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Old 03-06-2012, 07:41 PM   #321 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine View Post
You opened your post with a line about "you know-it-alls". it's hardly surprising that there was a reaction. :P
I didn't mean it in a derogatory manner, I apologize if anyone took it that way.
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Old 03-06-2012, 08:53 PM   #322 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by seekn4 View Post
Blankety I am glad u posted that video, they wanted scientific evidence now they have it, but u watch they will disregard it because it will mean that they have to swallow their pride and admit they aren't quite right, pride comes before the fall. Let the wise become a fool that he may become wise., and blankety if u would post part 2 of that video, it shows how to apply all of that knowedge in our lives. And everyone can see for themselves. And I would suggest every one check out on u tube the "down the rabbit hole" series. Yall want scientific evidence there it is see for yourself. You know how they r if it Isnt on wikapedia it ain't true. Hahaha it is scary when u first realize that everything you have been taught isn't true, the dark night of the soul.
seek I felt it needed to be linked again. There is some good stuff. I'm still not far, but, he mentioned something that I had been informed of years ago. Fear is the opposite of love, not hate. Men hate what they fear. And, they don't like that fear. Rivalry is an inherent nature.

And, this 'thought and heart thing' is something I had not considered. I have had a heart condition all my life. It skips every third beat. I never bought into the chakras, and the kundalini process as is presented in Hindu thought. I went through it for a decade. And, it is destructive if you are fighting a battle that I had to fight. You'll never know how much I have been through in this life. But, its turning I hope. I may have some peace, that I can't have taken away someday. I was told to, but, my totally free will has drained my power. I question it, because, I am pretty certain where the process is initiated. And, it is something I will look for him to address.

He is very interesting. There may be something to the quark thing, because, I am aware of past and future situation. And, it is a communication.

Good stuff. I am going back to it. But, I got to think of a tune. I'm not much into korn, or linkin park. Listen to this tune seek. It's by mewithoutYou. They are on tooth and nail records, but, he's more of floater like me, but, I still hang with the 'name' I never speak. Check out the post, and, you might see why. Not that it a disbelief. I will stand by that testimony. I will never deny His/Her Faith and testimony, even though I am aware of what man has corrupted, and, made it appear.

"I do not exist,"
we faithfully insist
sailing in our separate ships,
and in each tiny caravel-
tiring of trying, there's a necessary dying
like the horseshoe crab in its proper season sheds its shell
such distance from our friends,
like a scratch across a lens,
made everything look wrong from anywhere we stood
and our paper blew away before we'd left the bay
so half-blind we wrote these songs on sheets of salty wood

you caught me making eyes at the other boatman's wives
and heard me laughing louder at the jokes told by their daughters
I'd set my course for land,
but you well understand
it takes a steady hand to navigate adulterous waters
the propeller's spinning blades held acquaintance with the waves
as there's mistakes I've made no rowing could outrun
the cloth low on the mast like to say I've got no past
but I'm nonetheless the librarian and secretary's son
with tarnish on my brass and mildew on my glass
I'd never want someone so crass as to want someone like me
but a few leagues off the shore, I bit a flashing lure
and I assure you, it was not what it expected it to be!
I still taste its kiss, that dull hook in my lip
is a memory as useless as a rod without a reel
to an anchor-ever-dropped-seasick-yet-still-docked
captain spotted napping with his first mate at the wheel
floating forgetfully along, with no need to be strong
we keep our confessions long and when we pray we keep it short
I drank a thimble full of fire and I'm not ever going back

Oh, my God!

"I do not exist," we faithfully insist
while watching sink the heavy ship of everything we knew
if ever you come near I'll hold up high a mirror
Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as you

peace to you seek

Originally Posted by tore View Post
I'm an atheist and I'm not particularly fond of religion. I think it segregates people and causes tension. I see religions as a powerful opponents of knowledge. Science teachers in the US are heckled, harassed and have to deal with angry letters from religious parents. Now Islamic pressure and unwillingness to learn evolution is influencing schools in Europe too.

I can't help feel that if organized religions were gone, that could improve scientific education in general and help tear down some of the barriers between peoples. As for the quiet, inward sort of religion that people nurture in their hearts, that's fine by me. Just as long as they don't try to jam sticks in the spokes of the wheels of educated society.
Yeah tore, you are correct. The barriers of a lot of things need to be torn down, and, ritual-based religion is one of the situations that divide us.

