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View Poll Results: Your level of observance?
Non-practicing/secular form of religion 20 43.48%
A little observant 3 6.52%
Middle-of-the-road observance 11 23.91%
Strict adherence to religious rules 4 8.70%
Don't know 8 17.39%
Voters: 46. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-27-2011, 02:51 PM   #121 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
hmmm, I thought Agnostics were more of the belief that something may exist but they aren't sure what. They do believe there might be a higher power so they consider themselves at least spiritual. That was always my impression of what an Agnostic is. I could be completely wrong though.
Essentially, it is the belief that the existence of a deity is unknowable. Which is exactly where I stand. There are levels of agnosticism, some which lean more towards I belief in something, but I'm firmly in the middle on this.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:53 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post

It's personally speaking - if I weren't religious I wouldn't call myself an atheist. I'd just say "I'm not religious, I have no belief about that stuff"

Either it factors into your life and the way you approach things, if that's the case you are religious.

Or it doesn't and you're simply not a religious person.

I don't like labels, maybe some people like the term atheist because it gives a collective "group" to the non-believers, a collective "voice"

well if I weren't religious, I wouldn't want a collective voice, personally. I'd just have my own voice. Because I think if you want to lend your voice to a "collective voice" or group, then it's better to actually have something to say, instead of just "I don't believe in what those other groups are saying", get what I'm saying?

Like I said, I don't care, it matters more what people do. I just think the name is innaccurate, and I think a lot (not neccessarily all) of "atheists" aren't doing good things for the Planet. The idea of atheism is self-defeating imo.
I don't think many people are really concerned with having a collective voice or even having a label. But by definition, non-believers are atheists. I don't think it's a choice to have that term associated with you or not. It's a word with a definition and it describes non-believers and that's the end of it. The "idea of atheism" is not believing in a higher power, so how is that self-defeating?? I think you see atheists as scumbags or something and have a poor mindset regarding what atheism is. Atheist doesn't imply anti-religion or people who hate those who practice. I'd say that most atheists are probably people like me who just don't care about religion but you seem to be focusing on atheists who are anti-religion and live to bash others. Which ironically is kinda what you are doing.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:54 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stu View Post
My two cents on the subject...

There is absolutely no way of proving the existence of a god, yet there is also no way of disproving the existence of a god. Obviously, this is where belief comes in.

I personally see the most rational stance on the subject as being Agnostic. There is no way of knowing either way, so just live your life as it unfolds before you.

I used to be very anti-religious, I freely admit that. I viewed the idea of living your life by a set of codes and regulations as constricting; alienating yourself from the true nature of being. As I mature and accrued a modicum of perspective, however, I came to appreciate that people's religious beliefs are just their own way of dealing with a world that, ultimately, is alien to all human beings in some aspect. It's necessary to assert meaning to an existence that often appears meaningless, and Judaism, Christianity etc etc are just some of the ways in which people do that. They offer structure and security.

Others will disagree, and I respect everybody's beliefs, these are just mine.
Agnosticism is not a middle ground between Theism and Atheism. You can be Agnostic and Theistic at the same time. You can also be Agnostic and Atheistic at the same time. Agnosticism concerns knowledge while Theism concerns belief- they are not mutually exclusive.

For further information: Agnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Last edited by RVCA; 03-27-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:55 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stu View Post
Essentially, it is the belief that the existence of a deity is unknowable. Which is exactly where I stand. There are levels of agnosticism, some which lean more towards I belief in something, but I'm firmly in the middle on this.
I guess I could consider myself Agnostic then. I believe there might be a higher power. Something out there greater than us but I don't like to follow the structure of any religion.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
The problem is that most police officers in America are psychopaths.
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You're a terrible dictionary.
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Old 03-27-2011, 03:13 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dirty View Post
I don't think many people are really concerned with having a collective voice or even having a label. But by definition, non-believers are atheists. I don't think it's a choice to have that term associated with you or not. It's a word with a definition and it describes non-believers and that's the end of it. The "idea of atheism" is not believing in a higher power, so how is that self-defeating?? I think you see atheists as scumbags or something and have a poor mindset regarding what atheism is. Atheist doesn't imply anti-religion or people who hate those who practice. I'd say that most atheists are probably people like me who just don't care about religion but you seem to be focusing on atheists who are anti-religion and live to bash others. Which ironically is kinda what you are doing.
I wouldn't say it's what I'm doing, cos imo it's perfectly justifiable to "bash" the "bashers" - stance of defense, not aggression.

