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Old 09-05-2011, 07:42 PM   #671 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mankycaaant View Post
There is no problem with homosexuality.
There is a problem with small-minded people who take it upon themselves to judge others.
Why can't we all just let others get on with their own lives in peace?
That's what it should all be about, everyone living side by side, being who they are, and being accepted.

It's some of the shameful things written on threads like this, that are the reason we live in a world of hatred.
Constant fighting between people because of ethnicity, religion, views, ect. make me think of committing suicide every time i hear about it. I feel like I would be happier not existing than being in this world of negativity and hatred. I don't mean to sound suicidal, but it really is too much and I'm sick of humanity as a whole. I love getting to know people and being able relate to them, but seeing how people act as a whole makes me sad and hopeless. When I view humanity as a whole. I think of how large the universe is and how nothing would matter if the planet was engulfed by the sun, but when I think of a good friend or a remarkable person I feel like our lives matter and even though we are but a drop of water in a vast ocean things are still worthwhile.

Forgive the uneducated ranting, but thinking about this makes me sad, and furious.
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Old 09-05-2011, 08:59 PM   #672 (permalink)
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I thinkt he human race as a whole is a sack of **** for the most part. I I know there are great people, but there are people out there that are nothing more then trash.

Save the environment, shoot yourself in the head.
And when there is no hope I'll smoke some crack I'll shoot some dope.
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Old 09-06-2011, 01:38 AM   #673 (permalink)
AWhatup Ganache?
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I had an argument with a guy once about how humans work. He believed that human nature would always make us do bad things, but I believed (and still do believe) that free will makes human nature entirely redundant. My point is, you shouldn't ever blame yourself for the hatred in the world. That's the work of the idiots and bigots who make their voice heard when nobody else will. If you can see why that's wrong and don't believe any of it, then you're better than those people.
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Old 09-06-2011, 01:45 AM   #674 (permalink)
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i believe in a world of chaos and entropy

people try too hard to enforce order on decaying chaos

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 09-06-2011, 04:55 AM   #675 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Monkey View Post
The Bible does advocate, indeed order, capital punishment for (male) homosexuality.

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)
I hope those who believe this aren't messing with their fabrics.

Otherwise, you're on the road to hell...
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Old 09-06-2011, 09:57 AM   #676 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships View Post
Constant fighting between people because of ethnicity, religion, views, ect. make me think of committing suicide every time i hear about it. I feel like I would be happier not existing than being in this world of negativity and hatred. I don't mean to sound suicidal, but it really is too much and I'm sick of humanity as a whole. I love getting to know people and being able relate to them, but seeing how people act as a whole makes me sad and hopeless. When I view humanity as a whole. I think of how large the universe is and how nothing would matter if the planet was engulfed by the sun, but when I think of a good friend or a remarkable person I feel like our lives matter and even though we are but a drop of water in a vast ocean things are still worthwhile.

Forgive the uneducated ranting, but thinking about this makes me sad, and furious.
Although I wouldn't say it ever gets me to the point, that you're talking of, I does frustrate me.
****, I'm a straight, white, non-disabled young male, the posterchild for ignorant hate.
However, I've always believed in love and appreciation.
We should appreciate others for who they are, and everyone should have the right to live out their time here as they see fit.

It does bother me that there are people out there too shallow to just respect others, and to go out of their way to cause hatred.

Keep strong Loose Lips, there are others out there who aren't engulfed in ignorance and idiocy.
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Old 09-06-2011, 10:07 AM   #677 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by artemis View Post
I hope those who believe this aren't messing with their fabrics.

Otherwise, you're on the road to hell...
mebbe it's "lieth" as in "telling lies"

mebbe a man can lie to a woman, but not to a man

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:39 PM   #678 (permalink)
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Is that so? Mind backing it up with some relevant research?
link - there's about a 3 point spread between children raised by homosexuals v. heterosexuals in relation to probability in being held back in school.

Gay people are a real threat to the sustainment of the population? No they're not.
Eh? No, you've misunderstood - I was replying as to why marriages are necessary for heterosexual couples. When marriages and/or sexual relationships are of convenience, we see birth rates plummet. The full statement I was responding to is as follows: Extending the marriage ban to people over 60 is not impractical at all. And who said that marriage's sole purpose is to function as formal institution for biological breeding? Why would such a thing even be necessary? If people, regardless of sexual orientation or other circumstances, feel that a formalisation of their relationship will make them happier, who are you or anyone else to deny them that?

