Janszoon |
07-23-2012 02:33 PM |
Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
(Post 1211262)
Didn't see Michigan on either list, did you forget to type it? But I know its different to the others on the list.
No, for some reason reason I thought I remembered it being on the list. Nevermind :p:
Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
(Post 1211262)
Surprised Florida wasn't on the high crime rate list, as that is the state we most get to hear about here for crimes.
Well, the reason you probably hear about it so much is that it's a such a tourist destination. There's a higher chance of people from the UK being killed there than in states they're less likely to visit.
Originally Posted by duga
(Post 1211266)
If by ordered you mean stricter gun laws, then yes that is exactly what I mean. Nothing they do is beyond the scope of what the US could accomplish.
Up until recently Chicago had really strict gun laws though and still had high crime. I'd imagine the fact that Singapore is separated from their neighbors by water probably helps them have more control over what comes into the country than a city like Chicago could.
Originally Posted by bob.
(Post 1211263)
really....i mean there was certainly an odd and rather vicious crime there recently....but for the most part Florida comes in the news due to weather....
All Florida crime seems to be odd and vicious for some reason. I always remember being perpetually shocked by the evening news when I lived there.