Astronomer |
04-17-2010 01:14 AM |
I agree with you boo boo and it used to really bother me but now I just let it pass because I know that people who have to resort to personally attacking others in that kind of way obviously have self-perception and security issues themselves. With sites like YouTube you know that 90% of the population are absolute idiots so I don't attach any merit to their comments but instead realise that they don't have anything better to do and so their acts are very sad.
What does bother me though, is cyber-bullying, which happens so much in both high schools and primary schools now that it sickens me. Not only to people like being 'anonymous' and behind a mask, knowing that they won't be found out, but cyber-bullying can be so much deadlier and detrimental. I've seen private photographs unknowingly been emailed out to thousands of people, email addresses hacked, fake Facebook pages made, you name it. And it's one of those things that you just have no idea where to begin in order to tackle it.