djchameleon |
07-08-2016 05:15 PM |
Originally Posted by 1blankmind
(Post 1718295)
Why is their a BLM protest in london? This whole thing is a problem in the US. What inequalities are happening in London?
It's called solidarity. People around the world join in when there are tragedies. When the I am charlie thing happened in Paris. People in NYC held vigils for it. Same thing with Orlando recently with the Pulse club massacre. People around the world joined in to show support. It happens all the time regardless of if it is happening in their neck of the words. It's called empathy and compassion. Guess you wouldn't know anything about that.
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
(Post 1718304)
Because sheeple^.
Better question why are we fighting for rights we have.
And will someone please tell the frigging truth about how many black people were gunned down by cops last year 250 there abouts vs.500 whites or Hispanics....js
Hilarious from the number one sheeple alive. You know there are more whites and hispanics in this country than there are blacks right? So percentage-wise it is still a big deal. Also why can't the both be addressed? Why do you need to separate the two. Too hard to address all issues as once?
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1718309)
306 people were shot and killed by police last year. 258 of those people were black. That's more than 80 percent. Compare that to the 12% chunk of the population that black Americans make up.
Ja, they're just overreacting.
Even though the number was off slightly this point still stands.