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blankety blank 03-24-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1169005)
After reading Blankety Blank's post, I'm unsure whether he's written something more coherent than usual or if I'm just on his level today/on this topic. I will say I just harbor suspicions and interest. I feel like the truth is lost or too hard to prove in a lot of these cases.

Again, the bold is a point. The rest is whatever you see it to be.

Firstly Mrd, when i appear to write something incoherent, it is always concerning the whole G-d issue, and, they are meant to be not so much incoherent, as not to be understood completely. If it was my job to tell it like it reads, then, it would be some seriously dark news dude. I don't really believe in threatening people with the knowledge that we all are here for the long haul, and, don't expect an all-expensive paid trip to an imaginary heaven in the sky somewhere. This concept of 'heaven and the eretz' is a concept people cannot seem to get through their heads.

i did not clear that thread up, but, i trolled, and fished out a whale. Who then cleared it up in his own words. But, i have yet to see a reply, an insult, a debate of any sort in over a day. No one gives a s*it anyway, so, i may just pull, and, not waste my time with it. My purpose is finished, i don't have to do anything but post and roast.

That's a different subject dude, we're talking conspiracy maan!

A series of interviews, audio and videotapes were released in the years following the 9/11 attacks that have were reported to be from Osama bin Laden. In the first of these the speaker denied responsibility for the attacks

It was reported that first day, and, i heard it once, and, never again. i told you earlier that's what i heard, and, i have excellent hearing.

But, also it has been suggested that those two towers, built in 1976; were designed to crumble, but, that's another theory that floated around for a short time following 911. Those buildings should have withstood the crashes, especially at the altitude where they were damaged. Not structurally modern high rises. When i saw it, the last i was thinking was any collapse. It was f*cking unbelievable to watch both just crumble like ancient mortared brick.

This whole labeling of 'conspiracy theorists' to be nutcases is a big part of PR sold to the masses as delusional rantings of crazy people. Somebody 'conspired', so, it is not a theory, it is a matter of who, not what. Someone 'conspired' to blow up shi*, and, that is a fact. The who is the theory, and, then if we find who, we will know why.

Everyone is so quick to accept tore's 'theory of an evolutionary process that has a ton of missing information', but, it's a fact even without indisputable evidence, and, far from it. But, his ideas of natural selection, based on the fitness traits, and who gets laid or not, are swallowed hook, line, and sinker by everyone who follows him around like a lap dog, licking his balls. I didn't, but, he is somewhat genuine, and, i believe a descent person. But, i don't buy any of his version the process. That version may very well be repeated by some, but, overall the next phase is much quicker. He doesn't know, but, i am aware of this.:offtopic:

It just needs to be said, that, if my rants are misunderstood, than know i'm trolling, and fishing:)

Back to theories.

And, these theories are founded on some sort of evidence, and, should be open for at least examination, without being stifled or stigmatized by the powers that be as being on a lunatic fringe. The bottom line is that these very few mega-rich cracker jacks want exactly is going on. Chaos. It's another motto, 'out of Chaos, comes order'.

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The problem is that these groups claim government involvement in their conspiracy, and, it couldn't be the government. These idiot lawmakers have no clue what is going on, other than to stick their grubby hands out for corporate payoffs, and, pork-barrel funding. This goes way beyond the corporate puppet boys in congress, so, the government is as clueless as we are. And, the 'liberal' media controlled by an oligopoly of six gentlemen; they tend to play ball for big dollars and favors from the 'good ol boy' groups of very secretive 'societies'. They completely control what we hear, read, or see. And, see to it that anything derogatory is simply nutcase conspiracy wackos who are then sold for public ridicule.

i'm not saying i know something dirty went on, but, i would bet money that something was known beforehand, just as many other attacks and wars were created at the expense of thousands of lives.

It's up to you Mrd if you want to research this sh*t.

But, Alex Jones does have some good film, and, check out Jessi Venture and 'conspiracy theory'. It was a t.v. that ran for a year or so, and, he uncovered some eerie goings on as well. If you've never seen the Bohemian Grove video, it is quite interesting, and, he got it all.

Dick Gregory, Noam Chomsky, and, anything that sheds anything on many more issues than simply 911.

