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View Poll Results: Your view on our president.
I like him personally, and I agree with what he is doing. 9 25.71%
I like him personally, but I don't agree with what he is doing. 15 42.86%
I don't like him personally, but I agree with what he is doing. 0 0%
I don't like him personally, and I don't agree with what he is doing. 7 20.00%
I don't know/don't care. 3 8.57%
Who's Barrack Obama? 1 2.86%
Voters: 35. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-04-2011, 04:59 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
We know that the intel that was gathered, that resulted in finding OBL in the first place, was not only [likely] obtained via Bush-era policy, but that those same policies were staunchly opposed by the left. If you ask me, it seems like credit is being taken, rather than it being deserved. But like you said, without specifics, it's little more than conjecture.
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:13 PM   #92 (permalink)
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So is there any source you can recommend that cites the exact techniques they used? I didn't really think they waterboarded the info out of their lead, but I'm pretty sure they didn't ask nicely. But I guess certain info won't come out due to the sensitive nature of how they extract information, in regards to opsec type stuff.

Didn't Obama want Gitmo closed down? I remember that being part of his campaigning, if I'm not mistaken. What happened?
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Old 05-05-2011, 10:51 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
Didn't Obama want Gitmo closed down? I remember that being part of his campaigning, if I'm not mistaken. What happened?
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
While mandating the closure of the detention facility, the naval base as a whole was not subject to the order and will remain operational indefinitely. This plan was thwarted for the time being on May 20, 2009, when the United States Senate voted to keep the prison at Guantanamo Bay open for the foreseeable future and forbid the transfer of any detainees to facilities in the United States. Senator Daniel Inouye, a Democrat from Hawaii and chairman of the appropriations committee, said he initially had favored keeping Guantanamo open until Obama produced a "coherent plan for closing the prison." As of September 26, 2009, policy is currently being drafted with an aim toward compromise.
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

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Old 05-05-2011, 10:57 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Didn't Obama want Gitmo closed down? I remember that being part of his campaigning, if I'm not mistaken. What happened?
He instituted a series of moves to close it down, but the problems were (to be brief):

1) Trials against people who have been torturred are... difficult. Information obtained from the people who were tortured is not admissable. This leaves us with people who we know are terrorists, but we can't try because Bush's FUBAR tactics, and we just can't let go... because they're terrorists.

2) Gitmo was such a hellhole people who were sent there on false pretentions (which happened quite a bit, as telling a tribal society, "Point out the terrorist and we'll give you money!" has obvious negative implications) - and who were innocent - have often times turned to terrorism once being freed. Whoopsy daisy!

3) Say you want to release someone. Great. Good luck finding a country who wants to take them in.

4) Those who are guilty, or can't be tried, have few other places they can go. They've begun renovations on a Super-Maximum Security Prison in NW Illinois for this purpose.


It's really amazing how Bush managed to screw up Conservatism so badly.
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Old 05-22-2011, 03:43 AM   #95 (permalink)
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I was just interested in peoples thoughts as to taxing the rich or the wealthy. Giviing reasons as to why you think this would solve Americas economic problems. I myself am not soley on the conservative side of politics nor am I entirely democratic. Both sides have their pros and cons and im not completley sold on either of them. I myself am not rich, but I strongly disagree with this method of thinking. That if we tax the **** out of the rich the less fortunate and overall economic problems will cease. Only 2% out of what we consider to be the top percentile of the wealthy are millionaires. Meaning that the vast majority of whats socially considered rich is on a much lower income base than what the myth consists of. Im assuming rich by most standards is being a million or billionaire? However you only have to be around the 114,000 a year to be considered in the top 10% earner category. Even if its a joint income like if you and your spouse put together earned that much together. Now is over taxing the likes of these people suppose to close the gap on Americas debt and poverty? Or would it in fact in the long run essentially make it worse on americans. I have an open mind and welcome any logical reasoning for a solution. If you could justify how taxing the rich and give definition of what you consider rich. Would solve the deficit and poverty in America. I have no problem with acknowledging fathomable ideas. Just pushing your own concept of what you deem acceptable logic. Out of pure hatred for the prosporous ones in America is hardly either though.

