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Old 03-25-2009, 03:14 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
That's what a study basically is....
the phrase 'worship' being used lead me to believe that their was a biased view, and thereby was not objective. i will however admit that i was wrong in that sense, because i did not notice the same word 'worship' was used by mr dave.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Did you even read that post? He was specifically responding to someone (from Canada I will add) who was talking to celebrity worship. In fact since he was responding to a Canadian living in Canada, his post would have been referring to Canada, not America. Either way he was specifically describing what the attitude towards celebrities is in Norway.
a canadian who was talking about 'survivor' none the less, an american tv show. in fact, a canadian responding to a comment from sachimo (who i believe is from america, although i could be wrong).

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
When was your last trip to Norway? Which region did you visit? How long were you there?
im not the one telling him the way things are in norway, so this is really irrelevant. way to become redundant with your final point to.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Funny the comment you get all pissy about was specifically talking about the differences between Norway and Canada.
funny how you get your **** tickled about a conversation between me and toretorden. i doubt he knew he was talking to a canadian, who was talking about an american tv show, who was responding to someone who was likely american.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Where has he? So far you're getting angry about him talking about a study of America and him talking about the differences between Canada and Norway. You're the one who brought America into the discussion.
so far im getting tired of him constantly talking about how norway is better than american. saying things like 'physical punishment is wrong' because they do it differently there and then call it 'kid beating' to make america look like its made up of a bunch of vicious beast. and i didnt bring america into the dicsussion, lucifer_sam did; maybe you should do some better investigative reporting before you start pointing fingers.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Now you're just being silly. Americans are so egotistical.
egotistical? i was curious as to where he draws all of his assumptions from, the all-so-reliable internet or personal experience. no no, egotistical would be something like constantly taking cheap shots at someone like yukon or wendycal who you know is dumber than dirt just to continue to make them look that way so that everyone will go 'wow ethan is so smart'. your canadian right?

Last edited by joyboyo53; 03-25-2009 at 03:24 PM.
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:27 PM   #72 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
a canadian who was talking about 'survivor' none the less, an american tv show. in fact, a canadian responding to a comment from sachimo (who i believe is from america, although i could be wrong).
toretorden wasn't quoting him on survivor though. toretorden was specifically responding to his part about celebrity worship and he explained how it was in Norway.

im not the one telling him the way things are in norway, so this is really irrelevant. way to become redundant with your final point to.
I intentionally reworded that to mirror one of your posts because you hypocritically made an assumption about his country, with no backing whatsoever, and yet you told him he couldn't do the same (even with a study to back it up) without having been to America.

funny how you get your **** tickled about a conversation between me and toretorden. i doubt he knew he was talking to a canadian, who was talking about an american tv show, who was responding to someone who was likely american.
He stated he didn't assume mr dave was America (he probably didn't even think to himself what nationality he was as toretorden's post really just talked about celebrity worship, or rather the lack of it, in Norway and didn't really address any country at all.) Survivor is a popular television show; you don't have to be American to have heard about it.

so far im getting tired of him constantly talking about how norway is better than american. saying things like 'physical punishment is wrong' because they do it differently there and then call it 'kid beating' to make america look like its made up of a bunch of vicious beast. and i didnt bring america into the dicsussion, lucifer_sam did; maybe you should do some better investigative reporting before you start pointing fingers.
You're the one who's entire post attacked him based on several assumptions (which were wrong) on your part. Don't talk to me about investigating posts. I live in America now and even I think physical punishment is immoral and wrong, even light spanking (I said as much in the thread I believe.) Why don't you attack me for it? It makes you look like a xenophobe/nationalist when you have these kind of double standards.

