Originally Posted by RVCA
(Post 1156606)
In any case, I think Hermione Granger best sums up the response to your initial post.
Wingardium leviosa?
You could claim that anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exist!
Yeah alright I would tolerate that when she was 12 but she's a woman now. What about if there are no alternative explanations for what it does?
Originally Posted by tore
(Post 1156613)
The thing to me is .. This idea that you can't prove/disprove anything is not a new idea to me. It may seem fresh to you because you are young (I guess?), but it's a fairly established principle, also in science. This line of thinking is what made Descartes propose his famous statement Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am. It was the only thing he knew for sure. Everything else, even so called "proof" could be f.ex figments of his imagination without him knowing.
Science accepts this and doesn't actually work by proving things in that way. What you do in science is you define a limit to what you want to accept as true and then you stick to that. Example, if you want to say that americans are taller than japanese, then you test that and if your statistics show that the statement is likely to be true with more than 95% certainty, then you accept the statement as true. But, you are of course open to the possibility that the statement may be disproved in the future.
Another way to establish truth in science is by gaining support from other studies, observations and other tested hypotheses. The number of tested hypotheses which support the modern idea of evolution f.ex is so staggering that the theory as a whole is accepted as scientific truth. Of course, if you want to nitpick, there's always the slightest chance evolution does not exist, just like there is a chance God exists. ;)
That's solid man and I respect the scientific process, I'm not a qualified scientist, pretty much I'm just bringing armchair philosophy to the computer here.
I don't have any problem when you have some proper evidence or a real theory to crunch like atomic theory for example and I get that a lot of discoveries are trial and error and freak chance.
Because even Steven Hawkings, up until a little while ago said it's not an impossibility to attribute intelligent design to the initial cause of the Universe, I think he's revised it since then, but theories are always up to be challenged.
We can trace most observable phenomenon along a line of cause and effect but what's at the start of it all? And what about comment elements, literally atomic elements but in general the primary particles of what everything is built of; is that an actual inherent pattern or have we just grouped those together to make them easier for us to understand. And if all it is on the most basic level is chaos, then what the **** started the chaos? I realise that's jumping the gun and asking too many questions, but that's how things get started.
I'm of the belief that evolution doesn't need to be counter-idealistic to God. It's more like God caused the Universe we observe.
People have a crack at pop science for their own agendas, probably because they don't like the idea of something watching over them. We live on a Planet surrounded by satellites we're watched over anyway man, so this is like a way to tie a knot in the argument of "God doesn't exist because I don't know what God is" and start the argument as I think Descartes did of "What the **** is God?"
I don't think things are that bad on the Planet in general thesedays when it comes to discussing controversial ideas, but all the same maybe everyone just needs to chill out and ask themselves what they really know, cos if it's nothing, awesome that's where you start asking questions and observing the Universe.
What is God? I dunno, all I know is there's nothing which adaquetly explains how we got here, any answer requires faith to some degree.