Is the T.V. a brainwash device or are people just parnoid (alternative, effect) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 03-25-2009, 05:34 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Sounds good to me. I don't think there was much reason to bring it up in the first place.
And I agree.

jdg85. I really don't know why you got so over sensitive. toretorden doesn't seem to have any intentional axe to grind against America, or Americans.
I do wonder though, what it is you may have against toretorden?
And the next personal insult will earn you an infraction.

To all;
Is it really necessary to quote and dissect every single post in order to make a long list of individual points?
The only purpose that serves is to turn a debate into a point scoring contest.

Edit: I was typing this while you submitted your last post jgd. The effort to keep the peace is noted.
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:48 PM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
my bad, i took it as the necessity of paying for one media to get the other haha.

there are PLENTY of companies out there that require employees to carry cell phones or blackberries, they're always paid for by the company though. then again i'm still thinking in canadian terms here unless you're a cabbie or a pizza delivery guy, if cell phone use is a necessary part of your job then it's provided to you and paid for by your employer.

i get the impression yukon cornelius 'thinks' he needs a cell phone because he's constantly exposed to the idea of needing one on tv.
Lets just say that at my job it is looked down upon if you dont have a cellular phone for work. They cant make you get one, however seeing as that I used the word virtually I guess that means that its ok to mentally strong arm someone into going against the grain. I think that yes the higher ups are paid for.

Either way it was an example of what I was talking about.

Honestly this day and people are very materialistic and very influenced by pop culture(provided to you by the mass media). People also will defend useless crap if they deem it important to them. Which is what makes this amusing to me.

I know that there are plenty of people who have made an impulsive buy me included, its just the ones that cant afford it. Yes even the ones that cant afford it have credit cards, seems like they were set up for failure.

Sleepy I am doing my research for you on the negative effects that many ppl have come into due to the overwhelming brainwashing that the media has implemented. I would just call these ppl stupid and irresponsible but I think that there is a lot more to it than that. Also to boot it is really hard to find something that certain people don't want you to know.
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Old 03-25-2009, 06:49 PM   #83 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
And I agree.

jdg85. I really don't know why you got so over sensitive. toretorden doesn't seem to have any intentional axe to grind against America, or Americans.
I do wonder though, what it is you may have against toretorden?
And the next personal insult will earn you an infraction.

To all;
Is it really necessary to quote and dissect every single post in order to make a long list of individual points?
The only purpose that serves is to turn a debate into a point scoring contest.

Edit: I was typing this while you submitted your last post jgd. The effort to keep the peace is noted.
Its all about ego rather than opinions.
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Old 03-25-2009, 08:05 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Lets just say that at my job it is looked down upon if you dont have a cellular phone for work. They cant make you get one, however seeing as that I used the word virtually I guess that means that its ok to mentally strong arm someone into going against the grain. I think that yes the higher ups are paid for.

Either way it was an example of what I was talking about.

Honestly this day and people are very materialistic and very influenced by pop culture(provided to you by the mass media). People also will defend useless crap if they deem it important to them. Which is what makes this amusing to me.

I know that there are plenty of people who have made an impulsive buy me included, its just the ones that cant afford it. Yes even the ones that cant afford it have credit cards, seems like they were set up for failure.

Sleepy I am doing my research for you on the negative effects that many ppl have come into due to the overwhelming brainwashing that the media has implemented. I would just call these ppl stupid and irresponsible but I think that there is a lot more to it than that. Also to boot it is really hard to find something that certain people don't want you to know.
Okay that's great but first you have to actually explain how were being brainwashed. I don't feel like repeating myself so I won't but I've been asking you to do this for awhile.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-25-2009, 08:22 PM   #85 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Okay that's great but first you have to actually explain how were being brainwashed. I don't feel like repeating myself so I won't but I've been asking you to do this for awhile.
Read it here or go to the link posted below to read...

"The fact that TV is a source not actively or critically attended to was made dramatically evident in the late 1960s by an experiment that rocked the world of political and product advertising and forever changed the ways in which the television medium would be used. The results of the experiment still reverberate through the industry long after its somewhat primitive methods have been perfected.

"In November 1969, a researcher named Herbert Krugman, who later became manager of public-opinion research at General Electric headquarters in Connecticut, decided to try to discover what goes on physiologically in the brain of a person watching TV. He elicited the co-operation of a twenty-two-year-old secretary and taped a single electrode to the back of her head. The wire from this electrode connected to a Grass Model 7 Polygraph, which in turn interfaced with a Honeywell 7600 computer and a CAT 400B computer.