The Bilderberger's, CFR, Bohemian Grove, and all elitist 'buddy' societies. And, the Illuminati does mean 'illuminated ones', and, they do have an awareness of something i understand, but, i don't think they fully do.

I'll stop here dude. I'm just excited that my Buckeyes are headed for the final four, and, it's the little things that sometimes we have to make us happy.

Is this not mind boggling? In 1900 world population 1.6 billion 1959 3 billion 1999 doubled to 6 billion in 40 years. 2011 7 billion These are staggering figures dude. Something's going to happen, it almost has to. Everyday, there are 213,000 more people added to the population!

'annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum'? I asked you about what that means 'literally'.

'To annihilate, obliterate, or destroy; to begin a new order of secularism for the ages'

Just throwing out one of my favorite bands.

sorry for the rant. It went a bit long. My bad. i cut some out, so, if appears scattered, that's why. I went off on a tired rant.

slatesphanboi 03-25-2012 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by slatesphanboi (Post 1168766)
I am convinced that Andrew Wood, Kurt Cobain, and Layne Staley were murdered as part of a government Black PSY-OP.


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1168909)
If that were true, I wouldn't be so goddamned angry every time I pay taxes. Aside from being an amazing story of Government competence, it would should that our tax dollars aren't being entirely wasted on idiotic pursuits.

Be careful about wanting tax dollars spent to assassinate people... eventually YOU might be the target!


Ron Paul Calls National Defense Authorization Act "Slip Into Tyranny"

“A dictator enjoys unrestrained power over the people. The legislative and judicial branches voluntarily cede this power or it’s taken by force. Most of the time, it’s given up easily, out of fear in time of war and civil disturbances, and with support from the people, although the dictator will also accumulate more power with the use of force.” Those prescient words of Republican presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) are taken from his book Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom.
The tyrannical assumption of power by the President and the cession of unheralded power to him by the Congress has taken place precisely as Dr. Paul warned.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is an unprecedented, unconstitutional, and unchecked grant of dictatorial power to the President in the name of protecting the security of “the homeland.” Ron Paul described the bill (soon to be signed into law by the President) as a “slip into tyranny,” one that will almost certainly accelerate “our descent into totalitarianism.”

Ron Paul Calls National Defense Authorization Act "Slip Into Tyranny"

Howard the Duck 03-25-2012 06:31 AM

JFK being killed by the CIA or the Mafia, I guess

that never gets old with me

or fail to give me the creeps

yoshimitsu 03-25-2012 07:00 AM

The wealthiest people in the world have been building an empire for a long time now. Almost every third world country is sitting on resources that could sustain all the people in the country. But corporations all over the world put these countries in great financial debt, and then turn it into a 'puppet democracy' where the president is elected but he's useless, because he does not control the economy of the country. The businessman does.

hip hop bunny hop 03-25-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1169070)

A series of interviews, audio and videotapes were released in the years following the 9/11 attacks that have were reported to be from Osama bin Laden. In the first of these the speaker denied responsibility for the attacks

It was reported that first day, and, i heard it once, and, never again. i told you earlier that's what i heard, and, i have excellent hearing.

I'm sorry, are you implying that after initially reporting this information they tried to cover it up? Then why are there all these articles about it lying around, such as this one from CNN?

Further, why does denial matter so much? Why should we just take OBLs word for it that he wasn't involved?

blankety blank 03-25-2012 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop (Post 1169305)
I'm sorry, are you implying that after initially reporting this information they tried to cover it up? Then why are there all these articles about it lying around, such as this one from CNN?

Further, why does denial matter so much? Why should we just take OBLs word for it that he wasn't involved?

I saw it on t.v., i don't read much news online. I don't even watch news much, but, it was sort of all over the t.v. that day.

What it said that day was that OBL was denying involvement, but, also stated something to the effect that if Bush/Cheney gang wanted to give AQ the credit, he'd take it gladly, and, went on about how we deserved it, and, all that sh*t, because we are the infidels, and the great satan:). I didn't see any of that in this article, however. But, i see he said it seemed to be planned for personal reasons.

Denial isn't usually expressed by middle eastern militant groups. They generally like to bask in their success. It's the terrorists over here who like to lay the blame on others. That's why.

