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Dr.Seussicide 09-13-2009 09:01 PM

Swine flu isn't even fatal on its own, it's only fatal when in conjunction with another virus and allowed to mutate. So if you were perfectly prior to having contracted the swine flu, it would be just as if you had a normal virus with its respective side effects.

Guybrush 09-14-2009 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 735409)
Prove me wrong. I don't mind being proved wrong sometimes, and this is one of those times.

Most of your questions about flu vaccine should probably be answered on Wikipedia's article. It even has a side effects section you can look at.

Vaccines are tested before they are administered to large amounts of people. I know it doesn't matter if I tell you because you are probably going to think "yeah, tested to make sure it kills people" because when you believe the vaccine is part of a conspiracy, you are already highly resistant to reason.

China has started giving vaccinations already I think and I haven't heard of any mass deaths over there because of it if that helps. Of course, there could be a massive coverup so that we wouldn't know anyway.

Everyone's going on about how swine flu is not so dangerous. Well, it spreads quickly and that's what makes it dangerous. If the chance of dying on average is 1 in 1000, that doesn't put you at much personal risk .. But if you have a country of 300 000 000 where everyone get sick, it's a lot of deaths.

Barnard17 09-14-2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 735409)
Prove me wrong. I don't mind being proved wrong sometimes, and this is one of those times.

Rebuttal fail. You're making the claim, the burden of proof is upon your shoulders. You're the one that needs to dig up quality sources to support your claims. This does not include basement dwelling, squinty eyed conspiracy theorists as "quality sources", throwing conjecture and twisting words to suit their sense of impending doom.

Also, taking kids from school? So it's Norsefire at St Mary's now. Unfortunately as I'm JC Denton I'm probably not V, but I could buy the mask and use my biomods to replicate him. Just gotta make sure I have the right ones installed.

Farfisa 09-14-2009 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 735339)
i had wrote that i wasnt 100% sure about polio, but then edited it out!
i guess it is mandatory afterall. :)

Sorry for going on about it... but that is what happens when you come into this part of the forum.

FETCHER. 09-14-2009 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 735532)
Sorry for going on about it... but that is what happens when you come into this part of the forum.

naw, its cool :laughing: its not a big deal atall :)

boo boo 09-16-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733095)
To make my final statement, if you didn't already know, we are at the end of times. We have entered the time of revelation in reference to biblical prophecy. Please consider what I have to say. We are coming to the end, and it will not be pretty. There is not going to be that lovely and quite novel idea of the entire earth being destroyed by a giant asteroid and earth blown to bits. These are lies feed to us so that we suspect the end as something coming from a distant in outer space rather than by the mind and hands of man. There will not be some wham-bam destruction of the earth at a single, anonymous moment. That is much too simple and "painless". We will endure much pain and suffering in these final days. Many will go blindly into this path as they have been corrupted, controlled, and conditioned through the lies and deception of the government, the media, and the entertainment industry. I am referring exclusively to the USA but the world has been deceived and manipulated. EVERYONE MUST WAKE UP! We've been asleep for too long and unfortunately most people will not realize what has happed until it is too late, however it is already too late.

Now, if you don't believe the end is coming, consider global warming, the melting ice caps, rising sea levels, enormous amount of hurricanes each year, the death of the honeybees and bats? The end is near! Peace and love to everyone.


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733811)
Sorry for the mistakes. I've applied the corrections to my post. Anyways, yes its long but so is a movie. I'm just trying to get people to think and discuss what is going on: the economic collapse (and another likely on the way), the pope's announcement of a new world government, the Russian president's announcement of a one world currency, the supposed flu pandemic, and fema (concentration) camps being developed around the US. Its just something to consider and please inform yourself. Please be curious enough to read and open your minds to the very real possiblities of a New World Order.


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733973)
It is not necessarily a population problem. It is a conspiracy created by the secret societies that control the world (illuminati & freemasons) in order to depopulate the earth and complete their plans for a New World Order.


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 735331)
Plans to Take Children from Schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines – August 2009 infowars Prison Planet alert – resist the NWO

Looks like Darkest Hour finally has some competition in the looney department.

BoRox 09-16-2009 02:50 PM

The H1N1 vaccine has an ingredient I think called Squaline which is also thought to cause Gulf War Syndrome. Dont' take it.

Guybrush 09-16-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by BoTox (Post 737321)
The H1N1 vaccine has an ingredient I think called Squaline which is also thought to cause Gulf War Syndrome. Dont' take it.

It's "squalene" and the suspicions that squalene was somehow responsible for Gulf War Syndrome was a bit sketchy when first documented and have since been refuted.


