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Machine 09-20-2017 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1875654)

lmao that's really good

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 08:42 PM

Instead of arguing about HOW they pulled off 09/11/2001, we should be pissed off that they did it in the first place and the after effects.

Machine 09-20-2017 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1875709)
Instead of arguing about HOW they pulled off 09/11/2001, we should be pissed off that they did it in the first place and the after effects.

I think the former is as important as the latter

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 08:55 PM

Another disturbing conspiracy is the Washington D.C. pedophile ring.

1989 White House Call-Boy Scandal: Reagan / Bush Pedophile Ring [VIDEO]

► Conspiracy Of Silence [VIDEO]

► PizzaGate: The Documentary [VIDEO]

► Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIP’s, Reagan & Bush: Call Boys Took Midnight Tour Of White House [PDF][Call%20Boys%20Took%20Midnight%20Tour%20Of%20White% 20House].pdf

► PizzaGate 1 [PDF]

► PizzaGate 2 [PDF]

Rudolph Giuliani‘s Censored Statements [PDF]

Machine 09-20-2017 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1875712)
Another disturbing conspiracy is the Washington D.C. pedophile ring.

1989 White House Call-Boy Scandal: Reagan / Bush Pedophile Ring [VIDEO]

► Conspiracy Of Silence [VIDEO]

► PizzaGate: The Documentary [VIDEO]

► Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIP’s, Reagan & Bush: Call Boys Took Midnight Tour Of White House [PDF][Call%20Boys%20Took%20Midnight%20Tour%20Of%20White% 20House].pdf

► PizzaGate 1 [PDF]

► PizzaGate 2 [PDF]

Rudolph Giuliani‘s Censored Statements [PDF]

Pedogate is so scary because of the implications and the very reasonable possibility of it all.

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Machine (Post 1875710)
I think the former is as important as the latter

If someone whacks you in the head with a hammer, are you going to start arguing with them about the trajectory that they used or the material of which the hammer was constructed? Or are you going to be pissed that they hit you in the head with a fucking hammer?

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 08:59 PM

My website has tons of conspiracy documents and videos, but it got hit by the censors while my PC was down for 2+ months. Wiped out THOUSANDS of links.

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Machine (Post 1875713)
Pedogate is so scary because of the implications and the very reasonable possibility of it all.

And it goes back for DECADES . . .

Machine 09-20-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1875714)
If someone whacks you in the head with a hammer, are you going to start arguing with them about the trajectory that they used or the material of which the hammer was constructed? Or are you going to be pissed that they hit you in the head with a fucking hammer?

At first that they hit me in the head, but if someone provided me reasonable enough evidence to say they didn't do it I would then like to know who.

[MERIT] 09-20-2017 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Machine (Post 1875717)
At first that they hit me in the head, but if someone provided me reasonable enough evidence to say they didn't do it I would then like to know who.

Whether it was planes, nukes or C4, the result is the same [adding radiation for any nuclear explosions]. We got fucked and hoodwinked.

Frownland 09-20-2017 09:04 PM


Machine 09-20-2017 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1875716)
And it goes back for DECADES . . .

I genuinely can't understand why the public at large can't swallow this one. There have been cases in the past in not only our government but other government of large scale pedo rings

Originally Posted by [MERIT] (Post 1875721)
Whether it was planes, nukes or C4, the result is the same [adding radiation for any nuclear explosions]. We got fucked and hoodwinked.

Well you're right about that

Machine 09-20-2017 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1875722)

I'd like to hear your refutation to any of this

Frownland 09-20-2017 09:08 PM

I'm mad about 9/11, not Hollywood.

[MERIT] 10-17-2017 03:21 PM

One of my online acquaintances swears that Eminem died years ago and has been replaced by an Illuminati clone. He is also a flat-Earther, so yeah . . .

Frownland 07-31-2020 12:41 PM

I think that the Trump administration is antagonizing protestors to prolong the BLM protests in order to spread covid to people who wouldn't vote for him.

Raime 08-01-2020 07:34 PM

I feel like Alex Jones works for the government to spout crazy **** to cover up the more mundane conspiracy theories.

The Batlord 08-01-2020 07:39 PM

Why would the government waste their time on that **** when there's more than enough scumbag crazy people who recognize the cash cow money flow that is the conspiracy network? Capitalism and greed will do everything the government wants to happen and make it all look like a circus.

