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Old 02-19-2013, 02:35 AM   #11 (permalink)
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to anyone else who reads through that slew of sh*t that just happened above: i'm sorry. i stuck around to see what people would say about it, as i am genuinely interested in both points that counter the article and points that accord with it. i think it's relevant to everyone on the planet, and i'm no expert on the matter. i was simply trying to get some different perspectives on it, aside from the typical and predictable "foil hat" dismissive. being that i have witnessed several intelligent conversations happen on MB (more often than not, really) i've come to respect the feedback that comes from the majority of the active members.

again, i apologize for what happened above, though honestly, that b*tch is f*cked, and i'd rather sacrifice comfort than deal with her drivel and say nothing about it.

i feel like my thoughts regarding her are well-documented now though, and the stress that comes from dealing with such arrogance is something i can do without... were it a one-time occurrence i would not be phased, but i feel attacked by her constantly, and what's come of that is the taste in my mouth i associate with MB... and it's just not chocolate.

i didn't want anyone to suck my d*ck. i didn't expect a thank you. i expected dialogue.

i told freebase a week ago that i was done with MB for this exact reason. i came back to start this thread because this information is not being publicised. i had no intention of creating a hostile scene.

i'm willing to bet there is at least one person out of the many who frequent this site who will be glad i posted this. i'm not going to stick around to find out though, so my bet will have to go unrewarded.

for the most part, it's been a slice.
bye guys.
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Old 02-19-2013, 05:34 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Pretty interesting read! My friends actually talk about this a lot. I can't say I understood a lot of it though, I am not too knowledgeable on the subject. Would it be alright if you kinda gave me a brief summary of what it is saying?
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Old 02-19-2013, 10:47 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
Pretty interesting read! My friends actually talk about this a lot. I can't say I understood a lot of it though, I am not too knowledgeable on the subject. Would it be alright if you kinda gave me a brief summary of what it is saying?
It has three parts:

1. New Age Craziness: there is a creator, he made peoples the custodians of the earth, and he wants everyone to share because inequality is bad
2. Raving about fiat currency & the Fed, channeling an illiterate read of Austrian economics
3. Pseudo-Socialist nonsense, such as:

4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass slavery. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property, and are forced to work. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, or to refuse to work.

Sound familiar?

You were born into “the system” without any say in how it works. You were raised and taught to contribute to the system. You must work exhaustive hours in the system, and you must pay taxes to the system. You must adhere to the rules of the system – most of which relate to property and ownership – or you will be punished by the system. By design, the system will deliver abundance only to a select few, and many others will go hungry. But if you don’t like it, you cannot leave the system. The system “owns” everything, everyone and everywhere.

Until now, you had one option: play along. It’s like living in a casino with no exit. And the house always wins.
The above is retarded, amongst other items:

-slaves are not treated like property; they are property
-to pretend the labour market treats people as slaves is retarded
-it channels some hippie "THIS IS BULL**** I SHOULD GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE" nonsense / "OMG WUT IZ SCARCITY?!?!?"
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Old 02-19-2013, 10:58 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zevokes View Post
to anyone else who reads through that slew of sh*t that just happened above: i'm sorry. i stuck around to see what people would say about it, as i am genuinely interested in both points that counter the article and points that accord with it. i think it's relevant to everyone on the planet, and i'm no expert on the matter. i was simply trying to get some different perspectives on it, aside from the typical and predictable "foil hat" dismissive. being that i have witnessed several intelligent conversations happen on MB (more often than not, really) i've come to respect the feedback that comes from the majority of the active members.

again, i apologize for what happened above, though honestly, that b*tch is f*cked, and i'd rather sacrifice comfort than deal with her drivel and say nothing about it.

i feel like my thoughts regarding her are well-documented now though, and the stress that comes from dealing with such arrogance is something i can do without... were it a one-time occurrence i would not be phased, but i feel attacked by her constantly, and what's come of that is the taste in my mouth i associate with MB... and it's just not chocolate.

i didn't want anyone to suck my d*ck. i didn't expect a thank you. i expected dialogue.

i told freebase a week ago that i was done with MB for this exact reason. i came back to start this thread because this information is not being publicised. i had no intention of creating a hostile scene.

