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Old 02-04-2012, 09:18 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
I'll just start by stating my own position on this matter. I am a deist. However, i don't subscribe to conventional institutionalised religions and i am a Gnostic Christian, believing instead in an impartial chaotic entity, who has already set the universe in motion and has already fixed a linear space-time continuum for all of us, including aliens, if that may be the case.

I think that all life is predestined, and freewill is illusory. I do, however, believe in judgment after death, anyway, and all that Jesus can do is barter on your behalf, like a lawyer plea-bargaining. I have no idea where i'm going to end up when i die, may it be hell, purgatory, heaven or limbo, but i do have a pseudo-scientific notion that i can guide my consciousness, that remains after death, not in the form of a soul, but perhaps iota packets of thought and place such thoughts into a recepient lifeform on another planet, that may resemble such conditions that hell, heaven, purgatory or limbo is portrayed.

Lately however, i have been turning over and over in my head that God merely exists in the mind. There is this neuro-chemical called "leu-enkitalin" that gives you a sense of immense well-being. And this may be triggered by a consensual interaction between human beings, perhaps projecting their own onslaught of "leu-enkitalin" in the belief that God is watching over them, through their own speech and emotiveness, thereby ensnaring other non-believers into this thread of "deception".

And from my own personal experience, i have felt this projection myself, i was evangelised to, and felt this surge of chemical high as the pastor explained to me Christ and prayed over me. And when he talked about the end-times, even something such as heavy rain had me convinced we're nearing the end-times. I am a bit convinced that there is such a neuro-chemical as a "God" neuro-chemical. And when i started to delve into Atheist philosophy, i felt this "god" neuro-chemical leaving me.

There have also been experiments where certain parts of the brain were stimulated, and certain transmitters created a "God" effect and others created a "Devil" effect.

So let's have a healthy debate, shall we?

I dig what you're saying and retort it with the question what if your mind is in God?

The idea of a chaotic entity or force setting all else into being makes some sense, because it is as far removed from the limited Human perspective as you can get while still making some semblance of logical sense...the problem I have is when you mention the idea of linearity - that is something that has to be purely in the context of the Human mind or at least the concious mind; seeing as no Human or any known lifeform has the ability to create the Universe without, at the very least, the creation of some sort of machine, I don't believe that what we experience as reality is the most fundamental form of reality; maybe we have the greatest experience and cognitive awareness, but maybe bacteria makes better use of the space/time.

A chemical explanation is not completely mental; if I remember right in the Bible it says whenever there are 2 or more Christians present God is present. That could be explainable by chemicals, or even just a meditative attitude of "most efficient causality" i.e. getting from A to B in the straightest line possible for a conceptual metaphor.

What I wonder is if the entire concept of God exists purely as a socio-psychological justification for working together, because when everyone's got the right attitude two heads are better than one. Thats the basis of the argument for dismissing God, generally.

To me that's the basis of asking more questions - if it's true that all God is is collective conciousness, that is evident of an inherent greater reason for working together as a collective conciousness. I.e. why can I not do everything alone?

Which brings it back to what you said about linearity and my problem - if, for example in the book Starmaker, one were to achieve collective conciousness with all other beings through transcension of the physical mass, not just thinking the same but a pure infinite being made of all thought, would that amalgamatory conciousness experience reality in a linear sense?

Or, considering time and linearity amounts to relativity and decay of mass, would it experience "all reality" which is perhaps the most basic form of reality we know, construct of an atom, or maybe even more basic; perhaps all being, by extension "all time" is the timeless state of zero and maybe the individual experiences linearity only in context to all other collections of mass and energy, like fractured pieces of varying sizes of one mass in gravitational orbit relevant to all other mass I.e. it's only linear because there's something to move through; and I only exist because of my limitations.

Is that preset? Is freewill an illusion? Because I'm pretty sure I could burn it all. Can I? Or do I only think I can; and what is thought but a plan of action...

