butthead aka 216 |
08-30-2013 11:23 PM |
sorry for bumping such an old thread
my hatefulness must have a place to reside
our society has become so brainwashed and i dunno if i can take it anymore
i dunno if it came from the cesspool that is SRS or the bunghole that is tumblr but somehow the groups of self proclaimed (note my distinction, same goes for mens rights activists btw) feminists and white knights unintentionally teamed up and have been brain washin the masses.
the other day i had a discussion about the word sexist bein a loaded term of dysphemism. we spoke of hypotheticals where a man offered to help a woman lift a heavy box at work. that is now considered sexist. i warn every man out there who is not already brainwashed to be aware that ppl would like to find any reason to call u sexist. if u arent doin anythin wrong, tell them to blow it out their ass and consult me if u need to talk about it. do not fall prey to psuedo victimization garbage.
i warn all ppl especially those with small children to not allow this toxic thought process of feminism pollute your homes and lives.
thanks 216