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TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 01:46 PM

Favourite conspiracy theories?
Favourite conspiracy theories? and why? Is it because they interest you or is it because you really believe in them? (A poll would be nice, but I'm not sure if it's just mods that can do them..)

Who killed Kurt?
Who shot JFK?
2 pac is alive!
The Bemuda triangle
Princess Diana was Murdered by the Royal Family
Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
Marilyn Monroe
Paul Mccartney is dead

My favourite is the Bemuda triangle because the idea that something has the power to suck things into a watery grave is really interesting, and the Paul is dead is another one that interests me. Who killed Kurt is very interesting, but I'm pretty sure it was a suicide.

So the Bemuda triangle or the Paul is dead is my favourite. What about everyone else?

James 05-02-2010 01:49 PM

The Mary Celeste story. A ship thats crew just mysteriously dissapeared love hearing about it. Also Roswell and Area 51.

SATCHMO 05-02-2010 01:50 PM

The moon is made of green cheese.

downwardspiral 05-02-2010 02:01 PM

The butterfly effect.

Zaqarbal 05-02-2010 02:43 PM

FIFA bribes the referees of the World Cup to fix the results.

right-track 05-02-2010 02:56 PM

City are a massive club.

Interstellar Overdrive 05-02-2010 03:07 PM

Swine Flu and other big concerns being complete bull**** made up by the government in order to take our money and stuff man. Like that global warmin'


Burning Down 05-02-2010 03:10 PM

My personal favourites:
  • 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. Government
  • The Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked by NASA
  • Barcodes are intended to control people
  • The whole Area 51 thing
  • The Wingdings font in Microsoft Word sends subliminal messages
  • The Nazis had a base on the Moon

TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 861441)
My personal favourites:
  • 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. Government
  • The Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked by NASA
  • Barcodes are intended to control people
  • The whole Area 51 thing
  • The Wingdings font in Microsoft Word sends subliminal messages
  • The Nazis had a base on the Moon


TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by right-track (Post 861433)
City are a massive club.

There's a difference between conspiracy theories and plain lies. ;)

Burning Down 05-02-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 861454)

German Moon Base

It's a complete conspiracy though. There's no evidence.

TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 03:40 PM


That's mad

stormjh 05-02-2010 05:46 PM

The Flat Earth one is my favourite, not because I believe it, just because it's so ****ing mental/hillarious.

someonecompletelyrandom 05-02-2010 05:57 PM

I've always wondered who killed Biggie Smalls and 2pac. I don't know if it's true, but a lot of finger pointing goes to Suge Knight. After watching Biggie and 2Pac I almost believe it. It probably wasn't an organized hit though, I'm sure it was just a random act of violence that lead to misguided retaliation killing.

TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 05:58 PM

The 7 day theory thing has always interested me.. Even though I don't really give a shit about 2 pac.

someonecompletelyrandom 05-02-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 861568)
The 7 day theory thing has always interested me.. Even though I don't really give a shit about 2 pac.

Naw, I think that's a bunch of bullshit honestly. 2pac was a pretty cool guy, and now he's dead. Same vein as Elvis faking his death.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-02-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 861464)
German Moon Base

It's a complete conspiracy though. There's no evidence.

That's completely plausible.
I mean it took them until 1942 to build a rocket that could hit another country, So naturally just a couple of months later they could land on the moon :laughing:

TheCunningStunt 05-02-2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 861570)
Naw, I think that's a bunch of bullshit honestly.

Probably, a lot of the things add up to 7.. maybe it's just a coincidence. And people noticed a couple of things to do with the number 7 and forced themselves to find more. Ooh he smashed a mirror a few years ago in a video, that's 7 years bad luck.

It's probably bullshit, but you never know. I found it quite interesting.

someonecompletelyrandom 05-02-2010 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 861571)
That's completely plausible.
I mean it took them until 1942 to build a rocket that could hit another country, So naturally just a couple of months later they could land on the moon :laughing:

Is it as ridiculous as Stalin's army of genetically engineered Ape Warriors? I think not.

And that's a real theory by the way.

Yukon Cornelius 05-03-2010 11:47 AM

project bluebook, ufo's....

I have a Question?? How big are we anyway...

FETCHER. 05-03-2010 11:57 AM

Who killed Marilyn Monroe :mad:

Neapolitan 05-06-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by stormjh (Post 861554)
The Flat Earth one is my favourite, not because I believe it, just because it's so ****ing mental/hillarious.