If you remove an individual from any sort of interaction with or relativity to any other mass of a non-zero value, will it cease to exist by definition?

Is God a lack of our existence, maybe we are the imperfect form of nothing; or is God our Ultimate; i.e. us all...

Or maybe there is literally something you can point to and say "God, Allah, Shiva, Buddha, Mercy". If that's the case, damn me to Hell if it isn't the most mindblowing thing I ever saw.

As for Jesus Christ, technically I adhere to the Islamic view, but I don't eat up Islamic propaganda.

In Islam Jesus Christ is just a man, a very great man, born of virgin mother, who I guess in a sense I view as someone who taught people how to find that A to B and how to work together to realise A to B, by getting nailed to a crucifix to show what happens when you don't.

In life, being as he was will probably get you far.

If you don't agree then as far as the crucifix is enough.

In a cosmical sense maybe this idea of what I want to call "efficiency" but understand the word is a limited Human idea is what will save the eternal energy of your mass from becoming a pile of crap.

Maybe we collect an energy or something, relevant to the space of nothingness we occupy... through causality, orbit, and action it grows and is made up of polar frequencies... maybe that is the soul.

Maybe a pure energy breaks down into fundamental atomic particles and maybe that "feels" to "You" like eternal bliss.

I don't believe Jesus Christ is God, because God is limitless. Any limited form claiming to be God is the Devil; because if you accept limitation as "your God" you stop exceeding it. There can be no "My God" "Your God" and possesive pronouns. I will try to be like Jesus, sure, and all the Abrahamic prophets, and I will get around to reading what they're teaching; cos I haven't even read all the Holy books. One thing I know for certain, he's not better than me, though. Only did greater things through greater understanding.

Last edited by crukster; 02-04-2012 at 10:27 PM.
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Old 02-05-2012, 02:44 AM   #132 (permalink)
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^^good to see you, crukster

lemme digest what you said and i'll get back to you

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Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 02-05-2012, 06:10 AM   #133 (permalink)
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Cool cool, good to be back man take as much time as you need no worries the post isn't going anywhere
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Old 02-05-2012, 01:36 PM   #134 (permalink)
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< Uncut with wicked overhang, as a man should be. A parent, doctor or religious official has no right to make a decision such as having fully functional genitalia or not for a child. Should be criminalized. A consenting adult can modify their body in anyway they like, but child circumcision is insanity.
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Old 02-05-2012, 01:41 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KMS View Post
< Uncut with wicked overhang, as a man should be. A parent, doctor or religious official has no right to make a decision such as having fully functional genitalia or not for a child. Should be criminalized. A consenting adult can modify their body in anyway they like, but child circumcision is insanity.
There are proven medical benefits such as decreased risk of STDs if you outlaw child circumcision you outlaw setting a broken bone or removing the appendix of children too.

Makes no difference to the functionality man, I've been snipped and my dick works just as well as before.

Last edited by crukster; 02-05-2012 at 05:36 PM.
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Old 02-06-2012, 02:59 AM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
There are proven medical benefits such as decreased risk of STDs if you outlaw child circumcision you outlaw setting a broken bone or removing the appendix of children too.

Makes no difference to the functionality man, I've been snipped and my dick works just as well as before.
Crukster. I have already written a book about you. It was an example to demonstrate, and point out a man who is way smarter than I And, actually has contemplated, and, forms his own individual thoughts. And, some of your comments I did not understand at first glance. But, I did not jump on my keyboard, and, make accusations that I placed on you for my lack of understanding. I went back and read them carefully several times, and, I managed to comprehend what you presented, for the most part.

I will simply add that the circumcision thing is also due to the fact that back then they had a sanitary issue. Serious bacteria can grow under that wicked overhang, and, I believe that may have played a role as well. Pork was an issue as well. And, Allah made it clear that He turned men into apes and swine, so, it may have been an issue of eating your dead relatives

I just wonder how bad it must have hurt. Abraham was 80 or 90 I believe, and, no finely sharpened surgical instrument. Did he use an axe? Whack!
Okay Ishmael, it's your turn. Lay that little sucker on the rock. Okay, but, do you have any Novocaine, or anything for pain Dad? Nope, Morpheus, aka the LG, said He used all the Morphine when He drugged Adam to sleep for the rib surgery. We had to have a woman boy, they just don't grow out of trees.

