Jamie foxx says "black people are the most talented people in the world". - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 05-08-2013, 12:34 AM   #131 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Circe View Post
Actually he's scientifically correct. Unless colours are now some construct of the man to get you hardworking white folks down.
Sure. But it's a moot point. In the realm of a very memetic society, the distinction between blacks and whites is a very prevalent one, which is to say that it exists whether you call whites dogs and blacks cats or whatever... Which, in turn, justifies calling the approach of describing the visible light spectrum in scientific terms "nonsense." It just has no place in this conversation.
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Old 05-08-2013, 12:39 AM   #132 (permalink)
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Right, I can latch on to that, but overall dismissing someone daring to suggest that there's no distinction between races/ethnic groups in that manner is fairly unsavoury even if that person isn't correct.
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Old 05-08-2013, 12:43 AM   #133 (permalink)
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I agree. He/she could/should have taken the time to extrapolate.
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Old 05-08-2013, 09:47 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Circe View Post
overall dismissing someone daring to suggest that there's no distinction between races/ethnic groups


If you really want to discuss that, it should be it's own thread.
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Old 05-08-2013, 10:25 AM   #135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
And, history is a subject that is so hard to learn, because, the books don't exactly tell the story straight. It is a subject recorded second, or third by the white man. And, much of it from the perspective of white men from Europe, and, a particular kingdom which has exploited well more than half the planet.
A good point, that's often not picked up on when discussing history.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 05-08-2013, 09:38 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
There is no black or white. It's an illusion. Black or white? Neither is a color. They are absence of color.
Wrong, white is not an absence of colour. Something that is "white" reflects all colors of the of the visible spectrum and "black" absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum. Scientifically "black" isn't a colour, because it is the absence of colour, but for the most part they are both considered colours, if you have any questions ask your local paint store.
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

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Last edited by Neapolitan; 05-08-2013 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 05-09-2013, 02:11 AM   #137 (permalink)
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Jamie Foxx is off his rocker for saying such crap. One race is more talented than the rest, like hell!
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Old 05-10-2013, 03:03 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Wrong, white is not an absence of colour. Something that is "white" reflects all colors of the of the visible spectrum and "black" absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum. Scientifically "black" isn't a colour, because it is the absence of colour, but for the most part they are both considered colours, if you have any questions ask your local paint store.
Firstly, it is going to run long here Neapolitan. Secondly, I am not offended by your post. You made an argument without a slam. I disagree, but, I didn't ask anyone, or read some science journal to understand the nanometers of what we view as visible color.

Put white on white, and, see what 'colour' you come up with. You are correct in a sense, but, only in a 'scientific' sense; but, science has seemed to lead folks into nonsense. Take the u out of color, because, silent letters need to go away. I am not being offensive, however, the king's English was crucified in the King Iames Version of the J-less first edition. But, white does reflect all light energy, and, black does absorb energy from the ELS. However, all the colors are illusions according to someone over there, and here, who someone credited a piece of racist propaganda, with information from the 'Learned elders of Zion'. And, they said they knew the secrets of the absolute, so, they must be correct eh? Nah, they don't appear to be quite all that learned.

Just because white reflects other colors of the visible spectrum does not make it a visible color. Look on the list of the spectrum, and, you won't find white listed. Sorry, you are partially incorrect, but, not entirely.

Ask a local paint store? Why does everyone need to have their information come from another source? I'll believe a paint store expert, rather than simply contemplating, and knowing the answer. That is funny dude, or mate.

But, you replied with an opportunity to share a message from one of the better messengers of the early 70's. Three Dog Night has some very positive messages from the era of us dumb ass hippies. It's black on white, so, it did its job of reflecting the colorless black. But, if it were white, it would be invisible. How would you justify that? Oh, that's right, some scientist discovered it, and, ye all believe science has all the answers to all the questions, right?

Science has the first word in everything; and, the last word in nothing.

And, I am not slamming you, or contending. You offered a counterpoint, and, did not offend me, So, don't take this as any sort of insult. It is called 'banter'; which is good-natured ribbing; with no malice intent. Either way, we need some color; and, the black and white issues need resolved. And, the soulless corporate circus tops who think in the lily white ideological terms need some salt shoved up their butts with flavor, and, they can chew on some fear they seem to be dishing out; and, have been for quite a spell.

