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View Poll Results: Who has your vote?
OBAMA/BIDEN 35 59.32%
ROMNEY/RYAN 7 11.86%
My cat. 17 28.81%
Voters: 59. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-22-2012, 12:06 PM   #81 (permalink)
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I laughed way, way too hard at this.


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Old 09-22-2012, 03:26 PM   #82 (permalink)
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How was that funny?
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Old 09-22-2012, 04:49 PM   #83 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
How was that funny?
Because it mocks the mudslinging of contemporary politics in a very silly way, and is stupid enough to laugh at?

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Old 09-22-2012, 09:49 PM   #84 (permalink)
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I think that's pretty sh*tty, but even Obama himself sorta laid a foundation in accountability, regardless of the opposition's interests, what with this being something he said in the beginning of his presidency regarding fixing the economy:

I mean.. I'm not trying to throw a stick in the spokes or anything, but as much as I like Obama, it's a little confusing to know that at one point he acknowledged the consequences of not being able to get the job done, and is now asking for more time to do it while basically disregarding what was apparently either sincere ignorance or inept policy.

And yea, I know that something as complex as the economy isn't something that can simply be "fixed" with a button, but for someone who was elected president, you would think he'd know that as well. For having a party majority during the first portion of his presidency, I wouldn't think the whole "Republican's fault" argument would have come into play in such an encompassing way.

Just sayin'.
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Old 09-22-2012, 10:00 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I mean.. I'm not trying to throw a stick in the spokes or anything, but as much as I like Obama, it's a little confusing to know that at one point he acknowledged the consequences of not being able to get the job done, and is now asking for more time to do it while basically disregarding what was apparently either sincere ignorance or inept policy.

And yea, I know that something as complex as the economy isn't something that can simply be "fixed" with a button, but for someone who was elected president, you would think he'd know that as well. For having a party majority during the first portion of his presidency, I wouldn't think the whole "Republican's fault" argument would have come into play in such an encompassing way.

Just sayin'.
I'll bet you are just saying. But don't get spun. If you think the President hasn't fixed this economy is a massive way, i don't know what to tell you.

If you watch just the first 6 minutes of this video, it lays it out fairly well...

The whole speech is something people should watch if they don't believe Obama has done an amazing job, but I don't expect anyone here to do that.
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Old 09-22-2012, 10:16 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Blarobbarg View Post
I laughed way, way too hard at this.

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Old 09-22-2012, 10:35 PM   #87 (permalink)
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@ Big3

I don't disagree on the whole, but at the same time, I can't not point out things like how Clinton uses his own experience and history as a comparison, followed by the statement that he didn't have it as bad, with the comparison meant to be evidence that re-electing Obama would produce the same results he saw in his own situation. That's fundamentally flawed reasoning.

Furthermore, the message becomes one of "trust me". Essentially it's a message that downplays the failure of initial general promises that were never realistic for one term to begin with, and extends those promises over another electable period, which might not even qualify as a gamble considering the state of politics.
If I thought "hope and change" was a 2 term proposition, I would simply have elected Obama twice during the first vote, assuming that magically, during the second round, he will have been able to somehow make everything better just because I voted for him the second time.
Considering the variables that are in play with who will hold the majority seats in the house and senate, I won't even base an opinion off the possibility of one or the other, seeing as how we've had both under the current administration, and still it has not amounted to anything but partisan undermining on both sides.

Also, the latest controversial comment by Obama saying "You can't change it from the inside"... I don't know if that's a contextual thing, or an admission of incapability, but either way, I'd like to have that explained by someone like yourself in regard to what Obama meant.
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Old 10-01-2012, 08:52 PM   #88 (permalink)
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This is the first year I am eligible to become president, so whatever you do, DO NOT hesitate to write me in.

Seriously, this year is a choice between dumb and dumber. One doesn't know how many states are in this country and the other believes 90% of life is set up for you. Both should have a job where their name is pinned on their shirt.

Think I'll vote for Gary Johnson.

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Old 10-01-2012, 09:49 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
@ Big3

I don't disagree on the whole, but at the same time, I can't not point out things like how Clinton uses his own experience and history as a comparison, followed by the statement that he didn't have it as bad, with the comparison meant to be evidence that re-electing Obama would produce the same results he saw in his own situation. That's fundamentally flawed reasoning.

