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The problems with homosexuality
Lets try and dig to the bottom of this issue.
Feel free to post your thoughts on this incredible complicated issue of man on man and girl on girl on girl on girl and just regular pansexual orgies etc... I'm sure it'll be incredibly educational for all parties involved. |
Keyboard problems Marijan?
That and I'm rather stoned...:D
What's the complicated part of it?
Other than the reason why people just get offended by "different" people. |
you homosexual men take all the good looking dudes
that's my problem |
Those queers can't spell!
I don't see anything wrong with it. The biggest thing for me is that we, as humans, are moving in a direction in which the ideas for each generation are different in a good way an d allow people to be themselves. I look forward to seeing the ideas our generation has to offer when we hold high political positions and the older generation of racists, sexists etc.. die off. I keep trying to think of a problem, but I only end up with positive solutions. The fact that you can not have children led me to think of higher percentage of couples looking to adopt. If you get locked up long term, youre all set as well :) I judge people based on their character, not who they sleep with. I'm greatful, just means thats one more sexy lady that could possibly be in my bed and not yours adidas. I have wondered for years about the origin of your username and if it has anything to do with super sloppy sex or sweet and sensual. |
Roblem #2: Same-sex couples probably have a higher chance of having the same first name, so that could be confusing! One of my closest friends in college and his significant other had the same name. I thought it was cute, but strangers calling them on the phone might ask for "Don," and then find out that wasn't the Don they wanted. Yes. A Very Troubling Problem, that. Roblem #3: I think people often feel sexuality is clear-cut--hetero, homo, bi, etc., and ignore the gray zones among this black and white thinking. If you are classified as "homosexual," I think people probably define you more by the sexual side of your being than all the other sides, which I would find frustrating. No one refers to me as "my hetero friend Erica." Of course, I don't consider myself hetero, so that may be one reason why! :D |
On the off chance that you genuinely are seeking to understand why any person may find the life choice perplexing, I shall paste here, the last paragraph of what i wrote on the "rape" thread, some of it may be irrelevant I apologise, but as its all weaved together it would be difficult to sieve out specific posts, and I cant be arsed to write a whole new post
Essentially, The reason I shall not participate in it is because it undermines my existance, I believe. If you disagree I couldnt care less. IF HOWEVER, you believe this is untrue for yourself, (because thats something different), then fair enough, none of my business what you do. I only say this, so that people who are like me, dont get confused or swallowed up or shackled or imprisoned by the world. If you're like me, this should all help you and make you happy. If you're not like me, fair enough good luck to you, good day I salute you and say, I'll carry on on my way, you on yours. Whats wrong with that. end of the day, all that REALLY matters to me is myself anyway |
the problem with homosexuality is that it runs counter to the only real method of survival for the species.
you can paint it up any other way you want but ultimately homosexual relationships are means to an end rather than means to a future (at least from anything besides an emotional perspective). they can scream all they want about their 'love' and how it's just as 'real' as the love felt in hetero couples but the point continues to be missed. a life long love shouldn't be about satisfying the immediate individuals, it should be about establishing a love that will survive beyond themselves, to combine themselves within another being that will carry and live out their love throughout their own existence. it's physically, biologically, and genetically impossible for homosexuals to do this. i don't mean this as any form of disrespect to adidass or any other homosexuals here. i've struggled with the idea myself at various times in the past too. once i had made sense of the preceeding paragraph to myself it made it a lot easier to realize that i was alone because i wasn't interested in shallow or promiscuous relationships, not because of gender issues. again, nothing against homosexuals, but in my experience i've also noticed a SIGNIFICANT increase in promiscuity and basic indecency and intimate disrespect within the g4y community. a lot around here (especially young ones) seem to take the idea that since they can't make babies as a green card for slutting out hardcore. |
Which, in my opinion, is fan-****in'-tastic. Bring on the sodomites. There are far too many neglected, unintelligent, and flat-out bratty children being born to heterosexual couples every day. (Excuse me if I'm opening a huge can of worms. I've had a really ****e day and I feel like unleashing it somewhere.) |
now while i do agree with what you've said, here's where i really pull worms out. the angle on procreation i brought up earlier are the same reasons i don't think organized religions need to recognize homosexual partnerships in the same way as heterosexual marriages. i see absolutely no reason why any couple can't be seen in the same way under legal, social, educational, health etc environments. but where the fundamentals of all religions seems to be revolving around life and death, and the survival of the species, i don't see why religious organizations need to be forced to bend to political correctness to view a union between two individuals that runs completely opposite to the physical procreation and ultimately, the prolonged survival of humanity. it's not that i think homosexuals can't or shouldn't raise children. it's that, at least one of those partners will always be a surrogate. you'll never actually have a physically transcendent union between two homosexuals the same way that traditionally happens with a hetero couple. it's not that one is better or more right than the other, only that they're different. i think most religions recognize that difference and see it as a big deal, and it seems that most homosexual groups recognize the difference as well but see it as a small deal. as for me, i think neither side has really figured out how to actually respect that difference properly yet. |
The term "g-ay" still has a negative connotation, and therefore it's blocked on this site. That is the problem.
