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View Poll Results: Your level of observance?
Non-practicing/secular form of religion 20 43.48%
A little observant 3 6.52%
Middle-of-the-road observance 11 23.91%
Strict adherence to religious rules 4 8.70%
Don't know 8 17.39%
Voters: 46. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-29-2011, 06:07 PM   #181 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
Why does it need a name then?
Because we live in a world that is dominated by religion in one form or another. Being religious is the norm on this planet and as a result there is a word for people who don't fit into the norm. It's the same reason we have a word for bald. If we lived in a world where no one had hair there'd be no need for the word "bald".

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
This is what I still don't get. To be clear here, I've got nothing against people who don't have any religious belief; I just can't bring myself to respect the word, idea, and group that is atheism.

If someone chooses to not believe in God, or any rendition of God, fine that's up to them. If someone chooses not to even tackle the idea of God in all it's entirety and complexity and just write it off, I lose a bit of respect and I don't advocate it but I don't hold anything against them; it's up to them what they do with their life.

But when people start giving a name to an idea based on nothing, essentially worhsipping the idea of a lack of worship, well I cant stomach that. Still though I can say, it's up to them, they can do what they want.

When those groups start intefering with the rest of the World, that's not something I'm happy about though, thats a step too far and tbh I've not really decided if and what I should do about that, I'm not exactly in a position of power.
I think what you don't understand is that non-believers are a minority and an invisible minority at that. It's a little like being gay in that if you remain silent people simply assume you're a part of the majority and obliviously push their viewpoint on you. So there is a need to speak up and make people aware that you do exist. But then, because you are a minority, simply speaking up for yourself and others like you is viewed as aggression toward the status quo. It becomes a catch-22 really. You can either keep your mouth shut and endure the antagonism and ignorance or you can say "hey, I'm right here" and contend with the anger that gets directed at any out-group.
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Old 03-29-2011, 06:51 PM   #182 (permalink)
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People are too defined by all these labels and "norms." You're a Human you're alive, you do what you think is Right and that's all that matters, if people don't like it, screw those people. The whole World could go cannabilistic tommorow, I wouldn't say "I'm part of the anti-cannibal alliance you've got to accept me" I'd say "I don't eat people, the only label I need is Human Being. If you eat people I'm gonna chop your mother****ing head off your shoulders" And if people couldn't respect that, then they're not people I wanna deal with. I would not want to be involved with cannibalistic people.

If I thought the apple was rotten I wouldnt wanna bite it. In my opinion, when anyone gives themself a name or pledges to something, it should be something that represents the base-state of that idea; more important than the actual name though, it should be to an idea which is self-sustaining, self-verifying, and self-motivated.

Let's argue for posterity's sake that there's no more religion tommorow. The word atheist becomes "moot". If that's what some people are aiming for, I'd respect it a lot more if they admit it, rather than think they can mingle amongst the group as a self-confessed enemy to the group. Whether they tell you or not is irrelevant. They're trying to con you into treating them a certain way. Same with gay people as you mentioned - I have no problem with whoever decides to do what behind closed doors so long as it's between consenting adults. I don't like the idea that I have to play this "game" of continual "verification" and acceptance "OH yeah it's fine what you do" I don't think it is, it's not something I'm ever gonna do and I won't pretend like I'm interested. I don't give a crap. Do what you want, I'll treat you like every other person I see on the street. But if you start bothering me with the details of your life, you're inviting critiscm, thats an intellectual right. Same principle with religion - religion is personal. If you make a point of putting it out there, you cant expect everyone to like it. That goes for a lack of religion also. There's no special treatment in my book.

I don't expect everyone to agree, I don't expect everyone to make nice and be friends. I don't like facades; if someone really believes that Religion in all of it's entirety, God in all of His entirety is worthless, they should admit to it instead of trying to fit in around the religious. Then, if we can get along, we get along. If we can't, why should we pretend to?

Generally speaking, they won't though, it's too convenient. It's their "get-out clause". If you have a name or an idea like that, it's very "cosy", very convenient - you can sit in with the group, but you're conveniently not subject to any of the group's responsibilities. Well, either you're in or you're out. Either you're with us or you're not, there's no room for dead weight.

I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't want any part of religion.

If you don't want a part, though, how can you have a say in religious affairs and matters?

Why would you require the verification of anyone religious?

