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sleepy jack 09-10-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 733448)
I kinda want to like.. I dunno... get sneezed on by someone with Swine Flu just so I can see if I'll catch it.
I never catch anything. :(

I feel so left out.

I can give you herpes...

Freebase Dali 09-10-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 733458)
I can give you herpes...

You're giving them back???
How rude!


Damnit... you screwed up my reply with your edit. Change it back.

FETCHER. 09-10-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 733444)
Well it ends by the pigs turning into humans...It's like that except the opposite happens. You have 4 days. Live them up.

No but seriously just stay hydrated and take it easy. Eat fruits for vitamins and all that good stuff. You'll be fine.

better stock up on a trotter adapted keyboard.. :(

Barnard17 09-10-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 733456)
ive been convinced i have it. im glad im not going to die now :D, i was having serious thoughts of phoning NHS 24/7 :laughing:

My rule of thumb with illness is if you're really bad or you have it more than a week and it's not getting better see the doctor anyway. **** it we have the NHS so it's not going to cost you anything. And my pretty face is a definite step up from the countless OAPs he'd be getting otherwise. :P

sleepy jack 09-10-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 733460)
You're giving them back???
How rude!


Damnit... you screwed up my reply with your edit. Change it back.

fix'd bby<3

The Boy 09-10-2009 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by music_phantom13 (Post 733319)
I won't get the flu vaccine because I've never gotten a flu vaccine in my life. That was a very long and useless post, by the way. Just so you now, "know" and "now" are two different words with very different meanings.

Sorry for the mistakes. I've applied the corrections to my post. Anyways, yes its long but so is a movie. I'm just trying to get people to think and discuss what is going on: the economic collapse (and another likely on the way), the pope's announcement of a new world government, the Russian president's announcement of a one world currency, the supposed flu pandemic, and fema (concentration) camps being developed around the US. Its just something to consider and please inform yourself. Please be curious enough to read and open your minds to the very real possiblities of a New World Order.

I am not asking anyone to agree with what I have to say. However listen and pay close attention to what is happening in the world around us be it the news, pop culture, or politics. Open up your eyes and minds to explore what is truly happening in our world. I am in fear for everyone of the possibilities of much pain and suffering to come. I do not want to see humanity fall in such a horrifying way. I can only hope that people see what is happening and spread the word.

Barnard17 09-10-2009 09:42 PM

Your argument might have validity if you were actually using all the fact as opposed to just cherry picking the ones that support your wild assumptions.

Darkest Hour 09-10-2009 10:44 PM

Nope. The government is just trying to fuck with us.

WWWP 09-10-2009 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733811)
yes its long but so is a movie.

That's what she said.

Scarlett O'Hara 09-10-2009 11:27 PM

I have had Swine flu so no need. It was like so no that bad. ****ing mexicans.

Darkest Hour 09-10-2009 11:46 PM

Umm, last time i checked, this could possibly paralyze you, give you cancer..and other diseases. The world is overpopulated, and the government is going to take advantage of all the people who don't know the truth about this. I'll take my chances without the vaccine, i don't need to be paralyzed by some stupid shot.

Guybrush 09-10-2009 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 733839)
Umm, last time i checked, this could possibly paralyze you, give you cancer..and other diseases. The world is overpopulated, and the government is going to take advantage of all the people who don't know the truth about this. I'll take my chances without the vaccine, i don't need to be paralyzed by some stupid shot.

So you believe the world's governments are conspiring to kill their own peoples because of the overpopulation problem? Poor governemnts, there's just no pleasing some people.

Government : Dear citizen! Here, have some vaccine so that you may not get sick.
Citizen : Are you tryin' ta kill me?!

If only I'd known sooner that my own death was part of the norwegian governments agenda. :(

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-11-2009 01:03 AM

there's a vaccine?


FETCHER. 09-11-2009 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 733839)
Umm, last time i checked, this could possibly paralyze you, give you cancer..and other diseases. The world is overpopulated, and the government is going to take advantage of all the people who don't know the truth about this. I'll take my chances without the vaccine, i don't need to be paralyzed by some stupid shot.

my arse. i dont believe that for a minute :laughing: dont you think they would have done us in long ago, like when bird flu, foot & mouth or mad cow disease was out? its just another annoying flu. :)

Guybrush 09-11-2009 06:14 AM

The vaccine has zero controversiality factor here. Drugs, even when rushed, are tested. The government is not trying to kill us and yes, with any medication there could be side-effects so there is a risk-factor if ever so slight. All this knowledge is honestly too common to debate .. Until you litter it with paranoid misinformation and delusions which seems to be a hobby with some people.