It has been written in scriptures many times, and, people do not seem to pay attention. The various temples that were built by the Jews, always seem to be destroyed for some reason. The books do address the fact that no temples made of stone are needed for 'a gathering'. Ecclesia, which means 'a gathering', or 'assembly', somehow got interpreted to mean 'church'. I wonder who reinterpreted it. The 'bishops of Rome''? They and the emperor Constantine did have a gathering in 321 AD, and, created a very nice church on the 'rock' that was told 'get thee behind me Satan', and, denied three times, "I have no idea who that dude is'. A solid rock, that Simon Peter, Paul, and a Mary that the Nazarene did not exactly speak to her so nicely. There were three Marys, so, at least there is one Virgin. She got labeled a whore. But, way more important than anyone realizes.

'The wine is run out', she said. He said, Woman, what concerns do I have with you! Mine hour is not come. She said, 'whatever He tells you, do it'
I it something to do with the 'six water pots that were I would say a third to two thirds full in the manner of purification of the Jews. And, the significance of serving the good last, instead of first, and the cheap stuff. And, it was His marriage, He was the bridegroom. No magic wand. This is a latter-day issue, not, in the middle of the story. And, it applies to the Old book being clarified, and, the stories straightened out. The Jews were the fall guys for a cause. They are protected from being totally blasphemous, and, did take the rap from both sides. And, Elohim and Allah should know each other much better than they seem. They both trace to El, and Sumerian 'mythology'. El got booted, or demoted in favor of Enki/Ea, so he had to move on to bigger and better things. He multiplied as well. Elohim and Allah are both kind of a male/female thing. They just agree on the "he', or 'we', but many of the stories do not jive. It's a story that needs straightened out. I can do it, but, I have no idea how it can happen. Too many Philistines running around.

By the way. Water can be turned to wine. It's not magic, it's a message. It does involve biology. A third of the waters were made bitter. And, you know trees, so, what nut grows on an oak, or Terebinth tree. Does an oak tree not produce 'nut gall'? Follow it, it will take you everywhere, and, you will find 'wormwood' if you really work. the 'oak of Mamre' is significant. I will gladly tell you the story. These were not magic tricks. They are allegories, and, symbolic in meaning that turned into hocus pocus. Because, there has a sorcerer, or several. They couldn't create a religion without a magician. That wouldn't work so well. Faith and love, and good thoughts, words, and deeds does not to cease to exist. The exclusivity and various naming and claiming, and, fighting has to stop. Christianity only has 38,000 different denominations. Do you we think need a couple thousand more to make an even 40,000. 40 is very significant in prophecy, so, we need to create some more. There is not enough to go around.

And, the 'sea of reeds', may be linked to microbiology, particularly fungus, but you tell me if there is anything in the body that might suggest a parting of waters or blood in the mind. I don't know that much.

But I post this song a lot. Pumped up bluegrass. A screeching weasel cover.

Tore wrote:

I don't understand. I don't know the origins of the word evolution. I've always assumed it existed before Darwin's theory was formulated. You're quoting the bible here. What are you trying to tell us?
Not anything that I want anyone to really know, but, the King James Version came out in 1611, and, they created the Anglican church, with spawned more harlots than carter has pills. They did some serious changing of the names, and letters, and, added a new character. The 'day star, son of the dawn', became Lucifer, and all the J's were then replacing the I's, and, it may be that it was an abomination that caused desolation. Daniel's seventy weeks of years fits in quite nicely to the 2012 issue. It has to involve certain experiences. And, some backward/forward issues, which are very prevalent in the books. Things need to addressed concerning the 'twins' issue that everyone thinks I am babbling nonsense about. They will see, but, I don't want people experiencing things I have lived out. If there is a one in a million chance that when you pass on, and, you actually would be subjected to eternal misery times nonillion; would you take that risk? I've seen it all tore, and have ran the gambit on the extremes of misery, humiliation, homelessness, fear, and the other side as well. If the stories are true, and, I am placing my Faith in the fact that they are designed to stimulate man's ability to contemplate, and, move on to higher plane of existence. But, he best get it together, because he will be eradicated, before he attempts to blow himself up. I will say that with a fair amount of certainty. And, evolution will begin again, but, I believe it will involve being resolved to genus homo, and, not back to Domain or Kingdom, or even possible a quark or Atom.

