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Old 01-31-2012, 03:29 AM   #121 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SIRIUSB View Post
Well Steve, Knowledge is accumulated over your lifetime, it is not something that is instantly acquired and instantly gives you gnosis.
Well Sirius, I wrote a lot, but, I am not posting. I agree, knowledge does not come in an instant. There's more to it than that I am sure. Wisdom, however, comes in a flash. Knowledge is not exactly the problem. Understanding and wisdom are what cause the level 10 hurricane. And, if you aren't prepared as many great minds were not, then it is a sure fire trip to the local safe house for flipped out genius'. They were riding in both lanes of the Bi-polar Express, and, when you do not understand the concept of the and/or conjunctions of polar opposites called Siamese Twins in linguistics, then trouble awaits.

I did not address the Demiurge, because I did not want to get into that debate. It is not a Gnostic original. It is Platonic thought, and also neopythagorean. Gnosticism introduced the arch-dualist nature of creation to fit their ideology of a higher/lessor creator, and the whole Sophia story.
Plato claimed it as benevolent. Gnosticism made it evil, and converted him to a Hebrew.

This is an example of how the idea of dualism has really screwed up the situation. I will not get into this philosophy with anyone.

My only intention was to post one reply to inform people to be careful of what they accumulate, and then use it as building blocks for their individual creations based on that knowledge and beliefs. You are bound to them, and they follow you.

To debate these issues is useless. Neither you nor I, nor anyone are swayed by anyone else. We believe ourselves, and only accept what others think if it agrees with what we believe.

Have you ever heard of Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians. She's married to Paul Simon, but, had one big hit that I believe is poignant here.

That was live. And, I thought she was really sexy. A dream babe of mine.

Dream on steve
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Old 01-31-2012, 03:32 AM   #122 (permalink)
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my idea of a Demiurge is that of an uncaring impartial entity, rather than "evil" and Jesus is my lawyer against that apolitical (?) judge

Paul Simon is a douche, btw, I've met him before

and i basically agree that you form your own gnosis over time, and that also entails reading all the books of the Apocrypha and all the gnostic gospels

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.

Last edited by Howard the Duck; 01-31-2012 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 01-31-2012, 08:48 AM   #123 (permalink)
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With the siamese twin thing, I'm gonna move steveeden into the "Probably a Troll" category.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-31-2012, 09:04 AM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
Remember, walk don't run. You're a pedestrian
Can you please make an effort to use the multiquote function and stop double posting? Thank you.
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Old 01-31-2012, 08:53 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
With the siamese twin thing, I'm gonna move steveeden into the "Probably a Troll" category.
hell, no, his religious posts make a lot of sense of me

you're just too dense to understand any of it

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:06 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
my idea of a Demiurge is that of an uncaring impartial entity, rather than "evil" and Jesus is my lawyer against that apolitical (?) judge

Paul Simon is a douche, btw, I've met him before

and i basically agree that you form your own gnosis over time, and that also entails reading all the books of the Apocrypha and all the gnostic gospels
Your idea is just as viable as any school of thought. Cosmology is just that. Schools of thought. I have been deceived by my thoughts more times than I can count, so, I discount them

And, Paul Simon is a douche. Maybe even Edie's douche bag
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:10 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
Your idea is just as viable as any school of thought. Cosmology is just that. Schools of thought. I have been deceived by my thoughts more times than I can count, so, I discount them

And, Paul Simon is a douche. Maybe even Edie's douche bag
i often question reality, if that's what you mean

of coz Paul has been douching Edie

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 02-02-2012, 10:47 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
hell, no, his religious posts make a lot of sense of me

you're just too dense to understand any of it
Not sure if you were being sarcastic, but Steve is undoubtedly one of the most inane forumers I've ever seen
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Old 02-04-2012, 08:54 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
hell, no, his religious posts make a lot of sense of me

you're just too dense to understand any of it
Thanks Duce. It's alright. I have no idea what a forum troll is, but, maybe I do belong in that category. But, the very fact that you say you understand my rants is somewhat vindicating. So, those of you who say you do not understand, because, I am inane, pointless, vague, nonsensical, or any other reason used to claim that your lack of understanding is due to my lack of clarity or ignorance, look at this reply.

