Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
I know this wasn't entirely your point but I wanted to point out that this statement is not true. In the original concept God was not defined as male or female and a lot of religions stressed the point that giving God a sex, a name or any other human characteristic is dangerous and lessons 'his' greatness. The patriarchal nonsense came much later than the founding ideas.
I was quoting Freud... I could have referred to it as a "motherly figure" instead, but it wouldn't change the meaning of my original statement at all (the quote would be incorrect as well). Also, it is true (or highly believed) that the concept of god was created enable to fulfill the desire of having a "fatherly figure (or motherly figure) to loom over them and protect them from harm. It was also created as a way for mankind to aid in quenching its curiosity of the creation of the universe. I don't think you were implying that it wasn't true, though... So, I'm not really sure what the point of your comment was because the gender of a deity is irrelevant in the context of my original statement...