Here is a bonus. It's a poem from an African Shakespeare apparently. This is not original, but, anonymous I reckon. It's a message for any redneck, or, racist of the Caucasian persuasion. Racism in America really runs the two-way avenue of hatred. But, it appears one group can publicly speak the trash; and, the other cannot.

But, no one can ever tell a Jew joke; or they face the anti-Semitic barrage of insensitivity whining. Arabic is a Semitic 'language' as well; but, you can really slam Arabs, and, nothing is said to any effect; other than 'I dam well gree wit dat sh*t'. Doze stinkin' Mooslems need da bee run cleen outta hear'. That came from a preacher in Alabama

She said, He said, it is written Jesus said, 'divine truth is not sealed except by human ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-minded intolerance'. It was the 'divine truth' which prevented me from coming straightforward, as opposed to beating around the bush on the subject of spiritual matters.

poem written by an African Shakespeare

Dear white fella,

Couple things you should know
When I born, I black
When I grow up, I black
When I go in sun, I black
When I cold, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black.

You white fella
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you grey.
And you have the nerve to call me Colored??

But, they call each other the 'n' word all the time; which is unbelievably ironic. And, cracker, crackety crack cracker is what the older black fellas say when the cracker isn't around As if African American is not an insult as a politically correct term. One other point. If you light a lighter, you'll see all the colors of the spectrum, with white in the middle of the fire. It must be reflecting all the other colors, right? Or, is the white man in for some fire and brimstone stew when he's done?

Lords are still subject to the crown, right? Feudalism does have implications of how the 'nobility' of a certain class structure might be a bit excessive in elevator terms. God Save the Queen, and, the King is screwed But, Lord Jacob de Rothschild really looks kind of nasty. I think he's in trouble. British Israelism might be prophetic, but, the in-bred blue-bloods have bred into a deluded group of nobles, and wield way more control of American politics than is publicized. America has been quite a profitable whore for an empire which stays on the sidelines watching and waiting for America to burn. Pure-bloods eventually breed into mental retardation; and, the dogs of war pigs could have been a new track on the Black Sabbath album. Ozzie Osbourne? If Os- is not a prefix meaning 'G-d', then I read it wrong in the dictionary. But, those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan' are really racist. But, Satan is not the devil according to the story; neither is Lucifer, but, whoever put the name in the King Iames is probably crawling up the evolutionary ladder, which goes down not up.

But, Neapolitan is three-colored, and, somewhat tasty for non-ice cream. It's not chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry in the sherbert category over here. I think it's green, pink, and orange. So. there must be some white in the pink

The five colors blind our eyes.
The five tones deafen our ears.
The five flavors confuse our taste.
Racing and hunting madden our minds.
Possessing rare treasures brings about harmful behavior.
Therefore the sage regards his center, and not his eyes.
He lets go of that and chooses this.

I won't miss a chance to preach something anymore. I apologize for appearing to be an ignorant, inane forum troll in the past. I didn't want to reveal the apparent ugly truth, as it is currently interpreted from all the stories of the science of myth. The promises of bliss or torment did not bode well for anyone. It appeared to be a catch-22, whether you believe or not. And, this lengthy reply is not to be taken lightly. It is more directed at the comment 'hippie nonsense', and, not this reply. Hippies we are, but, we did, and I still do stand up for something, and, will die for the cause of equality, freedom, liberty, and justice for all. All that peace and love is the nonsense, right hip hop bunny flop?

Take the fear, obstinence, and the apathy out of the equation; and, this internet could have a billion person march on the establishment. Ye kids can change anything you want; you just don't seem to care about anything anymore, but, when are going to be able to charge your next toy. It does not matter if you believe in a creative entity or not, you still know what's right and wrong, right? Even if you all drive backwards in the wrong lane

musicbanter.com is about to erupt in a sermon from the seven volcanic summits. So, a check in the attitude is some advice for any mean-spirit humanoid. I believe someone posted I am at least 75% alien. But, I have not been here for the long haul like some of you; and, I reaped a sickening harvest which I did not sow. So, 'those who slay with the sword, in the same manner you will be slain'. I prefer to be slain with humor, so, if you insult me, you might want to make it funny, and, non-malicious. If it is not a joke; you may not like the yoke coming back at you. It's a Newton thing concerning actions; and, we should know how to act, shouldn't we?