The story did not appear on the news on the little black screen after that. I saw it once, and, that was it. I was implying that they made it go away. Not many Americans probably could navigate the internet at that time. I think pc's were still kind of expensive, and, dial-up required the wife to get off the phone:)

You know what I did as soon as they went down? I fu*king jumped in the car, and, raced to the bank, and withdrew 10 grand out of the bank, and, almost cleaned out all our CD accounts, but, it was a bit stiff on the penalties, so, I very reluctantly thought to wait a day or two to decide. I was thinking this was it man, fu*cking Armageddon!

I actually dreamed about it two days before it happened. That was the first time my shrink told me i was psychic. I said don't you mean psychotic? I have had some experiences, but, three professionals keep insisting on psychic!
But, i do get to choose the meds, so, i get what i need. I won't scare anyone with the other dreams, that i am fairly certain are probably going to happen here pretty soon. Sooner or later anyway, they were quite vivid.

But, if you live here, and, you get vaporized anytime soon. Remember who told you so:)

Thanks dude, I get to post some Against Me!

It's a two-fer. There are at least 100 songs about Armageddon.

Someone go nuke the federal reserve, and, we can blame it on Sweden.

Have a gooday mate.

Franco Pepe Kalle 03-25-2012 06:22 PM

The most interesting conspiracy is that Michael Jackson is gay. Man, never had I had seen Michael Jackson **** a man passionately like he has done towards a woman.

Electrophonic Tonic 03-25-2012 07:31 PM

Anyone ever heard of Nemesis...?

Nemesis, aka the 'Death Star'

blankety blank 03-25-2012 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1169180)
JFK being killed by the CIA or the Mafia, I guess

that never gets old with me

or fail to give me the creeps

It's really not too much of a well-kept secret.

I've never seen Oliver Stone's flick, but, it had to be the CIA for JFK, and, ghw bush was involved. JKF wanted to disband the CIA, and, even possible involvement, or least the knowledge that LBJ may have known. Kennedy also wasn't exactly in favor of the civil rights act, and LBJ was obsessed over it for some unknown reason. He was a Texan, so, I don't if that is true or not, unless there was some money to be made. It was guaranteed CIA. I'm psychic, I know these things:)

A really well informed and very radical History Professor clued me in actually.

Mafia for RFK, because, as attorney general, he flat went after their ass. And, they actually helped rig the election in 60, in Chicago, which Illinois was the state that put J ho in office. J ho. That's funny there:)

If only i had a rocket launcher. He a riot folk artist, or, he might be silenced.
He says what he thinks. It's a good read. And, a good song as well:)

From Baghdad to Baltimore, a world-wide war
The tactic of destruction as a double-bladed sword
As the contracts hit the billions and the billions hit the street
In protest of the slaughter, getting slaughtered by police
We grow to love our neighbors then to stab them in the back
In a crooked game of power with a deck that's always stacked
The goal's to struggle through your labor just to find your place in line
While the profiteers repeat the pattern, holding down rewind
And if the foreground's so destructive think what's happening behind
If I had a rocket launcher, my place would be defined

I watch the television, see the headlines now and then
Slogan after slogan, repeating the refrain
We trust these movie-stars of media, and we're fetishizing fame
As little tidbits of reality go flashing across the screen
They say that everything is even it's all following the plan
The dead are stacked in piles being bulldozed in the sand
There's nothing different about it, it's just like all the rest
Limbless children without parents, homeless cancer-ridden vets
They try to cloak it all in logos, every day another myth
The news reporters smiles, gaining stories from the death
What they did to Southeast Asia they are doing here today
If I had a rocket launcher, I'd make somebody pay

Down at Central Booking in the over crowded cells
The poor are housed together fending for themselves
Against the prison guard's union, the criminals with keys
Calling punishment "correction", doing anything they please
Locked away inside this concrete cage all hope is torn apart
As the guards complete the cycle breaking down the human heart
Until the verdict is not guilty or the final lever's pulled
Still the circle is unbroken and the cells are always full
You know the war across the ocean? Well here's the one at home
From the ghetto to the graveyard, the path is set in stone
The duty done by prisons is maintaining poverty
If I had a rocket launcher, I'd abolish slavery

Time continues slowly sometimes dangerously still
Everyday a new beginning finds you staring up the hill
Another war another clear cut, another killer cop
A society collapsing with the ticking of the clock
You'd think there'd never be an outlet, never something so immense
That it could break this spell of silence and the deeds it represents
But between the benefactor's and the people beaten back
It's evident by history that something's gonna crack
And when it does there's only action, the changing of the hands
Aggression laying waste to all the best laid plans
And don't blame me if I'm smiling when it all comes tumbling down
If I had a rocket launcher, I would make each second count

yoshimitsu 03-26-2012 03:58 AM

This thread is AWESOME

It's good to see people actually gathering information before talking about conspiracies.