The purpose of sexual relationships really doesn't enter into it at all. These people love eachother and have a desire to be with eachother, just like heterosexual couples do. Do we require heterosexual couples to produce more babies? No, of course not. If we don't really care if heterosexuals, why should we care whether or not gay people procreate?
The point of the sexual relationship is relevant because, as stated in the article I originally linked to; When a state recognizes a marriage, it bestows upon the couple certain benefits which are costly to both the state and other individuals. Collecting a deceased spouse’s social security, claiming an extra tax exemption for a spouse, and having the right to be covered under a spouse’s health insurance policy are just a few examples of the costly benefits associated with marriage. In a sense, a married couple receives a subsidy. Why? Because a marriage between two unrelated heterosexuals is likely to result in a family with children, and propagation of society is a compelling state interest.

Mind, homosexuals are free to engage in private, non-state recognized marriages, throughout the USA. So if it's the term, the symbolism, and the ritual that they're looking for - they've already access to this. What they lack access to is the socially subsidized aspects of marriage, which is reasonable, considering there is no benefit to the subsidizing society as a whole if they transition from dating to married.


Constant fighting between people because of ethnicity, religion, views, ect. make me think of committing suicide every time i hear about it. I feel like I would be happier not existing than being in this world of negativity and hatred. I don't mean to sound suicidal, but it really is too much and I'm sick of humanity as a whole. I love getting to know people and being able relate to them, but seeing how people act as a whole makes me sad and hopeless. When I view humanity as a whole. I think of how large the universe is and how nothing would matter if the planet was engulfed by the sun, but when I think of a good friend or a remarkable person I feel like our lives matter and even though we are but a drop of water in a vast ocean things are still worthwhile.

Forgive the uneducated ranting, but thinking about this makes me sad, and furious.
I could say a lot about the above, but one thing is clear: you're mentally ill. I say this not to be rude, but if you're internalizing events that don't involve you to such a degree you're contemplating suicide, you are mentally ill. You need to see a professional.
Have mercy on the poor.
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:50 PM   #679 (permalink)
AWhatup Ganache?
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Hey Hip Hop, I respect that you have an opinion and all, even though I'd sooner lose a limb than agree with it, and I can understand that you might be annoyed that people are saying you're trolling for stating your opinion, but try not to call people mentally ill or anything. Plenty of perfectly sane people contemplate siicide, and Loose Lips is clearly very dissatisfied with the species he's part of, to the point where he might want to no longer be part of it.
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:50 PM   #680 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
link - there's about a 3 point spread between children raised by homosexuals v. heterosexuals in relation to probability in being held back in school.

Eh? No, you've misunderstood - I was replying as to why marriages are necessary for heterosexual couples. When marriages and/or sexual relationships are of convenience, we see birth rates plummet. The full statement I was responding to is as follows: Extending the marriage ban to people over 60 is not impractical at all. And who said that marriage's sole purpose is to function as formal institution for biological breeding? Why would such a thing even be necessary? If people, regardless of sexual orientation or other circumstances, feel that a formalisation of their relationship will make them happier, who are you or anyone else to deny them that?

The point of the sexual relationship is relevant because, as stated in the article I originally linked to; When a state recognizes a marriage, it bestows upon the couple certain benefits which are costly to both the state and other individuals. Collecting a deceased spouse’s social security, claiming an extra tax exemption for a spouse, and having the right to be covered under a spouse’s health insurance policy are just a few examples of the costly benefits associated with marriage. In a sense, a married couple receives a subsidy. Why? Because a marriage between two unrelated heterosexuals is likely to result in a family with children, and propagation of society is a compelling state interest.

Mind, homosexuals are free to engage in private, non-state recognized marriages, throughout the USA. So if it's the term, the symbolism, and the ritual that they're looking for - they've already access to this. What they lack access to is the socially subsidized aspects of marriage, which is reasonable, considering there is no benefit to the subsidizing society as a whole if they transition from dating to married.


I could say a lot about the above, but one thing is clear: you're mentally ill. I say this not to be rude, but if you're internalizing events that don't involve you to such a degree you're contemplating suicide, you are mentally ill. You need to see a professional.
You're one to talk about being mentally ill aren't you?
Again marriage is not for reproducing. Or is that too hard for you to grasp especially when it shoots down that link you have a hard on for?

Save the environment, shoot yourself in the head.
And when there is no hope I'll smoke some crack I'll shoot some dope.
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