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Old 06-19-2010, 09:05 AM   #81 (permalink)
Like a fart in a trance
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Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe View Post
I definitely, definitely know you what mean here. I really wish I could know when I was gonna have a good or bad day beforehand. It just sucks cause I'll be by myself for a couple days and then someone will call me out of the blue to hang out. Then I try and get all excited and happy and fun but then I'll still feel the same and I struggle to try and hold a conversation and since I have a lack of a social life it's not like I have much anything to say. That's usually why when I try and bring something up someone usually says "ohh yeah I think you mentioned that to me before".
I think having no pre-warning is the most annoying thing. I always feel really bad organising something with friends a few days in advance, then waking up on the day and thinking 'I really cannot be bothered today'. Then it's the lesser of two evils - To go out and spend the day staring into space or to let them down and bail out. It's definately affected my social life in a big way. Nowadays I have a small circle of good friends and that's about it. But I think I'd rather have it like that anyway. I get really annoyed at myself if I blow them out though.
'You got red on you...'
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Old 06-20-2010, 07:18 AM   #82 (permalink)
awkward moose
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My aunt/school counsellor for another school told me she thought i was exhbiting signs of Avoidant Personality Disorder.

So I've decided to get out more and join more forums
..Colourless green ideas sleep furiously..

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"- J.F. Kennedy
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Old 06-21-2010, 04:13 AM   #83 (permalink)
we are stardust
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Looks like we're all Axis II whores, then!
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Old 06-21-2010, 01:24 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tea Supremacist View Post
'Nuff said really. Sh*t happens. And when it does there's always rum and cigarettes!
Amen sistah!
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Old 08-17-2010, 06:27 AM   #85 (permalink)
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That "Avoidant personality disorder" is rubbish, I'd say more than half of teenagers are socially awkward or shy in some way, doesn't mean they have a disorder. People just love labeling themselves with a disorder of some kind so they don't face up to their problems: eg: "I don't have any friends, I don't talk to anyone, nothing I can do about it's just a disorder I have"
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:07 AM   #86 (permalink)
Moodswings n' Roundabouts
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I have a disorder known as Trichotillomania (horrible name) which means i have a hair picking compulsion. It started with eyebrow picking but once i got facial hair i started picking that, leaving big old bald patches. I also pick scabs a lot. It's not as bad as it used to be, i've half controlled it with a lot of wrist slapping, but it's still a pain in the arse.

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Old 08-17-2010, 03:00 PM   #87 (permalink)
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I believe I have mild OCD, like I wash my hands a lot, and my general disliking for germs and such. But it isn't a problem because I can work around it.

Getting depressed spells every once in a while too I guess but I'm sure that's pretty normal. Especially at this age, when the girl you like is fucking around with someone else.

I guess I find solace in my solitude as well, but then again who doesn't appreciate some alone time? I hate when people amplify their problems more than is necessary and I guess it happens a lot when everyone thinks their life can't get possibly worse that anyone else's. I guess life on the whole is fucked up. And we should just try and enjoy it for it is when we can instead of bitching about it to everyone every chance we get.
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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Old 08-17-2010, 03:53 PM   #88 (permalink)
you know what it is
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I've got self diganosed demotivational syndrome... I blame pot.
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Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre View Post
I could be cute if I wanted to be, I just choose not to because you wouldn't be able to handle yourself.
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:56 PM   #89 (permalink)
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I actually went to school with a guy who was declared clinically insane.

So I basically stopped talking to him...
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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Old 08-17-2010, 05:23 PM   #90 (permalink)
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
I actually went to school with a guy who was declared clinically insane.

So I basically stopped talking to him...
Reminds me of a guy who used to live down my street when I had an apartment in Florida for a couple years. He was probably around 30 or so. This guy, his hair looked like a bird made a nest in it, so everyone called him bird nest, naturally. Anyway, he used to come over every so often and there was always something strange about him. Comes out, he was a paranoid schizophrenic and a bunch of other stuff who never took his meds.
The guy actually told me that he was the reason 911 happened, and had this whole disjointed story to go along with it. He also always used to talk about having "a white horse, and a black horse, who represented two sides of himself and dictated future events".
After a while, some friends reported watching him have a nervous breakdown, completely in the nude, in the corner of his house that he shared with mother, screaming about demons or something.

One thing I gotta say though, we had a party at my place and he brought over his amp and guitar, and when he played, it was the best guitar playing I've ever heard... Not so much for composition, but this guy's solos were insane. No pun intended. I always asked if he wrote his own pieces and he always changed the subject, but when he eventually told me, he said he wrote hundreds of songs and notes on paper but always burned them because he was afraid the recording studios would come and steal them and make millions off his work.
Poor guy. I wonder what ever happened to him.
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