Mrd00d 03-26-2012 03:34 PM

Talking to another homeless dude this morning at the lunchline and after someone said Soylent Green he told me about a jello factory or some such between North and South Dakota that uses humans. People that go snooping wind up Soylent Green'd, etc.

That's a new one on me. I like it. Every day is soylent green day.

Howard the Duck 03-26-2012 07:50 PM

it's not actually a "conspiracy" but you really should know what they put into cigarettes

mebbe you oughta think twice before taking a puff next time

hip hop bunny hop 03-26-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1169940)
it's not actually a "conspiracy" but you really should know what they put into cigarettes

High fructose corn syrup is ****ing everywhere. I about pissed myself laughing when that was listed as an ingredient on a carton of my friend's cheap ass "Grand" cigarettes...

Howard the Duck 03-26-2012 09:38 PM

ingredients in cigarettes here include pesticide, detergent and Lord knows what else

slatesphanboi 03-27-2012 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic (Post 1169422)
Anyone ever heard of Nemesis...?

Nemesis, aka the 'Death Star'

Is that sort of like Planet X?

Nibiru cataclysm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

blankety blank 03-29-2012 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1169877)
Talking to another homeless dude this morning at the lunchline and after someone said Soylent Green he told me about a jello factory or some such between North and South Dakota that uses humans. People that go snooping wind up Soylent Green'd, etc.

That's a new one on me. I like it. Every day is soylent green day.

That was a good flick. Which reminded me of another lesser-know B-movie called 'Motel Hell'. It was a classic comic horror flick. If you ever happen to see it in a video store, or on t.v., or somewhere, you have to see it. It is hilarious. It is perhaps the best story of comic horror ever.

I won't ruin it, but, Rory Gallagher was the star, and a b-list one, but he made the best tasting sausage in all the land! And, he grew the meat as well.

But, since today is a soylent green day. I guess green day is on order for soylent.:)

Who's an idiot? It doesn't matter; we can't do anything about anything.

How about 'know your enemy', and, realize that it should not be people v people. But, there is lot of people here v me, and, i am done with debate. This is a banter site, and, it's about music. And, that i never fail to post in every post i rant on.

i see a lot of good insightful comments; but i don't see a lot of videos.

More music, and less vanity; from me anyway for sure. i am determined to make some friends here, and, i hope to.


Mrd00d 03-30-2012 02:04 PM

You're all right by me Blankety Steve. I have low bandwidth a lot and can't go digging around for videos on youtube. Otherwise I'd post relevant music also.

Here's some more discussion fodder: The HAARP machine - the weather is being manually manipulated.

FEMA death camps: Will we be rounded up Holocaust style by our own National Guard?

Dun dun DUNN

crash_override 03-30-2012 05:14 PM

Some of my favorites:

9/11 (WTC 1,2&7) - The most glaringly obvious example of a conspiracy we have seen in most of our lifetimes. Whether you believe the conspiracy lies in the planning, execution, or the aftermath of the event, the fact is that something isn't right, things aren't explained, and people are refusing to answer questions. This one reeks of conspiracy.

JFK - The most glaringly obvious example of a conspiracy the last generation experienced. Probably not a more obvious example of a true government conspiracy out there. There is no magic bullet. There is smoke on the grassy knoll.

Philadelphia Experiment - Probably the most far out theory I will lend any belief to. It makes an interesting read if nothing else.

TWA 800 - TWA 800 was shot down by a neglegent discharge from a US Navy submarine during a combat simulation known as Sea-Trials. Someone pressed the wrong button.

Vicent Foster murder and cover-up - Whitehouse employee under the Clinton administration who committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the head and neck with two different weapons, then decided to relocate himself to a nearby public park sometime shortly after his execution style death.