Here's a metaphysical scenario.

Is genus to matter as substance to form?

Or, is it genus to substance as matter to form?

the Gospel According to Mary addresses this issue. And, there is a flipped scenario

It suggested 'substance to genus as matter to form, or form to matter. But, it didn't turn out well. It is mater, or Mother issue. Nature is 'rooted' as genus, gender. And, suggests it is a Mother or matter that man does not possess that essence of Her nature. It was an observation that suggested there might have been an issue with the essence. Man do not possess the positive female essence, and Woman seems to want to be her mate's Mother.

No wives do that right? Honey. yes dear. You need to.......

This is quite vague. I discuss a lot on forums so unless you give me more to go on, I doubt I'll remember.
No sweat, don't worry about it.

How so? We didn't evolve to walk on water.
Again, there is some symbolism, and, the fact He may been floating across water. This is all prophecy, and, man writes these books, and, the ones on the non-fiction shelf, are the ones that seem to get f**ked with so much. No one tampers with what man calls 'myth', or fiction. They are all myths, and, all contain certain useful information. And, they borrow stories from everywhere in these books. Like the Torah gets the garden story from Sumeria, who favor Mesopotamian mythology, yet the Koran seems to favor the Zoroastrian account. And, who the hells knows where Scientology got there story from! Our souls were dropped around volcanoes from a spaceship by the overlord Xenu, who then ignited hydrogen bombs. That's what I believe St, Thomas Cruise, and St. John Travolta will have their gospels recorded in a few generations or centuries after the fact. It simply has to be that way. We cannot allow first-hand accounts, it violates protocol.

I don't know what sort of environment humans will live in so it's impossible to tell. What I mean is we're headed for a wealth of problems as you know, overpopulation in particular. There may be famine, war.
I generally hope and believe "modern" civilization will prevail. Humans living in a societal environment are generally rewarded for intelligence and social abilities and so I think those are traits that will continue to develop in a positive sense in humans. We will become less selfish smarter and better at cooperation.
I believe it is hopefully the plan. Future evolution will be more mind oriented. Mental progression. But, these barriers need torn down. Or, it is not happening.

That's a mere guess, though. How we evolve depends on the environment and that is ever changing. Who knows what our planet looks like in a thousand or even a million years from now?
This is true. We don't know. I think it a matter of what we take back, as opposed to what were given. I think it is somewhat of an experiment. And, there are powers within us to achieve, and some not wishing for man to succeed. This is that inner battle seek brings up quite correctly.

He could not possibly not for sure, but claims all this is fact and I am always suspicious when people claim absolute truth. From reading your posts, Blankety, I would assume you are as well. I am also suspicious when people who are not physicists use words like quantum in slides intended for common people. Most people don't know what these words mean and that makes it possible (likely?) that these terms are used as a way to manipulate.
I am not sure he quite knows as much as he sells, but, he does have a positive message as it applies to how to feel. He's probably bringing in some cash. It's looked as though it was an expensive sermon. But the love/fear as opposites was something revealed to me many years ago, and, I am interested in thought/heart connection, so far. And, he very may be on to something with this quark communication issue. It is also something I was made aware of, and not from reading. I am not strong in quantum mechanics, or any complicated physics. I am a ground tiller, and contrary to popular belief, not a space cadet

I checked Gregg Braden out. He has no scientific publications under his belt as far as I can see (only "alternative" books) and he claims to know stuff like how to cure cancer in a matter of minutes. I get the feeling he doesn't know what cancer is or what causes it. Not only does it smell of quack, but it offends me morally. In the end, I find just about everything there is about this guy highly suspicious and would like to remind anyone watching or reading his messages to not be gullible.
It has to be sifted, that is what we do with information. Like I said, he is making money, and, talks way too slow. He is a salesmen. I know, I was an advertising rep for Verizon for many years. I've seen the motivational pitches many times. But, I do agree with some of what he presents.

I think I will post a song that may upset some Christians, but, I think if he were here, He'd feel the same.

