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View Poll Results: How do you feel about circumcision?
For 11 26.19%
Against 31 73.81%
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Old 09-30-2011, 11:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Default Circumcision

Circumcision is the surgical removal of some or all the foreskin from the penis. Typically, the procedure is done on adolescents or on infants, such as in the jewish "bris" circumcision ceremony.

Circumcision is very common in many parts in the world such as in the United States and is controversial for different reasons. Those who are against may point at numerous studies documenting reduced sexual function such as reduced glans sensitivity or possible medical complications as a result of the procedure or point out that noone should be forced to have their genitalia cut. Those who are for may claim that circumcision helps prevent diseases such as HIV from spreading or even that circumcision is a commandment from God which should be obeyed.

So, how do you feel about it? Is it okay to circumcise babies? Is it a good practice for medical or religious reasons that should be adopted across the world or is it a barbaric practice perpetuated by myth and superstition that should be abolished?
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Old 09-30-2011, 12:36 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I think it's ridiculous and barbaric. As far as I know, there's no real health reasons to do so. The only thing it can do is hurt a baby and make sex less pleasurable.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 09-30-2011, 01:04 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I think it's ridiculous and barbaric. As far as I know, there's no real health reasons to do so. The only thing it can do is hurt a baby and make sex less pleasurable.
I believe there are a lot of medical myths about benefits of circumcision. When it comes to actual pros and cons, I think the cons definetly outweigh the pros. Basically, I too think the practice pretty much boils down to genital mutilation and feel that the circumcision of young should be abolished. I've often wondered why it's as accepted as it is in this day and age.
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:46 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I believe there are a lot of medical myths about benefits of circumcision. When it comes to actual pros and cons, I think the cons definetly outweigh the pros. Basically, I too think the practice pretty much boils down to genital mutilation and feel that the circumcision of young should be abolished. I've often wondered why it's as accepted as it is in this day and age.
I agree with you on all these points, Tore.

Why non-therapeutic genital cutting of male children is accepted in the U.S.: I think because people often follow entrenched customs without thinking to question them. They assume there is justification. They assume that medical benefits outweigh the risks and harms caused when people cut off healthy, functional parts of a child's penis.

Also, most people don't seem to know anything about the foreskin and its functions, or think to ask why human males like other mammals have foreskins. I suspect it is probably easier for people to destroy a child's body part when they don't know how the foreskin functions or know of its benefits. They aren't used to the appearance of a boy or man's intact penis and think it is weird or gross.

I am very troubled that people so easily cut off a healthy part of children's genitalia. Circumcision is an obvious human rights violation, in my opinion. When people do this to a girl's foreskin (the clitoral hood), it is called genital mutilation, but when you call male circumcision what it is...genital mutilation...supporters can't handle the reality of what they are doing to children. They come up with all sorts of rationales to avoid the obvious and to dismiss the damage of what they are doing to kids.

As someone whose writing I like very much once said:


"You were my parents and you should have been protecting me.
Instead you had them slice and violate my body.
You shouldn’t torture little children’s sexuality.
You had no right to harm the most private part of me.

"You claim you had some sort of justification
for perpetrating genital mutilation.
You claim that circumcision improves hygiene,
but you don’t cut off children’s body parts to keep them clean!

"You claim you wanted to protect me from HIV,
but how to do that best is teach the rules of ABC:
abstinence, be faithful, and ensure consistent condom use.
You don’t stop STIs by perpetrating child abuse!

"You claim you did it for your culture or religion.
What kind of culture turns abuse into tradition?
You say your god tells you to cut your helpless offspring.
You shouldn’t make a child’s torture be an offering.

"Mutilating genitals of little girls is wrong, you cry,
but when it is a little boy, you turn your blind eye.
You had no right to make your violent incision.
What happens to my body should be my decision!

"You pinned a little child down. You cut his penis by force.
Yet you acknowledge no wrongdoing. You feel no remorse.
You violated my genital integrity.
You had no right to harm the most private part of me.

