Originally Posted by djchameleon
our actions truly don't matter. Look it up in the bible and it will tell you this indirectly. the only way our bad behavior will send us to Hell is if we die and decide to not acknowledge Him and repent for our sins.
lol I was going to make a similar comment but you beat me to the punch. A perfect being would upgrade his **** to the most secure. WEP is so easy to get into.
This is a common misconception. Some people believe that God will look over your life and see whether you were inherently a good person or bad one past off of your past decisions but that's not true at all.
When he died on the cross for our sins, all we have to do is repent and believe that he is real and voila up to heaven you go.
That's why I said earlier that you can be the most wicked person but if you repent for your sins and acknowledge him as your lord and savoir then you are technically "saved". You won't go to hell when you die within mins. Probably one of the main reasons that people pray and do this while on deathrow. Mainly because they are scared of the afterlife and they rather do this and get to heaven than to just keep believing that their body is just going to rot in the ground.
Wait. I think they burn inmates bodies that would be most cost effective
How can you say it's a misconception when you haven't died, faced God himself and gone through the process?
There's no way in hell (parden the pun), God will just let someone into Heaven who have been wicked and evil (following the ways of the Devil) because they randomly repented at the end. It's down to whether they have actually accepted God and are honestly wanting to change. Even then who knows. No one does, it's down to God.