Someone said earlier there may not be a black and white answer for the problem at all and that that maybe part of the problem itself. Which I can definatley find some truth in that statment and agree with it to a certain degree. However I do have some ideas that could possibly lead us in the right direction, and have a diplomatic approach as well.
Instead of raising taxes on what we consider rich why not increase the revenue of U.S trades? You could take all the money every rich person in America has and not even come close to closing the gap on the deficit and poverty problem. If we increased the amount of exports in the U.S. undoubtedly the tax revenue would grow. Thus reviving the economy and paving the way for new jobs and spending. I know this isnt an over night answer, and frankly there probaly isnt one of instant gratifacation. Im just looking for a sensible start to try an at least try an fix the problem. Instead of looking to play the blame game out of envy. Why not have a feasonable idea thats can some what please both sides. Or at least bring them to a rationable agreement and maintain some civilness.

Maybe another possibility is cutting government spending on things of little substance. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, why not.....
  1. Decrease the corporate tax...why? If you cut the overall tax then people have less incintive to try an "rip off" the government with tax loop holes. We could also increase the fines and police these acts a little more strictly. That way the chance of taking those risks would decrease. I dont agree with the ones that are doing it but its going occur when a tax increase is implemented. That in turn may somewhat increase revenue, but decrease economic growth, and lower pre taxed income for workers. Cause in effect any company staying a float these days is probally as a company making over 114,000 a year. So when they get hit with a tax increase and are forced to cut back. Where do you think part of the cut backs come from? By cutting jobs and we all know that thats not helping the problem any.
  2. Why not focus a little more on the poverty in our own country instead of fixing everyone elses. I know for trading purposes we have to stay in the good graces of our fellow neighbors. However it couldnt hurt to put a little more urgency on the problems at home for a while. Also if we used some of the resources we have access to here at home. We wouldnt have to worry quite so much about the ones abroad. For instance..why dont we approve the permit to start drilling again in the Gulf? Or off the coast of California where its been banned since the Exxon Valdez of years ago. Im guilty of making jokes at the exspense BP myself(meaning how they have no regaurd for our waters). I dont like what happened anymore than the people who suffered, and are still feeling the affects of it.My heart truly go's out to the familys of the ones who lost their lives. Fact is though the number of wells that are drilled without accident. When compared to the number of wells drilled with are considerably less. Another place where their has been said to be an almost infinate amount of oil is Alaska. Though we cant drill in certain parts there because of "the caribou?" Im not certain that any drilling goes on there really but ill look more into that. Point is I think we could find more ways of increasing revenue right here at home. All the while decreasing government spending and increasing economic growth.
  3. Stop wasting billions of dollars on the continuing war over seas. While I know we had to respond to 911 and retaliate to redeem our nation. The amount of money Bush spent on a dailey basis on all the military personell we had over there. For the length of time we had them over there was devastating to our budget. Im in total agreement with the cause but the approach he took was not only costly but very ineffective. Other than gaining closure to a personal vendetta George Sr. had with Hussain..(which im glad we caught him) We really cant justify the strategy he had in mind for catching the actual ones responsible for 911. Point being lets bring more of our guys home and "again" Focus on things that need addressing here.
Im not capable of solving the U.S. problems, but all I hear is people playing the blame game. More or less on the ones who have accomplished something for themselves in life. As if to say "how dare they" We dont cut off an athletes legs because he's capable of running faster than us do we? We didnt try an disect Einsteins brain and fuse it together with parts of our own. Just to try an gain a little more intelligence because we felt entitled did we? To me its more less the same thing..a sense of entitlment thats fueled by nothing more than jealousy. I just cant see how this train of thought is justified, but im trying to keep an open mind. Again im not dismissing anything that actually consists of logical thought, and maintains a diplomatic approach. Im not committed to either side of the political parties. Just I dont think that a tax increase on the so called "rich" is the answer. By doing that your in effect wiping out the little man though cause and effect imo. Like I just said though..thats only my opinion.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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Last edited by Bloozcrooz; 05-22-2011 at 06:51 AM.
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