Originally Posted by Article Abstract
Since the end of the 1991 Gulf War, there have been reports of unexplained, multisymptom illnesses afflicting veterans who consistently report more symptoms than do nondeployed veterans. One of the many possible exposures suspected of causing chronic multisymptom illnesses Gulf War veterans is squalene, thought to be present in anthrax vaccine. We examined the relationship between squalene antibodies and chronic symptoms reported by Navy construction workers (Seabees), n=579. 30.2% were deployers, 7.4% were defined as ill, and 43.5% were positive for squalene antibodies. We found no association between squalene antibody status and chronic multisymptom illness (p=0.465). The etiology of Gulf War syndrome remains unknown, but should not include squalene antibody status.

Phillips, J.; Matyas, R.; Hansen, J.; Alving, R.; Smith, C.; Ryan, A. (Jun 2009). "Antibodies to squalene in US Navy Persian Gulf War veterans with chronic multisymptom illness". Vaccine 27 (29): 3921–3926. PubMed Link

Squalene is likely more common than you think. It's produced in your own body and is commonly used in flu and malaria vaccines and also, interestingly, in cosmetics as a moisturizer.

I'll bet, say, 15 euros that the flu vaccine is not made in order to kill massive amounts of people. Anyone wanna bet against me?

The Unfan 09-16-2009 04:28 PM

Can someone post a version of the OP for people who were like "tldr whatevs" like myself?

Janszoon 09-16-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 737409)
Can someone post a version of the OP for people who were like "tldr whatevs" like myself?

Here's the condensed version:

boo boo 09-16-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 737409)
Can someone post a version of the OP for people who were like "tldr whatevs" like myself?

Long paragraph of stupid conspiracy nut bullsh*t.

Long paragraph of stupid conspiracy nut bullsh*t.

Long paragraph of stupid conspiracy nut bullsh*t.

Long paragraph of stupid end of times bullsh*t.

Short paragraph of stupid end of times bullsh*t.

Links to websites that spout more stupid conspiracy nut bullsh*t.

That about sums it up.

The Boy 09-16-2009 08:31 PM

It may only be conspiracy but is there not room for possibility or thought? Questioning and rethinking? Why must it be judged as lies and completely false?

Guybrush 09-17-2009 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 737594)
It may only be conspiracy but is there not room for possibility or thought? Questioning and rethinking? Why must it be judged as lies and completely false?

As far as I know, you've yet to post anything that lends your paranoia any kind of credibility. You complain about Squalene - see my last post .. and you complain about mercury which I don't believe to factor much of a health risk with vaccine at all. You write that the vaccine is highly dangerous, but I still don't see why. I'm not saying that there won't be any kind of adverse reactions when you administer a vaccine to millions, but I do think that the flu is more dangerous and of course I've read little to make me believe it's part of a plan to actually make people sick or even dead.

I don't feel like watching homemade conspiracy videos either. If you have an argument, you should present it in text. It's a forum after all.

Barnard17 09-17-2009 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 737594)
It may only be conspiracy but is there not room for possibility or thought? Questioning and rethinking? Why must it be judged as lies and completely false?

Because you make wild claims with no quality sources to back them up that controversially contradict better known facts on the matter that have hundreds of quality sources floating about. If for one second you could stop talking **** and find some genuine proof that supported what you're claiming people might not put you down as being a nutjob.

The Boy 09-17-2009 08:30 AM

Ok, I think I jumped the gun with my initial post. I'm not saying anything I said is right or wrong, it's just a look from another point of view. And since no one else is contributing any possible facts or sources I think I'll just move on.

boo boo 09-17-2009 11:05 AM

Yeah because saying it's the end of days because of climate change is really knowing your facts.

Don't you have some books to burn or something?

cavanherk 09-17-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 733268)
same, ive always been the kind of child who spent most of her life outdoors, climbing trees etc, :laughing:
i dont get illness' much :)

Me too.


Originally Posted by BawmKackio (Post 733399)

the regular strand of the flu virus and pneumonia together with which we are ALL familiar killed 24,000 people in North America from 2008 - 2009 alone. As of July 2009 the Swine flu death toll was hovering around a reported 700 worldwide

The reason it's such a big deal is because they think it could mutate slightly to become either worse or easier to catch (airborne maybe?), and as a result the predictions are for substantial increases in cases and, therefore, related deaths. It's a reasonable concern.


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 733839)
Umm, last time i checked, this could possibly paralyze you, give you cancer..and other diseases. The world is overpopulated, and the government is going to take advantage of all the people who don't know the truth about this. I'll take my chances without the vaccine, i don't need to be paralyzed by some stupid shot.

While I have discussed overpopulation and such population control theories while drinking with friends, staring at stars and high on, the chance of it being done by vaccination is quite slim. I predict something more like 007 Moonraker, where a brilliant genius scientist plans to repopulate Earth with a small population of genetically superior individuals after wiping the earth clean of all human vermin.

We all know somone out there has enough intelligence and means to make this kind of thing happen. I just want to be on one of the shuttles.


TheBig3 09-18-2009 10:21 AM

We're at the end times? Jesus christ, get the **** out of alabama.

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