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The Fascinating Turnip 04-03-2012 10:20 AM

I like thinking about the last sentence in his signature when he's being homophobic. It makes the whole thing a nice laugh.

Unknown Soldier 04-03-2012 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1173052)
Franco usually ends up getting picked upon, here and on muzic forums

it's mostly due to his inarticulation and lack of fluency

not to mention that his views are usually skewered

one good thing about him - he does have good taste in Afrocentric music

not Anglocentric, though

I've taken into consideration that English is not Franco's first language and he's not the most articulate of bods either, but that still doesn't excuse his rampant trolling.


Originally Posted by Unchained Ballad (Post 1173179)
I like thinking about the last sentence in his signature when he's being homophobic. It makes the whole thing a nice laugh.

I've just noticed that, he'd go down a treat in a gay bar with a sig like that.

blankety blank 04-03-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1171663)
You're all right by me Blankety Steve. I have low bandwidth a lot and can't go digging around for videos on youtube. Otherwise I'd post relevant music also.

thanks mrd, i appreciate it. i have a lot of songs in this library of my mental hard drive.:)


Here's some more discussion fodder: The HAARP machine - the weather is being manually manipulated.
i really did rant and thought to feed the animals. You said fodder, and, i thought maybe i should provide the meat in due season. i did not post any of it. a couple comments, and, then two good songs:)

why don't you mrd, give the animals some fodder, and, see if you can open some eyes. i don't do so well, because, i don't make sense evidently. both of your suggestions of discussion are quite relevant, and, if it would make a difference, they would be discussed.

something is for sure. it's been in the u.n bylaws for years banning using weather control for military or economic warfare. they say they can use it, for instance to prevent tornadoes. here in the states the statistics are clear that they are really doing a good job.

1950- 202 tornadoes struck in the u.s.
2011- they failed to prevent 1691 tornadoes

It is not called haarp for no reason. it is musical frequencies, and, just don't care much for the sound of a harpsichord.

haarp stands for high frequency active auroral research program (HAARP) which is an investigation project to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems".

maybe you can mrd. feed the animals with some good fodder:)

maybe aurora, the goddess of the dawn, aka eos is coming to our rescue, or, gave them the technology.

here's the buzzword. "press'. any prefix you pick will show you a thing or two, or five. oppress, suppress, depress, compress, repress. and, you should find a 'bear'. one of four beasts, or 50 million:)

Who owns the press?

to weigh heavily upon; subject to pressure.
i wish i could post a rant, but, i digress:)

there's no messages in song. no way, that's a ridiculous theory. right? this is definitely our generation. the generation that will not pass away until all these things come to pass. So, a song is in the new world order:) It is a very poignant message from the marcy playground

Are you a child of the free to be you and me generation
And are you in tune with the world around you
I am a child of the free to be you and me generation
And I am with you in being in tune

We shall bring change to this place
Listen to the whistle of the planet
twirlin' through space (that would be planet x)
Singin la la la la la la to the human race
(She says)
I believe I am the flower of life, the Earth
And the ocean oh oh
I believe I feel the power of light, vibrate
All around me oh oh
I believe you are the children of the one Great Spirit, oh oh

Are you a child of the free to be you and me generation
And are you confused with the world around you
I am a child of the free to be you and me generation
And I am with you in being confused
(maybe Confucius can help out)

Children children can you hear it
Listen to the riddle in the melody by Great Spirit
Singin' la la la la la la there's nothin' to it
(He says)
I believe I am the flower of life, the air
And the sunshine oh oh
I believe I am the power of light, the motive
For the universe oh oh
I believe you are the children of the one
Mother Earth oh oh

but. we wait and see i guess. if we eliminate the concept of a good guy/bad guy, then what would man ever write about? there has to be an antagonist, or, we have nothing to entertain us.

i think they are screwing around with earthquakes in 'diver's places', and creating tsunamis. they are playing with some serious magma. they are going to set off yellowstone, and, a super volcano.
i would actually stick a gun to my head if i knew that everyone would be okay, and, not be tormented. that's why i've never owned a gun


fema death camps: will we be rounded up holocaust style by our own national guard?
why don't somebody else tell us about the many compounds, and, all those stacks of rectangular tubs that are quite large, and, would be suitable for a coffin for many people each.

this was written when the 'burning bush' was in office, who claimed he talked to g-d, and g-d told him to steal two elections.:laughing: it was the will of g-d he claimed. whose elevator does not reach the top floor?

