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cardboard adolescent 04-03-2011 09:07 PM

Oh So Osho

<3 <3 <3

Odyshape 11-28-2011 10:58 PM

Most aware man I have ever seen. So aware he understands how destructive excessive admiration others may have for him can be in their own growth. Humble yet speaks with conviction through his existential values. I find it amazing how much I agree with the things he says sometimes. So rad and funny as hell.

blankety blank 11-29-2011 09:36 PM

Awareness and Enlightenment
Osho may have experienced 'enlightenment', which he described as a 'mystical event'. I have also had the experience, which, I would better describe as an utterly 'cosmic event'.

Awakening is an event that does involve an awareness of certain Truths and the Wisdom that is granted as it pertains to our Spiritual nature. There is a difference, however, between 'self-realization', and the realization of the 'Divine Cosmic Principle', or for lack of a better Word, 'God-realization'.

He did not have that experience. Study up a bit on his life, because, he failed to realize that even when one is enlightened, we still have to deal with the carnal mind, and, not everything we perceive to think is absolute Truth.

"His syncretic teachings emphasize the importance of meditation, awareness, love, celebration, courage, creativity and humor—qualities that he viewed as being suppressed by adherence to static belief systems, religious tradition and socialization". Quickwiki

Eclectic may be a better description of the necessary teachings to help the world manifest into a Truly unified society, and, his ideals expressed in bold are indeed major problems in preventing the world from achieving any type of continuity.

Nice ideals except for the fact that he was a materialist, and advocated, and/or, condoned violence. He was a smug 'anti-Gandhi', which marks him as an 'Antichrist' in the True sense of the Word.

"Osho lived in a trailer next to a covered swimming pool and other amenities. He did not lecture and only saw most of the residents when, daily, he would slowly drive past them as they stood by the road. He gained notoriety for the many Rolls-Royces bought for his use, eventually numbering 93 vehicles. This made him the largest single owner of the cars in the world. His followers aimed to eventually expand that collection to include 365 Rolls-Royces—for every day of the year". Wikipedia

One Rolls Royce is one too many. 93 is an abomination. 365 is downright sickening.

I listened to his little 'Aesop's fable' piece, and, I thought, "big deal". mewithoutYou's Aaron Weiss wrote a great song based on an Aesop's fable that is much more creative, and contains quite a few more symbolic messages.

Since this is music, I will share it. See how many you can pinpoint. The major message is the exact cause of Osho's downfall. What is it?

I am not criticizing you personally, so don't take offense. See if you can grasp the problem with Osho.

Through mostly vacant streets a Baker from the outskirts of his town earned his living peddling sweets from a ragged cart he dragged around.
The clever Fox crept close behind, kept an ever watchful eye for a chance to steal a Ginger spice cake or a Boysenberry pie.

Looking down was the hungry Crow:
When the time is right I'll strike and condescend to the earth below and take whichever treat I like!
The moment the Baker turned around to shoo the Fox off from his cart, the Crow swooped down and snatched a shortbread cookie and a German chocolate tart.
Using most unfriendly words that the village children had not yet heard, the Baker shouted threats by Canzonet to curse the crafty bird:
You rotten wooden mixing spoon!
Why, you midnight winged raccoon!
You'd better bring those pastries back, you no good, burnt-black-macaroon!!!

The Fox approached the tree where the bird was perched, delighted, in his nest:
Brother Crow, don't you remember me?
It's your old friend Fox with a humble request.
If you could share just a modest piece, seeing as I distracted that awful man...
This failed to persuade the Crow in the least, so the Fox rethought his plan:
Then, if your lovely song would grace my ears, or, to even hear you speak would ease my pains and fears.
The Crow looked down with the candy in his beak.
Your poems of wisdom, my Good Crow, what a paradise they bring!
This flattery pleased the proud bird so, he opened his mouth and began to sing:
Your subtle acclamation's true, best to give praise where praise is due.
Every Rook and Jay in the Corvidae has been Raven about me too!
They admire me, one and all... must be the passion in my 'Caw', my slender bill, known through the Escadrille, my fierce, commanding claw...

[the cookie drops, Fox retrieves it -- there is commotion in the town as the Baker gives chase. Crow is humiliated, realizes he's been tricked, continues his song]

Ah, I've got a Walnut-brownie-brain and Molasses in my veins, crushed graham cracker crust, my powdered Sugar funnel cake cocaine.
Let the Crescent Cookie rise!
These Carob-colored Almond eyes would rest to see my Cashew Princess in the Swirling Marble Sky.
We'll rest upon the Knee where all divisions cease to be and root beer float in our Banana Boat across the Tapioca Sea.
When letting all attachments go is the only prayer we know.
May it be so, may it be so, may it be so, oh...



Odyshape 11-30-2011 01:23 AM

His background to me is not what interested me. His contradictions are not what interest me. It is his thought processes that are interesting to me. That is what I like about him. I don't find too much value what he is himself but simply some of his suggestions. He taught ideas of awareness and ideas of love that simply make sense to me. Enough sense where things unravel in a way that I enjoy. Its not really too complicated and I discovered from reading a lot of his meditation techniques that I have been doing a lot of things he suggests without recognizing it. I have a bit more control over knowing how to achieving those moments now and that control is something quite nice for me.