Last edited by blankety blank; 03-07-2012 at 01:05 AM. Reason: edit
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Old 03-06-2012, 11:55 PM   #323 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
For rockets, it's a similar story. Chinese fireworks go back a long time and, according to some history shows I saw on the telly a long time ago, were even used in warfare. They show that rockets are possible, even if only in small scale.
I'd say that this shouldn't count. It's very widely known that they had... help.

Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 03-07-2012, 01:02 AM   #324 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by skaltezon View Post

I'm an atheist too, but I consider it an arbitrary choice along the lines of "behave as if" to simplify decision-making. I try to remember that the arbitrary nature of my own choice doesn't justify my forcing it on others as if I had a direct line to objective reality (which I don't believe humans are equipped to perceive). Religionists possessed of reason are constrained by the same principle. In my opinion, ignorance and intolerance are found everywhere, and 'getting rid of religion' (if that were even possible) would leave the worst of human nature untouched.
None of you guys are actually Atheists.

Worship - 'to become worthy of an equal state of being'

Who doesn't want to become worthy of an equal state of being with the Truth? That is what scripture teaches. Have a nice, kindly, charitable, and a genuine concern, and care for others. Do you what you will, harm no one.

It's your ball game. Your rules. Don't make em. If you aren't harming others, then that is you are doing. You are not any different that what it tells you. There is no one here who doesn't want know the Truth. That is the essence of what i perceive as the Father. Truth, and justice. The Mother, conscience, understanding, and the nurturing qualities of a good Mother and a good Father, and sometimes he beats you senseless. When They revealed Themselves to me, They informed me that They not did not particularly care for the word 'god'. There are way too many. That is your voice, in your kingdom. And, it was never once mentioned that They created anything. I think was either my higher mind, or, way above any concept of limited source.

The only way to find Spirit and Truth, is within yourself. The created gods are the ones that we must consider the possibility that you are limited, and, will block you from reaching your full potential. And, I have to interpret some books, and, I will be doing some of that, so, if you disagree, then show me. I am not one who cannot admit he is wrong. I am open-minded to be sure. I've watched many people teach me things. They don't know it. But, I was learning as I was spewing.

And, besides I was informed of something, and, I don't believe in me either It's a we thing, not an I am and there is beside me. Actually, there is no one next to me. I am a loner, and it is about creating the best kingdom you can. Leave out the good and evil sh*t, and, just be a genuine, nice person. We will all be okay, it doesn't matter what you believe. Just believe. What is it? I asked. What it is. And, I have die for this sh*t. I volunteered, and, I think all of us do. Something is about to happen. The population has simply blown up astronomically the past 50-100 years. It's mind blowing to look at the figures. I have to put together a book, and, I cannot write to myself. I am bored as it is. I need an audience. Feel free to participate, but, the one-line smackers beware

'What is a good man, but, a bad man's teacher, and what is a bad man, but a good man's job'

Ancient Chinese secret. There is no I, it has to go away as well. But, I can do some serious interpretation. I do have that gift, and, when I found the Truth, I am some serious characters, and a lot of beasts. I have been avoiding trying to teach anyone, and, I got spanked for not trying. Again, and again. I had to learn from 10,000 thousands who ministered to me through my game of inane, nonsensical rants of a crazy man. I played a game of learning for a long, long time. And, you are all the same as me. You are all 'masters of your own reality'. Just like the Wizard of Oz' Since, we all are in heaven, we may as well rest, and, hear some Black Sabbath. It's my favorite.

There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.
You seek problems because you need their gifts

And, there is messages in song guys. Sorry. But, it's True.
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Old 03-07-2012, 01:44 AM   #325 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
Is genus to matter as substance to form?

Or, is it genus to substance as matter to form?
I don't understand what you mean. To me, as someone who works with taxonomy, genus is a low level taxonomic unit. Species have one genus name and one species name, f.ex Vespula rufa and Vespula vulgaris. These are two closely related species of wasps (Rufa and Vulgaris) from the same genus (Vespula).

Not sure if this is relevant to your question, but animals don't have to belong to the same genus or even the same phylum (high level rank) to be similar in form and function.

The picture shows a Hummingbird Hawk Moth which is named for its likeness to hummingbirds. Like hummingbirds, it is able to flap its wings fast enough to hover next to flowers and uses its tongue to lick nectar. It lives off nectar in a way which almost identical to that of hummingbirds and so the two have evolved to be able to do pretty much the same thing, despite the fact that one is an invertebrate and the other an invertebrate.

Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
I believe it is hopefully the plan. Future evolution will be more mind oriented. Mental progression. But, these barriers need torn down. Or, it is not happening.
Evolution is not a matter of effort on our part. That is misunderstanding the concept. Evolution rewards the genes that are able to replicate more in the human population. If these are the genes that create intelligent and sociable humans, then humans will be overall more intelligent and sociable in the future. In order for that to happen, smart and sociable partners have to have an advantage when it comes to sexual reproduction. Humans need to choose the smart and sociable sexual partners.

We don't do so as an effort, but as a consequence. In the civilized environment, people who are not smart and sociable don't do as well. They don't get the best jobs and they are more frequently criminal. As a result, they are generally less attractive as sexual partners. This is what drives human evolution in the intelligent/sociable direction, not an effort of will.

If civilization does not survive, it is possible that a future environment could reward selfishness. In distant future scenarios of extreme famine, perhaps even our brains would get smaller as they are costly organs to grow and keep. A lot of people see evolution similar to climbing up a ladder. They think we're always evolving towards something, like smarter and better. That's not true. We adapt to the environment. Instead of climbing a ladder, an action which only takes you up, we can potentially evolve in any direction.
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Old 03-07-2012, 01:55 AM   #326 (permalink)
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Tore wrote:

Clearly you also misunderstand the meaning and significance of the word theory in scientific terminology. In the scientific community, evolution is an established fact beyond any reasonable doubt. Sure, you can't prove it just like you can't disprove the world was created by an alien from another dimension some 10 minutes ago and all our memories are implanted. But, for all practical purposes - as the world seems to work - evolution is as close to fact as we generally get and attempts at disproving it has failed and will fail in the future. Evolution has withstood testing since the idea was first formulated and today, it has proven to be robust time and time again, it helps us rationally explain just about everything we see in nature that we previously did not understand and we can observe the process in detail as it takes place.

Read my previous post if you want to know more such as the working definition of scientific theory.[/QUOTE]

Actually tore, I would the dictionary definition of theory. But, any 'working' definition of a scientific theory, implies that it suffices science alone, or is a work in progress. So, no I would just prefer the indisputable facts.

Homo floresiensis for example, is clearly still in dispute. And, if zoom through, you see the word 'hypothesis' running rampant throughout.

This is not to say that it probably isn't fact. I was informed that yes it was indeed. And, will move on, or start over, like I mentioned in another post. It appears to me tore, that, you are spending a little too much time studying anthropology, when biology is your field. There are still millions of unidentified microorganisms, and, little understanding of what we actually need to bring to light. I think that effort should be spent on the current problems that lie in what we are, where we are, and, what will become of us; rather than how we evolved from the past. It's a present concern, and a future concern, not so much a past concern.

Just a thought tore.

It's more of a What I Am. Not, what i was

Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
Religion is the smile on a dog
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Old 03-07-2012, 02:03 AM   #327 (permalink)
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But Tore, Can't it be said that we are at a point in human history where because of the accelerated rate of technological innovation and how connected we are to each other and sources of knowledge that the process of adaptation is pushing the course of our evolution (in the non-biological sense) at a rate faster than natural selection (or biological evolution) can?

*Forgive me if that made almost no sense. I know what I'm trying to say, but just having a hard time articulating it.
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Old 03-07-2012, 02:21 AM   #328 (permalink)
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I'm sorry, Satch. I didn't quite get your point. What do you mean by adaptation vs. natural selection?

Our environment is changing very fast because of technological achievement so that affects human evolution to some degree. Perhaps the invention of the computer has made it a tiny bit better to be smart and a little less important to be socially intelligent. Who knows? The driving force behind human evolution is still essentially who gets laid and who don't. Any preference doesn't have to be big. If there are two versions of a specific gene and having one version makes you 1% more likely to be chosen as a sexual partner, over the course of a million years, that 1% can make a huge difference in the human gene pool. Of course, sometime during that million years, environment could also change so that it favours the other version of the gene.

In the end, evolution generally operates on a large timescale and it's not something people should concern themselves with. To care about that sort of thing instead of just letting it unfold naturally leads to eugenics and thoughts of human breeding and so on.
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Old 03-07-2012, 02:49 AM   #329 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I'm sorry, Satch. I didn't quite get your point. What do you mean by adaptation vs. natural selection?

