Religious people: what is your level of observance? - Music Banter Music Banter

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View Poll Results: Your level of observance?
Non-practicing/secular form of religion 20 43.48%
A little observant 3 6.52%
Middle-of-the-road observance 11 23.91%
Strict adherence to religious rules 4 8.70%
Don't know 8 17.39%
Voters: 46. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-27-2011, 09:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
My friend, you've already proven it with your assumptions on my ethnic kin.

There's a lot more to life than the words compassion and love. Take your compassion and love to the darkest corners of the globe and see how far they get you.

Establish a society based on your "compassion and love" and see how long it lasts.

If you don't want to follow a faith, or pledge to a religion, that's your own decision. But any sane, morally upstanding person on the planet, whether they're religious or not, can't deny the inherent practicality, functionality, and pure basic righteousness of the Abrahamic system. Either you don't know it well enough, in which case, study. Or you do know it, and you think the whole lesson of love thy neighbour, love thy Planet, love and assist your fellow Human in the name of Humanity and Almighty God is MOOT and worthless.

In which case this discussion is moot and worthless, because you're obviously using the word "moral" as some sort of semantic wordplay, referring to the idea of appeasement and a good looking "social image."

Fuk social image that's as fickle as a cat. What WORKS is better than what "looks nice". I'm talking about doing actual good, actual progressive things, having a clean heart and mind and approaching the World for what it is. You don't HAVE to be religious to do that.

If you do that, though, you'd have no problem with religion itself, only the people that corrupt it. Because religion itself is the establishment OF those rules and ideas, passing them down to each generation, building on them and continuing to progress. If you think a certain idea that's been passed down has been corrupted, or isn't functional, then fine, sure that's your own intelligent right and let's all look into it.

But at the very basic core of what RELIGION is, set aside any specific religion, but religion itself, at it's core:

Well it's the idea of writing down what works, and passing it on to the next group of people. So that they dont spend a long time kicking around in the mud, trying to solve the same problems that were solved a millenia ago.

We have new problems. We've got a healthy body but rotten leaves. And you wanna pull up the tree by the roots and start over?

Before you can even do that, anyway, you would have to be an expert on every religion in order to say that every tenent in EVERY religion, every rule, every moral, every guideline, is wrong.

Thou shalt not Kill, is that wrong?

Thou shalt not steal, is that wrong?

Honour thy Mother and thy Father, is that wrong?

You see where I'm going with this.

I'm not saying people should neccessarily follow them unquestionably, or that they should follow them because they've been "told" to, or that they should follow them for fear of Hell. I'm not saying that at all. I am saying they should follow them because they choose to, because they believe in them, and because they recognise their practicality in the real World.

Hell, I AM going to Hell. That's what Islam says - me, you, everyone, regardless of what you believe, burns in the flames as penance relative to their sins. Who can say they've never sinned, never done anything they knew was wrong? But through that penance you understand your sins and progress onwards to Paradise, Heaven; whatever that may be - EVERYONE. So long as they accept their sins and understand the functionality of the Universe. How long you burn is up to you. Not that I'm judging or anything, simply stating what I believe. If you disagree and think I'm crazy, so-be-it, good luck to you man. That's your choice, if you like fire, play with fire, what can I say.

I'm not saying be a sheep and follow the herd. I'm also saying don't go to the other extreme and be a stubborn sheep and stop the herd.

I'm saying stop being a SHEEP. Be a shepherd. Be a Human. Don't form ideaologies adjacent or parallel or "anti-" to others, because when they fall, you'll fall with them. I am saying form intelligent functional ideas, that will welcome any shared goal with any group, because the ideas are functional, and intelligent I.E. It is important what you DO, not what you call it. Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Agnostic hell even "atheist" - I don't give a ****, I care about what people DO.

If you write off every religion just because it's a source of authority, then you're as bad as the fundamentalists.

I am saying approach religious ideas with an intelligent mind, apply what works, and fix what doesn't.

I am saying have faith in Existence.

Have faith in Almighty God.

It's personally speaking - if I weren't religious I wouldn't call myself an atheist. I'd just say "I'm not religious, I have no belief about that stuff"

Either it factors into your life and the way you approach things, if that's the case you are religious.

