Janszoon |
07-23-2012 12:24 PM |
Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
(Post 1211227)
Also some of the other states on that list are what I think of as either frontier type states or back waters. The only state that stands out on the list is Maryland (its the odd man out)
In what sense does Maryland stand out to you? Level of income?
Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
(Post 1211227)
Now what are the safest states to live in?
According to the source I used for the other list, the states with the lowest murder rates are:
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Wyoming
- North Dakota
- Minnesota
- Hawaii
- Maine
- Utah
Kind of a mixed bag. The safest state is a true swing state, New Hampshire, neither liberal nor conservative. Vermont, Iowa, Minnesota and Hawaii are all pretty liberal. Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota and Utah are all fairly conservative. Maine is a bit like New Hampshire, though it tends to lean liberal.
Another interesting thing is that, while the states with the highest murder rates tended to be some of the poorest states in the union, the states with the lowest murder rates aren't the necessarily the richest.