"Fondle little children and you’ll spend your life in jail.
Why can you cut their foreskin off if they are male?!
There is no rationale, no justification.
You perpetrated genital mutilation."

Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 11-07-2011, 11:44 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA View Post
I agree with you on all these points, Tore.

Why non-therapeutic genital cutting of male children is accepted in the U.S.: I think because people often follow entrenched customs without thinking to question them. They assume there is justification. They assume that medical benefits outweigh the risks and harms caused when people cut off healthy, functional parts of a child's penis.

Also, most people don't seem to know anything about the foreskin and its functions, or think to ask why human males like other mammals have foreskins. I suspect it is probably easier for people to destroy a child's body part when they don't know how the foreskin functions or know of its benefits. They aren't used to the appearance of a boy or man's intact penis and think it is weird or gross.

I am very troubled that people so easily cut off a healthy part of children's genitalia. Circumcision is an obvious human rights violation, in my opinion. When people do this to a girl's foreskin (the clitoral hood), it is called genital mutilation, but when you call male circumcision what it is...genital mutilation...supporters can't handle the reality of what they are doing to children. They come up with all sorts of rationales to avoid the obvious and to dismiss the damage of what they are doing to kids.

As someone whose writing I like very much once said:


"You were my parents and you should have been protecting me.
Instead you had them slice and violate my body.
You shouldn’t torture little children’s sexuality.
You had no right to harm the most private part of me.

"You claim you had some sort of justification
for perpetrating genital mutilation.
You claim that circumcision improves hygiene,
but you don’t cut off children’s body parts to keep them clean!

"You claim you wanted to protect me from HIV,
but how to do that best is teach the rules of ABC:
abstinence, be faithful, and ensure consistent condom use.
You don’t stop STIs by perpetrating child abuse!

"You claim you did it for your culture or religion.
What kind of culture turns abuse into tradition?
You say your god tells you to cut your helpless offspring.
You shouldn’t make a child’s torture be an offering.

"Mutilating genitals of little girls is wrong, you cry,
but when it is a little boy, you turn your blind eye.
You had no right to make your violent incision.
What happens to my body should be my decision!

"You pinned a little child down. You cut his penis by force.
Yet you acknowledge no wrongdoing. You feel no remorse.
You violated my genital integrity.
You had no right to harm the most private part of me.

"Fondle little children and you’ll spend your life in jail.
Why can you cut their foreskin off if they are male?!
There is no rationale, no justification.
You perpetrated genital mutilation."

Wow this thread stirred a few emotions in me. I am STRONGLY against female circumcision. It is absolutely devastating to see young GIRLS having their labia's cut off and sewn up so MEN cannot have sex with them till they are wed. Of course they do this to girls around the age of menstruation which prevents proper periods. Not only is it incredible painful for the child is against their basic human rights to have their own sexual organs intact. It's only because of men having no 'will' to stop themselves from raping young girls. How is that fair?!

This is from an article I read. Please go watch the video its really eye opening.

I didn't know exactly what it would entail but I knew something was going to be cut. I was made to believe it was genuinely part of our religion."

"I don't remember screaming, I remember the ridiculous amount of pain, I remember the blood everywhere, one of the maids, I actually saw her pick up the bit of flesh that they cut away 'cause she was mopping up the blood. There was blood everywhere."

Cleanliness, neatness of appearance and the increased sexual pleasure for the man are all motivations for the practice. But the desire to conform to tradition is the most powerful motive. The rite of passage, condemned by many Islamic scholars, predates both the Koran and the Bible and possibly even Judaism, appearing in the 2nd century BC.

And for those who will be "cut" this summer, the effects will be lifelong. Miriam was six when she had her cutting party at her home in Somalia, two years before war arrived to force her family out.

When she was 12, doctors were horrified to find that what they thought was a cyst in her body was actually several years of period blood that had been blocked from leaving her body. Unable to have children, she now lives and works in England and worries about other girls. "I'd seen so many people circumcised, all my neighbours, so I knew one day it was going to happen to me. We knew what was happening," Miriam said.