Pearl Harbor - Government leaders had advance knowledge of an iminent attack on US Pacific Fleet and not only didn't take counter-measures to stop it, but actually reduced forces in the area to increase losses and force the public into war.

Roswell UFO Crash, Area 51, and reverse engineering of alien technology - No matter what the extent of your belief in conspiracy theories, one thing is sure, something significant happened at Roswell and Area 51.

Conspiracies I don't take seriously:

Fake Moon Landing

Obama Birther Theory

Global Warming Hoax

Nazi UFOs/Vril Society

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

Flouridation of public water

blankety blank 03-30-2012 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1169968)
ingredients in cigarettes here include pesticide, detergent and Lord knows what else

a couple more at least duck here in the united states? and, the very first virus ever discovered. the tobacco mosaic virus; which is a list in itself of things named after moses. and, that virus is one tough son of a beach to kill. if it was actually a living organism?

and, i've smoked for 40 years! i joke, but, it brings back memories that are not funny at all. and, i have to stop the pointless debate on all the in the mind crap, and, i will leave that here on a journal, and i have to start, and you are welcome to view if you like. you will see someone different, and,
something i wrote, and, did not post here. i saw a miracle duck, seriously. i have been asking, and, there is a message for anyone who wants to hear.

Quickly with the rest, because, i do like you duck. i always read your stuff, and, you are a friend, even though you may think otherwise:)

i have puffed away 292,000 burning bushes, and, that is based on one pack a day. it may be more. and, roughly 11,000 joints. i quit that habit, but, i can't kick the cigarettes.

there are 599 additives in cigarettes! i'm lmao, because, that doesn't include all the chemicals in cigarette smoke. i don't smoke actual cigarette tobacco. i smoke cigarettes that contain no additives, because, they are made with pipe tobacco. they have machines that roll them up in eight minutes for a carton at less than half the price. And, since pipe smokers don't inhale, they leave the additives out!

they've only been around for a year or so, but, subtract 7300 from the 292k, and, i'm in good shape:)

this is an issue that is on the list also i have been observing, and, when the rain eventually comes down, it will be peeing a lot of cheerios. it may happen this time, but, it may not. i will discuss it.

peace and blessings to you duck, and, i wish i could talk to dan johnston. he has really suffered, and, he has lost hope. i saw it in every Word he writes. i checked his latest to see how he was still dealing with it, and, he's still not.

he's like a child, and, i know he cannot read anything, so he draws, and writes and does concerts waiting it out, until he is eventually going to probably be committed. he'll be alright if he only knew.

here's a song you may have never heard. i will post two, because, one has to apply to cigarettes:) that's what i do, so, listen to this, and, pray for peter pumpkinhead.

let's begin

Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Fed the starving and housed the poor
Showed the Vatican what gold's for

But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?

Peter Pumpkinhead brought to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Lusts and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said, "Any kind of love is all right"

But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?

Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you, and an awful lot like me!

But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin (Hooray)
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin?
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Oh my, oh my, don't it make you want to cry, oh

if you want to reply, just answer this. do you ever feel guilty for things you've done, or thought, or said?

it is a conspiracy theory, so, it is on topic:)


Howard the Duck 03-31-2012 05:48 AM

^^well, i would consider you a friend Steve Blank

if you didn't write posts which are usually tl;dr

i have severe ADD

blankety blank 03-31-2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1171891)
^^well, i would consider you a friend Steve Blank

if you didn't write posts which are usually tl;dr

i have severe ADD

i know what tl is, but, not dr, but, they will get shorter dude. And, me too on the add. it used to be adhd, but, i don't have the energy for hyperactivity.

i will make them short and sweet for you bro.



Howard the Duck 03-31-2012 08:24 PM


dr means "didn't read"

blankety blank 04-01-2012 02:40 AM

[QUOTE=crash_override;1171757]Some of my favorites:


9/11 (WTC 1,2&7) - The most glaringly obvious example of a conspiracy we have seen in most of our lifetimes. Whether you believe the conspiracy lies in the planning, execution, or the aftermath of the event, the fact is that something isn't right, things aren't explained, and people are refusing to answer questions. This one reeks of conspiracy.

