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Blank. 07-10-2016 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1718741)
I'm talking about after the fact not like they are trying to predict when it's going to happen. When they find out about it, they just hide in their little turtle shells. They don't speak out against them.

Well, if I was a cop, i would protect my job too.


be dumbfounded all you want. In the heat of the moment right now, I really don't like blacks except for IA. I'm not even going to separate it between the poorly educated and the racist blacks. I don't like them overall and how they are operating themselves. They are basically a gang.
... This is disgusting! Do you think all blacks are in gangs too? You must think all Mexicans are illegals?


Thanks for parroting one of the NRA's talking points. The stricter gun laws aren't even that bad. People will still be able to hunt and what not. It would be nice to be able to have it harder for people to just pick up guns willy nilly with no backgrounds checks from gun shows for instance. Nobody is taking any guns away from law abiding citizens. It would be nice to make it slightly harder to get a gun though.
Do you realize how easy it is to get an illegal gun? Do you?

RoxyRollah 07-10-2016 09:55 AM

Makes me want them to ban them because it will make it eaiser to get them.

djchameleon 07-10-2016 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1718745)
Well, if I was a cop, i would protect my job too.

See that's the problem, you rather protect your job than do your job correctly if you were a cop too.


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1718745)
... This is disgusting! Do you think all blacks are in gangs too? You must think all Mexicans are illegals?

Yes, I think all blacks are in gangs and all Mexicans are illegals. :rolleyes: Continue with your same rhetoric. I'm done talking to you.


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1718745)
Do you realize how easy it is to get an illegal gun? Do you?

It doesn't matter how easy it is to get an illegal gun. There are people that don't know how to get an illegal gun but they do know how easy they are to obtain legally from a gun show without a background check.

Frownland 07-10-2016 10:44 AM

If people are just gonna break the laws why even put them in place? Repeal the murder prohibition.

RoxyRollah 07-10-2016 10:46 AM

But why bother with the paperwork because.....laws oh wait so if they get carple tunnel filling out 55lbs of paper work it'll be much better than buying it off T dawg with no paper trail.

RoxyRollah 07-10-2016 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1718771)
If people are just gonna break the laws why even put them in place? Repeal the murder prohibition.

You are Stalin's favorite son.

Lilja 07-10-2016 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by 1blankmind (Post 1718739)
I'm sorry. But you can't compare my country to yours. We're two very different countries with very different cultures. To say it works in Britain therefore it will work in America is denying the difference between countries.

I'm not from Britain. And I am just saying that if you made it harder to get a gun then you make it a privileged right rather than a joke.

My example: To get a gun in my country, Sweden :

"To get a licence for a firearm in Sweden, if you are an ordinary person, you have to fulfil the following demands:

At least 6 months active membership in a pistol club. Getting a membership usually involved passing their training course. A good investment in my eyes to see if guns are something for you but can be tricky to find a spot and course costs tend to be between 100-300 USD.
You have to manage to score at least 46 points (with only 5 rounds) from 25 meters (27 yards) 3 times within a year on this target, one handed only.
You have to be able to hit a round target (30 centimeters in diameter) 6 times in 12 seconds. This has to be done three times within a year.
The the club certifies it and together with an application for a license for a cal .22 gun you have chosen it’s handed over to the police. It’ll take about 2-3 weeks until you have the license and the purchase can be made. We have also to state the make and model of the safe we keep them in. We have to reapply for new licences and redo the above every fifth year.Your first gun must be a cal.22. Six month after you purchased that one you may purchase another handgun of a calibre of your choice.

Now, the purpose for owning the guns is “target shooting” or Hunting. We are not allowed to carry them in public, only when we practise shooting, hunting and during competitions. So we can’t have our guns to defend ourselves with (but who wouldn’t if somebody broke in to your home). In a self defense situation I suppose the law would say that it’s not OK to use more violence than necessary.

To add to the fun, we have trouble getting our licences. The worst issue at the moment are our waiting periods that are anything from a few weeks to several months. I think the record I heard for a handgun was nine months when it is supposed to be handled in a few days with the law setting a month as the top limit for handling times. Oh, and of course we have to pay a fee for this.

Having to provide competition results have started to be common despite that there is no support for it in the law. Arbitrary declines are also not unheard of but more common with Hunters who may not have "military" firearms. What is a military firearm is purely up to the discretion of the licence handler. I have also heard rumours of them not being too fond of IPSC Rifle as a sport and routinely declining licenses for weapons suited for that."

Hunters here also have to take a test and be educated in animals and how to kill them.

The police have the right to take your guns if you are not to date on your licenses.

To get a license in the US, you fill out a questionnaire and they do a backround check. You have your gun the same day. Do you not see any advantage in making your system harder? Or making it harder for your police to bear a weapon? ( and they do bear them in Sweden but it takes two years or so to become a cop here rather than two months).

Can you not see any insanity in the US system?

And making a system more difficult is not a country comparison issue. We just don't want any idiot to have access to a gun so why make it easy?

Janszoon 07-10-2016 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lilja (Post 1718776)
To get a license in the US, you fill out a questionnaire and they do a backround check. You have your gun the same day. Do you not see any advantage in making your system harder? Or making it harder for your police to bear a weapon? ( and they do bear them in Sweden but it takes two years or so to become a cop here rather than two months).

Can you not see any insanity in the US system?

And making a system more difficult is not a country comparison issue. We just don't want any idiot to have access to a gun so why make it easy?

It's probably worth noting that the "US system" isn't one system—it's different in every state, which is part of the problem.

Zhanteimi 07-10-2016 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1718931)
It's probably worth noting that the "US system" isn't one system—it's different in every state, which is part of what makes America awesome.


Exo 07-10-2016 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1718614)
Also people that constantly spew about not all cops are bad. Where the fuck are the good ones when the bad ones are doing shit? Where are all the good ones when after they found out that the bad ones did shit stand out against them?

Nowhere to be fucking found that's where. The only cops I really like are IA.

Here you go DJ. I didn't realize somebody as smart as you would have such a narrow and ignorant point of view on this. The police systems in this country are f*cked. Yet, there are plenty of great police officers out there doing their jobs and then some. You should get out of Newburgh.


All of those perished were civilians except for 71 law enforcement officers

I think everyone forgets that cops are people. There are great human being and there are scumbag human beings. The problem is definitely in the police force as a whole but not with individual officers. Police departments need to be made more accountable by the towns, cities, and states that they work under. The individual cops shouldn't be labeled as a racist murderer until he becomes one. Otherwise you might as well just walk around yelling at every single citizen because who knows, they could be a f*cking assh*le.

The system is the problem. Not the cops. Don't turn into one of those people who treats a smiling police officer like a douchebag because of others mistakes. It's just f*cking ignorant.

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