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Old 03-28-2009, 12:13 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Does that make mine better than yours, no cause i bet you wont say that again... IQ's were designed to find learning problems in kids and things like that. Yes you may figure things out faster but it doesn't mean your more educated on something you know nothing about...
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Old 03-28-2009, 12:16 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schredds View Post
dont be a smartass you know damn well what Im talking about Yukon.
Im not trying to start a war... Im just trying to figure out why you are so bent on this subject...

And yes i do know what your talking about.. I cant say your wrong just like you cant say im wrong, I just find it hard for you to debate with me on something that you havent seen... Kinda like if ppl were discussing a movie that you hadnt seen you would obviously stay out of the conversation. Thats whats going on here if i am not mistaken...

You still seem headstrong and thats cool but your argument is fueled by one side of the coin... Who really knows but why not find out ??
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Old 03-29-2009, 12:13 PM   #53 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Let's say hypothetically that everything in that documentary is true, wouldn't those who question the new world order be the first up against the wall? Be smart, don't worry about it.
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Old 03-29-2009, 12:23 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Let's say hypothetically that everything in that documentary is true, wouldn't those who question the new world order be the first up against the wall? Be smart, don't worry about it.
Its just about being aware and having the ability to look past pointless things that are made to keep you unaware such as earth hour... I understand to that in a world of conspiracies that this to could be designed to get me to look away from what is really going on in the bigger picture just like anything else, but it has something that I like, meaning.

Either way I would consider that its just another possibility and am sharing that with you. The way i see you would rather pretend that it is all good. I wont stay up long hours and worry either but I do like to know.
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:44 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Yukon here's what you're going to do. You're going to state the main points and thesis of this two hour video and then intelligently argue you it with me. If you can do this I won't lock all your threads and treat all your posts in this forum as spam and therefore a bannable offense.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:20 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Let me put it this way:
I voted for Obama and in doing so carried with me a great deal of hope that our country was on its way to recovery. I am not a republican and I would probably consider myself as radically liberal as they come.
I was more aptly prepared to see the movie because I've seen Zeitgeist which does a lot to explain the reality of this country's political and non-political power structure and the hidden dynamics behind some of the most notable events in American history.
I started watching The Obama Deception with a great deal of trepidation and skepticism. I personally did not want anything negative that was going to be said about Obama our his current administration to be true and I actively sought out anything that seemed to be even remotely lacking in credibility. the truth is that the movie and the facts presented are more credible than I would have wanted them to be, and the only reason I did'nt walk away sick to my stomach is because , as I said, Zeitgeist had given me some preparation for this film.
I personally believe that its futile to debate with anyone hasn't or wont watch this documentary. I think that's Yukon's main error in this. Yet on the other hand Yukon did start this thread with the stipulation that no one should post without first watching it yet that's what everyone did! I'm the only one besides Yukon that watched the film and I'm the only one besides him who believes it.
Its not a matter of Yukon being gullible or a conspiracy theorist; their not his ideas there the ideas of a well documented film with facts that are backed up by credible sources. If you'd prefer not to alter your paradigm of the reality of the political and economic systems of the country don't watch the film and don't post in a thread that tells you not to if you havent.
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:34 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Yukon here's what you're going to do. You're going to state the main points and thesis of this two hour video and then intelligently argue you it with me. If you can do this I won't lock all your threads and treat all your posts in this forum as spam and therefore a bannable offense.
Here is my Thesis for you sleepy...

The first and most obvious point...

Obama is the Change that Americans needed. With promises of hope, jobs, troops coming home, not to mention keeping lobbyist and donors out of his administration etc... That's great but if you look at the things he has done thus far its completely opposite.

Basically he was the perfect fit in a time of need, I agreed originally, but now see that I just like most of America was duped by false promises. If you didnt like bush your going to Hate Obama.. Ill tell you what if you kick me out over this thread and you start realizing that you cant wait for someone else in the white house in about 3 years then I feel that should be my ticket back not that it means that much to me I think it would just be nice to say I told you so.

The other side to the coin is that everything is getting better...