JFK - The most glaringly obvious example of a conspiracy the last generation experienced. Probably not a more obvious example of a true government conspiracy out there. There is no magic bullet. There is smoke on the grassy knoll.
Pretty much of the evidence suggests fairly clearly that it was a CIA job, with Oswald as fall guy, and, Ruby took care of any chance that Oswald might have told us a different story


Philadelphia Experiment - Probably the most far out theory I will lend any belief to. It makes an interesting read if nothing else.
This is a wild one. i don't know but, it is something. Not sure what, but, something.

TWA 800 - TWA 800 was shot down by a neglegent discharge from a US Navy submarine during a combat simulation known as Sea-Trials. Someone pressed the wrong button.

Yeah. I think something that might have happened that way. It appeared to have been hit by a missile.

Vicent Foster murder and cover-up - Whitehouse employee under the Clinton administration who committed suicide by shooting himself twice in the head and neck with two different weapons, then decided to relocate himself to a nearby public park sometime shortly after his execution style death.

Never really concerned myself with one. And, it is ancient history now.

Pearl Harbor - Government leaders had advance knowledge of an eminent attack on US Pacific Fleet and not only didn't take counter-measures to stop it, but actually reduced forces in the area to increase losses and force the public into war.

Not only that, we blockade their path to the oil supplies, and did absolutely force japan to have to go through pearl harbor. This one is given. it happened for sure. Roosevelt baited hitler multiple times in the Atlantic, but, he didn't take the bait. But, it's history, so, we'll move on.

Roswell UFO Crash, Area 51, and reverse engineering of alien technology - No matter what the extent of your belief in conspiracy theories, one thing is sure, something significant happened at Roswell and Area 51.

i don't buy this. i don't necessary in the whole alien thing, as they are perceived to be coming from outer space. There are aliens, man doesn't exactly where they are. I do.

Conspiracies I don't take seriously:


Fake Moon Landing
That may qualify as a nutty kind of theory.


Obama Birther Theory
Don;t know much about this, and, i probably would say b*lls*it.


Global Warming Hoax
global warming is a crock of s*it. This planet can do it on it's own, and, has many times. It is connected to the weather control issue, and, something to blame, and, just make us think we are causing all the bizarre weather.


Nazi UFOs/Vril Society
Not exactly. i think this is another alien scare.


High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
Might do some research for this. Something is whacking out the weather.


Fluoridation of public water
You might want to do some research, or, get the knowledge of understanding what this crap does throughout the body. It is poison, and nuclear waste. Our bodies don't produce it, and, they are putting in everything, and, they have some hexaflouride they are dumping tonnes of it in my state.

That one is obvious, it you bother to do the research. And, if you are drinking it, eating all the food they stuff it, then get yourself learned up on this subject. this is a reality, not, even close to a theory.

Fluoride toxicity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That would be a starting point. Check a list of most poisonous elements and gases, and, see many are related.

All these group vii elements are starting to trickle into some medications like Lipitor, prozac, and it is only around ten percent of the new pharmaceuticals.
This one needs some serious research. Take it serious, or, the health consequences will start creeping in after so long.

The tiny blue area in eastern u.s. right over my house in Ohio is evidently in the ground water now:) So, all the dumping they are doing here is poison. And, it is seeping into the ground water. if you drink fluoridated, or even chlorinate, then, you may want to research. i know exactly where it is from, why they did it, and, all the effects it has on the body. it's your call dude.

Geographical areas associated with groundwater having over 1.5 mg/L of naturally occurring fluoride, which is above recommended levels.

NWO already controlling population with poisoned water and air - YouTube

This guy tested the rain water. it is interesting, but, i am sure it will get few views.

Oh well, what can we do about it? Nada. They have us too worried, and, busy with stuffing our minds with thoughts, and, information overload. As well as being a slave to the almighty whatever currency you slave for. Probably not nearly enough for all the bills:)

take it easy

Howard the Duck 04-01-2012 02:46 AM

The JFK conspiracy is like an artichoke, that we may well be totally shell-shocked if we peel off all the layers to find the heart of it

"You want the truth? Believe me, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"

Rubato 04-01-2012 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1172274)
global warming is a crock of s*it. This planet can do it on it's own, and, has many times. It is connected to the weather control issue, and, something to blame, and, just make us think we are causing all the bizarre weather

Well we certainly aren't helping. I don't think the problem is the change but the rate of acceleration and I think it would be wise to limit our own contribution to that.