Also I think being anti Ghandi is definitely justified by the fact that he wished to return India to the caste system. Peacefully returning India to such a horrible life degrading system to me is in no way good.

I think you are completely justified in your perspective against Osho but you have to understand that spirituality is something waiting to burst out of everyone and everyone has a different means of reaching that.

Nice song btw I wish I could understand the lyrics but I suck horribly at understanding poetry and symbolism.

blankety blank 11-30-2011 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Odyshape (Post 1125975)
His background to me is not what interested me. His contradictions are not what interest me. It is his thought processes that are interesting to me. That is what I like about him. I don't find too much value what he is himself but simply some of his suggestions. He taught ideas of awareness and ideas of love that simply make sense to me. Enough sense where things unravel in a way that I enjoy. Its not really too complicated and I discovered from reading a lot of his meditation techniques that I have been doing a lot of things he suggests without recognizing it. I have a bit more control over knowing how to achieving those moments now and that control is something quite nice for me.

Also I think being anti Ghandi is definitely justified by the fact that he wished to return India to the caste system. Peacefully returning India to such a horrible life degrading system to me is in no way good.

I think you are completely justified in your perspective against Osho but you have to understand that spirituality is something waiting to burst out of everyone and everyone has a different means of reaching that.

Nice song btw I wish I could understand the lyrics but I suck horribly at understanding poetry and symbolism.


He taught ideas of awareness and ideas of love that simply make sense to me. Enough sense where things unravel in a way that I enjoy. Its not really too complicated and I discovered from reading a lot of his meditation techniques that I have been doing a lot of things he suggests without recognizing it. I have a bit more control over knowing how to achieving those moments now and that control is something quite nice for me.
I'm glad to hear you say that. Spirituality is an inner, personal experience. I am not discounting his ideas concerning this at all. Love is it man. That is the only acceptable emotion there is. And, the hardest person to Love is yourself. I still struggle with it, and, I promise you I stood in the presence of the most unbelievable Light, and felt the Love of Providence. Nirvana, Samsara, Salvation....whatever you call it by, I experienced it dude. And, not simply for myself, but, for everyone.

We are all One brother, and, I hope Osho makes that clear. His problem is the main message of the song. He was attached to material pleasures, and, worldly desires. It is only when we can let go of desire, ego, and the attachments we have to the world can we evolve Spiritually.

I'm not suggesting asceticism, or torturing yourself physically or mentally, or even taking life too seriously. And, if you are concerned in the least about salvation, I can Truthfully tell you that you are without a shadow of doubt.

"But one who devotes one's soul and studies the law of the Most High will seek out the wisdom of all the ancients and will be concerned with prophecies. That person will keep in mind the discourse of reputable men and will go into the subtleties of parables. That person will seek out the hidden things of proverbs and will be occupied with the enigmas of parables."

You do not have to do this. I did. I have known since childhood that it was my duty, but, I never disclose or reveal things of that nature, because, I have no desire for anything personal. I did not meditate, nor did I seek my experiences. I was not as much 'awakened', as I was told to 'wake up'!

I do not post on religion forums, and never preach religion. If Osho teaches that organized religion is a scourge, he is dead on correct. If he teaches Spirituality as an inner Light that exists as a source within us all, then he is also correct. If he teaches that Love is all-encompassing, and to focus your meditation on Love and Light then he is also correct. Emptying the mind, becoming as a child, and to study all the teachings, and to see the Truth in every Word ever written, then he is teaching Truth.

I apologize if you felt offended, as I can see now that you are apparently sifting the wheat from the tares as it applies to your own Spirituality, and, that is to be commended.

I will stop here, because, I am not a teacher, guru, sage, prophet, or anyone else more important than anyone. My only 'gift' is interpretation, and, I have nothing to say that has not been written a million times already. I will leave you with the Words revealed through the Spirit of Logos, which is contained in various 'sources'. The Names do not matter, i.e. Christ is Buddha, and Buddha Christ, and Krishna,'s all Logos, and the 'Holy Spirit'. If Osho teaches the Name 'Nameless', then he knows. Spirit and Truth. And, the One Name that we can know, yet never speak.

Nothing, then, redeems us from this world. But the All which we are, we are saved. We have received salvation from end to end. Let us think in this way! Let us comprehend in this way!

See everyone as Buddha/Christ/God/ (Yourself). This purifies the mind of ignorance and arrogance.

Most people fail to see this reality, for they are attached to what they cling to, to pleasures and delights. Since all the world is so attached to material things, it's very difficult for people to grasp how everything originates in conditions and causes. It's a hard job for them to see the meaning of the fact that everything, including ourselves, depends on everything else and has no permanent self-existence.

A name is imposed on what is thought to be a thing or a state and this divides it from other things and other states. But when you pursue what lies behind the name, you find a greater and greater subtlety that has no divisions. Atoms of dust are not really atoms of dust but are merely called that. In the same way, a world is not a world but is merely called that.

I apologize, and, I hope you see the Truth in these Words. You should, you wrote them:)


steve eden

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