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OccultHawk 08-17-2018 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1988320)
If you object for religious or so-called philosophical reasons, then go rot on an island with the other tards.

Even to allow that is unacceptable

They just gotta take their medicine- no two ways

[MERIT] 08-17-2018 09:26 PM

Why do you care if others aren't vaccinated? As long as you are, you're still "safe," right? [/SARCASM]

DwnWthVwls 08-18-2018 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1987999)

That's cool. Now let's see some numbers on how many ppm(ppb?) per vax you actually get. I mean if that's your justification for being an idiot than anti-vaxxers have bigger concerns like plastic, hygiene products, household cleaners.. I'm only pro-choice because I believe giving the government agency to forcefully inject us sets a precedent that has a lot of potential abuse.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1988393)
That's cool. Now let's see some numbers on how many ppm(ppb?) per vax you actually get. I mean if that's your justification for being an idiot than anti-vaxxers have bigger concerns like plastic, hygiene products, household cleaners..

People should be concerned about dangerous ingredients in ALL products, not just vaccines. That, we agree on.

0.5 parts per ppb of mercury kills human neuroblastoma cells.

2 ppb of mercury is the "safe" limit in drinking water.

20 ppb of mercury destroys neurite membrane structures.

200 ppb of mercury in liquid waste renders it a "toxic hazard."

25,000 ppb of mercury is found in infant flu & Hepatitis B vaccines.

50,000 ppb of mercury is found in child and adult flu, multi-dose DTap, meningococcal, tetanus and Haemophilus B vacciness.

Even thimerisol-free vaccines contain "trace amounts" which, according to the CDC, are less than or equal to 0.3 mcg per dose, which equals 600 ppb. How is that "thimerisol-free"?

You do the math.


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1988393)
I'm only pro-choice because I believe giving the government agency to forcefully inject us sets a precedent that has a lot of potential abuse.

I guess it's better to convince the sheep that they want/need to be poisoned than to poison them without their knowledge, consent or against their will. Less backlash that way, right?

Frownland 08-18-2018 06:22 PM

Falling into naturopath lies and fear mongering definitely makes you less of a sheep.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1988628)
Falling into naturopath lies and fear mongering definitely makes you less of a sheep.

It's not fear mongering or a lie if it's true. And you just like to argue and disagree with everything to get your shits and giggles, so just give it a rest already. It's getting old.

Frownland 08-18-2018 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988631)
It's not fear mongering or a lie if it's true.

Thank you for the wisdom.

Frownland 08-18-2018 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988631)
And you just like to argue and disagree with everything to get your shits and giggles, so just give it a rest already. It's getting old.

I'm sorry that you view it like that. I'm genuinely passionate about the safety of current mainstream vaccines because of the great deal of harm that the misinformation from propagandist mommy blogs causes. Feel free to dismiss the other side because of some ad hominem bull**** I guess.

OccultHawk 08-18-2018 06:39 PM

Anti-vaxxers know nothing about history

Frown I actually admire you for trying to be civil about it

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1988638)
I'm genuinely passionate about the safety of current mainstream vaccines

But they are not safe, and you don't seem to care about that, so . . .

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1988638)
misinformation from propagandist mommy blogs

If you call the CDC a mommy blog, then I can't take you seriously.

Frownland 08-18-2018 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988641)
But they are not safe, and you don't seem to care about that, so . . .

If I showed you a meme about how safe they are, would that convince you?

On second thought, I'm not giving this discussion the level of seriousness that it deserves. I've got an event that I gotta look sharp for tonight that I'm headed out to soon but tomorrow I'll respond to the posts that you've made in this thread with a scientific and civil perspective with no snark. Just facts and citations. I will say that you have some half truths in the mix, where it's not technically incorrect but it's presented dishonestly.

Please send a PM if I don't post it by Monday.

OccultHawk 08-18-2018 06:48 PM

The CDC is pro-immunization/pro-vaccine


NOTHING is completely safe -

Frownland 08-18-2018 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988642)
If you call the CDC a mommy blog, then I can't take you seriously.

So you agree with this then.


There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site.

Thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in the United States in 2001.
I guess there was just a miscommunication, my bad.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:55 PM

Since 1988, the total compensation paid through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is approximately $3.9 billion.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1988647)
So you agree with this then.

I guess there was just a miscommunication, my bad.

Or if you keep scrolling on that same site:


thimerosal is still used in some flu vaccines

Frownland 08-18-2018 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988649)
Or if you keep scrolling on that same site:

Childhood vaccines.


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988622)

[B]25,000 ppb of mercury is found in infant flu & Hepatitis B vaccines.

Your fact here is either outdated or misinformation. In any case, you should discontinue touting it since it is disproved by a source that you apprently consider to be reliable.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 07:24 PM

"Safe" products don't cause $130,000,000/year in damages to their consumers.

Frownland 08-18-2018 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988658)
"Safe" products don't cause $130,000,000/year in damages to their consumers.

Yes they do. Lawyers are hawks and our legal system is broken. Weak appeal to authority my dude.

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 07:31 PM

Yes. All of the parents who have had their children crippled or killed by vaccines are clearly just milking the system.

Frownland 08-18-2018 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988660)
Yes. All of the parents who have had their children crippled or killed by vaccines are clearly just milking the system.

You wanna talk about crippled or killed children? Boy are you in for a doozy.

