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pahuuuta 04-23-2009 08:27 AM

about religion being a shield from reality i believe that is true for some people but not all

lucifer_sam 04-23-2009 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by coryallen2 (Post 644861)
I have 2 things to say why i don't believe in god.

1. Religion is a sheild from reality.
People want to believe that there is something "worth" living for. Which leads them to believe in irrational thoughts and lifestyles.

2. The mind is to easy to trick.

Baked into most religions is the notion of duality. There’s a material body, and an immaterial “soul” that exhibits free will and lives on after death. While we don’t have full understanding of the brain yet, there’s no indication that there is such a thing. If the brain isn’t “really” where thoughts and choices are formed, what’s it for? Is it just the “hardware” on which the soul runs?
The mind is easy to trick. Religious experiences can be induced by drugs or through meditation. Drugs of various kinds profoundly affect the functioning of the brain. If your brain is damaged, consciousness may fail. This is strange if consciousness really resides in the soul. The mind is easy to trick. It is, as far as we can tell, a result of natural processes and accordingly isn’t always to be trusted. Religious experiences may be nothing more than delusions of the brain.

(I don't say that if you believe in god that you are wrong. It's you beliefes and you intitled to them.)

again, quit plagiarizing, asshole. we're not amused or impressed by your copy and paste skills.

13 Reasons Not to Believe in God « import Mind.Reason

pahuuuta 04-23-2009 08:40 AM

if you want to look at a weird @$$ religious site, go to this

The Monkey 04-23-2009 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 644506)
would you burn the Qu'ran, Torah or Baghavad Gita? if not, why would you burn the Bible?

it's just insanely disrespectful, that's all.


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 644731)
If you don't believe in it, where is the value in desecrating it?

Well, I think it's full of ****. And how is it disrespectful if I do it in private?

I know people who have burned dictionaries, how is that any better? At least dictionaries hold an amount of truth and are useful, unlike the bible. And yes, I would burn the Qu'ran and the Torah as well.

Whatsitoosit 04-23-2009 10:50 AM

this thread makes me dizzy... I'm going to pray for it to stop.

Scarlett O'Hara 04-23-2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 644938)
Well, I think it's full of ****. And how is it disrespectful if I do it in private?

I know people who have burned dictionaries, how is that any better? At least dictionaries hold an amount of truth and are useful, unlike the bible. And yes, I would burn the Qu'ran and the Torah as well.

I think that's sick. It's so disrespectful to all different beliefs. I think actions like that reek with ignorance and immaturity.

Thrice 04-23-2009 06:52 PM

Why would you even waste your time burning things?
So lame.

Surell 04-23-2009 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 644938)
I know people who have burned dictionaries, how is that any better? At least dictionaries hold an amount of truth and are useful, unlike the bible. And yes, I would burn the Qu'ran and the Torah as well.

You think the bible holds absolutely no truths? Burning books is just stupid. It's like burning Disco.

Wait, scratch that last part.

midnight rain 04-23-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 644938)
Well, I think it's full of ****. And how is it disrespectful if I do it in private?

I know people who have burned dictionaries, how is that any better? At least dictionaries hold an amount of truth and are useful, unlike the bible. And yes, I would burn the Qu'ran and the Torah as well.

Aren't you the same person who said something along the lines of every genre but rock was crap?

Anyways, what justification do you have for burning the Bible? If you don't stand behind it's teachings, why would you own a copy in the first place? Would you honestly go out and buy a copy for the sake of burning it?

About offending people, it's quite simple. Just because you believe something doesn't always mean you have to say it allowed, unless you're cool with being a total prick (not saying you are, we're talking hypothetically). Same thing applies in this scenario

SATCHMO 04-23-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Surell (Post 645456)
You think the bible holds absolutely no truths? Burning books is just stupid. It's like burning Disco.

Wait, scratch that last part.

No don't scratch that. let it stay. That is the great lesson in all thi, isn't it? Burning bibles IS like burning disco.

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