They say the new world order is just god's master plan but if the blueprint calls some to starve, don't blame god's right-hand man, 'cause the president is holy, and the president is pious, and hallelujah! He's a good ol' boy! Hosanna in the highest!

The plan is written in god's hand so only bush can read it, and it calls for battle in god's name and it calls for bush to lead it, and the blueprint calls to drill for oil, and exterminate the land, and if you can't hear god's calling, then you're probably from France! 'Cause the USA is holy, and the USA is pious, and hallelujah! God is on our side! Hosanna in the highest!

And god is great, and god is good, and let us thank god for our food, we may well have more than we need and god well yet have mouths to feed, but god is great, and god is good, and someday soon, he'll feed you, too, 'cause once we've got our yachts and crowns, god planned some food to trickle down, so just keep those thoughts holy, be patient and be pious, and hallelujah! God'll grant your prayers, hosanna in the highest!

And I thank god for a god so mild, who spared the rod and spoiled the child, and signed a blank check so his boys and girls could buy up the entire world, so don't think us rude if we intrude, but god in heaven ordained us to, so you best improve that attitude and step aside we've work to do and thanks for keeping things in shape 'til we could come and take our place. Oh hallelujah! ain't life great? Hosanna in the highest!

i think we might want to start praying for something to come and help out.

it will be a holy war. big holes for dumping bodies, and, maybe a big hole when the planet nibiru crashes into the Earth. july 22, they say; so we have a few months to build an underground shelter, and, stock up for the next 4 billion or years, give or take a billion:stupid:

Franco Pepe Kalle 04-03-2012 05:14 PM

One of the most laughable and the conspiracy that I can say is totally BS is this notion that President Obama was born in Kenya. People still say he has never shown his birth certificate. Come on, only misguided tea baggers really buy those lies. Really Obama was born in Haiwai and he was a professor in Harvard. Obama is a American although he has flaws but he is one of the best presidents I have seen for a while. I find this conspirsary no credibility.

jayshreddz 04-03-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1173361)
One of the most laughable and the conspiracy that I can say is totally BS is this notion that President Obama was born in Kenya. People still say he has never shown his birth certificate. Come on, only misguided tea baggers really buy those lies. Really Obama was born in Haiwai and he was a professor in Harvard. Obama is a American although he has flaws but he is one of the best presidents I have seen for a while. I find this conspirsary no credibility.

he studied at harvard. he didn't teach there.
either way, if you think he's the best president you've seen for a while, i guess you were born on his inauguration date, because things were a lot better before he came along.

Neapolitan 04-03-2012 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1173361)
One of the most laughable and the conspiracy that I can say is totally BS is this notion that President Obama was born in Kenya. People still say he has never shown his birth certificate. Come on, only misguided tea baggers really buy those lies. Really Obama was born in Haiwai and he was a professor in Harvard. Obama is a American although he has flaws but he is one of the best presidents I have seen for a while. I find this conspirsary (<-spelt incorrectly) no credibility.

If you are talking about the Tea Party Patriots, they're not "tea baggers" that is a pejorative with sexual overtones.

blankety blank 04-03-2012 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius (Post 861905)
project bluebook, ufo's....

I have a Question?? How big are we anyway...


Originally Posted by yoshimitsu (Post 1169197)
The wealthiest people in the world have been building an empire for a long time now. Almost every third world country is sitting on resources that could sustain all the people in the country. But corporations all over the world put these countries in great financial debt, and then turn it into a 'puppet democracy' where the president is elected but he's useless, because he does not control the economy of the country. The businessman does.

Yep, that sounds like America alright. I agree completely.

As for how big we are; we are so big that we can't see our creators with the naked eye, and, we are so small that the cosmic cannot see us. they see right through us. i think they have x-ray vision.

we are a macrocosm of the microcosm, and, a microcosm of the macrocosm.

figure that out, and, i will send you 40 million microcosms:)

here's a clue. listen and laugh. it is funny, but, it is a clue. But, i don't really have a clue. america, i agree, however, is a top of the line third world country

Dear Penis,
I don't think I like anymore,
You used to watch me shave,
Now all u do is stare at the floor.
Oh dear Penis,
I don't like you anymore.

It used to be u and me,
A paper towel, and a dirty magazine,
That's all we needed to get by.
Now it seems things have changed,
I think that your the one to blame.
Dear Penis,
I don't like u anymore.

