TheBig3 |
04-11-2012 06:57 AM |
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
(Post 1176622)
I think you're exaggerating a bit. If his child weren't sick, I would be glad he dropped out the race. If his child were sick and he continued running, I would want him to drop out of the race. If he had no children, I would still want him to drop out of the race. I obviously would never wish ill on a child, but being glad that a candidate I don't want to be in the race is now no longer in the race hardly means I'm dancing on the grave of a three year old, ffs.
I absolutely see where you're coming from, but Christ, man.
Originally Posted by These guys
(Post 1176632)
I don't think anybody is celebrating that the man has a sick child. I didn't really even know that was the reason until your post, I just thought he bowed out because he had practically no chance of beating Romney.
Originally Posted by Burning Down
(Post 1176635)
That's most likely why he dropped out. Santorum probably just came to his senses and thought "if you can't beat em, join em" or something along those lines.
I also had no idea that his child is sick.
from the OP
The former Pennsylvania senator had been Romney’s top opponent, but he suffered a trio of defeats last week in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia, and over the weekend his daughter, Bella, was hospitalized for the second time this campaign due to complications from a rare genetic disorder.
I'm fine with you guys attempting to paint me as Dick Cheney's old heart thats come back from the grave, but theres a line you can't cross if you're going to claim to moral highground. Celebrating a childs illness, which is what celebrating his "suspension" is here, is beyond the line.
Santorum held some backward, offensive, and wrong views of the homosexual community and to a lesser but relevant extent women. I don't agree with him but he had a right to lose the primary saying them. And I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't be put off by his statements, but you need to make the case for why he's wrong, not scream about his "evil" he is and celebrate a medical condition in one of his children.
I don't think Family is fair game - they didn't choose to run just like I'm sure Bella (his daughter) didn't choose to have her genetic condition. You can rail against a mans beliefs, but theres no reason to get personal. When you do you look petty, unintelligent, and rutterless. There are plenty of ways to attack Rick Santorum on principles alone.