The Flat Earth Society

But Einstein said the whole universe could be flat. I guess most people take for grantie that the universe dimensions are equal x=y=z, but the universe could be as flat as paper, where for example x=x, y=x, z=1/1,000,000,000,000,000(x). And since the whatever equipment we use to measure will change it's dimension deprending where it's pointed we could not tell whether or not if we exist in an equal-dimension or flat universe. But I heard a few scientist talk about hte universe as either being flat, or flat and curved, like a bubble, either way by believing the universe is flat they vindicate The Flat Earth Society. It's a flat spherical Earth in a flat Universe!

Freebase Dali 05-06-2010 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 863707)
But Einstein said the whole universe could be flat. I guess most people take for grantie that the universe dimensions are equal x=y=z, but the universe could be as flat as paper, where for example x=x, y=x, z=1/1,000,000,000,000,000(x). And since the whatever equipment we use to measure will change it's dimension deprending where it's pointed we could not tell whether or not if we exist in an equal-dimension or flat universe. But I heard a few scientist talk about hte universe as either being flat, or flat and curved, like a bubble, either way by believing the universe is flat they vindicate The Flat Earth Society. It's a flat spherical Earth in a flat Universe!

I don't think the flat-earth theory had anything to do with extra-dimensional perception...
Though I do understand the point you're trying to make. Unfortunately, as you probably already know, there's no way to prove it.

Odyshape 05-07-2010 06:46 PM

That the russians are developing

Sparky 03-22-2012 08:20 PM

Any David Icke followers here?

You gotta watch it with an open mind

Mrd00d 03-22-2012 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt (Post 861405)

Who killed Kurt?
Who shot JFK?
2 pac is alive!
The Bemuda triangle
Princess Diana was Murdered by the Royal Family
Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
Marilyn Monroe


Originally Posted by Interstellar Overdrive (Post 861438)
Swine Flu and other big concerns being complete bull**** made up by the government in order to take our money and stuff man. Like that global warmin'


But I do believe in global warming.


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 861441)
My personal favourites:
  • 9/11 was orchestrated by the U.S. Government
  • The Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked by NASA
  • The whole Area 51 thing


Originally Posted by These guys (Post 861567)
I've always wondered who killed Biggie Smalls and 2pac. I don't know if it's true, but a lot of finger pointing goes to Suge Knight. After watching Biggie and 2Pac I almost believe it. It probably wasn't an organized hit though, I'm sure it was just a random act of violence that lead to misguided retaliation killing.

These are some of my favorites. I don't know if I have anything extra to add. 5-10 years ago, I used to read Alex Jones crap and be interested in Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, etc. but not so much any more.

I like Huey from Boondocks blunt approach: "Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan is the devil, and the government is lyin about 9/11"

I think the 9/11 conspiracy is my 'favorite', or most believed in at least. The gov't had planned similar false flag terror attacks before, as basis for Cuba intervention for example, so I don't put it past them. I was only 14 or so during 9/11 but it never really added up for me. I don't think a plane hit the Pentagon. I think the WTC was hit by planes but also set to demolish, especially the separate building 7.

I think the moon landing might have been faked, but it's hard to keep such a big secret. I do believe we know have the ability to do so, but I'm not confident we really had the ability to that in the 60s.

Moving past that, I think Courtney Love killed Cobain. Many disagree, and I'm not really heavily invested in this one because I was in middle school when it happened and I just want to believe Love is a murderous ****.

Bermuda Triangle is dope. I believe in that, in a way, though haven't thought of it in ages. Area 51, also. I think there's some alien tech being developed there. I really enjoyed Simon Pegg/Nick Frost/Seth Rogen in the movie Paul for this.

Here's one that isn't listed yet: Atlantis.

midnight rain 03-22-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 1168161)
Any David Icke followers here?

You gotta watch it with an open mind

This guy is hilarious.

Area 51 does exist, it's just a matter of what goes down there.

area 51 - Google Maps

midnight rain 03-22-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1168185)
I think the 9/11 conspiracy is my 'favorite', or most believed in at least. The gov't had planned similar false flag terror attacks before, as basis for Cuba intervention for example, so I don't put it past them. I was only 14 or so during 9/11 but it never really added up for me. I don't think a plane hit the Pentagon. I think the WTC was hit by planes but also set to demolish, especially the separate building 7.

I think the moon landing might have been faked, but it's hard to keep such a big secret. I do believe we know have the ability to do so, but I'm not confident we really had the ability to that in the 60s.

Not sure if serious.

Sparky 03-22-2012 09:54 PM

do you guys remember gary mckinnon the dude who hacked into nasa and says he found ufo stuff?