Why would you want to be around those people that are being ignorant or angry and enforcing demands on you? Why would you want to mix with people that say "you have to do this" "you have to do that" etc. and why would you give yourself a name that puts yourself under their heel?

You can't get along with everybody. And you simply can't treat everyone the same. You can have a basic amount of respect for everyone, sure, but you can't treat them the same. Someone who eats a lot versus someone who's full after a few bites, would you force feed them the same amount for the sake of "equality"? No. Equality is about need. The equality is in the table of food you set up. People eat how much they need.

Also this itself is pretty innacurate if you apply it to atheism. The "in" thing thesedays is to be atheist. A lot of people resent me because I'm Muslim, I don't give a ****. I don't make a point of broadcasting it, because I'm not an attention seeking idiot. But I don't by any means hide it at all nor am I ashamed, if anyone asks I tell em "yeah I am" if they make a problem I tell em "it's none of your business man, get back to whatever the **** you was doing". If they ask me questions about my faith I do the best to answer them, I'm hardly a model Muslim though. And then if they're half-decent I get along with them, if they're not, screw them. There's more to me than just my faith. My faith is my groundwork.

There's more to anyone than just their faith, or lack thereof.

Last edited by crukster; 03-29-2011 at 07:03 PM.
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:10 PM   #183 (permalink)
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To be honest, I have zero interest in exchanging lengthy treatises about whether or not atheists are the horrible and/or stupid people you seem to think they are, I just thought I might get you to open your mind a little, but it looks like that's probably not going to happen. All I'll say is I really think you need to do a little more investigation into these matters before you form such strong opinions about them because it's evident from what you are saying that you have very little understanding of what atheism even means, let alone what its like to be an atheist. And the fact that you think being an atheist is somehow the "in" thing is hilarious.
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:29 PM   #184 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
I don't expect everyone to agree, I don't expect everyone to make nice and be friends. I don't like facades; if someone really believes that Religion in all of it's entirety, God in all of His entirety is worthless, they should admit to it instead of trying to fit in around the religious. Then, if we can get along, we get along. If we can't, why should we pretend to?
What are you on about here? If you really mean what you write in your post, why does it make a flying **** of a difference that some atheists want to get together to talk about their lack of belief in a god? And why should you have the right to judge them? I don't see what's wrong with the UUA, or being an atheist and being involved. Is it impossible for you to see that there are genuinely good people out there who want to meet and talk about making the world a better place that don't believe in any higher power? Also, the fact that atheists don't believe in a higher power doesn't mean that some of them might not want to get together to search for a meaning in life. I'm sorry for what I'm about to say because I know you will most likely take it wrong and be offended, but that's really what all religion is about - developing good morals and finding a meaning for the chaos that is life. Some just choose to do the same thing that you and I do with religion without looking to a spiritual being. There's much bigger concerns today with religious groups than there are atheists. We tend to cause quite a lot of big controversies; I don't see much with atheism.
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:44 PM   #185 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by music_phantom13 View Post
What are you on about here? If you really mean what you write in your post, why does it make a flying **** of a difference that some atheists want to get together to talk about their lack of belief in a god? And why should you have the right to judge them? I don't see what's wrong with the UUA, or being an atheist and being involved. Is it impossible for you to see that there are genuinely good people out there who want to meet and talk about making the world a better place that don't believe in any higher power? Also, the fact that atheists don't believe in a higher power doesn't mean that some of them might not want to get together to search for a meaning in life. I'm sorry for what I'm about to say because I know you will most likely take it wrong and be offended, but that's really what all religion is about - developing good morals and finding a meaning for the chaos that is life. Some just choose to do the same thing that you and I do with religion without looking to a spiritual being. There's much bigger concerns today with religious groups than there are atheists. We tend to cause quite a lot of big controversies; I don't see much with atheism.
There's no need to apologise for saying that and I agree anyway man. They should admit that that's what they're doing, and not fly about with this false pretense saying that they're not a group or a theology. Because they're definitly a group and they are a theology imo.

atheism is just half-assedness. There's a lot of different answers to the big questions of life out there. All I'm saying is don't develop your own based off some bad experience with religious people in the past or anger at your parents or something.

If you called a Buddhist an atheist because they don't believe in the traditional Abrahamic God, I don't think they'd be too happy. That's not what defines their belief; what defines their belief is the path they follow.

All I'm getting at is, people should stop focusing on what they dont believe and focus on what they do believe. If they believe the answer is nothing, then that's their answer. That's not anti- or a- anything, it's just nothing. I don't think the answer is ever nothing though. So why develop your grounds for questioning life on the antithesis of something existing?

