75 Year Old Saudi Woman Sentenced To Lashes... (house, instrumental, gospel) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 03-11-2009, 01:47 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
One thing I can't stand is how Christians use stuff like this as examples of Islam being an evil religion. When the Bible itself is even more sexist than an Andrew Dice Clay comedy special.

But yeah, the Qur'an is so sexist it's ridiculous.
I don't think either of those are actually sexist if you are able to go beyond the literal text.
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Old 03-11-2009, 04:12 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
I don't think either of those are actually sexist if you are able to ignore the literal text.
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Old 03-11-2009, 05:10 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Lightbulb 75 year old Saudi woman lashed; As Follows,

I have opened up my mouth a couple times and goten a verbal punch in it when "religion" is being beaten (again) for the sorrows that people recieve at the hands of people, we'll see what happens this time. The Existence of sorrow is well older than religion, The feeling of joy that can only be felt in the heart when you have no doubt that you are right, is older than religion. The fact is people have a problem with authority, and to whom authority is being doled out to. There are questions and arguments of how much authority, how much punishment, whom is responsible, they're moot. The truth is most people are too lazy to help a neighbor, I am. Once you actually study theology, you happen upon a strange trait, helping. Helping = Sacrafice. The problem really arises when some one is told to help some one else. Then you're in for a battle, "why them, Why not me? No one was there to help me out when I needed it!" This is my favorite.."F- them it's their fault
they're in this mess." I said that one alot. I didn't even read the story, partly because I've wittnessed it first hand, partly because the universal truth will be there regardless of the facts. What is the universal truth? That the woman needed help with something, most do in the middle east. Charges of mingling with those who aren't related to your family are usually about begging, and God help her if she touched one of them, if a woman throws herself in front of a man, he wont walk around her, she must be moved if she will not move herself. I am rambling, "religion". Lets just go with the big 5 shall we?

1) Buddhism - yeah, they're supposed to help out others
2) Hindu- yep,
3) Islam- you betcha'
4) Muslim- mm hmm
5) Judaism- 5 for 5 what a ya' know.

Summary; so now I've stated, if you've no help, you've got problems.

Something to think about; In most Theology, you look to GOD as a source of what you recieve, and an answer to that which troubles you. If you look elsewhere it's a sign of faithlessness.

Question; Who do you of no GOD, look to, to solve your problems, or better yet ,who do you praise for what you recieve? If the answer is anything else but GOD, then that thing you stated is your GOD, on that all religion agrees.

Everything else is trivial, sorrow, pain, anguish, joy, triumph, love, power, weakness........ all feelings. Feelings change, for some they change alot and often, they are proof of nothing. Torment comes, in many forms and the well off get theirs too. I believe that every man/woman must seek out their own salvation through fear and trembling. If you don't have children yet, wait and you'll know the fear of which I speak. For yourself or for someone else everyone hits their knees at some point. However it's the feeling you don't deserve help that stands in most peoples way, does anyone know the difference between Grace and Mercy?

Grace is geeting that which you do not deserve, and Mercy is being spared from receiving that which we do deserve. Of couse this is mearly my Truth, and most of this is aimed at me.
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:09 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
No, a cop out is saying "if religion never existed than the world would be no different." When you look at the history of the Middle East you'll see religion has done nothing to stabilize the region and is what is tearing it apart. Cruelty exists in that area because of religion; it has nothing to do with some desire in all humans to inflict pain on one another. Muslims extremists, suicide bombers, Islamofascism and the lashing of this woman all exist because of religion, not in spite of it. Religion has been the most intellectually dangerous thing of the past several centuries, to argue the world would be no different without at it is just stupid.
Where did I say this? The world be certainly be different, but no better and no worse.
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Old 03-11-2009, 09:35 PM   #25 (permalink)
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It's still a cop out statement. It's nothing something you can prove, however the intellectual damage of Religion and the way it's torn apart the world, particularly the Middle East, is something with historical backing.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-11-2009, 09:59 PM   #26 (permalink)
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That article really made me feel like ****. Not the article itself, I hear about depressing stuff like this all of the time, but it just showed me how biased my World History class textbook was. I remember last year in 9th grade World History class, there was an entire chapter devoted to the middle east, with a large focus on the Muslim religion. The whole chapter implyed that the religion was not really bad at all and was largely misunderstood. What always angered me is how the chapter would go on and on telling me how ****ing alright the Muslim religion was then would talk about how the whole thing spread so rapidly through the Muslims conquering and spreading their religion like it was normal or something.

I never really 'brought' the whole thing, while the rest of my class did. I mean, I don't know much about the Islamic faith, but I don't remember the textbook paying any attention to **** like this.

As for getting rid of religion helping the world, I guess that might work, I really don't know. Taking it away may or may not help make things better. Whats going to stop people from being stupid? Sure, there wouldn't be religion, but the part that makes humans stupid enough to believe in this crap is still there.

Taking away religion is not taking away human nature, therefore something possibly even more rediculous is going to pop up. Which leads me to the conclusion that humanity is hopelessly doomed to stupidity and that we should either A) Kill every single human or B) Move to a super-isolated-land-of-stupidity-free-isolation-island-land and play beach vollyball and eat gummy bears until we all die. Well, its close to impossible to kill off our species because we are so god-damned stubborn and relentless. And even if we do, what the hell is going to stop an even more stupid human-like species from evolving from a pig or an ape or something and screwing everything up. So, I'm going to try to live my life to its fullest on super-fun-isolation-island, or I could at least pretend to. I could pretend all of the pavement is sand, and all of the people are fun island creatures.

Last edited by Kamikazi Kat; 03-11-2009 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:06 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Default ReligionII; as follows,

O.K. we all have our own way of thinking, that is obvious. Let me pose a question, If all the major civilizations that ruled and sprung up and out of this sordid past of ours, I mean all of them. Mayans, Aztacas, Greeks, Egyptian, Roman, Mongolian, Anglo Saxon, why do all, all, alllll, based heavily in worship to one Diety or Many. My Question is, Why does every civilization currently running the world/empire think it's their God/s that's right. Why does each generation think it's theirs that will see the end of times? That's two questions, I'll see you in the A.m. Adios. Aloha to all.
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:06 PM   #28 (permalink)
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The Qu'ran and the Bible both teach that woman are inferior and should subvert their own will to that of their husband, who is superior and closer to God or Allah then they could ever be. There is no way to seperate sexism from those Religious texts; unless you're a modern Christian church in which case you simply skim over those passages and interpret (or rather, misinterpret because there's no way to confuse these passages. They're very clear) them as saying "wives, honor and love your husbands."
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:19 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 7gaugejames View Post
O.K. we all have our own way of thinking, that is obvious. Let me pose a question, If all the major civilizations that ruled and sprung up and out of this sordid past of ours, I mean all of them. Mayans, Aztacas, Greeks, Egyptian, Roman, Mongolian, Anglo Saxon, why do all, all, alllll, based heavily in worship to one Diety or Many. My Question is, Why does every civilization currently running the world/empire think it's their God/s that's right. Why does each generation think it's theirs that will see the end of times? That's two questions, I'll see you in the A.m. Adios. Aloha to all.
Because people are stupid?
Because its conforting to believe that you know you are right?

Somewhere in that ballpark.
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:26 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 7gaugejames View Post

Question; Who do you of no GOD, look to, to solve your problems, or better yet ,who do you praise for what you recieve? If the answer is anything else but GOD, then that thing you stated is your GOD, on that all religion agrees.
I don't look to or praise any particular things. And even if whatever I look to or praise is my God, the difference is I'm not going to kill somebody who believes otherwise.
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