SGR 08-01-2020 07:43 PM

I think the Dems want Trump to win, since their fundraising is a lot more effective with him in office and them as an opposition party.

Frownland 08-01-2020 07:53 PM

Albert Ayler definitely didn't commit suicide, and it's pretty likely that he was killed in a hate crime. We'll never know for sure because his death was never honestly investigated by the state.


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2129056)
Why would the government waste their time...

lol like that's ever been an issue.

I don't think AJ works for the government but I think that the government leaks their controversial actions to the least credible sources possible to get ahead of the narrative, building the first impression that it's all just conspiratorial bs. Sort of like a trial balloon except they're handing a balloon with a hole in it to a traumatized homeless schizophrenic and telling them to blow it up.

SGR 08-01-2020 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2129064)
Albert Ayler definitely didn't commit suicide, and it's pretty likely that he was killed in a hate crime. We'll never know for sure because his death was never honestly investigated by the state.

lol like that's ever been an issue.

I don't think AJ works for the government but I think that the government leaks their controversial actions to the least credible sources possible to get ahead of the narrative, building the first impression that it's all just conspiratorial bs. Sort of like a trial balloon except they're handing a balloon with a hole in it to a traumatized homeless schizophrenic and telling them to blow it up.

So what you're saying is....Alex Jones speaks the truth?

The Batlord 08-01-2020 08:55 PM

I do not think the Dems want Trump to win when there are two liberal supreme court nominees about to die.

Frownland 08-01-2020 09:22 PM

Ja, the last chapter of RBG's life is basically just going to be Weekend at Bernie's (not that Bernie).


Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 2129066)
So what you're saying is....Alex Jones speaks the truth?

He speaks kernels of truth in some of the mouthfuls of shit that he spews.

OccultHawk 08-01-2020 09:27 PM


Albert Ayler definitely didn't commit suicide, and it's pretty likely that he was killed in a hate crime. We'll never know for sure because his death was never honestly investigated by the state.
If he jumped or was pushed off the Brooklyn Bridge he’d have a bunch of broken bones which could probably still be identified if he was exhumed. He was found supposedly drowned in the East River. He was missing for 20 days before his body was found. There are definitely unanswered questions. I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that he jumped or fell off a ferry. If he was murdered I think it was probably the police. He may have been wrongfully arrested and then when the police found out he was a famous musician they killed him.

SGR 08-02-2020 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2129075)
I do not think the Dems want Trump to win when there are two liberal supreme court nominees about to die.

That's a good point. I don't know if that's how they really feel - perhaps they're playing the long game, or perhaps i"m completely wrong. RBG is resilient as hell though. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes it another 4 years.

SGR 08-02-2020 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2129084)
He speaks kernels of truth in some of the mouthfuls of shit that he spews.

I think I understand. I'm generally left in my views, barring some positions on economics, but anti-government is anti-government. I don't trust [R]'s or [D]'s. AJ has some crazy and ridiculous takes. But, occasionally, he's been correct about things.

Lisnaholic 08-03-2020 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2128769)
I think that the Trump administration is antagonizing protestors to prolong the BLM protests in order to spread covid to people who wouldn't vote for him.

Yep, I could buy into that, as it displays the same attitude of putting party politics before the country's health that has just come to light regarding the disappearance of Jared Kushner's National Testing Plan:

The Batlord 08-03-2020 03:37 PM

God I just want to shove Jared to the ground and take his lunch money.

jwb 08-03-2020 03:40 PM

That's a hate crime.

The Batlord 08-03-2020 03:42 PM

No it would be a hate crime to say I'd fuck the Jesus back into his wife.

Norg 08-03-2020 07:27 PM

Covid 19

jwb 08-03-2020 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2129340)
No it would be a hate crime to say I'd fuck the Jesus back into his wife.

Yea try telling the court you assaulted him and it had nothing to do with resentment for Israel

If the foreskin is slit you must convict

SGR 08-04-2020 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2129379)
Yea try telling the court you assaulted him and it had nothing to do with resentment for Israel

If the foreskin is slit you must convict

If resentment for Israel is the motivation, you'd be better off teaming up with Jesus and once again casting the money changers out of the temple with corded whips.

Lisnaholic 08-04-2020 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 2129337)
God I just want to shove Jared to the ground and take his lunch money.