Someone understands. If one person gets it, why don't all of you?

And Duce, who is to say that you have not come to full gnosis? I will 'never, ever' imply that again. It was wrong if I did. Who am I to measure anyone but myself? I simply would not wish my experience on anyone. Knowledge is not the problem. It's wisdom. Not Wisdom, but, the 'little wisdom'. The wrathful wisdom, Echamoth, I believe it is spoken of in the Gospel of Phillip. I cannot read any writings as of yet, but, it is a very revealing scroll. I can't recommend that you read anything, only to say that it is the most revealing writing for anyone seeking gnosis from a standpoint of that lawyer you spoke of Duce, in my opinion of course. If you decide to read it, look carefully for the hidden name. Have it, know it, but, don't speak it. I believe it says something to that effect. Actually, I know it does. It is also something I have learned through experience. That lawyer is someone I should have ran from years ago, but, I will never deny that Faith or testimony. He is the only one I still trust, but, I do not believe that He is a public defender as the current interpretation portrays. Measure carefully when separating the wheat from tares. Use love as a scale. If it stacks up to love, store it. If it doesn't, consider the chaff. I am basing that on personal experience, which is what I have to do. It is also expressed by the author of Phillip, whoever that may have been.

Parable of the talents. I believe that involves how we are measured. How much are we given, and, how much we bring back. Knowledge is symbolized by the talents, I am reasonably certain. Which is exactly what you are doing. So, more will be given as you progress.

For everyone else, forget it. It's pointless, inane, incoherent rambling from a forum troll. I have no clue, or any understanding of anything. Who is to say what is Truth, and, what is not? Is everything True, or nothing? So, if you do not understand, or think to debate or sling the mud, just go about your business, and, just assume I am inane, and pointless.

'All the world is a stage, and, we are merely actors'. Was Shakespeare on to something? I believe he was. It is something that is confirmed in the Koran very clearly, and, implied symbolically elsewhere. It's a passion play. But, 'matter gave birth to a passion contrary to nature'. Ego, and passionate desire, I believe, but again, what do I know? Nothing.

I've written pages that I cut and pasted. Enough already I suppose. I don't want anyone to misunderstand me, and, choose the little nasty labels and names people seem to ascribe when they do not understand. It's a common theme that gets old.

I am also now 'undoubtedly the most inane forumer ever seen'. Ignorance never ceases to rear it's ugly head. I didn't see the name, but, I saw a picture. And, it spoke a thousand words. 'Tit for tat' dude. Or, did I confuse you? Are you the expert on judging what is pointless, foolish, or who is empty-headed? It was not even an opinion. It was a factual statement of certainty. It wreaked of pompous arrogance. I very well may be inane. Maybe we all are. At least I do know that my sh*t stinks. And, I can sniff a rat's as* from anywhere. Even a flying rodent.

Here's a great song Duce. Which is actually what I wanted to post on your reply. It's hard for me to see the glass as half-full. That is my biggest problem. I am actually starting to think that maybe things have happened to teach me to be more positive. And, I say that the comments don't bother me, but, they kind of do. I don't enjoy pretending. I am not the person you all see in my rants. If you actually talked to me in person, you all would not be making the comments, I assure you.

Quickly and briefly I will address the Twins. One example.

'Good and/or evil'.

The and/or conjunctions of polar opposites. Siamese Twins. We can't reverse them, but, we can resolve them through the use of similes.

Good is to evil, as evil is to good. And, then see how the Tao concurs.

'Man sees things as good, herein lies evil'. It's the sameness.

'The sameness is the mystery. Mystery within mystery. The door to all marvels'

Do I recommend the Book of Tao? No way. No one understands that little book. I do. And, when you are resigned to the wordless teaching, it has the capability of torment, and, horrific beyond any Stephen King novel. It is not exactly a book that teaches. It is a book of confirmation. And, I cannot look at it as of yet. I will eventually have to, because, I will not never stop trying. This is why I say that no one wants my understanding. And, it is possible that it is simply my negative attitude that inhibits me from seeing things differently. I will go to my grave attempting to see things in a positive light. It is the Way. But, the Way to what? I do not want to lead anyone to a Way that I cannot verify as the right way.

