When asked why, he said had to get a drink of water. His right brain had to explain the subliminal impulse to walk. It wasn't to get a drink, it was because he was commanded but since his left brain didn't know that, it had to invent a reason--one that he thought was the real reason. A polygraph would not have registered a lie.

Psychologist Alexander Luria explained that the left brain leads the right and must explain anything the right brain does. Since it is subliminal or subconscious impulses in the right hemisphere, the left brain has to confabulate a reason otherwise we would be crazy. We MUST be able to explain what we do. We believe our explanations because we have no choice. Our brain won't permit us to have gaps of acting without knowing why. If you jump in your car and start driving then your right brain has to tell you why. You must be going somewhere for some reason. These confabulations become so ingrained that they are our personality, our self.

You don't know who you are because you CANNOT know partly because there are BILLIONS of subconscious things happening in your brain every second. You are driven by subliminal and subconscious images, messages and impulses 24/7--your brain is bombarded by them--and so your motives for acting them out is not known to you so your brain MUST confabulate to explain them. Your brain settles on those confabulations that suit you best and that becomes the person that you are--a fictional character in a narrative.

This is NOT speculation. This has been proven. Look it up.

As for why I can't answer you instantly, try to understand that I have a job and must work so I can eat, buy clothes and food and live in my house without being served an eviction notice.
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Old 06-26-2013, 04:49 PM   #25 (permalink)
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^You sure manage to find a lot of time to type though which means this thread means a lot to you. Instead of disturbing you further and getting confronted with the reality people tell themselves what they need to despite evidence I'll agree to disagree about a few things discussed with you and leave it at that.

Before I go I'd like to remind you that we're supposedly far behind in brain and psyche knowledge, as was explained to me. It seems feasible since psyche meds do not always work for everyone. As much as we know about the common cold we're always going to get one because we're only immune once we've survived it and there are, as discovered, over 200...

UW Researcher: There Could be as Many as 200 Cold Viruses, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

What if there are that many types of depression and we're only aware of major, chronic, and manic?

IDK about you but oftentimes I've done something so peculiar I laugh and wonder why I did what I did. After analyzing it for awhile then I realize why. My subconscious always knows what it's doing because I am self-aware and spiritually in sync with myself as is approximately 1/2 the population.
Some are even more spiritually advanced than myself in the fact they can choose to separate their soul from their body on demand, or during sleep. Studies have shown this to be true when putting test subjects to sleep under a table attached up high on a wall. On the surface of the table were certain colors, shapes, and numbers. When the test subject awakened they were able to tell the experimenter exactly what was on that table above their heads and they had not gotten up at all. Different surfaces were placed there all day long with the same people underneath so there was no way they were told of its contents prior.

I wouldn't want you to be served an eviction notice so maybe you could concentrate/channel all of these philosophies, theories, and ideas of yours into a book you can sell and make profit from instead of sharing with us in this musical community. The feedback you will get might be similar as to here, tho and if you don't believe me try it. Last I checked (but this was several years ago) it was $800 to publish a book with the option of hard or soft copy and with the design cover(s) of your choice and an even distribution across the US. If memory serves me right the company name was Random House. Even if you don't find the same motivation to do this as you have mustered up for this thread here, I wish you good luck.

You are on the right track by stating the importance of 'entertainment' and so perhaps entertaining writing is for you. As a natural critic might I remind you that no one as far as I could see has actually laughed on this thread, nor have any of us even smiled. A good author can make its readers do both and does not shoo anyone away. IDK if you noticed but it has been just you and me for almost 48 hours now, only because I am a smart alec.

Novels I've read for entertainment have been all the Letters from a Nut series (includes 3), The Everything Spells and Charms Book, many-a celebrity autobiography, a book of Garfield comics, The Millenium Book of Prophecy, Still Missing, dozens of astrology books, many on numerology, Wilbur Smith, the suicidal Ernest Hemingway (had too much iron in his blood to behave sanely), Ronald Regan's love letters to Nancy, Cooking with Tofu, Dean Koontz, Henry the Vlll (he was), everything on Maria Antonia, Country Living (a magazine), Country Sampler (another magazine), Van Gogh's letters he probably wrote drunk and stinking, Nabokov's pedophilic material, and biographies of many famous serial killers. In fact, I have an at home library (2 to be exact) where I can go on and on. What is it they have that you don't have? I could also go on and on and the only reason I'm telling you this is because you struck an empathetic chord in me. It's not that I want to hurt you with criticism. On the contrary, I'd like to help.

What else can we talk about? Someone earlier (who you lost along the way) claimed that you did NOT know the devastation cults cause. I don't think I need to tell you you were wrong in that statement, but you were right in the fact there are all types of cults and not just the bad ones that have been publicized famously. In itself, the Nazis could be in the same category, as you said, due to the ambitious desires of one man. Like James Jones, Hitler too had a lot of likeability with his artwork, charisma, and a hypnotic intelligence he was not using in a constructive manner. Sound familiar? There is a lot of energy here on your behalf being burned up here to be used in such a way. Do you keep a journal? There is mild potential here, but in order for it to become an art for (as it should be) you must brush up.

Anyway before I forget Nostradamus himself predicted there would be a world war in the 1940s, the main leader to be called by the name of 'Hister'. The fact he did not get his name 100% clear and accurate has caused an uproar among skeptics and they revel in it as if it is a dinner party of victory which is such silliness since it's not that far off at all. A fellow astrologer predicted the destruction, by terrorists, of the WTC right down to the date using numerology. He was lucky enough to get a bio featured on The History Channel several years ago...

