Certif1ed |
09-23-2009 01:51 AM |
"This Is It" is the first example of psychedelic music on record that I know of.
Alan's musings and ramblings are sheer genius - but still one man's thoughts.
The Bible is a collection of several individuals' thoughts in the case of the Old Testament, largely superceded by other individuals' thoughts in the New Testament decades, if not centuries after the event, and in some cases, overseen by the Roman authorities. Many gospels were stashed away and not included in the "original" - some of which were written at the time and therefore considerably more accurate as "eye witness accounts", which none of the New Testament gospels are. You could say that they're not exactly gospel truth...
There were originally somewhere around 80 gospels. The ones chosen reflected the Romans view - it was, after all, the Romans that finanaced the Bible.
Puts it into perspective really - but God is undeniable. Science cannot prove He does not exist.
But the Bible is just a book that the Beatles successfully replaced in the 1960s.
It fuelled centuries of bloody wars, horrible torture and tyranny, not to mention greed and self-promotion at the literal expense of others.
How can you justify killing in the context of "Thou shalt not kill"?
The Bible is a bad book with some good messages in it. It requires people to be selective in their approach in the right way. But how can you learn the right way from a book written the wrong way? Especially when most people are NOT selective, as we are not taught how to be consciously selective.
er... anyway... yes. Alan Watts = Genius.