The point. Jamie Foxx is not talented enough to even suggest an overall generalization; and, it was a racist remark. And, it was not humorous. Christopher Rock might be something of a 'rock'. He wrote a book call 'Rock This' which I will refer to in another post, which will not be so lengthy. Sorry if anyone can't make the effort to read long posts. This is not a playground for me; it is an outlet for me to deliver some messages; and, the ones responsible for the current chaos will be facing the music I had to face as if it were directed at me personally.

'To the unlearned, everything has a thousand different distinctions. To the enlightened, everything is one single family'. And, the distinction between person is one of many problems caused by the word 'race'. We need an eraser, or a bottle of white out?

The Family of (Wo)man. It is kind of ishish on the man/woman pronunciation in supposed ancient Hebrew, and, we don't quite know if it's Hebrew or Shebrew, but, the brew needs some new ingredients, and, not quite so heavy on the fermentation. And, new wine needs a new wineskin; and, this site needs another British invasion, but, it will come from Ohio; which is not part of New England. It is almost exactly 40 degrees NE latitude; and, there is a new ark. The old one was too big; about the size of a football field. One of only a few missing constructs, or artifacts man cannot seem to locate, but, can create an entire race of humans from a tooth and a pinky finger

So Neapolitan, let's just agree white is a plain color, and, can serve as a mix for the paint store. And, I get replies when I go on a rant; so, I will rant if it gets a rise into people to react. So, pick a point out, and, start a thread if ye have the nads. That would be gonads, but, most of you have given the nads to a woman along with the Peter Principle to science for research. And, Murphy's law reigns in the chaos. It is all about the rain, and the reign of a few 'city-states'. London's calling for the clash of the Titans. And, the powers meant to sink the ship failed despite the advantage in troops and ammunition. George Washington was a sh()ty general; and, the heroes of the American revolution (the all men are created equal cause) were Benedict Arnold, and the French. So, don't dog on the French folks. Because, Benedict ran for a reason; and, Francis I is taken from an Assisi. Is it 'a cc', or an 'ass i see'? So, it is not written She said He said Jesus said, 'get thee behind me Satan; and, screw my ass'!

I will end this with the list of the three shortest books ever written.

1. Jewish Business Ethics
2. Italian War Heroes
3. Blacks I've Met While Yachting

And, this was a yoke. My yoke is easy; and, my burden is light. Ye might all prefer to have ears to hear, because, I am all about forgiveness, empathy, mercy, and love without all the 'you're all going to fry in hell business'. It could be simply 'Fake Problems'. So, fake problems it is.

'Those days will be shortened for the sake of mine elect'. And, so was the song. And, I ran short on smileys, so, remember this is banter in its purest form. And, if anyone reads this and cannot find one laugh, then I'll pretend I feel sorry for you, but, I can't help you. There is no excuse for not knowing every answer as it applies to the books, and, the human experience. Ye all concern yourselves with things you cannot know; and, the science is in the books. The history is not. It is not ancient history; it is current events; and it was not rocket science.

Wurd To Ya Mutha. Mum's the Word you know. But, who killed everyone on the cross? And, everyone says 'We did it'. Who are ye? The Qu'ran says no ye didn't, and, everyone hates the Muslims for not killing Christ; and, not calling him a fraud and sorcerer. G-d could not forgive anyone unless he had his only begotten son offered up as a human sacrifice, so, man has an out for all his evil sh*t he does. Now, it didn't happen that way; but, it is based on a true story. It is a 'don't do what I do; do what I tell you' kind of instructions for a 'peculiar people', and the Gentiles. Female in French. Be gentle; this is my first time.
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Last edited by blankety blank; 05-10-2013 at 03:13 AM. Reason: editing
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Old 05-10-2013, 11:17 AM   #139 (permalink)
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^^^ that is your brain on meth.
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Old 05-10-2013, 12:36 PM   #140 (permalink)
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i kinda want that 5 minutes back.
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