WN: Did you find anything in your search for evidence of UFOs?
McKinnon: Certainly did. There is The Disclosure Project. This is a book with 400 testimonials from everyone from air traffic controllers to those responsible for launching nuclear missiles. Very credible witnesses. They talk about reverse-(engineered) technology taken from captured or destroyed alien craft.
WN: Like the Roswell incident of 1947?
McKinnon: I assume that was the first and assume there have been others. These relied-upon people have given solid evidence.
WN: What sort of evidence?
McKinnon: A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files.
My dialup 56K connection was very slow trying to download one of these picture files. As this was happening, I had remote control of their desktop, and by adjusting it to 4-bit color and low screen resolution, I was able to briefly see one of these pictures. It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting. There was no reference to the size of the object and the picture was taken presumably by a satellite looking down on it. The object didn't look manmade or anything like what we have created. Because I was using a Java application, I could only get a screenshot of the picture -- it did not go into my temporary internet files. At my crowning moment, someone at NASA discovered what I was doing and I was disconnected.
I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled "Non-Terrestrial Officers." It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel who are not registered anywhere else. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers, but I've never seen the names of these ships noted anywhere else.
WN: Could this have been some sort of military strategy game or outline of hypothetical situations?
McKinnon: The military want to have military dominance of space. What I found could be a game -- it's hard to know for certain.
WN: Some say that you have given the UFO motivation for your hacking as a distraction from more nefarious activities.
McKinnon: I was looking before and after 9/11. If I had wanted to distract anyone, I would not have chosen ufology, as this opens me up to ridicule.

Forward To Death 03-22-2012 10:13 PM

I think the Sonny Bono theory is my favorite. Interesting stuff. I like conspiracy theories mostly for entertainment value, but some have a substantial amount of supporting evidence.

Mrd00d 03-24-2012 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1168190)
Not sure if serious.

Not joking, but not super sereal.

slatesphanboi 03-24-2012 07:50 AM

I am convinced that Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain, and Layne Staley were murdered as part of a government Black PSY-OP.

^^^^ That is from Feral House publishing, a publishing house I highly recommend.

blankety blank 03-24-2012 09:02 AM

Mrd00d wrote:


These are some of my favorites. I don't know if I have anything extra to add. 5-10 years ago, I used to read Alex Jones crap and be interested in Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, etc. but not so much any more.
He had video of Bohemian Grove, it does exist, and, they do gather there every summer, so, the video was genuine. Illuminati/Freemasonry does also exist, and, has for centuries. Global warming is a farce.


I think the 9/11 conspiracy is my 'favorite', or most believed in at least. The gov't had planned similar false flag terror attacks before, as basis for Cuba intervention for example, so I don't put it past them. I was only 14 or so during 9/11 but it never really added up for me. I don't think a plane hit the Pentagon. I think the WTC was hit by planes but also set to demolish, especially the separate building 7.
Maybe not the government, but, the powers that be may very well have orchestrated 911. I saw it plainly. Those buildings imploded, and went down just like an implosion. I watched them go down, and, it wreaked of implosion. They weren't brought down by planes, it was just kind of strange to see them just crumble down in an implosive manner. And, the following day, the story came out that Bin Laden denied involvement, but, did say that if we wanted to give him credit, he would take it, but, it wasn't them he said. The story disappeared immediately. I wasn't 14, I was 40, and, i heard it with my own ears.

It's all just opinion, so, who really knows but those responsible.


Here's one that isn't listed yet: Atlantis.
Atlantis is not really not a conspiracy theory, it may be a myth, but who knows.

And, who cares if Courtney shot Kurt. She didn't. He was a strange dude suffering from severe stomach problems, and, issues due to heroin abuse.

And, Kennedy was put down by the CIA, with probable involvement of Georgie Bush Sr., and possibly even LBJ. He wanted to disband the CIA, and, did not exactly favor the civil rights movement. He was put down, and, the single gunman theory just didn't add up. The angle was bad. His head flung forward, not, backward. He was shot from behind, not, forward, so, there had to be someone else besides Oswald, who blast him in the back of the head.

What about black helicopters, and NORAD developed for mind control? Nobody's mentioned those.

And, the moon is not made of green cheese. It's blue cheese!

