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Old 03-18-2011, 06:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The wonderful and frightening world of Libertarianism

Any one else into Libertarianism.
Herer's a few reasons why I think it's the best political philosophy
a-A Libertarian govt. wouldn't incarcerate someone just they allowed, or couldn't stop, their daughter from committing the henious crime of not going to sit in a class room and listen to someone drone on about a load of stuff she's, almost certainly, not in the slightest bit interested in and most of whilch serves her no useful purpose whatsoever and that at the taxpayer's expense!! Not to mention the expense to the taxpayer of actually paying someone to arrest her mother, prosecute, defend*, judge and finally jail her...TWICE!!!!

b-Unlike under the Marxervatives it discourages people being profligate. In the case of big buisness because Libertarians wouldn't bail them, even 'too big to fail' buisness then they would probably be more responsible and even if they weren't then a country wouldn't be left in massive debt when they did fail. In the case of individuals it, by default of their being no welfare state or NHS, petrifies people in to saving money and spending it on health insurance before night's out, holidays and other luxuries. People say the U.S.A health system is bad but how many poor people could have sacrificed lurxuires to pay for better health insurance? I belive the ans. is many.

c-the massive reduction in state spending naturally allows the state, under a Libertarian govt. to massively reduce taxation both for buisness and private indviduals. In terms of buisness this would enable them to expand creating more employment and because there wouldnt be any mimimum wage or any kind of governemt intervention in employer's rights they could compete for people's labour in the labour market in far more competitive ways than they can in most countries with high taxation. In practise this could enable, say U.K, companies to compete with companies in China and India by being able to produce cheaper goods and services. This would mean people on the dole effectively being cohersed into working for as much or even less than they currently get on the dole but Is that not better than having millions of people on the dole?

d-Drug's would be freely availabe, well legaly available. (just don't expect and govt. programmes for drug rehabiltion etc....or much symapthy if you're so sad and pathetic to get y'self hooked on ****)
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Old 03-18-2011, 06:40 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I think you should meet someone. His name is Neapolitan.
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Old 03-19-2011, 12:11 PM   #3 (permalink)
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The libertarians always talk of freedom as though it would somehow magically appear the moment government intervention disappeared. The institutions of the market itself set up a number rules that constrain individuals in their quest for a decent life. Structural inequalities in the West today isn't due to government intervention or "socialist" policies, it is due the inherit quality in capitalism to direct the wealth to a minority of the people.

If the social security net, or welfare state if you will, is reduced further it won't lead to an increase in true freedom, it will only lead to more unhappiness due the insecurity that follows. The thought that your entire livelihood is threatened every day by forces in whatever corporation you work for, forces that you have no control over, leads to psychological misery and torment. The social security net that the government can provide can ease this misery by making sure that temporary unemployment doesn't lead to complete financial ruin.
Now another stranger seems to want you to ignore his dreams as though they were the burden of some other

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Old 03-19-2011, 02:36 PM   #4 (permalink)
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What you're suggesting would still be under the capitalist method of production.

No thanks.
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Old 03-19-2011, 03:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Phzed View Post
What you're suggesting would still be under the capitalist method of production.

No thanks.
Naturally. The Libertarian Party is more closely aligned with the Republicans in terms of fiscal and economic beliefs and radically liberal in social matters, more like many Democrats.

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Old 03-19-2011, 06:16 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Old 03-20-2011, 07:00 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
Naturally. The Libertarian Party is more closely aligned with the Republicans in terms of fiscal and economic beliefs and radically liberal in social matters, more like many Democrats.
That's exactly it. I think one of the biggest problems of Libetarinism is that so mnay people just can't get passed the economic right wing element so associated with conservatives.

Nonee of the conservatives abolished govt. departments as Friedmann belived should or could be abolished.
Regan didn't announce the Presidential oath should be re-written to allow atheists to take it
Regan didn't decriminalise narcotics and use american diplomatic power to arrange for cocaine to be grown, processed, distributed and put on the market in the U.S.A so that the cocaine trade could flourish.
None of the Bush's repealed laws prohibiting the market in people playing Russian roulette as a Libertarian party would do
Let's look at the U.K. We all know M.Thatcher sold the monstorus N.H.S off in 1987 only for T.Blair to have to renationalise healthcare in the u.k. Hang on. So, called lover of the free market M.Thatcher didn't sell the monstorous N.H.S. She kept taxing the country to fund it thereby encouraging people to spend their money on more ***'s and booze 'cause they didn't have to worry about getting liver disease and cancer 'cause there's the N.H.S to pick them up, or try to, when they're squalid indulgences catch up with them

Did M.Thatcher, Blair, Brown, Cameron or the 'liberal' Clegg have in their manifesto the abolishon of the the monarchy or that they were going to stop throwing people in jail for the heinous crime of not wearing any clothes or not paying a licensee fee used to fund the state broadcasting corparation?

They didn't do all those things because their not Libertarians.
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:02 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oojay View Post
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Old 03-22-2011, 11:02 AM   #9 (permalink)
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There's more to it than that. I've been reading about surivalislm. If a Libertarian govt. was elected evryone would be well advised to spend money and time on Survivalism. I mean who wan't to get looted if they had spent money and time preparing for a crisis while other people had just gone off and had a good time gettin' off thier heads with coke and speedballs and screwing hookers?
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Old 03-22-2011, 08:07 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oojay View Post

Save the environment, shoot yourself in the head.
And when there is no hope I'll smoke some crack I'll shoot some dope.
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