I don't think all atheists are scumbags, no. I just can't respect the idea, it seems infantile to me. "The grouped of non-group-eds"

For example - the bus ads in the UK. Some Christian group put out an ad saying smething like

"Have faith in God live a good life" etc. your general "We love Jesus" sort of thing

So what do the local "atheist non-theocratic committee of non-commited non-group" group do?

Put out an ad saying

"There is no God. Live your life"

If atheism is not a group, if atheism is not a religion, why would they feel they need to counter a message like that? The goal of atheism ultimatly as a group, which is what it is, is to eradicate all religion.

Maybe individual atheists have no problem with religion, but as a group, that is the main agenda. If they're trying to spread atheism with ads like that, that means they want as many atheists as possible - they want to expand and spread their message. Therefore, they want to eradicate religion, pretty simple man.

If you are how you say, then People like yourself aren't the ones I have a problem with, and I think by calling yourself atheist you're actually allying yourself with something more than just non-believing. So long as people are half-decent, I can respect it if they say "piss off I'm not joining your group I dont believe" - their choice.

I can't respect it if they say, "piss off I'm not joining your group, I'm gonna go join this other group for people who don't wanna be in your group " because they've made it competitive.

It's like making it the "cliques" of the world, thats stupid.

If you don't believe, fine. If you believe different to me, fine.

If you begrude me my belief, thats not fine.

Just as though, I said - don't have a problem with religion, have a problem with the people who corrupt it.

Well same principle; I have no problem with a lack of religion. I have a problem with people who corrupt the non-religious.

atheism is a cult imo.

Originally Posted by music_phantom13
As long as I'm here, I'll put my views up for the world since I'm a little different than a lot of people. I was raised Christian and I'm still Christian, though I don't consider myself the best example. I grew up in the Lutheran Missouri Synod faith, going to church every Sunday. What I didn't like is that most people didn't do anything. They went to church and maybe were involved in meetings for the church and all, but no form of community service. The youth group, which I was involved in, did a tiny bit of community service events, but still not much. And for the adults, the extent of the community involvement was a yearly event holding up signs saying that abortion kills babies and the like. That really pisses me off. Also, during my mid to late teenage years a lot of members sort of looked down on me and thought I was a bad person because of what I did outside of church (drugs). The hypocrisy of a group that preached living like Jesus but, for a majority of members, never bothered to actually try to help anyone that needed it, just doesn't do it for me. Instead I volunteer my time helping people. This further separated me from my church, because I chose to volunteer in DC at a needle exchange clinic. I was actually told to my face by multiple people that I was doing a horrible thing, so I said **** it I'm done. I'd prefer to spend my time helping people that need it than worshiping God and saying Christians should help everyone but then deeming some people unworthy.
What is needle exchange, something to do with drugs?

That would explain why they didnt like you helping, but tbh, you gotta look at the bigger picture here man.

If you didnt help them exchange needles, they would get ill, they would spread disease. So they've fallen in a bad way, they're doing drugs and bad ****. But it's up to them to pull themselves out of it, all you can do is guide the lost sheep through the canyon.

What you did was a service to God and Humanity, man. Herding the lost flock. One day, one of those people will get clean maybe, they'll live a decent life, have a family.

That's thanks to you sir. If no-one exchanged the needles, they'd get aids or some **** and be dead in a ditch.

As long as you're not the one actually giving them the drugs, then screw what your Church said, be proud of what you did dude I respect that.

(if on the other hand it wasnt drugs related and it was purely medical needles, then they're a bunch of crazy ****ing ****s what sort of Christians are they)

Last edited by crukster; 03-27-2011 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 03-27-2011, 03:26 PM   #126 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
What is needle exchange, something to do with drugs?

That would explain why they didnt like you helping, but tbh, you gotta look at the bigger picture here man.