But we could discuss the paranoia scenario of course. If I was an evil government and I wanted to kill lots of people living in my own country, I wouldn't have gone for a killing method which :
  • Would kill those who are of most benefit to society - a good measure of that is by income - so people who make money and likely generates income for our nation. To point out the problem in that scenario - if you're going to sell the poison for a lot of money, it would only kill those who felt they could afford it.
  • Killed people somewhat randomly - which is what you could get if the poison was free and it was up to each and everyone.

I would rather kill the freeloaders and those who most likely were a burden to society.

Although in truth, I'm less evil government and more socialist like.

The Boy 09-11-2009 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by toretorden (Post 733841)
So you believe the world's governments are conspiring to kill their own peoples because of the overpopulation problem? Poor governemnts, there's just no pleasing some people.

Government : Dear citizen! Here, have some vaccine so that you may not get sick.
Citizen : Are you tryin' ta kill me?!

If only I'd known sooner that my own death was part of the norwegian governments agenda. :(

It is not necessarily a population problem. It is a conspiracy created by the secret societies that control the world (illuminati & freemasons) in order to depopulate the earth and complete their plans for a New World Order.

Guybrush 09-11-2009 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733973)
It is not necessarily a population problem. It is a conspiracy created by the secret societies that control the world (illuminati & freemasons) in order to depopulate the earth and complete their plans for a New World Order.

But how do you know what the secret societies are up to? And are they controlling the world's governments? What's the new world order?

sleepy jack 09-11-2009 01:02 PM

Because secret societies that control the world like to have documentaries released about them on the internet so true geniuses can reveal all the secret to the doubting/cynical masses. duhh

ikvat 09-11-2009 01:15 PM

Paranoia is the first symptom of a specific evolution of the H5N1 flu which is particularly lethal!

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-11-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 733839)
Umm, last time i checked, this could possibly paralyze you, give you cancer..and other diseases. The world is overpopulated, and the government is going to take advantage of all the people who don't know the truth about this. I'll take my chances without the vaccine, i don't need to be paralyzed by some stupid shot.

umm, last time i checked, you believed that the earth is hollow

chak 09-11-2009 04:27 PM

i'm just getting over the flu... and if this was the swiney variety it was bad, but not THAT bad. i've been up and around every day but the sore throat was a killer.. thought it was strep for a couple of days. still... i ain't gettin' no shot that i don't absolutely HAVE to get.

i'm man enough to take on the flu by myself.

CAPTAIN CAVEMAN 09-11-2009 04:31 PM

yea, i had the flu a few weeks back... i dont know if it was the normal or swine or what because the symptoms are practically the same, but i was fine after less than a week

NumberNineDream 09-11-2009 04:52 PM

wasn't aware there was a vaccine, anyway, not that rushed for it. Seems swine flu is the drama that follows 21-12-2012 the end of the world. blah!

Dr_Rez 09-11-2009 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 733095)
I personally do not want the vaccine nor do I intend to be inoculated. I believe this pandemic is false and propaganda is being created in the media to deceive the public in to following government orders like the good little trainer sheep we are. I will not be surprised if the supposed vaccine is more harmful than the supposed swine flu or H1N1 virus. We have been told that this virus contained the genetic elements of four viruses, (I suppose they want to be absolutely sure we'll suffer and/or die from it or fear this strain of flu, but I'm ahead of myself) including North American Mexican Influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influence typical in Europe and Asia. Is it just me or does this mixture sound like some dangerous laboratory concoction/experiment? Real or not sounds quite DEADLY huh? Or they would like you to believe it is, or that it even exists. Now let's consider what the "vaccine" contains squalene and thimerosal (mercury). As you should know, mercury is poison (Mercury Spills) which can cause various health problems. On the other hand, you may not be familiar with squalene. The FDA has never approved of general use of any vaccine containing squalene (Olive Oil may be a harmful choice for injectable solution -, so why now? Squalene injected into the bloodstream can be extremely harmful (READ PREVIOUS LINK!). Also, do yourself a favor and read up on the original outbreak of swine flu in 1976 and the dangerous results caused by the vaccination.