Man evidently has also demonstrated a propensity for phallic worship, so, someone wanted a pretty one. It certainly wasn't a perfect creation. So, a little snip snip was in order I suppose. But, Moses never had to circumcise his lips. Why not? He said he was a man of uncircumcised lips. Maybe he just had to have some collagen injections. Who knows? He was a heck of a magician, so, he may have simply waved his rod, and, turned it into a serpent who bit them off It certainly could explain why Aaron had to do all the talking.

Sorry. Time for the second best Siamese Twin ever created.

Rock and Roll! Second only to 'sex, drugs, and rock and roll'. Lord, I hope someone has a sense of humor. I'm predestined and have no freewill anyway, so, I can't be held responsible

I am oh so fascinated,
I am oh so entertained,
standing here like a comedian,
I repeat what I said, again and again and again
until the meaning has become an imitation of itself,
an impression of an original defeats the fuc*ing purpose.
I don't know where this is going,
but it's looking more and more like the same place where we started.

Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.

Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.

And everybody's watching the lead singer in the bands.
The guitars explode into a drumbeat that's driving.
It's pretty fuc*ing boring, ah don't you think?
And of all the things we'd ask,
of all the ways we'd like for it to be,
they're just drunken conversations,
song lyrics sung at the top of our lungs so desperately.
I believe in a power that is of and by the people.
I believe in an art that cannot be compromised.
I believe that I will endure, and I will overcome.
And I will sing it until I no longer remember the reason.
What was that reason?

Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.

Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.

And, Tom Gabel does not give a sh*t about rhythmic structure

What I wonder is if the entire concept of God exists purely as a socio-psychological justification for working together
Maybe it's an evaluation, as opposed to justification. It is something we cannot seem to accomplish, that's for sure. Maybe it is our hearts that need to be circumcised.

Sorry. I did not intend to be lengthy, as usual. Or, ramble on this reply. You have some tremendous insight. But, that may not mean much, as I apparently have none. But, I believe you do. I wish more people would contemplate and post, instead of reading and quoting. And, mocking and insulting others who post their own thoughts. I also write like I talk, I don't consider the vocabulary. I am a simple hillbilly. A man with uncircumcised fingers.
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Old 02-06-2012, 06:43 AM   #137 (permalink)
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You certainly can fill up a post, I'll give you that!
I never said you were "inane, pointless, vague, nonsensical" I simply am saying you are WRONG in your religious worldview.
Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
So, those of you who say you do not understand, because, I am inane, pointless, vague, nonsensical, or any other reason used to claim that your lack of understanding is due to my lack of clarity or ignorance, look at this reply.

Someone understands. If one person gets it, why don't all of you?

And Duce, who is to say that you have not come to full gnosis? I will 'never, ever' imply that again. It was wrong if I did. Who am I to measure anyone but myself? I simply would not wish my experience on anyone. Knowledge is not the problem. It's . . . [ad nauseum]
Welcome to my Strange Musiq
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Old 02-06-2012, 07:45 AM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Above View Post
To quote Albus Dumbledore: "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

I did a little research on this "Leu-enkephalin", and from what I can gather, it's an opioid peptide (a chemical which produces a reaction similar to that of opium) neurotransmitter, meaning it enables that specific chemical to travel efficiently throughout your system. Not sure how that correlates to your theory, but there you go.

Personally, I am a strong believer in free-will and consequence. I don't have any reason to believe that a deity is pulling the strings. However, I could see the sense in believing that an impartial entity runs the universe, sort of like a groundskeeper or janitor. I believe in spirit guides, although I am aware that mine exists inside my head (The Dumbledore quote is relevant here again). She just helps me project good, happy thoughts, which I really need.

