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Old 12-02-2012, 07:42 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Face View Post
You do realise that you can believe in a god without subscribing to a religion don't you?

What I'm saying is rejecting religion isn't the reason you're an atheist. Believers outside of religions, agnostics or just spiritual people reject religion too and don't subscribe to indoctrinating beliefs.

By all means, point out the flaws in religion. But those are the reasons you are not religious. Not the reasons you are an atheist.
I am an atheist because I require proof or some sort of indication of proof before I believe something. Simply the possibility of a God's existence isn't enough for me. The closest we have are the Laws of Physics and explaining the origins of them.

But this thread is focused on the moral aspects of structured religion, which is why I emphasized them as opposed to the scientific aspects.
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Old 12-02-2012, 08:00 PM   #12 (permalink)
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There you go then. I don't disagree with you.

You couldn't understand the less than welcoming response.

Your first post was a statement that seemed to be justifying itself by picking on ONE alternative.

Rugby is my favourite sport, it's just the best. It's better than sissy american-football, where they wear pads, rugby doesn't use pads, which is why it is my favourtie.


We're all sports fans, stop worrying.
Just enjoy rugby then, forget football.
Good for you.
Do you see it?

Hopefully you do, because it'll hep you if you want deeper responses which I assume you're looking for.

Happy hunting!
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Old 12-02-2012, 08:08 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Face View Post
There you go then. I don't disagree with you.

You couldn't understand the less than welcoming response.

Your first post was a statement that seemed to be justifying itself by picking on ONE alternative.


Do you see it?

Hopefully you do, because it'll hep you if you want deeper responses which I assume you're looking for.

Happy hunting!
I conceded to that point and agreed with you on the other page, and then went on to specify that I was only covering Christianity, so it's now public knowledge. But that's not what the other posters were complaining about; they made the erroneous assumption that I was preaching from my high horse that I was the only right one, which is funny cause I encouraged discussion about it at the end of my post:

What do you guys think? Religious and non-religious people alike.
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Old 12-02-2012, 09:41 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I would love it if there was some kind of happy afterlife where I got to be reunited with anyone I've ever known who has died. I would take a hell of a lot of comfort in knowing such a thing were true. But like the old saying goes, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first."

I'm an atheist not because that's what I want to be true, but rather because I think it's what's most likely to be true.
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Old 12-02-2012, 09:47 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I would love it if there was some kind of happy afterlife where I got to be reunited with anyone I've ever known who has died. I would take a hell of a lot of comfort in knowing such a thing were true. But like the old saying goes, "Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first."

I'm an atheist not because that's what I want to be true, but rather because I think it's what's most likely to be true.
Another thing that irritates me about it all that you touched on a bit, is that I don't think I necessarily chose to not believe so much, as I'm skeptical by nature. I don't even believe in the concept of free will, so to suggest that I can choose to believe in a God is absurd to me.

I would love that too, so long as I could just be a good person in the modern sense (caring, tolerant, selfless). I think these sort of values bring about the most happiness in others, and are some of the most admirable traits that a person can have.
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Old 12-02-2012, 09:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
I think the sooner everyone stops worrying about whether or not their personal belief in whatever bring peace to their own soul is 'right' or not is when things will actually start getting better for all of us.
^ Yes. ^

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Old 12-02-2012, 10:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
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I agree. My thinking has really changed over the years. I was never really religious, but in the last few years, I've grown unafraid to call myself an atheist instead of agnostic. A big part of it was fearing that there could be a god, and I would obviously rather end up in heaven than hell. That's not an issue anymore, and am quite comfortable with the idea of this being it.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 12-02-2012, 11:35 PM   #18 (permalink)
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I don't know what I am but I don't think there could be anything more disgusting than any part of me living on forever. 70 years or whatever is bad enough. And who cares if our atoms return to the stars? It's not like your brain is going to know anything about it.
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Old 12-03-2012, 12:46 AM   #19 (permalink)
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i may be way to new to put my neck out there like this but I can tell you right now, with out a doubt that there is more going on than meets the eye, I have had experiences my self that are far out there, and I am not a crazy crystal worshiper or even a jesus freak, just for about two weeks in my life I either went completely nuts, or I was shown that there is more, BUT I have no idea what, there is way more disinformation out there than truth, all I can say for sure is that we have not got all of the pieces. and a lot of the ones we do have go together to paint a big picture rather than being two seperate theories most of them are partial truths to a bigger picture.

One other thing, for those that believe in science only, please understand that a whole lot of things that are presented as fact have nothing but a smart mans idea behind it, and even worse some of the most trusted scientist on the planet have exagerated truths and presented them as facts. Evolution is one of the most lied about and missunderstood topics out there, reaal research will show that there are so many holes in evolution it is just as much of a faith based religion as the christian bible.
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Old 12-03-2012, 01:02 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe View Post
I agree. My thinking has really changed over the years. I was never really religious, but in the last few years, I've grown unafraid to call myself an atheist instead of agnostic. A big part of it was fearing that there could be a god, and I would obviously rather end up in heaven than hell. That's not an issue anymore, and am quite comfortable with the idea of this being it.
I do not believe much of anything I read on the internet, so no offense will be taken if you find this to be a bunch of B.S.

In Sandy Valley Nevada my father was in a bar fight over a women, (who was trying to have him killed) and he was stabbed so many times in the back that now when he takes his shirt off it looks like a road map, if I remember right I think it was like 16 or so, he died on the life flight, on its way to umc medical center, they managed to bring him back after being dead for a little over a minute, he also died for a much longer time in ICU, I do not know off of the top of my head how long it was, but I think it was just under or over 3 minutes... I will double check and edit this post, its just a little late to confirm over the phone, any ways, my Dad does not believe in God, he is very litteral, very straight forward and the type of guy that if he speaks you listen and you just know he is not lying. He has no storys that are hard to believe, no storys of ghosts or any wierd stuff like that, just that when he died both times he watched him self being worked on both in the helicopter and in the e.r a story I am sure you have heard before, he told me that he had the choice to leave, and the second time he almost did chose to, he said that the only thing that made him stay was revenge. but he told me he was not afraid at all. And he lives every day like he just isnt scared of death, he is 63 and just recently rode a crotch rocket from mid state nevada to arizona and back, by him self straight through. He does not believe in God. but he said with out a doubt when you die, your not done.
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