Our environment is changing very fast because of technological achievement so that affects human evolution to some degree. Perhaps the invention of the computer has made it a tiny bit better to be smart and a little less important to be socially intelligent. Who knows? The driving force behind human evolution is still essentially who gets laid and who don't. Any preference doesn't have to be big. If there are two versions of a specific gene and having one version makes you 1% more likely to be chosen as a sexual partner, over the course of a million years, that 1% can make a huge difference in the human gene pool. Of course, sometime during that million years, environment could also change so that it favours the other version of the gene.

In the end, evolution generally operates on a large timescale and it's not something people should concern themselves with. To care about that sort of thing instead of just letting it unfold naturally leads to eugenics and thoughts of human breeding and so on.
What I'm saying is that it's not strictly biological evolution which has a tremendous influence on the direction in which we travel as a species. You can look at a timeline of human evolution from human prehistory to the present and see one thing, and conversely look at the history of human adaptation which has largely manifested itself through the use of technology and see something completely different, perhaps not contradictory, but different. Has the speed and complexity of our rate of adaptation not increased progressively as we've evolved as a species? I'm asking literally, because I'm assuming and I don't have any hard factual evidence to assert that claim.

What I'm throwing out there is this: We have come to be able to manipulate the way our species evolves through technology and the interconnectedness of our awareness that things like the internet provide, this process of adaptation through technology has grown at an ever increasing rate since the beginning of the species. Our growing rate of adaptation and it's increasing influence on the course of human history makes the influence of biological natural selection less relevant and influential as our history progresses.
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Old 03-07-2012, 03:12 AM   #330 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
What I'm saying is that it's not strictly biological evolution which has a tremendous influence on the direction in which we travel as a species. You can look at a timeline of human evolution from human prehistory to the present and see one thing, and conversely look at the history of human adaptation which has largely manifested itself through the use of technology and see something completely different, perhaps not contradictory, but different. Has the speed and complexity of our rate of adaptation not increased progressively as we've evolved as a species? I'm asking literally, because I'm assuming and I don't have any hard factual evidence to assert that claim.

What I'm throwing out there is this: We have come to be able to manipulate the way our species evolves through technology and the interconnectedness of our awareness that things like the internet provide, this process of adaptation through technology has grown at an ever increasing rate since the beginning of the species. Our growing rate of adaptation and it's increasing influence on the course of human history makes the influence of biological natural selection less relevant and influential as our history progresses.
I was confused at first because adaptation is also a biological term which means a trait that evolves by natural selection as a response to the environment. Adaptation implies natural selection and so I didn't understand what you meant.

I think I do now. You're saying that we can f.ex adapt to women not being able to give birth the natural way because our technological advancement allows for C-sections. Because of that, women don't "have" to evolve to become better at giving birth. This is broadly true, technological advancements lighten the selective pressures. A selection pressure is something in the environment that pushes evolution in a specific direction, f.ex a colder climate can mean a selection pressure that pushes for thicker fur in animals. Technology helps lighten selection pressures on humans, but it doesn't completely remove all of them. It doesn't stop us from evolving, but it has a lot of influence on which traits evolve, which direction we evolve in and and how fast.

Generally speaking, the higher the pressure, the faster organisms evolve. If they can't adapt and the pressure is very high, organisms generally go extinct. An example could be sheep living in a cooling climate which they can't move away from. As it gets colder, they should grow thicker fur. The faster it gets colder (the higher the selection pressure), the quicker the thicker fur will evolve. If the change happens so fast that biological evolution can't respond quickly enough, the sheep may go extinct.

Without technology, a lot of selection pressures of old would come back in force and it can be safely assumed that if civilization is destroyed and technological luxuries with it, a lot of women who are not capable of surviving natural child births will die and some of their genes (the ones that cause the birth disadvantage) will quickly become a lot more sparse in the collective human genome. Such a change in our common genetic makeup is an example of human evolution.

Less selection pressure due to technology (or whatever really!) generally means slower (biological) adaptation in the traits where pressure is relieved.

Edit :

Switched the word "evolution" for adaptation in the last sentence. It's more correct that way.
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Last edited by Guybrush; 03-07-2012 at 03:21 AM.
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