What you should know is that both the H1N1 virus and the "vaccine" are highly dangerous, so if you fear becoming sick DO NOT RECIEVE THIS VACCINE. Instead take vitamins, eat healthy, keep your immune system up, use Clorox alcohol wipes to sanitize areas and objects so that they are germ free. Do keep in mind the flu and countless other diseases kill and debilitate people each year, so what's so special about this bull****. And the rush to create a vaccine. Why don't they rush and release the cures for cancer and HIV/AIDS. Yes, I'm pretty damn sure they have already discovered those but, why give a cure when the government can reap the benefit of millions of dollars gained each year through the sale of drugs and treatments for those inflicted with illnesses, as well as money donated through benefits for finding a cure. How is that money really used?

Now let's consider the initial reporting on the virus. We were told quite early on that this virus would be most contagious amongst young people, the future of our world. This fact is highly telling considering that young people will want the vaccine as to avoid catching the virus from those they associate with, whether that be in school, at work, or public gathering places frequented by them (clubs, bars, clothing stores, coffee shops, etc.) There also been suggestion that parents must not allow their children to go to school if they are not vaccinated. However, the vaccine may very well be more deadly that the supposed virus. Which means millions of young people will be poisoned from this outrageous concoction the government/CDC are passing off as a vaccine.

To make my final statement, if you didn't already know, we are at the end of times. We have entered the time of revelation in reference to biblical prophecy. Please consider what I have to say. We are coming to the end, and it will not be pretty. There is not going to be that lovely and quite novel idea of the entire earth being destroyed by a giant asteroid and earth blown to bits. These are lies feed to us so that we suspect the end as something coming from a distant in outer space rather than by the mind and hands of man. There will not be some wham-bam destruction of the earth at a single, anonymous moment. That is much too simple and "painless". We will endure much pain and suffering in these final days. Many will go blindly into this path as they have been corrupted, controlled, and conditioned through the lies and deception of the government, the media, and the entertainment industry. I am referring exclusively to the USA but the world has been deceived and manipulated. EVERYONE MUST WAKE UP! We've been asleep for too long and unfortunately most people will not realize what has happed until it is too late, however it is already too late.

Now, if you don't believe the end is coming, consider global warming, the melting ice caps, rising sea levels, enormous amount of hurricanes each year, the death of the honeybees and bats? The end is near! Peace and love to everyone.

“H1N1 Vaccine Contains a Million Times More Squalene Than Anthrax Vaccine….”
H1N1 Vaccine Contains a Million Times More Squalene Than Anthrax Vaccine Responsible for Gulf War Syndrom! | - The Truth is Hidden in Plain View...
“$1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing Vaccine”
$1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing The Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts? | Bird Flu Pandemic

For the love of god shut the FUck up. There not going to be any ****ing biblical end. Are own stupid asses are going to get us killed just like they have at every other instance in history. Enough with your stupid swine flu conspiracy, its a god damned flu, we have had it before and we will get it again. And yes people are getting it, hell the college next to mine has 34 cases already.

And mainly to your 1000 dollar a day fine for refusing vaccines during a health emergency... Your an idiot if you disagree with it. Say there is some real health emergency with a easily transmitted disease (with how the worlds looking this doesnt seem so far fetched anymore) and some guy refuses to take the vaccine therefore getting more people sick. I mean if you live near a populated area and refuse this...just gtfo.

Neapolitan 09-11-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 734285)
Enough with your stupid swine flu conspiracy, its a god damned flu, we have had it before and we will get it again. And yes people are getting it, hell the college next to mine has 34 cases already.

When you said "we will get it again" do you mean a pandemic?

What scientist and public health officials are worried about is a virus (super-bug) something like the virus that caused the 1918 Flu Pandemic (aka the Spanish Flu). Scientist are expecting another killer strain to emerge, but like anything else (like a natural disaster) they don't know where or when. I hate to use a cliche but the world is a smaller place then it was because of population and travel, then it was in 1918. So if there was to a be a serious strain it could be a world-wide pandemic. That is what they are afraid what will happen.

Dr_Rez 09-12-2009 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 734396)
When you said "we will get it again" do you mean a pandemic?

If they consider the swine flu a pandemic then yes. Below is what im basing it off. I dont know if thats the only definition.

infectious disease that is spreading through human populations across a large region

The Boy 09-12-2009 11:12 PM

US concentration camp Jobs, FEMA drills and camps, Internet Control, and Swine Flu control!