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2129338)
That's a hate crime.


Sometimes the quality of the banter in MusicBanter really is humorous. Thanks guys.
__________________________________________________ _________________

My conspiracy theories about the Trump admin trying to undo democracy piecemeal for the coming election are now reaching [MERIT] proportions: I listed my doubts the other day in another thread :

Spoiler for the conspiracy to disenfranchise Americans:

Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 2128739)
This is how I suspect the election will go down: the Republicans will use all the voter suppression tricks they have already successfully used in Georgia and elsewhere:
- gerrymandering
- closure of polling stations
- relocating polling stations to places void of public transport
- "typo errors" in polling announcements to give wrong hours/locations etc.
- retweeting Russian media disinformation
- pedantic/intimidating voter registration

They'll also try out some new ones for mail-in ballots:
- reduced funding and service of the postal system
- arbitrary cut-off deadlines for postal votes
- accusastions of fraudulent postal ballots

With all those in place, they'll be in a position to either win some states or to get close enough to demand recounts, etc. The GOP won't flat out deny the election result if they lose, but they'll be piecemeal tipping the playing field in their favour with moves that are, each of them alone, plausably excuseable, for eg. "We had to move the polling station out of town for economic reasons."

And here's how the GOP could plausably scupper mail-in balloting with each move being, of itself, excusable: (i) reduce postal service, (ii) send out a mailshot with a "mistake" giving a ballot dealine of, say, November 10 (iii) on November 5, send out a correction with the real ballot deadline of November 6.

... but today I have a new doubt on the same topic: Does a homeless person have any chance of getting a postal ballot?
If there is no eviction moritorium, millions of people could be struggling with homelessness for the first time in their lives: what are the chances that they will jump through the bureacratic hoops and vote in November? Very small, I should think, and I bet that is a calculation going on in the minds of Trump and McConnell too.

Indrid Cold 04-03-2021 04:09 PM

The Conspiracy Thread
I've been studying why people get into conspiracies for a long time and admit that I have gotten nowhere with trying to understand it. I remember when I first encountered conspiracies. It was about all the "secret" symbolism in Washington DC and the Great Seal and the Federal Reserve and the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission and the New World Order and all that. These were either run by or were an amalgamation of the Illuminati. This was back in the 70s. I was young so there was this initial period of fascination. I read the Illuminatus! Trilogy and learned there really was a Bavarian Illuminati run by an Adam Weishaupt but I learned that there really wasn't anything all that remarkable about it. There were other Illuminatis as well such as Emanuel Swedenborg's. I had also read Ishmael Reed's Mumbo Jumbo and Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49. Fortunately, I read them before I read Illuminatus which is necessary because the latter work refers to them. Once I had the time to really think about it all, I realized none of it was likely to be true and I grew bored with it.

In the 80s, I encountered the white supremacist conspiracies. A lot of it I was already familiar with--the Federal Reserve, New World Order stuff, etc. The only difference was that the racists put it all on the Jews. The Jews caused everything bad. When I read long white supremacist polemics about how Jews had cheated the white Europeans out of their own heritage, I couldn't help but notice that none of their accusations and "facts" were footnoted. It was just old garbage vomited up from the John Birch Society, repackaged with Christian Identity and vomited back out to morons too stupid to notice that nothing is footnoted and therefore it is impossible to know where these "facts" came from. They just went and believed it and didn't care it if was true or not. To me, the racist wight conspiracies had long been consigned to the bin of "boring" as far as I was concerned and I had no interest in it. Christian Identity is so unforgivingly stupid that you are automatically a blithering idiot if you believe in any of it--period.

Today, we can see the racist wights of America are still at it with the same old garbage along with this QAnon thing. QAnon is mind-bogglingly stupid and yet people get hooked on it. It's disturbing how something can be wrong about every prediction it has made and yet its members refuse to give it up. But then, it doesn't matter how wrong or stupid it is, people just want to believe in it. For example, there is the Flat Earth Society who believe the earth is flat which is so self-evidently wrong that one can only wonder how anyone buys into it. Then there is the "Paul McCartney is dead and was replaced by Faul" camp. Let's take a look at each.