Furthermore, the message becomes one of "trust me". Essentially it's a message that downplays the failure of initial general promises that were never realistic for one term to begin with, and extends those promises over another electable period, which might not even qualify as a gamble considering the state of politics.
If I thought "hope and change" was a 2 term proposition, I would simply have elected Obama twice during the first vote, assuming that magically, during the second round, he will have been able to somehow make everything better just because I voted for him the second time.
Considering the variables that are in play with who will hold the majority seats in the house and senate, I won't even base an opinion off the possibility of one or the other, seeing as how we've had both under the current administration, and still it has not amounted to anything but partisan undermining on both sides.

Also, the latest controversial comment by Obama saying "You can't change it from the inside"... I don't know if that's a contextual thing, or an admission of incapability, but either way, I'd like to have that explained by someone like yourself in regard to what Obama meant.
So who are you voting for again? Because this sounds oddly familiar to the same arguments made for moving to a communist government in the Soviet Union. It went something like this: "Our system is in tatters, we can't repair it, so the best possible solution is to create a new, pristine government. That will solve everything."

While its overly simplified, you get the point. Just because not everything goes your way doesn't mean scrap everything and start over. No one you vote for will ever fulfill your promises, hopes, or dreams in total. Ever. So, you can either acknowledge that, or continue to play the "I think the both suck" argument which I'm going to refrain from commenting on.

As for Clinton's supposed flawed message, I don't know what to tell you. Clinton says Obama is enacting the same policies, and assuming this obstructionist Congress decides to help people, the Economy will grow by leaps and bounds. You're suggesting "Well, we can't vote out congress, so let's not vote for Obama." I can't frame that simply enough to show its "flawed reasoning" so let me use this image:

As for the recent quote you're asking about, I hadn't heard of it when I read it in your post. But I could gather what he meant. So I googled it to be sure. Here's the quote:

“I’ve learned some lessons,” he said at the University of Miami forum, hosted by Univision. “Most important is you can’t change Washington from inside, only from the outside. That’s how some of our biggest accomplishments like health care got done — mobilizing the American people.”
Which is what I thought. If you really thought he would

A. Think that then
B. Say it. More over at a
C. Scripted rally being filmed

then I don't know what to tell you. You strike me as a collapsing voter. Someone who's ready to give it all up because you just found out Santa Clause isn't real. Well, he's not. Politics is a rough game, its not for the fragile which is why you're never allowed to talk about it at parties of well manners. Some folks just don't like how unpleasent it is.

To them, I am never sure what to say. We could have a one-party state, or a multi-party state as an alternative and in both ways things get worse. Too many American's look at politics and see terrible things because we, as a nation, believe fairy tales constantly. We think a pioneer spirit settled the West, not the nation (including the Federal Government). We think that the Free Market really will solve everything, and too many believe to the poor are just lazy and they've done that to themselves. Moreover, that anyone can go become a millionaire tomorrow if they just want it badly enough.

To me, Politics in this country is so earnest and refreshing that I don't know where else I'd want to live. For all the bad, we have innumerate protections on liberties - protections - that some countries can't imagine because they don't have the liberties to protect in the first place. Our two-party system is abstract enough to have 6 different parties in each of the "majors" (which is why 3rd parties are ****, by the way).

I think its overly nice to say "everyone sucks" or "they're all corrupt" because god forbid anyone have the nuts to stand up and say "you know something, I don't think the system really is fair to everyone and thats why I support this candidate." because then you're either a crazy liberal or a lunatic right-winger. Well, those people, as bat**** as they might be, have some conviction, and they're the ones out there fighting and dragging the parties to the fringe. The parties move away from the center because the normal folks in the middle are too busy trying to figure out whats for dinner that they gave up on being half-informed. It became politically fashionable to just say "well I don't vote for evil." How clever of you, please let me know what response you get from that at your next dinner party.

America has a lot of problems; we could do a lot of things better. And if we don't, don't blame the system you don't partake it, the system you refuse to "fix" and the government that is responding to the only people who vote because saying you think The Dutch, Swiss, or Finnish are better off isn't the same as voting to make us better off. Its lazy, and if we should blame anyone, its not politicians or Washington, its the lazy scumbags who don't do a damn thing but complain.

Edit: Also, try this: http://www.economist.com/blogs/democ...-obamas-record
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Last edited by TheBig3; 10-02-2012 at 05:30 AM.
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Old 10-02-2012, 08:35 AM   #90 (permalink)
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TheBig3 is my source for liberal memes.

Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
So who are you voting for again? Because this sounds oddly familiar to the same arguments made for moving to a communist government in the Soviet Union. It went something like this: "Our system is in tatters, we can't repair it, so the best possible solution is to create a new, pristine government. That will solve everything."
Have mercy on the poor.
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