Do you believe in ghosts? - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 04-30-2013, 09:13 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
And for the record Canwllcorfe is right, Christians aren't supposed to believe in ghosts. It negates the idea of heaven and hell and a final judgement. The word ghost in holy ghost refers to a holy soul. That is not how we are using it.
Holy actually means healthy; and, the Greek pnuema is used for both 'ghost' and 'spirit', but, actually means breathe or breathing. And, the Christian 'idea' of heaven and hell is a catch-22 according to the literal translation. How many here have seen a ghost; and, of those who have, how many have seen a young girl, or half a young girl? All those stories with all the symbolic imagery; do you think that maybe someone was smoking something, or eating mushrooms or plants of some psychedelic sort?

I think the Outlaws did the best version of this oft-covered classic.

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Old 04-30-2013, 09:42 PM   #112 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post you? And if you you have a story to go with it?

I do, and I have a whole bunch of theories based on how ghosts can exist...but that isn't nearly as interesting as a good experience story.

My best one happened when I had a business trip to Golden, Colorado. I was staying for a month, so my work hooked me up with a townhouse. I had 3 other roommates. One of the guys there (I'll call him Tom) was one of the weirdest guys I've ever met. He refused to pay his rent, he constantly trashed the place, was a borderline rapist, got the cops called on us multiple times, and was generally the most annoying person I think I've ever met in my life. I describe him for a reason, as you will soon see.

Anyway, one of my first few nights there I was sleeping and having what you might call a typical dream. I can't really remember what it was about, but all of the sudden the whole tone of my dream changed. It no longer felt like a dream, it felt more like I was being held in a dream state. I was looking out the window of the room I was staying in and behind me I heard a girl struggling. I didn't look to see, but I knew she was being attacked by a man. All of the sudden, I was back in my bed and a blonde mid-teens girl in a white dress was next to me. I couldn't clearly see her face, but I knew she was attractive. She was leaning next to my ear and whispering to me. I couldn't understand the words but I knew she was begging for help. All of the sudden (still in my dream), Tom busted in, the girl panicked and I woke up. For some reason, the first thought in my head was "great, this place is haunted..." The dream left me feeling very weird the rest of the day, and I forced myself to shake it off.

So, eventually Tom not paying his rent and generally causing a lot of trouble ended up pissing off the landlord, so he got kicked out. We threw a party in celebration. We didn't know where he would go considering he didn't have a job or money, but he was so inconsiderate of what we had already done for him we didn't care anymore.

A few days later another one of my roommates (who I will call John) and I were hanging out in the living room. This guy is one of the coolest guys I've met. We are the only two people in the house, and we start hearing banging upstairs. It doesn't really bother me and for some reason, I think nothing of it. John makes a comment about it, and I mention jokingly, "haha maybe the house is haunted..." He laughs, but then he looks at me and says, "You know, I really think this place is haunted," I ask why he thinks so and he tells me how he hears voices sometimes asking for help and how everytime a girl sleeps over, she feels very uncomfortable in his room (as if someone is watching) and ends up asking to go in the living room. Then he hits me with something that just blew my mind. He told me about how on top of all this he has these dreams involving this girl...I stop him right there and ask him if this girl is blonde in a white dress asking for help. He looks at me intensely and goes..."Uhh...yeah..." At this point we trade our dreams and though the situations are different, the context remains the same. All the way down to Tom being involved in waking us up. We are both totally convinced of the haunting at this point.

So, back to the noises. The thumping sounds as if it is coming from an empty room upstairs. We never go in this room, as there is no need. John goes up to check it out, comes back down, and mentions how he saw something he didn't like. It turns out Tom had been sneaking back into the house somehow and was currently squatting in that room. As soon as we discover this, the thumping stops. It seems as if the ghost was trying to warn us of Tom. We inform the landlord who has a sheriff friend, and he tells us he will talk to Tom and if he returns to call. We also scour the house for any way he could sneak in and make sure it is securely closed off.

John and I do some research and find out there was a body of an unidentified girl in the river behind our house found in the mid 70s who was blonde and in her mid teens. She was also found to have been raped and murdered. I really feel like the ghost of this girl was trying to warn us of Tom and helped us make sure he was gone and could not cause us anymore trouble.

Well, I hope you found that interesting. Anyone else have some good stories?
This is interesting duga. One question. The image of the girl; was it a full image, or was it a partial or not a full image? The girl in the white dress is very typical of ghost sightings, including my son and his friend who saw a very similar image. I have never actually seen a ghost; however, I have had some pretty spectacular visual events, including a past-life regression (or what they call it) where I was raped and murdered as a young girl by a priest. Whether it was me or not I couldn't tell you, but, the date was clearly 1896. Several months ago I was at my brother's house looking at his boat. I glanced at the license number, and, it read oh(for Ohio)1896; and, I said out loud 'that's the year I died'. It was kind of weird I suppose, but, definitely not the strangest event in this body I have experienced. Your story has meaning duga, but, if I were to get into the details, the comments would start flying; and, I'm not interested this time in hearing the insults. Let's just say you had an illusion, or a lucid dream for the sake of not arguing.