Queen Boo 04-01-2012 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1169416)
The most interesting conspiracy is that Michael Jackson is gay. Man, never had I had seen Michael Jackson **** a man passionately like he has done towards a woman.

There's a picture of him checking out Britney Spears' ass.

Howard the Duck 04-01-2012 08:24 AM

i'm actually more interested in weird urban legends like:-

do they really wank into ice-cream to make it "smoother"?

if an obese person sits on an airplane's toilet bowl and covers the entire lid, will flushing also mean disembowelling them?

that's what I really want to know

Lisnaholic 04-01-2012 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1169070)

But, also it has been suggested that those two towers, built in 1976; were designed to crumble, but, that's another theory that floated around for a short time following 911. Those buildings should have withstood the crashes, especially at the altitude where they were damaged. Not structurally modern high rises. When i saw it, the last i was thinking was any collapse. It was f*cking unbelievable to watch both just crumble like ancient mortared brick.

One of the main reasons for the speed of the Twin Towers collapse is that the New York planning authorities, for reasons of cost and expediency, permitted the original construction to go ahead with insufficient fire escape routes. In England, a high-rise building must have concrete-encased stairwells that resist fire for, I think, two hours and which provide safe, rigid escape routes. Structurally, they often form the trunk of the building, from which lighter steel/concrete structures hang out like branches; that`s how you can have walls of glass, for instance.

In the Twin Towers, the stairwells weren`t concrete-encased, they were just braced with steel beams with some kind of fire-resistant covering, which didn`t prevent the steel getting hot. Unfortunately, when steel gets hot it loses strength even faster than burning timber. Look for the 20-minutes-into-the-fire line on the bottom axis of this graph:-

After 20 mins, a piece of timber still has 50% of its strength; a piece of steel has about 7% - it`s about as strong as Jell-O. That`s why the buildings appeared to implode; they just collapsed under their own weight.

Of course, after the event, no-one was very keen to put up their hand and say, "I allowed that building to be constructed on the cheap", so in the US there might`ve been something of a hushing-up conspiracy. In Britain, though, all of the above was reported in a very reputable construction-trade journal about one year after the tragic events of 9/11. ( May all those poor people R.I.P.)


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1172340)
i'm actually more interested in weird urban legends like:-

do they really wank into ice-cream to make it "smoother"?

if an obese person sits on an airplane's toilet bowl and covers the entire lid, will flushing also mean disembowelling them?

that's what I really want to know

^ I so hope neither of these are true.

Mrd00d 04-01-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lisnaholic (Post 1172405)
One of the main reasons for the speed of the Twin Towers collapse is that the New York planning authorities, for reasons of cost and expediency, permitted the original construction to go ahead with insufficient fire escape routes. In England, a high-rise building must have concrete-encased stairwells that resist fire for, I think, two hours and which provide safe, rigid escape routes. Structurally, they often form the trunk of the building, from which lighter steel/concrete structures hang out like branches; that`s how you can have walls of glass, for instance.

In the Twin Towers, the stairwells weren`t concrete-encased, they were just braced with steel beams with some kind of fire-resistant covering, which didn`t prevent the steel getting hot. Unfortunately, when steel gets hot it loses strength even faster than burning timber. Look for the 20-minutes-into-the-fire line on the bottom axis of this graph:-

After 20 mins, a piece of timber still has 50% of its strength; a piece of steel has about 7% - it`s about as strong as Jell-O. That`s why the buildings appeared to implode; they just collapsed under their own weight.

Of course, after the event, no-one was very keen to put up their hand and say, "I allowed that building to be constructed on the cheap", so in the US there might`ve been something of a hushing-up conspiracy. In Britain, though, all of the above was reported in a very reputable construction-trade journal about one year after the tragic events of 9/11. ( May all those poor people R.I.P.)

^ I so hope neither of these are true.

Excellent logic-ing! That's pretty much it isn't it?

Lisnaholic 04-01-2012 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Mrd00d (Post 1172442)
Excellent logic-ing! That's pretty much it isn't it?

Thanks, Mrd00d. Yes, that`s pretty much it. When there`s a choice to be made between cost and public safety, "money doesn`t talk - it swears".

