Originally Posted by crukster
I wouldn't say it's what I'm doing, cos imo it's perfectly justifiable to "bash" the "bashers" - stance of defense, not aggression.
I don't think all atheists are scumbags, no. I just can't respect the idea, it seems infantile to me. "The grouped of non-group-eds"
For example - the bus ads in the UK. Some Christian group put out an ad saying smething like
"Have faith in God live a good life" etc. your general "We love Jesus" sort of thing
So what do the local "atheist non-theocratic committee of non-commited non-group" group do?
Put out an ad saying
"There is no God. Live your life"
If atheism is not a group, if atheism is not a religion, why would they feel they need to counter a message like that? The goal of atheism ultimatly as a group, which is what it is, is to eradicate all religion.
Maybe individual atheists have no problem with religion, but as a group, that is the main agenda. If they're trying to spread atheism with ads like that, that means they want as many atheists as possible - they want to expand and spread their message. Therefore, they want to eradicate religion, pretty simple man.
If you are how you say, then People like yourself aren't the ones I have a problem with, and I think by calling yourself atheist you're actually allying yourself with something more than just non-believing. So long as people are half-decent, I can respect it if they say "piss off I'm not joining your group I dont believe" - their choice.
I can't respect it if they say, "piss off I'm not joining your group, I'm gonna go join this other group for people who don't wanna be in your group " because they've made it competitive.
It's like making it the "cliques" of the world, thats stupid.
If you don't believe, fine. If you believe different to me, fine.
If you begrude me my belief, thats not fine.
Just as though, I said - don't have a problem with religion, have a problem with the people who corrupt it.
Well same principle; I have no problem with a lack of religion. I have a problem with people who corrupt the non-religious.
atheism is a cult imo.
I don't see how atheism is a cult any more than christianity or islam or any other religion. You seem to have a warped sense of what atheism is. I imagine you view atheism as some big club or something. "The group of the non-grouped"... Do you not understand that being an atheist just means that you don't believe in a God. If you have a disbelief of God, you are an atheist. It isn't a choice, that's just what you are by definition. It isn't some club that people subscribe to. Some people don't want to be called atheist for whatever reason but it doesn't change that they are.
Groups OF atheists exist. If a religious group wants to put out their message, why don't you think its okay for an atheist group to do the same? I think it's stupid for either group to advertise like the example you talked about, since all it does is turn the non-believers off even more, but why can one group promote their "message" and the other group can't? I feel like atheists like that are more concerned with showing people that they can be good people and live great lives without a religion. Which is entirely true and I don't really see a problem with it other than thinking religious advertising of any kind is stupid.
Your comment on competition is just stupid, what are they competing for? Competing to gain what? More members? There's no prize here. I'm not allying myself with anyone. I don't believe in God, that's all there is to say about it. I used to be more anti-religion, and now I'm more uncaring. Some people are helped by their beliefs and are raised a certain way. So although I think their beliefs might be stupid, I don't care enough to bash them or try to change their views. You just have this strange view of atheism and I don't get it.