Or it doesn't and you're simply not a religious person.

I don't like labels, maybe some people like the term atheist because it gives a collective "group" to the non-believers, a collective "voice"

well if I weren't religious, I wouldn't want a collective voice, personally. I'd just have my own voice. Because I think if you want to lend your voice to a "collective voice" or group, then it's better to actually have something to say, instead of just "I don't believe in what those other groups are saying", get what I'm saying?

Like I said, I don't care, it matters more what people do. I just think the name is innaccurate, and I think a lot (not neccessarily all) of "atheists" aren't doing good things for the Planet. The idea of atheism is self-defeating imo.

Religion and all religious people need to be extinguished. It is the religious mentality that is holding humanity back. Religion is for people who don't know how to be good. WHen you prattle on that humans can't be good without religion I can tell you have the E.Q. of a rotting orange peel.

I guarantee my moral standards are far better than yours, for mine are real. Remember how you were banging on about war and killing? "The next world war". Remember that? There is no denying that you are a very low thinking ape. You don't know how to be good, and if you did not have your religion, you would be out murdering people and sodomising "westerners". We can't keep a Turk down, right? You have religion and nationalism.....very dangerous.

Oh yeah, you're the ultracrepidarian who says THC is similar to LSD.

"Acid comes from fungus I.E mushrooms. Mushrooms are psychoactive. Weed has psychoactive elements.

Thus, Weed is a mild form of Acid."

Remember that? This is your deductive reasoning. It seems readily apparent that you employ this same flapdoodle in
evaluating the world.

You talk about violence and hurt the same way a shaved, talking gorilla would. If aliens came to Earth and took you away with the rest of your gorilla harem, humanity would be better. People would better be able to be humane and helpful.

IF, one day you discovered your belief system was a lie, and that there is no god, beyond any reasonable doubt, you would no longer have any reason to be good. DOn't you see? Your religion is obscurantism. The idea that humanity NEEDS religion, is terrible. That is not the right message.

I suggest you read about 'mirror neurons', and discover why humans are good. Another thing, read about Professor Michael Persinger: God Helmet

And fukc atheism. HOw can people be defined by what they are not? The point is, 'atheists' know how to be good on their own. Humanity should be heading towards higher thinking. This scourge of nationalism is hindering our capacity to advance. Nationalism is acceptable racism. Try this: secular humanism.

So, crukster, why are you good? What do you hope to accomplish? What is the best way to educate children? What is the problem with the status quo? What needs to be changed in the message on TV and the like? How can we change it to encourage intellectualism and artistic endeavour?
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:36 PM   #2 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
Religion and all religious people need to be extinguished. It is the religious mentality that is holding humanity back. Religion is for people who don't know how to be good. WHen you prattle on that humans can't be good without religion I can tell you have the E.Q. of a rotting orange peel.
Schranz Bass;

Hello and please to meet you, I know I don't know you from Adam but I think have to tell you something a whole orange doesn't have an intellect let alone part of it - an orange peel.
(btw is that Bass that rhymes with ace or Bass that that rhymes with ass?)
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

"it counts in our hearts" ?ºº?
“I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.” Jack Kerouac.
“If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person.” Aristotle.
"If you tried to give Rock and Roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'." John Lennon
"I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous." Keith Richards
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Old 03-27-2011, 09:41 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Schranz Bass;

Hello and please to meet you, I know I don't know you from Adam but I think have to tell you something a whole orange doesn't have an intellect let alone part of it - an orange peel.
(btw is that Bass that rhymes with ace or Bass that that rhymes with ass?)

DO I have to draw pictures for you or something?

'Twas a metaphor....get it?

Read a book
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Old 03-27-2011, 10:15 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
DO I have to draw pictures for you or something?
Why? Is it easier for you to write in hanzi? If it is go ahead.

Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
'Twas a metaphor....get it?
In a way the word "religion" is too.

Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
Religion and all religious people need to be extinguished.
Religion is a metaphor for being "bound" to something. The root "ligare" meaning bound can be found other words in ligature or ligament. Religion is what you bind yourself to - it could be anything from politics to philosophy to a deity. So if you are so adamant about extinguishing religious people you have to reconsider that because you are religiously anti-religious, you are bound to your vehement displeasure of religious people - you clearly display that in your posts. I think you owe crukster an apology.

Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
Read a book
You forgot the period at the end of the sentence. Who's book smart now?
Originally Posted by mord View Post
Actually, I like you a lot, Nea. That's why I treat you like ****. It's the MB way.

"it counts in our hearts" ?ºº?
“I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.” Jack Kerouac.
“If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person.” Aristotle.
"If you tried to give Rock and Roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'." John Lennon
"I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous." Keith Richards
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Old 03-28-2011, 03:34 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Why? Is it easier for you to write in hanzi? If it is go ahead.

In a way the word "religion" is too.

Religion is a metaphor for being "bound" to something. The root "ligare" meaning bound can be found other words in ligature or ligament. Religion is what you bind yourself to - it could be anything from politics to philosophy to a deity. So if you are so adamant about extinguishing religious people you have to reconsider that because you are religiously anti-religious, you are bound to your vehement displeasure of religious people - you clearly display that in your posts. I think you owe crukster an apology.

You forgot the period at the end of the sentence. Who's book smart now?

Your arguing semantics doesn't disguise your imbecility.

By 'drawing pictures' I meant, do I have to simplify it enough for you to understand? and it seems that I do. But, judging from all the verbiage you've dumped here, you would still entirely miss the point.
I don't think you noticed, but the topic of religion here has not been a metaphor.
Please, spare me any more witlessisms.

Last edited by Schranz bass; 03-28-2011 at 06:42 AM.
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Old 03-28-2011, 01:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schranz bass View Post
Religion and all religious people need to be extinguished. It is the religious mentality that is holding humanity back. Religion is for people who don't know how to be good. WHen you prattle on that humans can't be good without religion I can tell you have the E.Q. of a rotting orange peel.

I guarantee my moral standards are far better than yours, for mine are real. Remember how you were banging on about war and killing? "The next world war". Remember that? There is no denying that you are a very low thinking ape. You don't know how to be good, and if you did not have your religion, you would be out murdering people and sodomising "westerners". We can't keep a Turk down, right? You have religion and nationalism.....very dangerous.

Oh yeah, you're the ultracrepidarian who says THC is similar to LSD.

"Acid comes from fungus I.E mushrooms. Mushrooms are psychoactive. Weed has psychoactive elements.

Thus, Weed is a mild form of Acid."

Remember that? This is your deductive reasoning. It seems readily apparent that you employ this same flapdoodle in
evaluating the world.

You talk about violence and hurt the same way a shaved, talking gorilla would. If aliens came to Earth and took you away with the rest of your gorilla harem, humanity would be better. People would better be able to be humane and helpful.

IF, one day you discovered your belief system was a lie, and that there is no god, beyond any reasonable doubt, you would no longer have any reason to be good. DOn't you see? Your religion is obscurantism. The idea that humanity NEEDS religion, is terrible. That is not the right message.

I suggest you read about 'mirror neurons', and discover why humans are good. Another thing, read about Professor Michael Persinger: God Helmet

And fukc atheism. HOw can people be defined by what they are not? The point is, 'atheists' know how to be good on their own. Humanity should be heading towards higher thinking. This scourge of nationalism is hindering our capacity to advance. Nationalism is acceptable racism. Try this: secular humanism.

So, crukster, why are you good? What do you hope to accomplish? What is the best way to educate children? What is the problem with the status quo? What needs to be changed in the message on TV and the like? How can we change it to encourage intellectualism and artistic endeavour?
This is probably the last thing I'm gonna reply to you unless you can come up wth some better responses man.

Cos you're using Strawmans.

WHen you prattle on that humans can't be good without religion
I never said this.

You're saying they can't be good with religion.

I'm saying it's important what people do, and anyone who understands that would understand the inherent goodness of the intention of religion. The idea of spreading Humanic beliefs.

You don't have to be religious to give a **** and do good things.

But you wouldnt be anti-religion if you did.

You would be anti-agenda, and anti- to the corruption of religion.