As we bail all these companies out that are falling down Americas debt gets larger, and the banking elite get richer.

The other point was that the economic recession is obviously done intentionally, this obviously not the first. You see with the economy at its peak everyone has everything they could possibly want, when things change such as fuel prices, which had no reason to go up it makes everything more expensive. Food, gas, natural gas, plastics, automobiles... Then what happens??Standards change ppl cant afford what they have anymore and then Kaboom .. Now you have people taking out loans even though they cant afford to pay them back, gas prices are worth more that a gallon of milk so people cant afford to drive there vehicles anymore, now they cant purchase vehicles either car companies going down... These loans most took out were to avoid bankruptcy, they got loans while there credit score sub par, and some even good and it only jammed them farther into debt and if the people cant afford to pay the bank back the bank goes down... then you have to line the pockets of the banking elite so they can buy up more banks so on and so forth.
Not to mention the cost of war, but he we were promised the troops would come home, I guess that means send 30000 more over there and double our presence, to only further line the pockets of the greedy.

Point 3
Right now if you read the current events, you will notice that gitmo is going to be shut down that was a promise as it was not civil. However it gets worse, now you just have different locations were these ppl will be tortured and that's all good with you know who. It was quoted that is was essential to have such facilities.

Point 4..
The need for a civilian army.. Whats wrong with the national reserve and the Coast Guard?? Im in one of them wont tell you which that's besides the point, and thanks for my paycheck sucker. Either way the need for a civilian army?? The points are valid, as you and I both know and can both agree that we will never really know the bigger picture until it smacks us in the face. Think about this, around the US right now they are strengthening prisons and fema is building camps all over the country?? I want to know why? And how come we need 20000 or so army men patroling the us?? Because ppl need protection? Nah we all have guns.. But not for long well nothing worth shooting at anyone... Its obvious, because once people start to see the belly of the beast its going to be anarchy in the us... Worst than watts around this mother Fugger... How about you? what will you do? Hell I might be having to push you along if you get out of hand who knows DOD dir 1404.10 that would be obamas personal million strong army notice the directive states that they would stay away from the office work and be a soldier, that would be all his, and if you look at it they are there to flock the anarchists who will protest the hell out of this once the see it, you should be able to choose unless you are in a draft which we are not, but i guess its cool to enslave ourselfs ... You by the way have yet to state where you are from... So pardon me if you are form somewhere other than the US.

5. Don't mind me on this one but if there are two sides to the coin should you ban me for having different feelings than you?? Food for thought.

6. Before long We wont be alble to discuss these things because the "fairness doc" is about to limit the infomation availible to you via the mass media. That right there should piss you off. You will see this happen not just to the internet, but any form of media.

7. Dictation of health Care.
By pushing federal funded health care you will not longer have the options that you used to. You can look at it as a good thing if you want but how can you regulate health care... This will make jobs go straight to hell, ... And by the way my health care when i say my i mean mine not my depns.. SUCKS. Im talking needles breaking off into ppls arms for just a simple hiv test... Multiple stabs to hit the sweet spot since there education on heath care is the same as the sound a fart makes...

Why would we need that.. I say this assuming you have heard of that.. To take over the resources FROM EVERYONE THERE.. I will finish tomorrow i have to go to bed.... etc btw
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:09 PM   #58 (permalink)
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OK I'm going to take a stab at doing the same thing with hopefully a lot more clarity and credibility. give me a few.....
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:21 AM   #59 (permalink)
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I can't watch this crap. It was funny even compared to American Zeitgeist though (with problem less than half the few facts that actually had.) I mean for fucks sake, they said Obama wanted to federalize the states! How moronic is that? Before you even argue perhaps you should post these "facts" backed up by "credible sources."
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-30-2009, 12:24 AM   #60 (permalink)
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What is africon? What is fairness doc? What's up with the national civilian army? You wrote many words, Yukon, but I'm having a hard time understanding all of it. I think you should try and explain it to those not from America. We don't know about all the changes you are going through.

My last two posts before this were actually jokes, but I guess they flew under the radar.
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