When the sun consumes the earth, NO ONE will be left (space travel escape is extremely unlikely), so believing that having a child somehow sustains or maintains love beyond parents' biological lives ignores that all life on earth will end. There will BE no earth eventually, given what stars do (fusion reactions eventually run out of fuel). I feel that loving each other at the moment is what is important, rather than trying to live through one's child. The only thing that we can say will last, when we love someone, is that the fact that we once loved that person will always be true. All biological signs of that love will eventually be completely non-existent. Quote:
^ I wonder what happens to sterile people in this world. The church must be against them getting married.
Now, what might possibly be inferred from your post is that either homosexuality is a choice (do we need to go down that route?) or that homosexuals should, in the interest of propagating the species, choose to live heterosexual lives to give some meaning to their existence, which, I'm sure you realize, would lead to a lifetime of unhappiness. Also, as veg and nine point out, there's the tricky issue of all those heterosexual infertile couples. So, the question remains, seeing as how such people serve no apparent purpose (if we assume our only purpose is to reproduce which to be frank, seems like an incredibly depressing though, whether you're gay or not), what do we do with the unfortunate hand density has dealt us? Commit mass suicide? Quote:
They're portrayed SO poorly in the media. People who have never actually met a REAL gay person think they're all sex-addicted flamers. I'd love to see a movie where the gay character is just a regular person who happens to like the same sex, instead of a flamboyant girly man for once. And I seriously think that Pride Parades are extremely detrimental to the gay image.
its societal bull**** is all it is man. Trying to force people into roles like an ant farm. If we've got too many people, lets kill a load of them and everyone left can live tio the fullest. I'd never ask anyone to be a method of "population control" 2. why do people need to sodomise each other to control the population? Human beings dont HAVE to have sex. If you say, a worldwide "cull" is too extreme, fair enough. We could all just have sex less. Why would anyone need to have sex within the genders to accomplish population control? It may be a reason, but it's an incomplete line of reasoning. If they're here as population control, not to be cruel, but surely it would have been better that they die in the womb? Because they are a part of the population, too. any child that THEY would have had, wouldnt exist, if they didnt either. If you still insist its a part of nature's design for some people to be born and not reproduce, then why were they simply not born with no genitalia? Or sterile, even? Nobody is here as population control. There's no inferior or superior biology if you ask me. If you're a man, you're a man. If you're a woman, you're a woman. Yin and yang. This is all because fo those ****ing nazis and their eugenics. They didnt even start it you know. WE did. It's all still going on; trying to imply some humans are better than others. Human is human, man we're all the same **** if you ask me. But anyway thats why I dont get the argumanet of population control. it implies some are tools for the service of others. Quote:
But then by proxy, any other purpose one does discover in life, it could be augmented by keeping the race alive to pursue it I believe also that for every person, there is a person of the opposite gender who'll make them the happiest they could be, to be with. Because everything and anything else is simply a substitute. Just because you may have bad experience with relationshiops or the opposite gender or life in general, or search for something of substance while all around search for stupidity and indulgence, it doesn't mean you HAVE to conform to some "group" to get by. Look at me for instance, I have no job, no proper friends, no girlfriend, no qualifications. Ah but be thankful for my good health eh? Not got that, even :rofl: The point is, despite all this crapness, it doesnt make me "this" or "that", I don't need any of that to live. would be nice, but without it still, I am alive, I'm a human being, am I not? Destiny hasnt dealt you a crap hand, its all about perceptions man. I presume you're a man, I cant see you but I presume as such going off the conversation. as such you have a penis. If you WANT to, you could find a lady to be with. If you feel perhaps slightly "feminine" in your self, maybe a lady who is more "masculine". Although, those are only words. Yin and yang man. Anima and Animus. What I mean is, there's the completing part for every one, opposites attract. The completing part to man is woman and vice versa. If you dont want to, thats fair enough. But it's not your destiny to be doomed to a "sub-standard" role. Carve out your own destiny my friend. I'm not trying to dictate to you here, or confuse you or mind-****. I simply am trying to make it known, that there is nothing you have to do, there is only whats best. Forget society, forget all the mind games people play, forget all that crap. You're a human being, that's all there is to it. Quote:
And here, and now, the sun looks fine to me. Regardless of the impending doom, it doesnt change the fact that I am a man, a woman is a woman. I dont think the idea that it all could end should make one stop trying to do things. Surely it's more of an encouragement - it could all end any moment, it didnt end this moment so lets do everything in our power to keep it going, because the alternative is nothing. Mr dave I agree with you sir, in a lot of what you said, is sound in my opinion; the irony is, when I share such views with people I end up ostrasized by 90% of the people listening, heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, they seem offended by the idea of free will and embracing of the body and self, man. Maybe I'm not so tactful in what I say, who knows. I dont know what all people think, whats going on in their head. But I believe that it only exists as you said, as the "green card" for promiscuity, personally i expand on this to say it's also to escape: 1. responsibility 2. pain of heart break and loss 3. the expectation of established success whoever wants to do it, if everyones consenting, I got no problem with that; it's not my place to think for people. I simply say, they dont have to do it. |
To be more accurate, some of them at best. Most of them at worst. If straight men talked openly about sex as often and as crudely as some gay men and women do in public...straight men would be blasted for being laddish and reviled for being disgusting and uncooth in a heartbeat. OK...I get it...you're gay. But please, please, please don't ram the fact down my throat (so to speak). I don't have a problem with your gayness, but for Christs sake, spare me the fucking details! |
And no offense but I do think gay men tend to have better taste in men than straight women. :laughing: |
We have limited choices
That sucks if that's how it is.