In England we had a big train crash a few years back that was apparently the result of cost cutting. And then there were the levees around New Orleans, that were too expensive to build or maintain properly ....

Franco Pepe Kalle 04-01-2012 03:26 PM

I am going to get flack for saying this but this is interesting to me:
You were born as a homosexual.

Mrd00d 04-01-2012 03:30 PM

K epic troll can finally get banned now yea?

Unknown Soldier 04-01-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1172472)
I am going to get flack for saying this but this is interesting to me:
You were born as a homosexual.

You were born as a moron.

And that is a known fact to most on here.

The Fascinating Turnip 04-01-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1172472)
I am going to get flack for saying this but this is interesting to me:
You were born as a homosexual.

I was going to write a more detailed post, but I'm just going to be short and sweet: You're an absolute plonker.

Howard the Duck 04-02-2012 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1172472)
I am going to get flack for saying this but this is interesting to me:
You were born as a homosexual.

you were born an arrogant condescending flamebait

there's no conspiracy about that

it's the truth

blankety blank 04-02-2012 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1172276)
The JFK conspiracy is like an artichoke, that we may well be totally shell-shocked if we peel off all the layers to find the heart of it

"You want the truth? Believe me, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"

if we are going to trade truth; trust me you may has well just drop everything, and, just go wild and crazy. it doesn't matter what anyone believes, it's a catch 44:)

we have enough current goings on to really concern ourselves with ancient conspiracies. just a thought dude.:)

If anyone is reading the 66 books of the Bible, they might want to read the 600 page book of the Muslims. You might find that you see a 600 threescore and six, if you focus:)


You don't want to die
But the living gets you down
We want you to act like nothing's wrong
Even though you heard a sound
And then you're ripped right out of the ground
Like a ****in' root
No you simply cannot hide
From the ugly truth
You fell you must be wise
'Cause you could find yourself
Among a sea of smiling faces
It's a way I've never felt
Yeah, it kinda flies right into my face
And out the other side
Oh, the ugly truth leaves nothing to decide
The ugly truth makes every one of us a liar
If you can dig a big enough hole
To bury all your youth
No you still won't be prepared for the ugly truth
No you'll never be prepared for the ugly truth
You simply cannot hide from the ugly truth

take it easy duck

'and, the courageous among the mighty will flee away naked in that day' You might as well strip down, and, go streaking:)

Howard the Duck 04-02-2012 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by blankety blank (Post 1172698)
if we are going to trade truth; trust me you may has well just drop everything, and, just go wild and crazy. it doesn't matter what anyone believes, it's a catch 44:)

If anyone is reading the 66 books of the Bible, they might want to read the 600 page book of the Muslims. You might find that you see a 600 threescore and six, if you focus:)


i do read the Quran, you know, it ain't exactly 666 pages, it depends on the translation

besides the usual "questionable" commandments of Allah (one sura' says if your ho gets out of line, exercise your pimp hand, and there's lots and lots about using violence on the kafirs), it's a pretty good work of poetry, if I do say so myself

Franco Pepe Kalle 04-02-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1172489)
You were born as a moron.

And that is a known fact to most on here.

:wave::wave::wave: You just made my day becuase that was probably the dumbest dice I have heard in my life. :whythis::whythis:

Unknown Soldier 04-03-2012 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1172841)
:wave::wave::wave: You just made my day becuase that was probably the dumbest dice I have heard in my life. :whythis::whythis:

Why do you even bother posting? Do you actually think your contentious comments hold any real validity here? If you actually made some attempt to explain your point of view or even tried to circumvent that point of view, people may actually give you the time of day. Instead of the usual fuck off troll response (excuse my French here) that you're getting at the moment.

Howard the Duck 04-03-2012 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1173051)
Why do you even bother posting? Do you actually think your contentious comments hold any real validity here? If you actually made some attempt to explain your point of view or even tried to circumvent that point of view, people may actually give you the time of day. Instead of the usual fuck off troll response (excuse my French here) that you're getting at the moment.

Franco usually ends up getting picked upon, here and on muzic forums

it's mostly due to his inarticulation and lack of fluency

not to mention that his views are usually skewered

one good thing about him - he does have good taste in Afrocentric music

not Anglocentric, though

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