i'm willing to bet there is at least one person out of the many who frequent this site who will be glad i posted this. i'm not going to stick around to find out though, so my bet will have to go unrewarded.

for the most part, it's been a slice.
bye guys.
You reap what you sow. Someone disagreed with the topic posted and you responded with hostility because you couldn't deal with a disagreement. What kind of response did you expect in return from her? That's my interpretation of what happened. Any more of this crap from anybody and I'm closing the thread.
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:46 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zevokes View Post
i'm not sticking around for the ensuing debates regarding this, but this is the most interesting thing that i've ever read, and what it's about is not being publicised by anyone, so i thought i'd stop in at MB and drop a bomb.
You didn't intitially help yourself, with the opening remark. If you don't want to be part of the thread, then why create it in the first place?

Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
-slaves are not treated like property; they are property
-to pretend the labour market treats people as slaves is retarded
-it channels some hippie "THIS IS BULL**** I SHOULD GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE" nonsense / "OMG WUT IZ SCARCITY?!?!?"
So where do you stand on the above? I actually think the Marxist Doctrine quite a strong analysis of the history of mankind.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 02-19-2013, 01:34 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zevokes View Post
a disagreement? when someone actually disagrees with me they provide an argument or counterpoints to describe why they feel differently about something than i do.

you saying "This is from the same sort of weirdos who like to tell me that having soy formula as a baby made me infertile... ugh just stop with this illuminati **** " is just broad generalisations without a single ounce of substance. you are speaking either to know that your words (however bereft of thought that they may be) have safely made it out into the world, or you're speaking to make someone feel smaller than you. i tend to lead toward the latter of those two possibilities, being that pretty much every conversation i've ever had with you gives me the feeling i'm talking to a sociopath.

like, why even say that stuff hermione? to shut the thread down before anyone gets to say anything about it... because you've done research and you know what you're talking about? no. is it because you have an interest in anything? anything beyond belittling people? no. why say it? to piss people off. to get a reaction. to get a response. to convince yourself that for some reason you are here.

get a f*cking life.
I disagree...
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Old 02-19-2013, 01:42 PM   #17 (permalink)
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To make a more informed and considered comment, yes I agree with US that your initial comment at the start of the thread was ridiculous, particulalry in the light of what happened afterwards. If you weren't going to stick around, just drop a bomb, to use your own phrase, and then **** off, why does it matter what Hermione said or thought about it? Why did you react so hostilely/ violently to her? Is she not entitled to her opinion too, or is yours the only one that counts?

I haven't read the topic, not really interested, but what speaks volumes is the way you talk about not being given a chance and in the same breath jump down someone's throat for an offhand comment that to be fair, directed no hostility at you but that you did not agree with, got offended by and responded by calling her names. Totally out of order.

If that's the level of your debating skills and your people skills then I'm sorry but we're better off without you.
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Old 02-24-2013, 01:08 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
So where do you stand on the above? I actually think the Marxist Doctrine quite a strong analysis of the history of mankind.
Marxist Doctrine is useful for a quick overview at times, but tends to degenerate into puerile nonsense when used extensivelly. It was, and is, dependent upon many ideas which became en vogue during the Enlightenment and have subsequently been shown to be incorrect, and this rot shows through and through. So, when using it, I try to remain conscience of it's incorporation of intellectual rot such as notions of tabula rasa.
Have mercy on the poor.
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Old 03-10-2013, 08:27 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Pertaining to the original post, it is a scam. I am all for conspiracy theories, as many of them hold more than a kernel of truth, but this one is simply a scheme for profit. I have read and seen this posting many times (yes, I go to those kind of websites), and if you actually join the "People's Trust," they will have you sign over life for the most part. To join the "trust" and reap the supposed benefits, you sign over you rights to any earning that you would earn from any future wage labor job, trade, sale, etc, as the funds that you earn instead go into a "fund" for the greater good, which is only accessible by the 3 people who started the "trust." Don't give this scam one ounce of your time. While there is indeed a plan for a one world government to be put in place, this scheme to foil their plans is unfortunately false.
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