Now he sings,

Dear Rodney,
I don't think I like u anymore,
'Cause when u get to drinkin'
You put me places I've never been before.
Dear Rodney,
I dont like u anymore.

Why can't we just get a grip,
On our man to hand relationship.
Come to terms with truly how we feel.
If we put our heads together,
We'd just stay home forever,
Dear Penis,
I think I like you after all.

Oh and Rodney,
While yer shavin',
Shave my balls

Howard the Duck 04-03-2012 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1173361)
One of the most laughable and the conspiracy that I can say is totally BS is this notion that President Obama was born in Kenya. People still say he has never shown his birth certificate. Come on, only misguided tea baggers really buy those lies. Really Obama was born in Haiwai and he was a professor in Harvard. Obama is a American although he has flaws but he is one of the best presidents I have seen for a while. I find this conspirsary no credibility.

ah, everybody knows he's actually Muslim

his name even sounds like Osama

Howard the Duck 04-04-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1173801)
it's beyond soylent green mrd. the west worship dogs and cats, and the east eats them. the east worship cows, and, the west eats them:)

no one worships pigs, why? they are smart animals, but, all we do is eat them, and, use their veins and arteries for heart surgeries. they may use the whole thing, i'm not sure on that.

and the jews and muslims don't eat them, because they might just be eating their ancestors:)

actually, there's a half-man half-pig hybrid character in the Chinese religious myth "Journey to the West"

whilst some Taoist-Buddhists worship the Monkey God (also from the same tale), i dunno why nobody worships pig-man, he's equally as awesome and powerful

Neapolitan 04-04-2012 03:17 PM

I use to wonder if Music Banter was runned by the Freemasons after reading what Chuck Harvey had to say last night I can say with some confidence that I believe it is.

Mrd00d 04-04-2012 03:21 PM

Who is Chuck Harvey? Is it Steve Harvey's brother? Some comedian?

Franco Pepe Kalle 04-04-2012 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1174046)
I use to wonder if Music Banter was runned by the Freemasons after reading what Chuck Harvey had to say last night I can say with some confidence that I believe it is.

Who is this Chuck Harvey.

Neapolitan 04-04-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1174047)
Who is Chuck Harvey? Is it Steve Harvey's brother? Some comedian?

Who's Steve Harvey?


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1174063)
Who is this Chuck Harvey.

He's the guy that was sent by the owners of this site that's suppose to help make the changes that are to be made at Music Banter and make it a more family friendly web site. He was handling questions last night with Advameg_Dan, and maybe a few others. I looked up Advameg, Inc. as a lead I got from his user name and voila they're it was Music Banter is listed as one of the forums they handle or own. The company brags a figure of 17 million unique visitors a day, Chuck Harvey was complaining that MB's numbers of hits were down and they were going to institute some changes that are to be made to help booster MB's ranking on search engines. Advameg_Dan said he was sent to initiate "undergoing a company wide reconstruction on all of [their] websites." They seem kinda pompous someone was explain how "tight" the members were here and their response was like use facebook for social networking - something like that - total arrogance. I don't what to make of it but if there going to push MB to be more PC I can only imagine it being an agenda sent by by Freemasons.

blastingas10 09-11-2012 08:56 PM

Has anyone heard of the "firemans video" of 911? I havent been able toget a good look at the video considering I'm on my phone, but I've been reading about it. Apparently you can see a large flash or explosion before the plane actually crashes into the tower.

Anybody know anymore about this or care to elaborate?

[MERIT] 09-11-2012 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by blastingas10 (Post 1229855)
Has anyone heard of the "firemans video" of 911? I havent been able toget a good look at the video considering I'm on my phone, but I've been reading about it. Apparently you can see a large flash or explosion before the plane actually crashes into the tower.

Anybody know anymore about this or care to elaborate?

9/11 was orchestrated. It's pretty much a given at this point. Hell, Tower 7 of the World Trade Center complex also exploded and crumbled to pieces that day out of nowhere.

Burning Down 09-12-2012 12:19 AM

LOL, I can't believe that people still think 9/11 was a set up. George Bush and his administration weren't smart enough to have orchestrated such a catastrophe, to be honest.

A couple of years ago I saw something interesting about Tower 7 on TV, and I'm gonna try to find it again.

[MERIT] 09-12-2012 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Burning Down (Post 1229911)
LOL, I can't believe that people still think 9/11 was a set up. George Bush and his administration weren't smart enough to have orchestrated such a catastrophe, to be honest.

