08-18-2018 06:11 PM |
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 1988393)
That's cool. Now let's see some numbers on how many ppm(ppb?) per vax you actually get. I mean if that's your justification for being an idiot than anti-vaxxers have bigger concerns like plastic, hygiene products, household cleaners..
People should be concerned about dangerous ingredients in ALL products, not just vaccines. That, we agree on.
0.5 parts per ppb of mercury kills human neuroblastoma cells.
2 ppb of mercury is the "safe" limit in drinking water.
20 ppb of mercury destroys neurite membrane structures.
200 ppb of mercury in liquid waste renders it a "toxic hazard."
25,000 ppb of mercury is found in infant flu & Hepatitis B vaccines.
50,000 ppb of mercury is found in child and adult flu, multi-dose DTap, meningococcal, tetanus and Haemophilus B vacciness.
Even thimerisol-free vaccines contain "trace amounts" which, according to the CDC, are less than or equal to 0.3 mcg per dose, which equals 600 ppb. How is that "thimerisol-free"?
You do the math.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 1988393)
I'm only pro-choice because I believe giving the government agency to forcefully inject us sets a precedent that has a lot of potential abuse.
I guess it's better to convince the sheep that they want/need to be poisoned than to poison them without their knowledge, consent or against their will. Less backlash that way, right?