British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws | Society | The Observer
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Old 09-30-2011, 04:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I think it's ridiculous and barbaric. As far as I know, there's no real health reasons to do so. The only thing it can do is hurt a baby and make sex less pleasurable.
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:13 PM   #7 (permalink)
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What's so bad about it, and why is it such a big deal?
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:17 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jack Pat View Post
What's so bad about it, and why is it such a big deal?
It's unnecessary mutilation of an unconsenting newborn.

And a good question to ask is; why do it? People claim it's cleaner-- yeah, maybe, if you live in the middle ages and don't have access to a shower once a week.

If foreskin was detrimental to mammals we simply would have evolved it off ages ago.
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Old 09-30-2011, 05:48 PM   #9 (permalink)
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I'm really surprised at these results. There is a fairly significant advantage for hygeine with a circumcised penis. Sure, you can prevent bacteria build-up under the foreskin by keeping on top of personal hygeine, but many boys aren't taught to provide the necessary care to avoid it. This can lead to urinary tract infections.

And then there's the whole sexual health issue. There's an increased risk for STDs as removing the foreskin prevents any possibility of succumbing to one due to the build-up of the agents that cause STDs by burrowing under the foreskin. It's not like it's a cure-all, but it helps. And then there's cancer of the penis, which the odds of getting are drastically reduced for circumcised men.

I know there are many adult circumcisions due to health problems. Ultimately the decision is left up to the parents, but they should be made aware of the health risks.
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Old 02-06-2012, 02:17 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I (and many others) believe circumcision to mostly be a way to reduce masturbation which is something people were very afraid of in the olden days.
Well that doesn't work. Jerked myself all day before I was cut and jerk myself all day still afterwards.

If anything it reduces sensitivity so you can jerk for longer.

Looks like you should have a look through this thread. Some of the posts bring up some interesting information.
I saw this thread but just thought I'd answer KMS there cos it was a stray comment.

This is my views on circumcision.

I was upset for a while that my dick was cut, because I was 12 and it seemed an unneccessarily sadistic amount of pain when the anasthetic wore off. I thought as well that girls wouldn't like me cos of it, when I was 12, but that's just cos 12 year olds are stupid little scared weiner idiots who make fun of anything different. Cos forget girls I've heard some women actually prefer it.

When you get over that "emotional trauma" the experience of the pain alone makes you more mature. I can't say for sure it's cleaner because I don't look that intently at my dick. One thing I remember is I used to get this buildup stuff under the foreskin, don't get that anymore. Also, when it had skin, it was damper under the skin. I heard it reduces the risk of STDS, makes sense to me but just don't **** whores anyway.

Obviously if you're clean it doesn't matter cut or uncut. Whatever you do, do it for your own best interest. I don't think there's anything wrong with circumcision, I wouldn't call it mutilation more like pruning. My philosophy since my appendix burst is if you don't need it, cut it off, to be honest.

Of course a parent has the responsibility to decide, I owe my parents my life pretty much, they weren't asking to cut the whole thing off or I would have run away. They waited until an age where they could explain it to me and I'd understand what was happening, it made sense to me when they explained it and I trust them. It's a rite of passage pretty much. Either that or they're ****ing incompetent.

I'm not saying it's neccessarily better, just saying nothing wrong with it and it has it's advantages, I'll probably get my future kids cut if they're boys, cos I think that'll be in their best interest.

Female circumcision on the other hand, ****ed up, because they cut out the clitoris. I understand that's a tradition too, and apparently it makes child birth less painful.

Don't make it less painful! Pain is real!

Cleanliness, neatness of appearance and the increased sexual pleasure for the man are all motivations for the practice. But the desire to conform to tradition is the most powerful motive. The rite of passage, condemned by many Islamic scholars, predates both the Koran and the Bible and possibly even Judaism, appearing in the 2nd century BC.
True but where I come from, the tradition in turn exists because of those motivations.
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