"Flicking on the TV, Krugman began monitoring the brain-waves of the subject What he found through repeated trials was that within about thirty seconds, the brain-waves switched from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention: the state of aimless fantasy and daydreaming below the threshold of consciousness. When Krugman's subject turned to reading through a magazine, beta waves reappeared, indicating that conscious and alert attentiveness had replaced the daydreaming state.

"What surprised Krugman, who had set out to test some McLuhanesque hypotheses about the nature of TV-viewing, was how rapidly the alpha-state emerged. Further research revealed that the brain's left hemisphere, which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the person is watching TV. This tuning-out allows the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes information emotionally and noncritically, to function unimpeded. 'It appears,' wrote Krugman in a report of his findings, 'that the mode of response to television is more or less constant and very different from the response to print. That is, the basic electrical response of the brain is clearly to the medium and not to content difference.... [Television is] a communication medium that effortlessly transmits huge quantities of information not thought about at the time of exposure.'

"Soon, dozens of agencies were engaged in their own research into the television-brain phenomenon and its implications. The findings led to a complete overhaul in the theories, techniques, and practices that had structured the advertising industry and, to an extent, the entire television industry. The key phrase in Krugman's findings was that TV transmits 'information not thought about at the time of exposure.'" [p.p. 69-70]

"As Herbert Krugman noted in the research that transformed the industry, we do not consciously or rationally attend to the material resonating with our unconscious depths at the time of transmission. Later, however, when we encounter a store display, or a real-life situation like one in an ad, or a name on a ballot that conjures up our television experience of the candidate, a wealth of associations is triggered. Schwartz explains: 'The function of a display in the store is to recall the consumer's experience of the product in the commercial.... You don't ask for a product: The product asks for you! That is, a person's recall of a commercial is evoked by the product itself, visible on a shelf or island display, interacting with the stored data in his brain.' Just as in Julian Jaynes's ancient cultures, where the internally heard speech of the gods was prompted by props like the corpse of a chieftain or a statue, so, too, our internalized media echoes are triggered by products, props, or situations in the environment.

"As real-life experience is increasingly replaced by the mediated 'experience' of television-viewing, it becomes easy for politicians and market-researchers of all sorts to rely on a base of mediated mass experience that can be evoked by appropriate triggers. The TV 'world' becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: the mass mind takes shape, its participants acting according to media-derived impulses and believing them to be their own personal volition arising out of their own desires and needs. In such a situation, whoever controls the screen controls the future, the past, and the present." [p. 82, Joyce Nelson, THE PERFICT MACHINE; New Society Pub., 1992, 800-253-3605; ISBN 0-86571-235-2 ]

"Women are carefully trained by media to view themselves as inadequate. They are taught that other women—through the purchases of clothes, cosmetics, food, vocations, avocations, education, etc.—are more desirable and feminine than themselves. Her need to constantly reverify her sexual adequacy though the purchase of merchandise becomes an overwhelming preoccupation, profitable for the merchandisers, but potentially disastrous for the individual.

"North American society has a vested interest in reinforcing an individual's failure to achieve sexual maturity. By exploiting unconscious fears, forcing them to repress sexual taboos, the media guarantees blind repressed seeking for value substitutes through commercial products and consumption. Sexual repression, as reinforced by the media, is a most viable marketing technology.

"Repressed sexual fear, much like all types of repression, makes humans highly vulnerable to subliminal management and control technology. Through subliminal appeals and reinforcements of these fears, some consumers can be induced into buying almost anything." [MEDIA SEXPLOITATION, Key, 1976]

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Old 03-25-2009, 08:23 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Thats because they are all related.

Mass media is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media (like books and manuscripts) were present centuries before the term became common. The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across media such as newspapers, television, radio, broadcasting, which may require union membership in some large markets such as Newspaper Guild, AFTRA, & text publishers. The concept of mass media is complicated in some internet media as now individuals have a means of potential exposure on a scale comparable to what was previously restricted to select group of mass media producers.

I did note earlier more than 90% of these items stating in my opinion that TV is the worse one. My reason... Would be the assumtion that a larger number of ppl have TV then do any other input. Internet close second however i didnt study maybe greater with the introduction of mobile internet.

Cell phones are constantly pushed by mass media, And constantly feed you more. that was just one example.
All I got from that was pure hell. Nothing but B-s and cop outs
good god you weren't kidding when you said you weren't the most intelligent poster on here. Lets have a start with your personal vendetta about businesses requiring their employees to have cell phones.

Let me break this down for you. Businesses today operate on a much wider and larger scale than they did before. A good system of communication is vital for any business, be it a massive multi-national corporation or some guy selling his grandmother's **** from her basement over ebay.