But I dunno. Some of the best guys I know can't find a stable relationship with girls. And a lot of women (even you admit) have an inexplicable attraction to massive douchebags. |
me especially |
This is just some women though. I tend to divide women into two groups, one of them is what I've just described. But there's plenty of women who are much more particular about compatable types, which I think biologically is a natural behavioral trait for females of any species. It's natural male biology to want to f*ck everything that moves (though because of our evolution and social norms it's now very common for men to be very judgemental and choosy) while natural female biology is wanting to get the most desirable mate. I think women with a douchebag attraction tend to be desperate for a partner or have some kind of serious emotional problem. And I know you have emotional problems, as someone who has had several of his own my word of advice is to persue relationships first instead of persuing sex. Which I admit is easier said than done. But when you get to understand the opposite sex better just by hanging out with them and getting to know them, I think you will be rewarded in the end, both in terms of finding a good relationship as well as sexual satisfaction, which I think you would get more of from a guy that actually gets you. Patience is key. Masturbating a lot in the meantime also helps. :thumb: |
Anyhow I really have nothing against homosexuals except for the little resistance I hear from them about their inaccurate portrayal in the media. Growing up in the West End of Vancouver (large *** population) I was exposed to *** people at a young age. They were regular dudes, worked jobs, drank beer, talked about hockey, etc. Even the dude who got me my first set of hockey equipment was *** and he taught me how to stick handle the puck. Back when I was 18 I lived with a *** couple and the only annoying thing about them was that they would drink my beer without asking. Nothing sucks more than coming home from a crappy day at work and seeing that last can of beer gone. |
I don't get this, a lot of straight men love going into great detail about their sexcapades and sharing them among friends. Why is that ok but when gay men do it they have to keep it to themselves?
The emphasis was on 'some'. The type of gay people I'm focusing on typically use their sexual persuasion to constantly bang on about their sexual exploits. When they're not directly talking about it, they still manage to squeeze it into a normal conversation. And usually somebody else's at that. It can be almost impossible to finish a sentence, without being interrupted by some panhead slipping in an innuendo every now and then. They think they're being funny too. When they are in fact being incredibly tiresome, crude and extremely boring. The people I'm talking about never seem to let up the opportunity to flaunt their gayness. It leads me to believe that it's some kind of attention seeking device. And I find that kind of behaviour obnoxious. Equally, it isn't OK for straight men to do the same either...had you read my post properly. |
I feel apprehension entering a thread like this, because my opinions could be misconstrued as me being a 'gay basher' or whatever, but my opinion(s)..
My views: Eccentrics annoy the fuck out of me, and it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when around two *** men being 'close'. That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with it whatsoever. As long as people are happy. |
And that's my problem with homosexuality. |
But this is not unique to homosexuals. Heterosexual men can be and often are just as obnoxious. It seems that overall, men love bragging about sex way more than women do. And social stigma makes it acceptable for men to do this but when women do it they come off as being sluts. It's a terrible double standard, but another terrible double standard people often make is that it's ok for straight men to do it but when gay men do it it's considered disgusting and something that should be kept private. |
A lot of women who stick around with total ballsacks justify it with their lack of self esteem, the feeling that they don't deserve someone better. My mom used to be like this and her previous relationship was a terrible one. Self esteem is a big issue with women and I guess like most feminists I pin a good portion of the blame on men. |
I believe RT has a problem with camp people rather than gay people, and I'm totally with him if he is.
It's not just the bragging, it's the endless double entendres, knowing winks and oo-errs that plague every sentence of every conversation. The whole 'LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M A HOMOSEXUAL, LOOK AT HOW OUTRAGEOUS I AM' seriously gets on my tits after a very few seconds. Thank f*ck that all of the gay or lesbian people I know are nothing like that. |
I'm cool with people being "out there" and being attention whores, as long as that doesn't make them inconsiderate jerks. |
What? You CAN be an attention whore and still have a sense of ethics and respect for others.
I am undeniably an attention whore when it comes to how I express myself on Music Banter. I still show respect to others, but only those I deem worthy of respect. I personally think everyone is an attention whore in their own way. Weither it's someone trying to fit in or someone who wants to make themselves look like a lizard. |
Keep taking the tablets boo.
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