A couple of years ago I saw something interesting about Tower 7 on TV, and I'm gonna try to find it again.

I'm not saying it was Bush, but there are too many inconsistencies for me to believe it was not a set up. The CIA have recently admitted to creating their own "Bin Laden" videos with which to use as proof of a confession as to him "masterminding" 9/11. Too many loop-holes. It was a false-flag event. Create a huge travesty and use it to bring Americans together to go to war in the middle east, so we can "spread democracy" (a.k.a. steal oil and kill civilians). It was all an orchestrated event.

[MERIT] 09-12-2012 03:49 AM

The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account of 911 Cannot Be True | Global Research

blastingas10 09-12-2012 03:56 AM

I'm not convinced that it was an inside job. I am convinced that they were aware that there wet hijacked planes going in that direction, if that is what happened.

I was just wanted to know about this specific video, it seems like the most compelling evidence to me.

[MERIT] 09-12-2012 04:11 AM

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

Janszoon 09-12-2012 05:01 AM

I don't even know why I clicked on this thread. I feel like I now have brain damage from the sheer ridiculousness.

Jackhoar24 09-12-2012 06:46 AM

Anything that is written by David Icke is fun, Illuminati especially is a brilliant conspiracy theory. Although reptilians, maybe not so much.

blastingas10 09-12-2012 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1229945)
I don't even know why I clicked on this thread. I feel like I now have brain damage from the sheer ridiculousness.

It was 9/11. I was watching shows on the history channel about it, I had to bring it up haha.

I don't think there was a conspiracy behind it, but since so many people do I have to at least consider it in the slightest.

I know some really intelligent people who are very convinced there was more to it.

The Batlord 09-12-2012 10:13 AM

The government can't even keep it's lawmakers from talking about "legitimate rape" and people think that they can cover up 9/11 and aliens? :laughing:

Janszoon 09-12-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1230037)
The government can't even keep it's lawmakers from talking about "legitimate rape" and people think that they can cover up 9/11 and aliens? :laughing:

Exactly. :laughing:

blastingas10 09-12-2012 10:52 AM

Don't bring aliens into this. Aliens are a lot more plausible than a 9/11 cover up.

The Batlord 09-12-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by blastingas10 (Post 1230055)
Don't bring aliens into this. Aliens are a lot more plausible than a 9/11 cover up.

I wasn't commenting on whether aliens exist or not, but on the government's ability to cover them up.

Howard the Duck 09-12-2012 07:49 PM

how about the one about me being the next head of the Secret Police in Malaysia?

[MERIT] 09-12-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1230375)
how about the one about me being the next head of the Secret Police in Malaysia?

I always pictured you more of the lone vigilante type myself.

Howard the Duck 09-12-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by [DONNIE -X- DUKES] (Post 1230424)
I always pictured you more of the lone vigilante type myself.

i'd like to think i'm some sort of mercenary

Janszoon 09-12-2012 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1230433)
i'd like to think i'm some sort of mercenary

Mercenary pervert?

Howard the Duck 09-12-2012 10:01 PM

Pervert Mercenary

Blarobbarg 09-12-2012 10:29 PM


anticipation 09-12-2012 10:33 PM

Fluoride will **** your shit up son. Messin' with your DNA and all kinds of bad **** for your brian, making the 40's be so delicious and shit.

The Batlord 09-13-2012 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by anticipation (Post 1230473)
Fluoride will **** your shit up son. Messin' with your DNA and all kinds of bad **** for your brian, making the 40's be so delicious and shit.

Dirt McGirt unmasked! :yikes:

Howard the Duck 09-13-2012 08:30 AM

i first stumbled upon this from some fundie literature:-

New World Order

don't read unless you're already bonkers like me

Janszoon 09-13-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1230614)
i first stumbled upon this from some fundie literature:-

New World Order

don't read unless you're already bonkers like me

Old, old, old news.

Howard the Duck 09-13-2012 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1230621)
Old, old, old news.

still bizarre for the uninitiated

i googled a lot for it in the old days

lots of really weird stuff written about it out there

FRED HALE SR. 09-13-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1230626)
still bizarre for the uninitiated

i googled a lot for it in the old days

lots of really weird stuff written about it out there

The good ol Mason theories. Anyone ever check out the Denver airport murals? Pretty cool stuff. LOL

blastingas10 09-13-2012 02:35 PM

I do think it's pretty damn weird that there are free mason lodge signs under street signs. What the hell is that about?

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