GuitarBizarre |
12-16-2012 08:24 PM |
Originally Posted by TheBig3
(Post 1264384)
Bloozcruz posts a video and changes the subject - great post on the problems with mental illness being the real problem ignored.
Go **** yourself, internet.
I think it may have been discussed more if the person who posted it hadn't just posted the link, and had in fact elaborated on their own view of the article in question.
Regardless, I read the article, and much of it is very true and very correct. I probably would have responded to it, but I made the mistake of reading the comments, and one person dismissing the entire concept of mental illness. As someone whose family works with the disabled, who has disabled family, and who has friends and family who have suffered, in some cases quite badly, from mental illness, this resulted in me doing something I practically never, ever do, which was to be genuinely angry at something on the internet. As hard as it may be to believe, as heated as I may get in a discussion, I am almost never, ever actually annoyed in a real and tangible sense. However dismissing the entire concept of mental illness as mental weakness, rather sets me off.
Ergo I relieved my frustrations over an IM with someone rather than rage at the empty, soulless void of the wider internet. So, sorry, that meant I didn't write about it in this thread. But maybe someone else would have, if you'd added even a single word of your own ("Thoughts?") in order to start the discussion.