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Old 05-01-2013, 12:33 AM   #113 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blankety blank View Post
Tell Pepe that is mighty white of him. I actually be very nice to French people, but, I have never spoken to any. He could be Spanish, and, I have spoken to a few. My Spanish professor was Spanish, and, a very nice fellow.
Where exactly is Franco at the moment? He hasn't posted in ages!
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Old 05-01-2013, 01:28 AM   #114 (permalink)
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i don't know if i believe in ghosts. i think one time i saw a door knob turn of its own volition in my aunts house, but i was very young. i remember being utterly gripped by fear at the time, but it really has no bearing on my current attitude toward the matter.

what i do find interesting is my good friend joe's accounts of his old country property. joe and four of his siblings were raised there, and they will all tell of two different characters inhabiting the house and yard, on top of there being this weird shadow-thing that would take over corners in well-lit rooms. i would think they just cooked this up themselves to mess with me were it not for the fact that i know several people who have slept there and told me terrifying things about it, and also that joe's dad hung himself cuz he just couldn't take the torment anymore. i'm not too familiar with the vernacular of ghost lore, but i remember joe claiming that there are different types of ghosts and the ones in his old house were of the "vex" type. apparently his mother had enlisted the help of several different "experts" and they'd all come to a similar conclusion. they were instructed to have the house demolished. they sold it 4 or 5 years ago, and just now i'm wondering if they've contacted the new owners to see if they've had similar experiences.

it was seriously f*cked though. when joe told me about it i was obviously quite skeptical. i'd never known joe to indulge in thoughts about such things and i frankly thought it was out of character. he told me about two years after his dad killed himself, and the story actually took about an hour for him to tell. it was his whole life in an hour, really. these ghosts - real or not - made him who he is today. at the end he told me that if i needed confirmation i should ask roger. roger is another person whom i would never think capable of indulging such things, but when i asked him at a party he very instantly went from his usual jovial self to telling a story while wearing the most convincing thousand-yard stare i've seen to date. creepy. as. f*ck.

none of this is to say i'm convinced. but i'm definitely not convinced they don't exist... that's for damn sure.
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Old 05-01-2013, 02:18 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by duga View Post you? And if you you have a story to go with it?

I do, and I have a whole bunch of theories based on how ghosts can exist...but that isn't nearly as interesting as a good experience story.

My best one happened when I had a business trip to Golden, Colorado. I was staying for a month, so my work hooked me up with a townhouse. I had 3 other roommates. One of the guys there (I'll call him Tom) was one of the weirdest guys I've ever met. He refused to pay his rent, he constantly trashed the place, was a borderline rapist, got the cops called on us multiple times, and was generally the most annoying person I think I've ever met in my life. I describe him for a reason, as you will soon see.

Anyway, one of my first few nights there I was sleeping and having what you might call a typical dream. I can't really remember what it was about, but all of the sudden the whole tone of my dream changed. It no longer felt like a dream, it felt more like I was being held in a dream state. I was looking out the window of the room I was staying in and behind me I heard a girl struggling. I didn't look to see, but I knew she was being attacked by a man. All of the sudden, I was back in my bed and a blonde mid-teens girl in a white dress was next to me. I couldn't clearly see her face, but I knew she was attractive. She was leaning next to my ear and whispering to me. I couldn't understand the words but I knew she was begging for help. All of the sudden (still in my dream), Tom busted in, the girl panicked and I woke up. For some reason, the first thought in my head was "great, this place is haunted..." The dream left me feeling very weird the rest of the day, and I forced myself to shake it off.

So, eventually Tom not paying his rent and generally causing a lot of trouble ended up pissing off the landlord, so he got kicked out. We threw a party in celebration. We didn't know where he would go considering he didn't have a job or money, but he was so inconsiderate of what we had already done for him we didn't care anymore.

A few days later another one of my roommates (who I will call John) and I were hanging out in the living room. This guy is one of the coolest guys I've met. We are the only two people in the house, and we start hearing banging upstairs. It doesn't really bother me and for some reason, I think nothing of it. John makes a comment about it, and I mention jokingly, "haha maybe the house is haunted..." He laughs, but then he looks at me and says, "You know, I really think this place is haunted," I ask why he thinks so and he tells me how he hears voices sometimes asking for help and how everytime a girl sleeps over, she feels very uncomfortable in his room (as if someone is watching) and ends up asking to go in the living room. Then he hits me with something that just blew my mind. He told me about how on top of all this he has these dreams involving this girl...I stop him right there and ask him if this girl is blonde in a white dress asking for help. He looks at me intensely and goes..."Uhh...yeah..." At this point we trade our dreams and though the situations are different, the context remains the same. All the way down to Tom being involved in waking us up. We are both totally convinced of the haunting at this point.