Here's a really good track from Steve Earle that will probably get me shot:)

midnight rain 03-24-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1168782)

Maybe not the government, but, the powers that be may very well have orchestrated 911. I saw it plainly. Those buildings imploded, and went down just like an implosion. I watched them go down, and, it wreaked of implosion. They weren't brought down by planes, it was just kind of strange to see them just crumble down in an implosive manner. And, the following day, the story came out that Bin Laden denied involvement, but, did say that if we wanted to give him credit, he would take it, but, it wasn't them he said. The story disappeared immediately. I wasn't 14, I was 40, and, i heard it with my own ears.

There was no implosion, this has been confirmed by numerous structural engineers. The ones who do believe it was an implosion are kids on the internet that want to champion a cause, because they saw one video with a bunch of 'facts' and some spooky music in the background.

blankety blank 03-24-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tuna (Post 1168817)
There was no implosion, this has been confirmed by numerous structural engineers. The ones who do believe it was an implosion are kids on the internet that want to champion a cause, because they saw one video with a bunch of 'facts' and some spooky music in the background.

I watched it clearly on t.v. It sure looked like an implosion. I don't particularly care what the kids on the internet think, but, they fell straight down. i'm not suggesting that it is an absolute fact that they were, but, it looked kind of odd the way they fell.

And, it would be far from the first time that thousands of lives were sacrificed for a certain cause of 'liberation'.

Roosevelt did everything possible to bait Hitler to attack us in the Atlantic. He didn't bite, so, we blockaded the Japanese from getting to oil supplies in the Pacific. Find the real story behind Pearl Harbor dude.

I actually went back to college in 2001, and, majored in History and Religious Studies. i had this professor who taught several American history courses. He didn't require a textbook, and, was very knowledgeable concerning the way things really happened, and, unafraid to share. We actually became quite good friends. The things he taught me, you won't find in history books.

And, by the way, who actually hired the structural engineers? These people can pay anyone to say anything they want us to hear! And, what 'cause' are these kids championing? Nothing. No one gives a crap, and, if Noam Chomsky can't get any press, how are a bunch of kids going to make any difference?

And, they did find out that the war was a miserable failure. So, they are coming up with new plans, like bankrupting the entire world to start all over again. But, they made a mistake in bringing China into this mess. If America does not step up, and, bring some social order to this planet, the Chinese will. And, Israel is sniffing nukes in Iran, and, preparing for some serious conflict. We armed Israel, and, the U.K. armed every country surrounding them, after conveniently convincing the major powers to support a Zionist state, and, then pulling all the troops out of Palestine circa 1948.

911 is history. We'll never know the real story i'm sure, but, i fear that was only a prelude of things to come. There's idiocy on both sides of this fanaticism all over ignorant ideologies, based on myths written millenniums ago. The world is a festering zit just waiting to erupt.:)

The bold is the only reply, or even a point you need to address if you like. The rest is rambling, and, if you think it's nonsense; then it is to you.

But, beware of those black helicopters they inject into your skin via inoculations:) They know where you are tuna, and, their watching you:)

And, do you know what 'annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum' actually translates to 'word for word'?

I'll give you a hint. It is not 'he has approved of our undertakings to begin a new order for the ages'.

hip hop bunny hop 03-24-2012 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by slatesphanboi (Post 1168766)
I am convinced that Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain, and Layne Staley were murdered as part of a government Black PSY-OP.

If that were true, I wouldn't be so goddamned angry every time I pay taxes. Aside from being an amazing story of Government competence, it would should that our tax dollars aren't being entirely wasted on idiotic pursuits.

Mrd00d 03-24-2012 06:24 PM

After reading Blankety Blank's post, I'm unsure whether he's written something more coherent than usual or if I'm just on his level today/on this topic. I will say I just harbor suspicions and interest. I feel like the truth is lost or too hard to prove in a lot of these cases.

midnight rain 03-24-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1169005)
After reading Blankety Blank's post, I'm unsure whether he's written something more coherent than usual or if I'm just on his level today/on this topic. I will say I just harbor suspicions and interest. I feel like the truth is lost or too hard to prove in a lot of these cases.

Generally I find conspiracy theorists ask a lot of questions and don't offer up many answers.

Also, blankety blank perceiving what he thought looked like a demolition doesn't really prove much.

Mrd00d 03-24-2012 07:37 PM

and that's the end of it, isn't it? Conspiracy theories are such because they're shrouded in mystery and/or impossible to prove. You can deny them, but not with 100% certainty. I used to defend these theories. Now, I keep them to myself mostly. And I think less of them. Much less. But it's an interest.

jackhammer 03-24-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by downwardspiral (Post 861411)
The butterfly effect.

This is more of a philosophical analysis regarding cause and effect and not a conspiracy theory per se.

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