Who Would It Be And What Would You Ask; and, One Song You Would Play?? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 04-30-2013, 07:11 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Who Would It Be And What Would You Ask; and, One Song You Would Play??

Let's see who you people want to meet; and, if you could ask him/her a question, what would it be? And, you can post one song you'd like to play for him/her. Let's make it someone influential in the world political/economic/social scene, and, not Justin Bieber okay? If you have multiple questions for one person as I do, then, one post at a time.

My first would be Barack Hussein Obama II, of course. There has been a lot of talk over the validity of his birth certificate here in the states, so, I would simply like to ask him to turn the damn thing over, and, show us the footprint on the back. And, play him a tune by The Who.

Who the f&^^ are you!

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Old 04-30-2013, 09:05 PM   #2 (permalink)
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damn, I had a perfect song for Biebs , he's influential gobnammit!

I would have to go with Selena then Let her know that everything's going to be okay and play

It would probably leave her confused and probably think that I would be the one that's going to off her but then I would just disappear and she would probably end up all paranoid about it and might be able to defend herself against her would be attacker.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 04-30-2013, 10:31 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rostasi View Post
Yes, from a group of mentally disturbed fringe theorists who've had their brains sucked out in a massive vacuum cleaner accident.
Maybe rostasi, but, he appeared to have come from somewhere west of the Islets of Langerhans back in 2004 when he did the keynote address at the Democratic convention. I was impressed; but, I said no way would this country ever elect him. And, it is not disturbed fringe theory to realize his views as a younger man. He was pretty radical, and, his views were not the typical rah-rah America. And, it appears that the neo-ideology is swinging way to the left. The economy is wack; in a bit of a stagnant recession while the stock market is booming. He has demonstrated a lot of views that I agree with; however, he seems to have surrounded himself with some men I find quite shady. He seems to be downsizing America; making us vulnerable to attack, or terrorists. And, it is not mentally disturbed fringe theory to realize that they are playing with the elements, and, causing a disturbance just north(or south) of the atmosphere.

Do I think he is evil? Not exactly, as I don't view things or people as good or evil. And, the point of this thread was not meant to start an insult attack, so, to discuss this further is moot. But, since you posted this I have another opportunity for a question.

Obama stated that Islam was a big part of the founding of this country. I would like to ask him why he said that? I know the answer, but, our so-called founding fathers were more or less self-defined 'deists', and, not exactly religious. Anyway, steer clear of name-calling, or insulting others brother. It might come back and bite you. peace. Here's a song from someone who says screw rhythmic structure!

East and west could not agree
So their generals gave a call and gathered troops
at the border
With guns at ready, drawn and aimed
each side was praying to a god
to bless them with strength and courage
and it was in his name artillery lit the sky on
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the
soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
The battle raged on......

Sirens filled the air and the ground shook with
Civilian casualties has been a cost that was
when interviewed for report victims pleaded in
Their claim: That this was a war without reason
and bureacrats engaged in debate to try and reach
a resolution
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the
soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
The battle raged on......

Well the Broadcast like their prayers went
unanswered and ignored
god, like the rest of the world, just watched in
There was purpose to be served, there were
fortunes to be earned
before a peace could be called to stop the
They sang...

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on......
The passing traveler stops for food and music.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:31 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Juang Jung or whatever his ever is. Threats of nuclear warfare on a country many times his size, and much more equipped to end his short secluded rule. If North Korea is such a threat, we could have blown them off the map, without them ever knowing we launched a nuclear attack. Whether this would cause a response from other countries against our behalf, I'm unsure. Either way. He should Know His Enemy, Green Day.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:38 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Obama's birth certificate is useless. The president is powerless and only a scapegoat for people's unhappiness with the country. Oh, he's ****ing up. We can wait four years and reelect. Well, you're not reelecting a senate or congress, who really makes the decisions. And you're not advocating, since money is what it really coming down to. The powerful and rich have the swing to make sure things go as they want. The other ninety seven percent vote on useless issues like abortion and gay marriage. Jobs and the economy isn't an issue to be voted on. Every president is going to promise growth in those areas. There's no argument in that, except the plan of action to enact. Which I agreed with Mitt Romney, we need to bring jobs back from overseas (although he himself sent jobs there). The fact that we manufacture almost nothing now is killing our exports.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I'd ask Kurt Cobain if/why he shot himself. The guy could have slammed out some more albums easily. With a new guitarist and some fresh insight. His music had a lot of room for improvement. I liked his dark, people don't know what's going on, but they're all out to get me, and think they know what's going on, theme. I'd have to play a dubstep song for him, just to know what he thinks of the sound.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:56 PM   #7 (permalink)
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James Holmes is a psycho mo fo. Shooting up a movie theatre full of people. I just don't know why he didn't start from the back. I mean have you ever stood at the back of a movie theatre and just gandered at all the still heads of life entranced by the big screen. It truly is a wonderful sight. Perhaps he wanted to see the terror on their faces, and hear the curdling screams. It cups well facing front. And I've heard speculation about it all being his deal. The weapons he had were apparently millitary grade. Which would be hard for a college drop out to get. SO I guess I'd ask him what he learned, and if it either scared him, or glorified him, into his reasoning to take so many people out. What sickness he was down with?? Disturbed !!
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Old 05-02-2013, 01:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mello View Post
Juang Jung or whatever his ever is. Threats of nuclear warfare on a country many times his size, and much more equipped to end his short secluded rule. If North Korea is such a threat, we could have blown them off the map, without them ever knowing we launched a nuclear attack. Whether this would cause a response from other countries against our behalf, I'm unsure. Either way. He should Know His Enemy, Green Day.
Way to go Mello; people could learn a lot from Billie Joe You gotta know your enemy, and I think you know. Good post groupie. The only thing I don't like on this forum is the lack of posting music. When you get your fifteen, you know that for every point there is a song, and, since you can't post yet, I will

The passing traveler stops for food and music.
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Old 05-02-2013, 03:08 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mello View Post
I'd ask Kurt Cobain if/why he shot himself. The guy could have slammed out some more albums easily. With a new guitarist and some fresh insight. His music had a lot of room for improvement. I liked his dark, people don't know what's going on, but they're all out to get me, and think they know what's going on, theme. I'd have to play a dubstep song for him, just to know what he thinks of the sound.
You probably don't remember back that far Isaiah, but, Kurt Cobain was sick. Apparently, he had some sort of stomach problem that gave him a lot of pain, along with the mental anguish of being so gifted as you well know. But, it was heroin that probably caused him to pull the trigger, so, that is why I am adamant about staying away from it. But, you have the conspiracy theory. This one is nonsense I think that his wife courtney love killed him. Sometimes the songs give you clues, agreed? I was talking to Dyllon, and, asked him what his favorite Nirvana song was. He said 'Aneurysm'. Whatever the deal was, I know it was heroin that pulled him down far enough to grab a shotgun. Don't touch that sh*t okay. As we move along through this thread, I am going to ask you some questions, because, I have taken some serious crap on many forums, and, it came to mind that I may deserve a bit of vindication on at least one forum Because damn it, I always post music!

The passing traveler stops for food and music.
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Old 05-02-2013, 03:16 PM   #10 (permalink)
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