egotistical? i was curious as to where he draws all of his assumptions from, the all-so-reliable internet or peresonal experience. no no, egotistical would be something like constantly taking cheap shots at someone like yukon or wendycal who you know is dumber than dirt just to continue to make them look that way so that everyone will go 'wow ethan is so smart'. your canadian right?
Yes I'm Canadian. He never made any assumptions about America in this thread, he only explained how it was in Norway. That is all he did and you're the one who got all upset about it. If anyone is being condescending here it's you.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-25-2009, 03:30 PM   #73 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
funny how you get your **** tickled about a conversation between me and toretorden. i doubt he knew he was talking to a canadian, who was talking about an american tv show, who was responding to someone who was likely american.
I wrote :

Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I didn't write it based on an assumption that he's an american (though I thought he was after reading your last reply) ..
Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
so far im getting tired of him constantly talking about how norway is better than american. saying things like 'physical punishment is wrong' because they do it differently there and then call it 'kid beating' to make america look like its made up of a bunch of vicious beast. and i didnt bring america into the dicsussion, lucifer_sam did; maybe you should do some better investigative reporting before you start pointing fingers.
I do this constantly? I didn't know that. I can see you got irritated with the corporal punishment thread. If you read the posts without paranoid, preconcieved ideas, you'll see that I write early on that most of "us" (meaning everyone on the boards) have probably experienced corporal punishment. I never wrote that it was exclusive to the US, it just so happens that a lot of studies come from there. I did post studies from other places as well .. I remember one from New Zealand for example. People slap their kids in Norway as well, I never wrote they don't.

Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
egotistical? i was curious as to where he draws all of his assumptions from, the all-so-reliable internet or personal experience. no no, egotistical would be something like constantly taking cheap shots at someone like yukon or wendycal who you know is dumber than dirt just to continue to make them look that way so that everyone will go 'wow ethan is so smart'. your canadian right?
What the hell are you on? What kind of assumptions would that be?

edit :

As an attempt to stay on topic, as I wrote I'm not particularly fond of the market's grasp on the TV channels. Put bluntly, commercials bore me. However, I will argue that TVs have great real and potential worth to any society .. I just don't think shows like Date My Mom account for much of it (but perhaps a little still). I think news are good and so is every educational program you can watch and there's quite a lot of those. At least there are if you look for them.

Watching BBC nature documentaries and various other shows where biologists are checking out bugs in jungles or tranquilizing polar bears from choppers in the arctic made me want to become a biologist. Although I can't say all my motivation came from the telly (far from it), it added to it and maybe it was the final push which made me go for it.
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Last edited by Guybrush; 03-25-2009 at 03:48 PM.
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:33 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I do this constantly?
on health care

Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Generally, I'd say it's working very well for us, much better than what you guys seem to have going for you in the US.
on corporal punishment

Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
According to the abstract from this article from 1991, more than 90% of parents in the USA use physical punishment. It also suggests without empirically concluding that parents who do not use physical punishment have, on average, better behaved children and that such punishment, while a good way to force conformity early in life will tend to cause deviating behaviour when the children grow up. Thus, a way to help minimize crime in a society could be to ban physical punishment.
Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I see most people believe to a varying degree that a society without violence towards kids really means a society with no respect, no morale, no grasp of consequence. Sorry guys, I try to be respectful, but that just seems incredibly stupid to me.

As I wrote before, there are other ways of bringing up your children that has just as good if not better results than corporal punishment and they won't teach your kids that violence against children is justified. That's a lesson a lot of people learn from their parents and I think it's principally wrong, even if it's just a rare, quick slap.
on celebrities

Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
It's interesting .. In Norway, we don't normally worship our celebrities. Instead, we think of them more as regular people. They don't necessarily make that much more money than the average Joe here, so the big difference between them and you is usually that they work in TV or radio.
on assuming people are american

Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Dur, that's the second time I assume someone is an american when they are not. What the hell? I'm a schmuck! Sorry about that.
now really man im not out to get you. i think you whether you notice it or not you have made multiple post in a degrading manner about my home country. i dont hate you or even dislike you to be honest, but understand that it isnt exactly music to my ears and i am gonna have an opinion about it. it will probably bring out a bad side in me, and for that i am sorry. on a side note, the egotistical **** was refering to ethan. the assumptions part applies to the above quotes. really though, this arguement is going in circles and getting stale. lets just agree that both the us and norway are kickass countries? i mean im not arguing that there is anything wrong with norway, in fact its one of the more well rounded and developed countries in the world. i just get tired of hearing this quasi anti-american sentiment.
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:53 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zzz View Post
1. Show me a company that requires it (I honestly haven't heard of one and would love to be proven wrong, it'd make my day)

actually bell aliant in eastern canada does this. they're a telecommunications company that started with land line phones, then moved into high speed internet, and recently branched off into satellite tv.

here's the kicker though, even if you have high speed internet with them (like the service i'm using RIGHT NOW to post this comment). if you want to get satellite tv they REQUIRE that you also get a phone line, nevermind that the tv service uses their internet backbone; nevermind that their long distance phone service sucks ass compared to the voip line we already have. if we wanted satellite tv in the apartment we needed to get another phone...

it's hard to say how this is being handled, my roommate filed formal complaints with the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission) but they proved to be worthless and pussyfooted around his complaint.

as for the whole norway vs. the world, uhh yeah... WTF? i've always liked those scandanavian countries, plus jaga jazzist is from norway so the nation is an automatic yay! in my book.

idol worship and the cult of personality are not concepts that are native to any specific nation. it happens everywhere. tv just makes it far simpler to spread the shenanigans. so long as people continue considering their wants as needs they'll continue to allow themselves to be lead by the nose through whatever means available.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:53 PM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
toretorden wasn't quoting him on survivor though. toretorden was specifically responding to his part about celebrity worship and he explained how it was in Norway.

I intentionally reworded that to mirror one of your posts because you hypocritically made an assumption about his country, with no backing whatsoever, and yet you told him he couldn't do the same (even with a study to back it up) without having been to America.

He stated he didn't assume mr dave was America (he probably didn't even think to himself what nationality he was as toretorden's post really just talked about celebrity worship, or rather the lack of it, in Norway and didn't really address any country at all.) Survivor is a popular television show; you don't have to be American to have heard about it.

You're the one who's entire post attacked him based on several assumptions (which were wrong) on your part. Don't talk to me about investigating posts. I live in America now and even I think physical punishment is immoral and wrong, even light spanking (I said as much in the thread I believe.) Why don't you attack me for it? It makes you look like a xenophobe/nationalist dick when you have these kind of double standards.

Yes I'm Canadian. He never made any assumptions about America in this thread, he only explained how it was in Norway. That is all he did and you're the one who got all upset about it. If anyone is being condescending here it's you.
saying "you hypocritically made an assumption about his country" seems almost comical when your last post said "americans are so egotistical". regardless, i never made a preconcieved notion about his country until after one had, presumably, been made about mine.

how is it a xenophobic double standard because i didnt attack you, another non american? the reason i didnt attack you is because i try and avoid arguments with you for a few reasons,

1) because you are still in highschoool and can spend 12 hours a day responding to every post (17k post shows you obviously WILL)
2) because often times you present your arguement in a more reasonable manner
3) because you werent refering to america in that thread, you were discussing the topic as a whole
4) because im not goin to respond specifically to each and every post on a topic of discussion

now as i have mentioned before, i work almost entirely with international people. i am incrediably tolerant of other cultures and lifestyles. i have NO distaste for people soley based on their nationality, so why dont you quit being a hypocrit and stop attacking me specifically based on false assumptions of your own.
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Old 03-25-2009, 04:56 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
actually bell aliant in eastern canada does this. they're a telecommunications company that started with land line phones, then moved into high speed internet, and recently branched off into satellite tv.

here's the kicker though, even if you have high speed internet with them (like the service i'm using RIGHT NOW to post this comment). if you want to get satellite tv they REQUIRE that you also get a phone line, nevermind that the tv service uses their internet backbone; nevermind that their long distance phone service sucks ass compared to the voip line we already have. if we wanted satellite tv in the apartment we needed to get another phone...