Barnard17 09-13-2009 05:25 PM

Swine flu is the grey death, the vaccine is ambrosia. FEMA is FEMA. Bill Gates is Bob Page. It'd only a matter of time before the NSF (or Alqaeda) blow off the head of Lady Liberty.

IT'S HAPPENING. I am J C Denton. Just need the coat.

Darkest Hour 09-13-2009 06:03 PM

This vaccine contains some ingredients that will give you diseases. LOOK IT UP! And they are making it mandatory so you have to take it, because they know it can kill you. It's all a plan to decrease population.

They freaking hyped up this Swine Flu to put fear in us. The swine flu is just like any other flu, so there is no reason to take this vaccine.

sleepy jack 09-13-2009 06:11 PM

You're a complete moron. I don't care if it's against the rules to say this.

FETCHER. 09-13-2009 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Darkest Hour (Post 735287)
This vaccine contains some ingredients that will give you diseases. LOOK IT UP! And they are making it mandatory so you have to take it, because they know it can kill you. It's all a plan to decrease population.

They freaking hyped up this Swine Flu to put fear in us. The swine flu is just like any other flu, so there is no reason to take this vaccine.

are you seriously kidding me on?
thats the most bizarre thing i have ever read in my life, you dont need to accept any medication for anything.

Farfisa 09-13-2009 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 735300)
are you seriously kidding me on?
thats the most bizarre thing i have ever read in my life, you dont need to accept any medication for anything.

Maybe where you are, but here in America there are some mandatory vaccinations.

FETCHER. 09-13-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 735309)
Maybe where you are, but here in America there are some mandatory vaccinations.

i see, the only one i can think of thats mandatory, is the BCG jag.
if i didnt want the cervical cancer jag, or the polio one, i didnt need to get them. what are they going to do, make us go? if it was to do with population, im sure they would start in china. where they have 6billion people stuffed into the country. not in countrys where population isnt an issue :).

thats my guess anyways.

The Boy 09-13-2009 06:41 PM

Plans to Take Children from Schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines – August 2009 infowars Prison Planet alert – resist the NWO

FETCHER. 09-13-2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 735331)
Plans to Take Children from Schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines – August 2009 infowars Prison Planet alert – resist the NWO

so now their kidnapping/abducting children? from school..?
honestly i would quit while your ahead, as much as i want to believe you..
its not happening.
maybe you have been a little too naive on the topic?

LoathsomePete 09-13-2009 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Boy (Post 735331)
Plans to Take Children from Schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines – August 2009 infowars Prison Planet alert – resist the NWO

For somebody so unwilling to believe elected officials you're sure quick to jump onto anything said by side B.

Farfisa 09-13-2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 735329)
i see, the only one i can think of thats mandatory, is the BCG jag.
if i didnt want the cervical cancer jag, or the polio one, i didnt need to get them. what are they going to do, make us go? if it was to do with population, im sure they would start in china. where they have 6billion people stuffed into the country. not in countrys where population isnt an issue :).

thats my guess anyways.

The polio vaccine isn't mandatory over there? I'm a tad suprised... that disease can really do some damage once it's spread throughout a country. Just look at India, I mean of course it's gotten alot better, but due to major water sanitation problems and the fact that some families won't give the vaccine to their kids (and a few other factors) is why it's still around (in India).

FETCHER. 09-13-2009 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 735334)
The polio vaccine isn't mandatory over there? I'm a tad suprised... that disease can really do some damage once it's spread throughout a country. Just look at India, I mean of course it's gotten alot better, but due to major water sanitation problems and the fact that some families won't give the vaccine to their kids (and a few other factors) is why it's still around (in India).

i had wrote that i wasnt 100% sure about polio, but then edited it out!
i guess it is mandatory afterall. :)

Darkest Hour 09-13-2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by sleepy jack (Post 735294)
You're a complete moron. I don't care if it's against the rules to say this.

Prove me wrong. I don't mind being proved wrong sometimes, and this is one of those times.

sleepy jack 09-13-2009 08:59 PM

The problem with me disproving your claim that the government is creating and enforcing a vaccine on everyone in order to quietly perform a mass murder is there's no evidence there whatsoever to disprove. It's just another baseless conspiracy theory being promulgated by idiots like you who want to feel intellectual/radical.

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