Not religion itself.

I guarantee my moral standards are far better than yours, for mine are real.
So real that you can write off an entire race of people. Not the governmental system, not the religion, not the education system, no. i'd have no problem with you saying that because those things are man-made and changeable, liable to corruption.

No, you insulted our BLOOD. Our "Blood" makes us stupid, according to you.

You have religion and nationalism.....very dangerous.
Proving me right. You're afraid of what people can do when they have something to believe in.

I'm proud of my homeland. I wanna see it do well. That doesnt mean I neccessarily wanna see others do badly. Only if they've got ill will i wish that.

The point is we should all be Nationalist of our Planet, ultimatly.

"Acid comes from fungus I.E mushrooms. Mushrooms are psychoactive. Weed has psychoactive elements.

Thus, Weed is a mild form of Acid."

Remember that? This is your deductive reasoning. It seems readily apparent that you employ this same flapdoodle in
evaluating the world.
Again, this is your problem.

I'm talking about the Human experience of the drug.

You talk about the "scientific construction of its formula".

Which is all well and good but hardly transcends the Human experience. For all you know your formula is flawed.

IF, one day you discovered your belief system was a lie, and that there is no god, beyond any reasonable doubt, you would no longer have any reason to be good. DOn't you see? Your religion is obscurantism. The idea that humanity NEEDS religion, is terrible. That is not the right message.
Not really. I posit your own "morals" are based on Social norms.

I dont kill, I dont rape, i dont steal etc. Because I believe there is a wider framework to the Universe. I believe we all come from the same place, and Humanity is my Brothers and Sisters.

If you don't believe this, then your so-called "moral" structure has no grounds. You only don't do the things people say are bad, because many people agree that they're bad.

I don't do bad things because I believe them to flawed. That is my definition of evil - flaw.

If I killed indiscriminatly, I would be killing every chance of progression, every discovery every idea that person migth come up with. I dont kill indiscriminatly because I value life. Islam presents to me a system around the protection of that value, amongst others.

You've demonstrated your ignorance again by failing to read my previous post and "projecting" your own anger at religion onto it.

I don't follow religion out of fear. I don't follow it because I'm told to. I follow it because I believe it.

Furthermore it could never be proven that there is no God, saying this shows you have a flawed understanding of God. You think of God as Jesus Christ, the man in the sky lmao, which to be clear - I have no problem if someone wants to believe that. The problem is you believe it but you wont accept it. You're a closet Christian.

In my own belief - God is the Almight power of all creation, the highest form of existence whatever it may be, the Alpha the Omega, the All, the collective energy of all Creation e'erwhere.

If there is no God, then I am God.

Disprove that.

If there is no Highest Power in the universe, then i claim to be the highest power in the Universe.

Kneel before me.

So, crukster, why are you good? What do you hope to accomplish? What is the best way to educate children? What is the problem with the status quo? What needs to be changed in the message on TV and the like? How can we change it to encourage intellectualism and artistic endeavour?
You present numerous complex questions and expect me to write an answer here and now?

I will, if neccessary. I'l write 30 pages.

But that defeats the point.

I would have to think about these things.

It's moot to ask why I'm good- because I am not good. Why I try to be good, is for the betterment of Myself and of Humanity. I learn from my mistakes, I keep on rolling. I exist, Humanity exists, we are all alive. For as long as we are, our purpose is to maintain that and progress it. DO great things, attain knowledge, achieve great feats, cut the throats of great evils, build beautiful cities.

If you want to successfully argue against religion, you're going to have to accept the fact that there are many people who think about their religion. And have made a concious decision to pledge themselves to a progressive idea.

You have none. If you don't believe, thats up to you.

You have no right to tell others not to believe.

I have a right to tell them to believe. You have no right to tell them not to.

Because I offer a system they can choose to adopt. You offer no system; nothing. Go live in a hole somewhere if you want nothing.

Originally Posted by Shranz Bass the hypocrite exhibit A
As usual, wrong again. When viewing the concept of 'atheism' (what a vapid word. It is a cliche) as trying to eradicate religion, it seems deplorable. The goal of secular humanists is not to eradicate religion directly, but to encourage humanism and reason. If the world can all work toward a common goal to make humanity better, to make better people, with as few restrictions as possible, there will be no need for religion because people will learn that beneficence and altruism is innate in us.