If you didnt help them exchange needles, they would get ill, they would spread disease. So they've fallen in a bad way, they're doing drugs and bad ****. But it's up to them to pull themselves out of it, all you can do is guide the lost sheep through the canyon.
Haha yes that's exactly what it is. Because there's been a huge AIDS epidemic in DC since the 90s so it's an effort to keep that from spreading partially. Also, a huge part of the programs is to get addicts regularly coming to a clinic with posters and free information on how to get help, rehab, the dangers etc. The ones I know of at least even offer classes to help people stop, or to try to teach them at least of the dangers. And the biggest thing that they do is give people at the bottom of the bottom someone to talk to that genuinely wants to help them, rather than look at them like pieces of **** which sadly I think the vast majority of people do. It's amazing how much you can tell they just need to talk to somebody because, and I heard this so many times, what's the point in quitting when you have nothing or no one? This is a very very personal issue to me as well so I get angry when people go against these programs, and it's pretty much ended in the end of my involvement with organized religious groups. And don't take that wrong, I'm still Christian, I just see it as having my own way of practicing. Because isn't that what religion is pretty much all about? Making the world a better place for everyone? Unless I missed something in Sunday School...
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:25 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112 View Post
Keeping kosher though is a bit of a tricky one- I believe that although we do not know the reasons for these laws on what we can eat, we also do not know the reward for keeping them, or the punishment for not keeping them. We should also uphold major or more difficult mitzvot as strictly as we uphold minor or more easy ones.
Geddy, I have read that some Jewish people feel the kosher law to kill animals by slitting their throats was originally intended as a way to make slaughter more humane, in keeping with the feeling some view as a Jewish religious law that people should not cause unnecessary suffering to animals: Judaism 101: Treatment of Animals

A question I have that relates to your original post (in which you asked religious people, "What is your level of observance?") is how people decide the degree to which they are observing or following a religion, since following particular religious laws may not fully fulfill the intent of the laws. Which is more important when determining the degree to which you follow or observe a religious law: following the intent of the law, or following the law itself?

For example, if a Jewish person wants to follow kosher laws, should she be following the letter of the law or the intent? If she feels she should follow a law not to cause animals unecessary pain, then should she consider that slaughtering animals by slitting their throats causes them pain that can be reduced or eliminated by rendering the animals unconscious first (Discussion of research that shows that Kosher or Halal Slaughter without stunning causes pain)...even though rendering animals unconscious first violates the kosher law?

Whose level of observance of religious kosher law would be greater...the person who follows the kosher law and eats only animals killed in a kosher way, or a person who violates the kosher law by eating animals rendered unconscious first (so they experience less pain)...or the person who doesn't eat any animals at all (which would naturally be a kosher diet with respect to animals, since meat and dairy would never be mixed)?

Also, since people do not physiologically need to eat animals to remain healthy, a question I have about kosher laws is how people rationalize the slaughtering of animals if they also believe that a religious law prohibits causing unnecessary suffering to animals.

Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
That is untrue. Not all atheists hold beliefs about the existence of deities. Many atheists simply lack belief. Therefore, atheism cannot "technically be a religion", at least not in the traditional and most popular sense of the word.

For further information and a clearer explanation:

I like this video very much since it explains that atheists include people who lack belief in gods as well as people who believe no gods exist, which are different positions with respect to the question of whether there are dieties.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:42 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
I just think the name is innaccurate, and I think a lot (not neccessarily all) of "atheists" aren't doing good things for the Planet. The idea of atheism is self-defeating imo.
In a way, you're an atheist too. You deny the existence of all gods except yours.

Does Anubis exist?

Can you prove Anubis doesn't exist? Why? Is it because a dog cannot be a god? Or maybe because God cannot be a dog? Why not? Or perhaps you elucidate Anubis' existence (or inexistence) according to his supranatural attributes and his role in the context of Ancient Egyptian religion? Or maybe you just assume the Abrahamic dogma that says "God created man in his own image".
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Last edited by Zaqarbal; 03-27-2011 at 06:22 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 03-27-2011, 05:54 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
What is the purpose of your churches then? I'm curious
We don't have churches. Also, it should be noted that "atheism" is just a blanket term for people who don't believe in gods, it's not any kind of unified set of beliefs.
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Old 03-27-2011, 06:06 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by crukster View Post
If you begrude me my belief, thats not fine.
Originally Posted by crukster View Post
atheism is a cult imo.
Irony 101 in this thread.
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