So, back to the noises. The thumping sounds as if it is coming from an empty room upstairs. We never go in this room, as there is no need. John goes up to check it out, comes back down, and mentions how he saw something he didn't like. It turns out Tom had been sneaking back into the house somehow and was currently squatting in that room. As soon as we discover this, the thumping stops. It seems as if the ghost was trying to warn us of Tom. We inform the landlord who has a sheriff friend, and he tells us he will talk to Tom and if he returns to call. We also scour the house for any way he could sneak in and make sure it is securely closed off.

John and I do some research and find out there was a body of an unidentified girl in the river behind our house found in the mid 70s who was blonde and in her mid teens. She was also found to have been raped and murdered. I really feel like the ghost of this girl was trying to warn us of Tom and helped us make sure he was gone and could not cause us anymore trouble.

Well, I hope you found that interesting. Anyone else have some good stories?
This is pretty amazing Duga! I would like to hear what you have to say on why you think ghosts could exist though. I have not had any real encounters since I was four, only various things that could well have been something else.
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:05 AM   #116 (permalink)
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:01 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nonsubmissivewife View Post
Actually, this really depends on what "branch" of Christianity you're talking about. Some believe in a purgatory or middle ground which would explain the existance of ghosts. Others don't even believe inhell as a place of torment after death.

Don't get me wrong...I DO understand why people get annoyed with religion and over zealous types. I only wished to understand the level of annoyance you show, since you seem eager to attack religion when the subject comes up.

Also, I agee with you in that I don't see much difference in religion vs superstition vs beleif in spirits...most of the time (no, not always) these things go hand in hand.
Good points; but, I found this more poignant.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato
Plato eh? You sure? I think someone said Plato said it Whoever said it I wish folks would hear it! You know, Triumph is really underrated They were the other three-man Canadian arena rock band not called Rush

had to edit to post the lyrics. That is our message today folks. The music creates feelings; the Word is presented through the prose. I harped on that before; and, was called a lot of names.


The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
Feels like we're running out of time
Every day it seems much harder tellin' right from wrong
You got to read between the lines

Don't get discouraged, don't be afraid, we can
Make it through another day
Make it worth the price we pay

The Good Book says it's better to give than to receive
I do my best to do my part
Nothin' in my pockets I got nothin' up my sleeve
I keep my magic in my heart

Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby
I am counting on you
You know what you've got to do

Fight the good fight every moment
Every minute every day
Fight the good fight every moment
It's your only way

All your life you've been waiting for your chance
Where you'll fit into the plan
But you're the master of your own destiny
So give and take the best that you can

You think a little more money will buy your soul some rest
You'd better think of something else instead
You're so afraid of being honest with yourself
You'd better take a look inside your head

Nothing is easy, nothing good is free
But I can tell you where to start
Take a look inside your heart
There's an answer in your heart
The passing traveler stops for food and music.

Last edited by blankety blank; 05-01-2013 at 12:04 PM. Reason: lyrics
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:20 PM   #118 (permalink)
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One way to tell if your home is haunted is by pet behaviour. . .
Mine are not bothered @ all by anything unseen so they are left alone OR my home is not haunted and I know it's not. As an oversensitive human being I would be able to tell like they can any presence while awake. In my dreams however is when they contact me. This is why I conclude they are highly intelligent and considerate bc they contact me through sleep and do not come into my house which would disturb me and my fur family, but they feel the need to communicate with me some way. Part of it is me asking questions and seeking answers. I appreciate it all. Most people would be freaked out I think.
PS - I forgot to mention the progression from dreams to waking VISIONS which started at the end of last year. I think they started realizing the dreams were bothering me so they're trying something new and it's not just deceased persons either.

Last edited by CrazyVegn; 05-01-2013 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:24 PM   #119 (permalink)
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No. There's a link between electromagnetic fields and hauntingesque hallucinations. They've actually created a chamber in Manitoba, I think, that generates these fields to induce various hallucinations, including those frequently associated with hauntings.

Whether or not electromagnetic fields open the mind to what is already there, or cause hallucinations in the brain is confounded, but given that the chamber can also induce auditory hallucinations, such as ambulance sirens and restaurant chatter, I'm going to stick with the latter.

Mary Roach's "Spook" is a great book, either way.
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Old 05-01-2013, 12:28 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Another way to tell if your house is haunted is to make a big tomato sauce. Ghosts can't resist that shit. If one pops out of the wall and is like, "Yo, can I have some of that tomato sauce?" then you got yourself a ghost infestation, man. Big time.
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