Just because it is happening inside your head does not mean it is not real.

Last edited by PoorOldPo; 02-06-2012 at 08:52 AM.
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Old 02-06-2012, 09:50 AM   #139 (permalink)
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I (and many others) believe circumcision to mostly be a way to reduce masturbation which is something people were very afraid of in the olden days.

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
There are proven medical benefits such as decreased risk of STDs if you outlaw child circumcision you outlaw setting a broken bone or removing the appendix of children too.

Makes no difference to the functionality man, I've been snipped and my dick works just as well as before.
Looks like you should have a look through this thread. Some of the posts bring up some interesting information.
Something Completely Different
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Old 02-06-2012, 02:19 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by steveeden888 View Post
Crukster. I have already written a book about you. It was an example to demonstrate, and point out a man who is way smarter than I And, actually has contemplated, and, forms his own individual thoughts. And, some of your comments I did not understand at first glance. But, I did not jump on my keyboard, and, make accusations that I placed on you for my lack of understanding. I went back and read them carefully several times, and, I managed to comprehend what you presented, for the most part.

I will simply add that the circumcision thing is also due to the fact that back then they had a sanitary issue. Serious bacteria can grow under that wicked overhang, and, I believe that may have played a role as well. Pork was an issue as well. And, Allah made it clear that He turned men into apes and swine, so, it may have been an issue of eating your dead relatives
That's cool but you shouldn't write a book about me, because I'm no-one. You should write a book about your understanding of things I've said.

Pork is definitly an issue in the Middle east because of ringworm, and heat causing it to multiply rapidly. I don't eat pigs because they eat anything.

Tore I answered your comment in the other thread man so the topics don't get mixed up.

EDIT: That is actually not ****ing cool at all mate, you haven't even asked me. Don't write a book about me, my kids are gonna write a book about me. **** me being no-one you're no-one to me, you ****ing idiot!

For the love of yourself, man, I just wipe my arse on the internet and you write a book about it? Jesus ****ing Christ do better, Muhammed and Buddha you absolute twat. Wipe your own arse don't wipe mine, because I will literally hunt you down and bludgeon you to an unpleasant death with your book if you write a book about me.

****, mate Are you actually retarded? ****ING DO BETTER

Why does this always, without fail need to be said to one loser? Just read. Just ****ing hear out my ideas, man. \m/

forget cheesefest, grow some balls, twit.

Social form of a colonoscopy, yep, well I learnt go **** yourself before I kill you, all day, all the time, from my actual colonoscopy in a real life hospital where they stitched back together my bloodied remains. You wasn't there, so **** me if jim steveden is the guy who writes my life story (!)(!)

Do better, cos I'm already a lot better than any of you at a ****load of stuff. Keep the **** away from me.

That song is mine. That book is for my kids. I pledge my balls.

And that's not even a song. That's a measly, worthless, internet post.

I don't need help. I don't need pity. I don't need worship.

I just pity the fact a lot of people don't understand the significance and importance of mother****ing life and death.

You're dead to me, book dude! \m/ \m/ \m/ I already cheated death, level 2 **** you all for nothing!

So literally, please **** off and do not reply.

x \m/

Do not quote it because I wrote it. Write your own, you muppet. If that's cool we'll talk.

If that's not cool it will be very, very clear to me and I will not want to talk to you.

Have a nice life, cocksuckers. If I ever meet you, I am actually ending your life, literally, I will probably lose my temper, very quickly and murder you if I don't know, and respect you. That's the only way anyone will ever take me seriously.

And **** the film I'll make my life more like my porn.

\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ cm dsnv.ndsvjbjfn vmkdnvsdlvkj'lv;.s,mv.xm snv kofipvopweoijvrioigejfvmf/,vbndc sdn vm,c, sc/.cmnbcjkz\b cnxz fdfddddddhhhhhhhhhdfjdnvjnvn **** nuggets

Last edited by crukster; 02-08-2012 at 12:15 AM.
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