Your company did not force a cell phone on you because they want you to look cool in front of clients or because the evil TV people told them it was necessary. They gave you a phone because the world market has deemed it necessary. They need you to be connected in order to do your job for them. YOU are working for THEM, and thus you need to play along with the rest of the rules that the entire world of business operates on. I recently spoke with an independent farmer in rural Cameroon who did all of his business himself. The guy lived in a clapboard hut with no running water or electricity, and guess what, HE HAD A CELL PHONE. not because the evil TV advertisements had somehow gotten to him, but because even in the middle of rural africa, the market dictates certain necessities a business must have to function, and communication is one of them. And no, a pay phone or your home phone is not adequate. Unless you spend 24 hours a day at home.

This atmosphere was not created by TV, it was created by expanding businesses and world markets who pushed the boundaries further, and now the standard is such that without certain technologies, a business will fail.

Now addressing your little tirade about how anyone who lives with any kind of commodity not necessary to their survival is brainwashed by the mass media. I will be the first to admit I have my toys. I've spent thousands of dollars on camera equipment because it makes my job as a photojournalist a hell of a lot easier. I can get better results, get more jobs, and do a better job in using this equipment than in using my old 35mm minolta film camera from 1975, because its completely obsolete.

I spend a lot of money on ski equipment because it allows me to enjoy my time skiing more, and has a function. I do not own it because the mass media told me to buy one item over the other. I bought it all because they function the best for my needs.

I think you're entirely wrong in saying that having any material possession makes you a slave to the media. Had you said that spending $15000 on a purse because of the image it creates for you is an indication that a person is too susceptible marketing, then maybe I would agree with you. As it is, you come off like a frustrated yuppy who has way too much time on their hands.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

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Old 03-25-2009, 08:29 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber View Post
good god you weren't kidding when you said you weren't the most intelligent poster on here. Lets have a start with your personal vendetta about businesses requiring their employees to have cell phones.

Let me break this down for you. Businesses today operate on a much wider and larger scale than they did before. A good system of communication is vital for any business, be it a massive multi-national corporation or some guy selling his grandmother's **** from her basement over ebay.

Your company did not force a cell phone on you because they want you to look cool in front of clients or because the evil TV people told them it was necessary. They gave you a phone because the world market has deemed it necessary. They need you to be connected in order to do your job for them. YOU are working for THEM, and thus you need to play along with the rest of the rules that the entire world of business operates on. I recently spoke with an independent farmer in rural Cameroon who did all of his business himself. The guy lived in a clapboard hut with no running water or electricity, and guess what, HE HAD A CELL PHONE. not because the evil TV advertisements had somehow gotten to him, but because even in the middle of rural africa, the market dictates certain necessities a business must have to function, and communication is one of them. And no, a pay phone or your home phone is not adequate. Unless you spend 24 hours a day at home.

This atmosphere was not created by TV, it was created by expanding businesses and world markets who pushed the boundaries further, and now the standard is such that without certain technologies, a business will fail.

Now addressing your little tirade about how anyone who lives with any kind of commodity not necessary to their survival is brainwashed by the mass media. I will be the first to admit I have my toys. I've spent thousands of dollars on camera equipment because it makes my job as a photojournalist a hell of a lot easier. I can get better results, get more jobs, and do a better job in using this equipment than in using my old 35mm minolta film camera from 1975, because its completely obsolete.

I spend a lot of money on ski equipment because it allows me to enjoy my time skiing more, and has a function. I do not own it because the mass media told me to buy one item over the other. I bought it all because they function the best for my needs.

I think you're entirely wrong in saying that having any material possession makes you a slave to the media. Had you said that spending $15000 on a purse because of the image it creates for you is an indication that a person is too susceptible marketing, then maybe I would agree with you. As it is, you come off like a frustrated yuppy who has way too much time on their hands.
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Old 03-25-2009, 08:31 PM   #88 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
And also nearly illiterate if that was the only recognizable word in my entire post.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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Old 03-25-2009, 08:32 PM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber View Post
And also nearly illiterate if that was the only recognizable word in my entire post.
Read above jibber. Please don't degrade me.
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Old 03-25-2009, 08:37 PM   #90 (permalink)
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what is there to read above? All I saw was an irrelevant article from the 70's that was posted before my response, and not addressing any of the issues I raised in my post. I did "read above." I have to come to the conclusion that either you're illiterate and thus are incapable of responding to anyone's questions, or you don't care to have a discussion and are simply using this thread as an outlet for your tired, paranoid illusions.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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