Originally Posted by Shranz Bass the hypocrite exhbibit B
Religion and all religious people need to be extinguished. It is the religious mentality that is holding humanity back. Religion is for people who don't know how to be good.

Ignoring the fact these two statements contradict each other, in response to exhibit A;

so you think we magically know how to do whats right when we're born? We magically already know the best things to do? Sounds like a relgiious idea to me.

Why are there rapists then, why are these pedophiles?

I guess they#'re born like that, eh? How convenient. Means you dont have to take the time to educate them. means you wont be responsible if your education fails.

Thats all bull****. When we're born, we know nothing of the World. How could we - we've never been here before.

Fair enough we have instinct. Instinct is not enough. Did you know what a tree was when you were born? Could you wipe your own arse? Did you know how to fix an engine?

No. Ergo these things, amongst many others, including morals, must be learnt. Ergo a system must be in place to pass down what works. Thus, Religion.

Originally Posted by Dirty
I don't see how atheism is a cult any more than christianity or islam or any other religion. You seem to have a warped sense of what atheism is. I imagine you view atheism as some big club or something. "The group of the non-grouped"... Do you not understand that being an atheist just means that you don't believe in a God. If you have a disbelief of God, you are an atheist. It isn't a choice, that's just what you are by definition. It isn't some club that people subscribe to. Some people don't want to be called atheist for whatever reason but it doesn't change that they are.

Groups OF atheists exist. If a religious group wants to put out their message, why don't you think its okay for an atheist group to do the same? I think it's stupid for either group to advertise like the example you talked about, since all it does is turn the non-believers off even more, but why can one group promote their "message" and the other group can't? I feel like atheists like that are more concerned with showing people that they can be good people and live great lives without a religion. Which is entirely true and I don't really see a problem with it other than thinking religious advertising of any kind is stupid.

Your comment on competition is just stupid, what are they competing for? Competing to gain what? More members? There's no prize here. I'm not allying myself with anyone. I don't believe in God, that's all there is to say about it. I used to be more anti-religion, and now I'm more uncaring. Some people are helped by their beliefs and are raised a certain way. So although I think their beliefs might be stupid, I don't care enough to bash them or try to change their views. You just have this strange view of atheism and I don't get it.
It doesn't need a name. I don't believe in magic Unicorns. I am NOT, an Aunicornist. If someone calls me one I'd probably hit em. Unicornes play no part in my life. I want no recognition from the Unicorn world. i dont need to be a part of what they're doing, at all.

No, I dont believe they have a right to simply "spread a message" I believe they have a right to spread a message they believe in. Most christians believe that accepting Jesus Christ will make your life happier. Thats why they put the message out there, they wish, in their heart that everyone would be Christian, to share that joy they feel, to make the World a better place. I can tell them I don't need to be Christian to do that. I respect what they're doing and so long as it isnt forced, then it doesnt bother me. people make their own decisions.

atheists on the other hand such as that group, say they're putting the message out of there being no God, just because they have a right to. SO, what they dont believe what they#re even saying?

Or they do. And they want everyone to be atheist. Ergo they are a group; a cult, that worship the idea of NOTHING, and they want to eradicate every religion and have people worshipping nothing.

Imo "nothing" Is Satan because it represents the destruction of all things.

So point 1 - I have a problem that most atheists are not commited to what they're preaching.

Point 2 - I ddont like what it is they're actually preaching. Other than minor details which are irrelevant in the end I have no problem with Christianity but I have a problem with NOTHING.

To clarify I am not saying all religious people neccessarily want everyone to be religious, and I am not saying all non-religious people neccessarily want everyone to be non-religious, but I am saying that people who affiliate themselves with groups, and taking a proactive stance such as putting out advertisements, clearly have a message they're trying to spread.

There are hardliners on both sides, imo what's Universal and what matters is that people just live a half decent life.

Last edited by crukster; 03-29-2011 at 10:53 AM.
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