The Man Who Predicted 9/11 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until next time, this time tomorrow, I hope you don't get tired of reading these long-winded brain farts exchanged nobody else seems to enjoy but us. Okay I sugar-coated it, but that's not the point. Let me rephrase: I hope you enjoy reading my long-windedness as much as people enjoy reading yours. This can go on forever if you'd like it to, because I will never cease fire/grow tired until long after your first yawn.

Good night.
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Old 07-05-2013, 02:46 AM   #26 (permalink)
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While I don't want to involve myself deeply in the current ongoing discussion, I think the first post from Mr. Larehip shows insights that a lot could (should) learn from. The message is good even if delivery could be better (wall of text and an arrogant position sure to anger people from the very start). As Larehip seems to know much about human nature, I am sure he knows how resistant people can be to logical arguments when you've roused their defenses.

But either way, I pretty much agree. Psychics are not real and what they do can be done by lucky guessing and reading people. And people don't truly know themselves, f.ex because sometimes we don't really understand our motivations. Motivation comes first, then we try to rationalize it or apply some narrative to explain it and that explanation can be very wrong. Either way, it's a construct. The motivation doesn't need our narrative to exist but we feel like we need the narrative to understand the motivation and, by extension, ourselves.

And humans are social animals. When trying to figure out how we should behave, we're constantly looking to others to give us some cues. We naturally create a society which controls the way we behave.
Something Completely Different
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Old 07-06-2013, 09:12 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
While I don't want to involve myself deeply in the current ongoing discussion, I think the first post from Mr. Larehip shows insights that a lot could (should) learn from. The message is good even if delivery could be better (wall of text and an arrogant position sure to anger people from the very start). As Larehip seems to know much about human nature, I am sure he knows how resistant people can be to logical arguments when you've roused their defenses.
But my arrogance and loquaciousness didn't stop you from seeing the value of the data I posted. That's how you know the data are good--you hate the messenger but recognize the value of the message. If all the rest of them require me to break it down into little bite-sized chunks for their little minds to process while I tell them how great and smart and perceptive they are, all that would be accomplishing is proving that people WANT to be controlled. They'll believe anything I tell them if I throw in enough compliments while doing it. My god, man, that's how cults work!! And you didn't fall for it! So why should they?

But either way, I pretty much agree. Psychics are not real and what they do can be done by lucky guessing and reading people. And people don't truly know themselves, f.ex because sometimes we don't really understand our motivations. Motivation comes first, then we try to rationalize it or apply some narrative to explain it and that explanation can be very wrong. Either way, it's a construct. The motivation doesn't need our narrative to exist but we feel like we need the narrative to understand the motivation and, by extension, ourselves.
To put it another way, introspection is impossible. You cannot examine your own beliefs and learn anything about yourself. If the knowledge is already inside you then you already know it (or it wouldn't be knowledge). If it is not there then looking inside yourself for that knowledge is pointless. For example, what is your favorite color? Why is that color your favorite? Well, you don't know! It is just is.

Do you control your own thoughts? Yes? Then stop thinking altogether just for a moment. Stop producing thoughts for 10 seconds. For 10 seconds, think about nothing at all. Hmm. Can't do it, can we? So you do not control your own thoughts. Then what does control them?

And humans are social animals. When trying to figure out how we should behave, we're constantly looking to others to give us some cues. We naturally create a society which controls the way we behave.
I agree. We WANT to be controlled because it is human nature. Normally, it's not a bad thing but, like anything else, it can be subverted.
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Old 07-06-2013, 09:19 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lord Larehip
[...] For example, what is your favorite color? Why is that color your favorite? Well, you don't know! It is just is.[...]
Omg you're going to make me pop a vein in my head. No, no, no... most people know why their favorite color is theirs. For example mine is red bc it stimulates the senses, warms my soul, is sexual, romantic, beautiful, and no photo or painting is complete without it. Orange will do, if not.
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Old 07-06-2013, 11:03 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lord Larehip View Post

Do you control your own thoughts? Yes? Then stop thinking altogether just for a moment. Stop producing thoughts for 10 seconds. For 10 seconds, think about nothing at all. Hmm. Can't do it, can we? So you do not control your own thoughts. Then what does control them?
Actually, if you meditate then you can think of nothing at all and focus on your inner breathing.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 07-06-2013, 11:58 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Omg you're going to make me pop a vein in my head. No, no, no... most people know why their favorite color is theirs. For example mine is red bc it stimulates the senses, warms my soul, is sexual, romantic, beautiful, and no photo or painting is complete without it. Orange will do, if not.
That's your narrative speaking. The truth is, you don't know why red is your favorite color. The reason you gave can apply to any color and that's aside from the fact that it isn't true. No photo or painting is complete without red? I could show you dozens that are. Below are a couple of paintings from Picasso's Blue Period. Complete paintings? Yes. Any red or orange in them? No. So, you see, your reason is your fictional narrative. It really has no merit.

Actually, if you meditate then you can think of nothing at all and focus on your inner breathing.
There's an easy way to test that: meditate for ten minutes thinking about absolutely nothing. If you are successful, those 10 minutes will pass instantaneously. If you were thinking about anything then you were aware of something and if you are aware of anything then you are also aware of the passage of time. To be aware of nothing also means you cannot be aware of the passage of time. So if you spent 10 minutes aware of nothing--not even the passage of time--then ten minutes goes by instantaneously.

If, however, the 10 minute span does not pass instantaneously, then you did not stop all thoughts. I am going to wager that you cannot not the least reason being that you're focusing on your breathing which means you're thinking about it.
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