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MoonlitSunshine 12-14-2010 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio (Post 969885)
If both of the traits are recessive, then couldn't both of the parents carry the genes but only one actually be autistic / have Aspergers? (Because both genes are recessive in one instance, only one in the other) Because if it's recessive, then they would have the dominant gene of not having aspergers / autism paired with a recessive gene (they could potentially pass on) but not have the disorder themselves?

^ yes, I was about to point out that this:


Originally Posted by duga (Post 969292)
Like, if both had autism the children would most likely inherit it. Since only one does, none will.

was an exaggeration, though the rest of the post was right, which made this not fit in at all :P I may not have studied genetics, but it came up an excessive amount in Statistics in certain areas of probability (and I had this conversation with my GF recently, and she studied biology in various forms for 10 years).

You can be a carrier of a recessive gene without feeling the effects of it personally. Given that you get one from one parent and one from the other, if you have one parent who DOES have the recessive trait, that means you're going to get at least one recessive gene (since they can't have the dominant in order to have the recessive trait). If the other is non-recessive, there's no way of telling whether they have both dominant or 1 dominant 1 recessive. In this case, seeing as he evidently does not have the trait, it means that he definitely got a dominant gene from someone, but if one parent has the recessive trait, you could be 99.99999% sure (given the simple layout of this - I'm sure that when it comes to levels of aspergers/autism the genetics and thus the probability is a little more complex, but for the sake of argument: ) that he is a carrier, since recessive trait => can only pass on recessive gene.

clementine 12-19-2010 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 968706)
My right eye is a bit higher than my left eye. You can only tell when I'm wearing glasses, but it looks super-weird.

I have a bigger eye, I guess it's because I have this problem called Amblyopia, my right eye's "wires" are not correctly connected to my brain so I can't see much with that eye. I've got some wire problems up there, that's for sure.

Oh and I got a 21 in the test... I haven't heard about Asperger before, I'm googling it now. I do have quite a lot of trouble when socializing. I'm getting better with time, but I had a pretty taugh time at high school.

s_k 12-21-2010 06:05 PM

I'm glad the test is taken seriously.
Got a lot of stupid replies to a 'simple' test like this one overhere.
It does tell something. 21 isn't all that high, but it's always good to analyse yourself now and then :)

Howard the Duck 05-24-2011 11:14 PM

i am a pervert

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 05-25-2011 01:04 PM

Neurotic, egotistical, sociophobic, and a whole hearted obsessive compeletist.

Insane Guest 05-25-2011 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1059451)
i am a pervert

:laughing: Good to know.

I'm pretty sure I have some type of social disorder, my social skills went down down the toilet a couple of years ago, but I just have no clue nor am I interested in finding out what it is called.

DoctorSoft 05-25-2011 09:10 PM

I overall like myself. I am kind of lazy sometimes, but I'm working on that.

Howard the Duck 05-25-2011 09:11 PM

i'm also seriously apathetic about everything

DoctorSoft 05-25-2011 09:12 PM

^ I'm kind of the opposite, I care a lot about stuff, I don't really see that as a flaw though.

Stephen 12-17-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by s_k (Post 968139)
Took some time to find an English one (had a dutch one here, same questions)
Here goes:
Wired 9.12: Take The AQ Test

This is actually a pretty serious test.
It's used as an intake-test for people of whom they expect some autism disorder.
If you score anything above 24, it's suspicious ;).
If you score anything above 32, you have a 80% rate of indeed having an autistic disorder.
This, of course, is based on people taking this test and then lots of tests after that.

Pretty much everyone who's tested for autism gets this test in the Netherlands.
It's actually developed by the cousin of Sacha Baron-Cohen (Yes, Ali G.). ;D.

Another interesting thing: There's a lot of autists on my own forum.
And I discovered this very strange thing: Everyone who scored 33 on the test, is actually a close friend of mine. There's also people who scored lower who are close friends of mine, but seven people scored 33 and all seven of them were friends. About 100 people did that test. I scored 33 myself, too, by the way.

Yikes. I scored a 35. :shycouch:

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