Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 10-12-2009, 10:16 AM   #181 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
^I don't actually think potential is that important, at least not with fetuses. You don't know if the child is going to survive birth or not or if something else is going to happen to it. There are arguments that say you could base your moral decisions on the future, but then you're basing it on a scenario which might not even happen so I think in those push-shove cases, you base it on the present - what you know and what is.
that's the problem with the whole discussion - human lives and human life is regarded as highly important. on a basic level we live to procreate. it's too complex to be a quality or quantity of life issue, and that is why people are concerned with the future of their present actions. if i were to have a kid (with someone) i'd suggest adoption before abortion. that's my stance.
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Old 10-12-2009, 05:35 PM   #182 (permalink)
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I haven't read all 19 pages of posts on this subject, so if i repeat what has already been said, i apoligize.

The way I see it, this is not in any sense of the word a black and white issue. There must be a solution that is somewhere in the middle of "Pro-life" or "pro-choice." Without a middle ground, when we try and define things as right or wrong or take the absolute stance on the issue, we make a lot of enemies and cause a lot of pain without ever really getting to the core of the issue, which in my opinion, is "how do we provide for the best quality of life for the most people?"

I personally, in my own life and situation, am pro-life. I did have a period time when i was absolutely terrified that i might be pregnant. As a sixteen year old with a lot of hopes and dreams, none of which involved a family, you can imagine that this was in very many ways positively terrifying. Yet, the experiance, though a false alarm, awakened a sense of moral and motherly instinct within me. Regardless of situation or consequences, i was going to protect the baby that may or may not have been growing inside of me. The choice between abortion and life would have been a no-brainer for me.

But i have been fortunate to grow up in a family with enough money to support many children. Having a child would not have put me on the streets or threatened my financial least not right away...because of my parents. For girls not so lucky as myself, it can be a totally different story.

In my idealistic mind, abortion should be an application only procedure. Based on family history, past abortion history, circumstance of pregnancy, and financial standing, an request for abortion would be approved or denied. Counceling would be available for the mothers who's requests were denied (in order to reduce the likely-hood of their going to a quack to have an illegal procedure done), and for those whos requests were approved. Having done some reading on the subject, an abortion can be absolutely devistating to a mother's emotional and psychological health.

The life of child, no matter how small (2 cells big!) is brimming with potential of all kinds...good and bad. For us as a society, and for the mother, to decide based on panic and fear the direction of that potential isn't fair. But that doesn't mean that a more educated decision making process shouldn't be available. Sometimes....killing is neccessary.
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Old 10-13-2009, 03:17 AM   #183 (permalink)
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Thread cleaned up. This discussion has been going comparatively well so far, so let's try and keep it on topic.
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