Dude111 08-18-2018 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT];
I guess it's better to convince the sheep that they want/need to be poisoned than to poison them without their knowledge, consent or against their will. Less backlash that way, right?

I have a sheeple friend who always say "YOU SHOULDNT LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS WHEN YOU EAT SOMETHING" .. Ya OK.... I want crap like MSG and aspertame,etc........ I LOOK AT THE INGREDIENTS IN EVERYTHING!!!!

You have to these days!!

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1988661)
You wanna talk about crippled or killed children? Boy are you in for a doozy.

*cue froundland's polio death statistics*

Exo 08-18-2018 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988363)
Why do you care if others aren't vaccinated? As long as you are, you're still "safe," right? [/SARCASM]

I'm sorry if this was covered in earlier discussion but one example is that infants are very susceptible to whooping cough but can't accept the vaccine until they're older. Older kids who get whooping cough can fight it off pretty well. Infants can't. Those kids who spread their whooping cough wouldn't if they were vaccinated for it.

This isn't supposed to be a "checkmate" type response because that'll only breed more denial and arguments but it's one example. Here's a nice video of a baby with whooping cough to help...

[MERIT] 08-18-2018 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1988668)
infants are very susceptible to whooping cough but can't accept the vaccine until they're older. Older kids who get whooping cough can fight it off pretty well. Infants can't. Those kids who spread their whooping cough wouldn't if they were vaccinated for it.

I see where you're coming from. That is a valid concern. But people who have been vaccinated against an illness can still be susceptible to getting and spreading it. Vaccines do not guarantee immunity.

I'm not against vaccine theory, just against the dangerous ingredients/adjuvants in some vaccines, such as aluminum, mercury/thimerisol/ethylmercury/methylmercury, formaldehyde, etc. As well as those that I object to on a philosophical level, like aborted human fetal tissue [though replacing human issue with animal tissue to create "ethical" versions doesn't seem safe to me either].

There are safe ways to vaccinate that don't include dangerous ingredients [besides the virus itself]. Creating vaccines with dangerous adjuvants is irresponsible and unnecessary. Small doses of viruses have been used to create responses in the immune system and foment immunity for centuries, without the use of dangerous adjuvants.

Dude111 08-19-2018 03:05 AM

And people who let themselves be infected with a vaccine CAN SPREAD IT ALSO!!!!!

The FLU in my opinion gets spread MUCH MORE thru vaccine use than it does thru the air!!

YES, the Flu Shot Will Make You Spread the Flu… Fact checking TIME Mag – The Wild Doc

OccultHawk 08-19-2018 03:25 AM

This is why I say just use force and vaccinate everyone

No amount reasoning works

Two choices:

A) Get vaccinated
B) Get vaccinated

[MERIT] 08-19-2018 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1988710)
This is why I say just use force and vaccinate everyone

Governments using force against their citizens always works out well for all parties involved [/sarcasm]

Effective vaccines CAN be created WITHOUT mercury and aluminum and formaldehyde. To do otherwise is just irresponsible and hinders the validity of vaccination, because it creates unnecessary problems! Just make a clean vaccine! Say it with me!

Clean Vaccine!






OccultHawk 08-19-2018 03:50 AM


You don’t know ****ing **** about medicine

**** your opinion

I don’t either but that’s why I turn to the consensus of the medical community

Not conspiracy theorist nut jobs

[MERIT] 08-19-2018 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1988714)

You don’t know ****ing **** about medicine

**** your opinion

I don’t either but that’s why I turn to the consensus of the medical community

Not conspiracy theorist nut jobs

Enjoy your Kool-Aid

OccultHawk 08-19-2018 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1988717)

You don’t know how this works either


[MERIT] 08-19-2018 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1988719)
You don’t know how this works either


Why don't you fill it with some Windex and give us a demonstration then.

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2018 04:35 AM

OH isn't wrong. IF those chemicals are necessary for the vaccine than it shouldn't matter. Obviously, if they are unnecessary we should be demanding they are taken out, but that is a separate issue from if you should or shouldn't get vaccinated.

Did you watch the "10 Americans" video I posted?

[MERIT] 08-19-2018 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1988721)
that is a separate issue from if you should or shouldn't get vaccinated.

Is it really a separate issue? That's asking if the safety of one is more important than the [perceived] safety of the whole, and vise versa. And that's one big ball of yarn to unwind.


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1988721)
Did you watch the "10 Americans" video I posted?

I don't recall. Can you please link me up?

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2018 04:43 AM

Yes, it really is because by your reasoning we'd have to restructure almost all chemical products and medicine we use and if we made an effort to change those things vaccines would still be middle of the road priority based on risk. Chemistry and medicine are complicated, I doubt it's as easy as "just stop adding those harmful chemicals". Most businessmen don't like adding extra ingredients because it costs more to manufacture.

Edit: Ignoring the one versus many safety argument. The vaccines are still statistically less risky to the individual than the potential to contract/be harmed by the thing they protect you against, right?

grindy 08-19-2018 06:43 AM

Reminding everyone to chill and be civil.

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2018 07:01 AM

Go back to your cave, troll!

grindy 08-19-2018 07:05 AM

Go rim some kaiju.

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2018 08:13 AM


Mindy 08-19-2018 08:44 AM

"youtube videos" arent reliable, remember,down with vowels.

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