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View Poll Results: Who has your vote?
OBAMA/BIDEN 35 59.32%
ROMNEY/RYAN 7 11.86%
My cat. 17 28.81%
Voters: 59. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-02-2012, 09:02 AM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
TheBig3 is my source for liberal memes.

You're welcome. And the Communist argument is something I'm lifting from Ideology: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Freeden. I don't have it on me right now, but I recall it being on page 17 if you'd like to get a better sense. Remind me and when I get home I'll post the actual quote.
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Old 10-02-2012, 09:32 AM   #92 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Lastly, The O's biggest themes are (1) we could be worse off, which - even if true - isn't a reason to continue to support him, & (2) it's the darn congressional Republicans fault things aren't better, which is an admission that he has been ineffective in dealing with the opposition. Since this opposition will, in all likelihood, continue to exist in sufficient quantity that it will still be able to continue to cockblock legislation, there's no reason to expect this will change if he gets four more years. Will economic legislation fundamentally be different? I doubt it.... we'll likely see some variation of the simpson-bowles plan implemented, but the longer it's put off the more damage will be done, & doing it will be massivelly unpopular with most of the public & with many key constituencies. Meaning, doing it will require massive amounts of political skill in dealing with the opposition which The O has shown to lack. Hell, he's unable to get his own party in line within Congress....
I enjoyed all of your post but this bit stuck out to me. I've always kind of passively hoped that "Oh, in his second term Obama won't have to worry about the re-election bid so he'll definitely get a bunch of **** done" but obviously that was a pretty naive thing to think.
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Old 10-02-2012, 05:38 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
So who are you voting for again? Because this sounds oddly familiar to the same arguments made for moving to a communist government in the Soviet Union. It went something like this: "Our system is in tatters, we can't repair it, so the best possible solution is to create a new, pristine government. That will solve everything."

While its overly simplified, you get the point. Just because not everything goes your way doesn't mean scrap everything and start over. No one you vote for will ever fulfill your promises, hopes, or dreams in total. Ever. So, you can either acknowledge that, or continue to play the "I think the both suck" argument which I'm going to refrain from commenting on.

As for Clinton's supposed flawed message, I don't know what to tell you. Clinton says Obama is enacting the same policies, and assuming this obstructionist Congress decides to help people, the Economy will grow by leaps and bounds. You're suggesting "Well, we can't vote out congress, so let's not vote for Obama." I can't frame that simply enough to show its "flawed reasoning" so let me use this image:

As for the recent quote you're asking about, I hadn't heard of it when I read it in your post. But I could gather what he meant. So I googled it to be sure. Here's the quote:

Which is what I thought. If you really thought he would

A. Think that then
B. Say it. More over at a
C. Scripted rally being filmed

then I don't know what to tell you. You strike me as a collapsing voter. Someone who's ready to give it all up because you just found out Santa Clause isn't real. Well, he's not. Politics is a rough game, its not for the fragile which is why you're never allowed to talk about it at parties of well manners. Some folks just don't like how unpleasent it is.

To them, I am never sure what to say. We could have a one-party state, or a multi-party state as an alternative and in both ways things get worse. Too many American's look at politics and see terrible things because we, as a nation, believe fairy tales constantly. We think a pioneer spirit settled the West, not the nation (including the Federal Government). We think that the Free Market really will solve everything, and too many believe to the poor are just lazy and they've done that to themselves. Moreover, that anyone can go become a millionaire tomorrow if they just want it badly enough.

To me, Politics in this country is so earnest and refreshing that I don't know where else I'd want to live. For all the bad, we have innumerate protections on liberties - protections - that some countries can't imagine because they don't have the liberties to protect in the first place. Our two-party system is abstract enough to have 6 different parties in each of the "majors" (which is why 3rd parties are ****, by the way).

I think its overly nice to say "everyone sucks" or "they're all corrupt" because god forbid anyone have the nuts to stand up and say "you know something, I don't think the system really is fair to everyone and thats why I support this candidate." because then you're either a crazy liberal or a lunatic right-winger. Well, those people, as bat**** as they might be, have some conviction, and they're the ones out there fighting and dragging the parties to the fringe. The parties move away from the center because the normal folks in the middle are too busy trying to figure out whats for dinner that they gave up on being half-informed. It became politically fashionable to just say "well I don't vote for evil." How clever of you, please let me know what response you get from that at your next dinner party.

America has a lot of problems; we could do a lot of things better. And if we don't, don't blame the system you don't partake it, the system you refuse to "fix" and the government that is responding to the only people who vote because saying you think The Dutch, Swiss, or Finnish are better off isn't the same as voting to make us better off. Its lazy, and if we should blame anyone, its not politicians or Washington, its the lazy scumbags who don't do a damn thing but complain.

Edit: Also, try this: Voting against Barack Obama's record: Express yourself | The Economist
I don't know if you:

A) were responding to someone else
B) thought I was implying a ton of things that I was not
C) are high

Whatever the case, I'm not sure if you were simply speaking generally or trying to wring all sorts of context out of what I said that wasn't there.
I wasn't implying any of that, nor do I think anyone could make such sweeping judgments about my politics based on what I said. I was addressing what I thought were specific inconsistencies that I figured someone here could clarify. I wasn't betraying a political stance. I state it in the voting booth.
I happen to enjoy hearing both sides of the argument, but yours really didn't apply to my intentions, but seemed to make those intentions up on my behalf.
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Old 10-03-2012, 07:13 AM   #94 (permalink)
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no, that was a general "you" for most of it. I was afraid it would come off as a "Go **** yourself, freebase" post, which it wasn't.

When I get going it feels a little like this...

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Old 10-03-2012, 04:48 PM   #95 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
no, that was a general "you" for most of it. I was afraid it would come off as a "Go **** yourself, freebase" post, which it wasn't.

When I get going it feels a little like this...

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Old 10-03-2012, 05:44 PM   #96 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I just wrote this big thing about my cat's values and why I'm voting for him, and MB spazzed out and I lost it all.

I would have been really interested in that.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Come on guys! We all know there is only one man who can make America great again. You know what to do...

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Originally Posted by [DONNIE -X- DUKES] View Post
For myself, it boils down to: Do I vote for the lesser of 2 evils, or stand my ground and write in a candidate who I believe in (to ensure that my voice is heard, even though it would inevitably mean nothing) . Either way we're all screwed.
Ugh you sound so unintelligible. How about doing a little research and come up with a better response than that. No candidate is going to meet everyone's expectations but that doesn't mean 'we're screwed either way'.

Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
I'm a woman, so obviously I'm voting for Obama

not to mention I have the biggest crush on him and Michelle (and Biden, for good measure ngl)
This. I wouldn't vote for Romney even if my life depended on it.
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Old 10-03-2012, 05:52 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Anyone watching the debate tonight?
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Old 10-03-2012, 06:22 PM   #98 (permalink)
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I have class during the debates, unfortunately. I'm going to record them and watch them late, though.
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Old 10-03-2012, 06:25 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
Anyone watching the debate tonight?
I'm gonna get a nice big bottle of riesling and thoroughly enjoy the debate.
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
Hip Hop generally bores me now I just listen to stuff I know will be slightly interesting.


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Old 10-03-2012, 06:27 PM   #100 (permalink)
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^ ^ ^ I'm sure that you'll benefit from this then.
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