I will before I pass on, hopefully, address and interpret that book completely. I am able now, but, I really am leery, and, when I looked at it the last time, it was an easy read that confirmed some serious dark fears. I got through half, and, had to stop. And, that is when I completely understood the concepts presented in that dangerous little book.

'Heaven and earth will pass away, and, the one above that will pass away. But, my Words will never pass away'

That is why 'holding until full is not as good as knowing when to stop'.

'Who better to learn from than the beasts of the earth'. And, that lawyer portrayed a lot of different beasts. He was waylaid in the end. Deceived and forsaken. It was because it was on that cross that He was divided. They rent His garments, and, cast them for lots. He was actually cluing us in at various points to gain understanding, that I still stand by as positive.

'And, the disciples were divided amongst themselves. And, He said to them, who made me a divider? I am not a divider, am I?

I always preached head east. I will not anymore. It's seems to be even more divisive, while claiming unification. And, I am not sure that self-realization is not something to be avoided; which western religion inhibits, and, possibly for the best. Are we all connected in a oneness? I used to think so, but, I am considering the possibility that it may be a trap. I don't know anymore. I know the ways things are, and, there is nothing in or around us that does not spell fire, and retention.

Duce, I will also at some point address my real concern with the Demiurge. It involves someone I feel somewhat connected to, and, a name that popped into my head many times early on in my experience. Sophia. She may very well be the one who was there in the beginning as a sort of guardian type spirit, who delivered many of the original messages, and, outlined the set of events that were to take place in my journey. Everything revealed came to pass exactly as I was informed. And, I was informed that I would eventually know who She was, and, if I wanted to call Her anything, call Her Wisdom. The name was never crystal clear, but, I knew it started with an S, and sounded out as though it could have been Sophia, I can't be sure. But, I have this sense that somewhere along the line, I may have caused something, or made a mistake.

You know the story. Maybe I am mistaken, but, I do feel an obligation to at least attempt to correct something. I don't remember anything, and, was always under the impression that I was reaping what I did not sow. The evidence suggests otherwise to be sure. I do know that I have a penny sealed in an envelope

Anyway, the artist is a dude named Dave Hause. He is the lead singer and guitarist for a post-hardcore band called The Loved Ones. And, I really love when the punks go folk and solo. I don't know why they do it, but, a ton of them do, and it's great music.

Years from now you'll hear this song and probably laugh
You'll have learned, and you'll think you can do better
And lord knows you probably will
And lord knows I hope you will

Years from now someone will break your little heart
It'll sting, but don't let it callous over
The first cut stings the most
The first cut always stings the most

Years from now, when what they taught you all seems strange
Don't despair, the stranger it gets the better
It's the fear that can drag you down
Don't let your fear come along and drag you down

Years from now, they'll promise pleasure, pills and wine
Go on try them all, but make sure your mama knows you love her
Lord knows you probably will
Lord knows... I hope you will
I hope you will

Years from now Jesus may keep you up at night
If he's still around I doubt he really means to scare you
I think He's misunderstood
Oh, don't you hate being misunderstood?
I hate being misunderstood
I hate being misunderstood

Years from now you'll hear this song and probably laugh
You'll have learned, and you'll think you can do better
And lord knows you probably will
And lord knows... I hope you will

And, I do really hate being misunderstood. But, this song brings some comfort to me. And, He is misunderstood. And please, understand Him. Read John 7:17 Measure.

I am sorry again for the length. I wrote 20 pages. I posted very little
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Old 02-04-2012, 08:58 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
With the siamese twin thing, I'm gonna move steveeden into the "Probably a Troll" category.
Fair enough. You move me, and I will move you into the 'most likely to be hanging upside down in a cave, as a flying rodent' category
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