it's hard to say how this is being handled, my roommate filed formal complaints with the CRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission) but they proved to be worthless and pussyfooted around his complaint.

as for the whole norway vs. the world, uhh yeah... WTF? i've always liked those scandanavian countries, plus jaga jazzist is from norway so the nation is an automatic yay! in my book.

idol worship and the cult of personality are not concepts that are native to any specific nation. it happens everywhere. tv just makes it far simpler to spread the shenanigans. so long as people continue considering their wants as needs they'll continue to allow themselves to be lead by the nose through whatever means available.
Ah, good sir, but we were talking about USA! We were also talking about companies that require employees to have cell phones, not customers (I think)

Nonetheless, I'm sure there are some companies in the USA that require cell phones. It was simply an honest question I had as I haven't heard of any companies yet
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Old 03-25-2009, 05:15 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
on health care
Alright, so I think Norway may generally have better health care than the US. So what? Can't I post that opinion? I thought most americans would agree with me on that anyway.

Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
on corporal punishment
The whole corporal punishment thing as being something that only happens in America, as I've explained, is something you have misunderstood. My motivation for bringing it up in the first place is (as explained in that thread) that they are discussing a law to prohibit it here like they have in Sweden and New Zealand and it's meeting a lot of opposition from the general public.

Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
on celebrities
As for Norway not worshipping celebrities, well - it's just the way it is. It's a tiny country and there's no Hollywood or Beverly Hills here. It doesn't have to be a negative or a positive thing. I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm not gonna step on egg shells about something as trivial as this. Frankly, I'm surprised you even reacted the way you did.

Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
on assuming people are american
As for me mistaking someone for being american, well .. In my quotation, you see I apologized to that person, but not for calling him american .. I apologized simply because I was wrong about his origins.

Originally Posted by jgd85 View Post
this arguement is going in circles and getting stale. lets just agree that both the us and norway are kickass countries?
Sounds good to me. I don't think there was much reason to bring it up in the first place.
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Old 03-25-2009, 05:25 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zzz View Post
Ah, good sir, but we were talking about USA! We were also talking about companies that require employees to have cell phones, not customers (I think)

Nonetheless, I'm sure there are some companies in the USA that require cell phones. It was simply an honest question I had as I haven't heard of any companies yet
my bad, i took it as the necessity of paying for one media to get the other haha.

there are PLENTY of companies out there that require employees to carry cell phones or blackberries, they're always paid for by the company though. then again i'm still thinking in canadian terms here unless you're a cabbie or a pizza delivery guy, if cell phone use is a necessary part of your job then it's provided to you and paid for by your employer.

i get the impression yukon cornelius 'thinks' he needs a cell phone because he's constantly exposed to the idea of needing one on tv.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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Old 03-25-2009, 05:27 PM   #80 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Alright, so I think Norway may generally have better health care than the US. So what? Can't I post that opinion? I thought most americans would agree with me on that anyway.

The whole corporal punishment thing as being something that only happens in America, as I've explained, is something you have misunderstood. My motivation for bringing it up in the first place is (as explained in that thread) that they are discussing a law to prohibit it here like they have in Sweden and New Zealand and it's meeting a lot of opposition from the general public.

As for Norway not worshipping celebrities, well - it's just the way it is. It's a tiny country and there's no Hollywood or Beverly Hills here. It doesn't have to be a negative or a positive thing. I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm not gonna step on egg shells about something as trivial as this. Frankly, I'm surprised you even reacted the way you did.

As for me mistaking someone for being american, well .. In my quotation, you see I apologized to that person, but not for calling him american .. I apologized simply because I was wrong about his origins.

Sounds good to me. I don't think there was much reason to bring it up in the first place.
like i said, the reason i posted what i did and responded the way i did was because i was getting the impression that you have a anti-american sentiment. you kept saying you werent but then i kept feeling like you continued to dog on america. so i made a bigger deal outta something that isnt worth making a deal out of, moreso towards the idealogy that you dont like america, than the actual comment about celebrities. i hope you can understand where i was coming from.
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