Could the earth be flat? No. It's just that simple. Go to your kitchen table and put objects on it to represent surface features. Now switch off the lights. Take a flashlight--a simple penlight will do--and simulate the flat-earther's version of how sunrise works. Does it? No. The flat-earthers (hereafter referred to as "flerfs") say the sun doesn't actually go down but that it moves further away. When you ask how far away it moves so that we can't see it at night, you get no real answer. It can't move that far away because the flerfs believe the entire flat earth is under a dome of some sort and the sun and moon are simply lights that revolve around each other under this dome. Yes, really! But shining your penlight on the kitchen table will show you that that entire table surface is illuminated all at once not gradually. If you live in a mountainous region, drive down the road before sunrise and watch he mountaintops. As the sun rises, the mountaintops are lit up first and then the rest of the earth's surface after that. Flerf fail right there.

I also asked them to explain an aurora. If the sun is just a light revolving around under the dome, where do all the charged particles come from? If there is no magnetic field to catch the particles then what catches them? Can't be the dome because then the aurora would reveal the shape of the dome. Flerf fail right there.

What about satellite images that clearly show the earth is spherical? CGI. All CGI. This is actually flerf reasoning: If the earth was a sphere, then everybody below the equator would fall off. When you point out that gravity holds us to the surface and that it pulls down to the center of the earth, they call you a brainwashed idiot and yet when you ask that if there is no gravity when what force would pull people off the earth below the Equator, you get no answer.

Their favorite criticism of the globe earth (they call those who conclude that the earth is a globe "globetards") is how does water stick to the surface of a ball? Water, they say, is flat and any attempt to bend it will result it it running to another level where it can be flat. So how does it stick to the globe earth? Obviously, gravity acts on each water molecule and wants to pull it to the center of the earth. One guy sat in a boat out on a lake, held a regular bubble level to the water surface to show it was flat. This is how they see scientific evidence. Very precise laser measurements over large enough bodies of water actually DO reveal the surface is curved in accordance with the earth's curvature but because they can't sense it with their eyes, they reject this evidence wholesale.

As for the Paul is dead crowd, the level of certainty that Paul actually is dead is truly astonishing. I pointed out the absurdity by saying so Paul died and was replaced by a guy that looked just like like him, played with Paul's style lefthanded, sang in his voice and wrote songs just like him and just in time for the next album. That, right there, should point out how absurd it is. But then I received responses as, "Well. that is exactly what happened." Another said that Faul (whose name is something like William Shears Campbell) actually didn't look like Paul initially but only after plastic surgery and he posts a pic of this Campbell fellow who indeed did not resemble Paul in the slightest. I didn't bother to explain that there is no way that you can use plastic surgery to look like someone else you don't resemble in the slightest. FBI witness protection agents will tell you that many mob guys tried to do that but they still looked like themselves in the end. It doesn't work. Another guy said, Paul had recorded most of the new material before he died. So, they are contradicting each other: Paul died and Faul replaced him playing and looking just like him except Faul didn't look just like Paul until after plastic surgery and he didn't play just like Paul because all the stuff released by the Beatles after Paul's death was recorded by Paul before he died. Gotcha. Clear as mud.

I hope ol' Billy Shears was good at stooping because they say he is 6 feet 4 inches. Paul is 5 feet 11 inches. This Faul impostor is NOT 6 feet 4. And who is this William Campbell? It's some made up guy. But wait!! He wrote a memoir of his time with the Beatles pretending to be Paul!! Right. So did Ishmael when he wrote about chasing a white whale all over the ocean. Anybody could have written that!!

Aside from the sheer impossibility that Paul could have died and it been kept a secret, the rest of the Beatles would have been devastated by his death. How could they have gone along with such a hare-brained scheme as replacing Paul with an impostor?

One of their favorite bits of "evidence" that Paul is dead is the lyric from "Glass Onion" saying "Here's a clue for you all, the walrus was Paul." How is that proof of anything???? How does that prove that Paul died??? Actually, John, in an interview, once explained that line. In his public squabbles with Paul, the public tended to side with Paul and made John a bad guy. So, John wrote a song saying he was the walrus. He was referring to Lewis Carroll's poem about the Walrus and the Carpenter. John had thought the walrus was the good guy. He said later he reread the poem and realized the walrus was the bad guy so he changed his statement to say the walrus was Paul. Now, that explains the line in "Glass Onion". Paul being dead does not.