If you dont believe, you dont believe. I'm not a doctor. Thats doesnt make me adoctor or amedical. I'm just simply unqualified to be a doctor.

the idea of atheism represents the aknowledgement of emptiness. And I can't respect that.

Which is something different to not believing. If you dont believe, fine, as I've said 100 times already. But you cant form a frickin philosophy around not believing in something; you form it around believing in something ELSE, or you dont form anything, its as simple as that.
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:49 PM   #186 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
There's no need to apologise for saying that and I agree anyway man. They should admit that that's what they're doing, and not fly about with this false pretense saying that they're not a group or a theology. Because they're definitly a group and they are a theology imo.

atheism is just half-assedness. There's a lot of different answers to the big questions of life out there. All I'm saying is don't develop your own based off some bad experience with religious people in the past or anger at your parents or something.

If you called a Buddhist an atheist because they don't believe in the traditional Abrahamic God, I don't think they'd be too happy. That's not what defines their belief; what defines their belief is the path they follow.

All I'm getting is, people should stop focusing on what they dont believe and focus on what they do believe. If they believe the answer is nothing, then that's their answer. That's not anti- or a- anything, it's just nothing. I don't think the answer is ever nothing though. So why develop your grounds for questioning life on the antithesis of something existing?

If you dont believe, you dont believe. I'm not a doctor. Thats doesnt make me adoctor or amedical. I'm just simply unqualified to be a doctor.

the idea of atheism represents the aknowledgement of emptiness.

Which is something different to not believing. If you dont believe, fine, as I've said 100 times already. But you cant form a frickin philosophy around not believing in something; you form it around believing in something ELSE, or you dont form anything, its as simple as that.
I remember reading one of your posts in another thread where you said you hate strawman arguments. Well all you are doing here is engaging in a strawman argument against atheism. Please do yourself a favor and do some reading on the subject because you're coming off as extremely ill-informed on this topic.
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Old 03-29-2011, 07:55 PM   #187 (permalink)
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Yeah but the thing is I then actually answered the argument and pointed out why it was a strawman, and what my actual opinion on it was.

But you cant form a frickin philosophy around not believing in something; you form it around believing in something ELSE, or you dont form anything, its as simple as that.
What's your resposne to that cos atheism imo is about forming a philosophy around not believing in something. Either I'm ill-formed or I'm right
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Old 03-29-2011, 08:13 PM   #188 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
Yeah but the thing is I then actually answered the argument and pointed out why it was a strawman, and what my actual opinion on it was.
I already did that and you simply ignored my response and continued with the strawmen.

Originally Posted by crukster View Post
What's your resposne to that cos atheism imo is about forming a philosophy around not believing in something. Either I'm ill-formed or I'm right
Heh. You're not ill-formed, you're ill-informed. Atheism isn't a philosophy, all it is a lack of belief in a god or gods. That's it. Atheists have a variety of different philosophies, some are even members of religions even though they don't believe in the supernatural components.
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Old 03-29-2011, 09:29 PM   #189 (permalink)
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all I have to say is that I find atheists basically having a intellectual vacuum, they need to fill it with something - whether it's debating about non-existence of God, having a good time, self-mediation about when they just switch off after they die

not saying that I'm all THAT intellectually fulfilled being a Gnostic Christian - but my own main tenets are that everything's pre-destined anyway since God is omnipresent, omnipotent and moniscient so who cares? I'm in the hands of a perfectly chaotic, impartial, non-judgmental entity - if I suddenly get hit by a bus afterwards and die - that's just the way it is
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Old 03-30-2011, 12:51 AM   #190 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
Janszoon & crukster both have a point IMO.

It's true that, technically, atheism is nothing more than the lack of any belief in a deity.... but at the same time, atheists (generally speaking) do tend to display a cult-like antipathy towards theists, and in some cases will more or less make idols out of the leaders of the 'New Atheist Movement' like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, etc. I think it's fairly telling that on Facebook profiles and the like, under "beliefs", most atheists don't put "none", they put "atheism".
I don't like to stereotype a whole group of people like that, but I see where you're coming from. Alot of atheists (or at least the ones I know) seem intent on trying to force their beliefs on others, usually for some snarky reason to show how intelligent they think they are. It would be sweet if everyone just did their own thing and didn't care what others were doing.
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