I'm supposed to buy all these allusions in the lyrics. Okay. What about Ringo's statement in John's song "I'm the Greatest": "Yes, my name is Billy Shears." Whoops! Looks like they forgot about that one and none of them has as yet explained it.

What gets to me, I suppose, is not that people believe stupid garbage so much as the sheer arrogance they display while spouting it. What is inside them that they get hooked on this stuff? I see a woman on Youtube vlogging about her belief that Biden stole the election and she made the statement. "Q is the most important thing in my life!" I don't get it. Why? How could that be more important to you than anything else in your existence?? How pathetic are you. lady? Another woman actually told her husband, "I choose Q over you." But she is just one among hundreds of thousands who have done something similar.

The flerfs actually cast themselves as heroes! We have all been brainwashed to believe the earth is a globe but they are here to set us free!! They have yet to prove even a single assertion of theirs but they are here to liberate us from conspiracy-addled science. The racists are here to save the white race!! The Jews are the spawn of Satan who have tricked us into interbreeding with the mud races but thanks to people who worship Hitler or who wear hoods while burning crosses, we are SAVED!!! QAnon is here to save democracy not destroy it!! Without Q, you'd all be living in tyranny and getting your dna altered by covid vaccines!! We're saving your freedom by refusing to wear a mask in public!! On your knees and and thank us!

Maybe people are getting stupider. Americans certainly seem to be. Who with a brain actually thought Trump would make a great president? Remember when people voted for George Bush over John Kerry because Bush seemed more like the kind of guy you'd like to have a beer with?? I've had many beers with many guys and NOT ONE of them would make a decent president. That's NOT how you should be choosing a candidate.

Remember when people were up in arms when Edward Snowden revealed that the Obama administration was listening in on people's phone calls? People were outraged!!!!! How dare they listen in on us!!!!! The only problem was, this exact same program was started by the Bush administration and when it was revealed to the public back then, the public did not say a damn word against it. Obama merely continued the program. Maybe because Snowden stole information and revealed it that we thought that somehow it was more valuable then when the press leaks it. It proves that we don't pay attention unless people first create a big hullabaloo around it. The hullabaloo should consist of surreptitiously revealed data. If you cloak it in a "you're not supposed to know this but..." envelope of false secrecy, people will believe more than if you read it on the front page of a newspaper--then it's fake news--despite it being the exact same data.

We are so terribly easy to control. The louder we rebel against control, it seems, the more controlled we are.

The Batlord 04-03-2021 04:50 PM

It's hard to wrap your head around but easy to understand on a basic level. History is too complex with no actual narratives to fit into an easily digestible paragraph so that when people feel something is "wrong" with the flow of history and that "things" are getting "worse" their confused fears become easy prey to digestible explanations that make them feel at the center of the universe with a tangible evil to be the good counterpoint to. Poo flinging apes who've only been out of the trees a short time simply don't have brains built to comprehend the sheer amount of information necessary to grasp the actual flow of history. I guarantee an AI with sufficiently advanced intelligence to comprehend the world would find your and my ideas about "what's really going on" to be embarrassingly simplistic and misguided as well.

And also reptilians living in the interior of the hollow earth and Nazi flying saucer bases in the Antarctic are too much fun to let die. And did you know the hollow earth and hollow moon theories are completely separate and unrelated?! Amazing!

Trollheart 04-03-2021 06:36 PM

Ah fair play to you Batty! I was sure you'd respond either with a tealdeer or a Merzbow video. Cue Batty with tealdeer for me...

jwb 04-04-2021 11:56 AM

According to my coworker this song contains some sort of information about how the elite take children to the moon, which is a meet up spot between earth and aliens. Somehow this is connected to Epstein and the ritualistic child rape that we all know the elite likes to indulge in as well. Apparently "people who speak in tongues" are able to decipher the hidden message in this video which conveys all of this.

Frownland 04-04-2021 12:03 PM

Are the elites and those who speak in tongues the same people? Because if your coworker can decipher the message he's kinda outing himself there.

jwb 04-04-2021 01:15 PM

No, and no. The elites and people who speak tongues are not the same. The elites are literally the elites. Clinton, Trump, Bill gates, and of course rappers like Future who sold their soul to Satan. The people who speak in tongues are just perceptive religious oracles who can properly decipher said hidden Satanic messages in pop culture.

And no, my coworker doesn't speak in tongues. He was informed of this meaning by another friend of his who apparently worships Satan.

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