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Lets just bail out the world
I hate this junk. I honestly feel that bailing big buisness out is postponing the inevitable. I understand the concept, though i dont agree with it all the way. I also understand that we are going to pay for it one way or another. The rising cost of natural resources is not helping anyone except big oil. I feel that greed is the biggest factor here. Though wouldnt a better economy be better for everyone in the long run. So how can any statement be valid.
I would like others opinions, maybe im not educated well enough on the topic |
The only greed here is the idea that we should all have to make up for the mistake of others. I just find it funny how everyone doesn't want to bail out the big businesses which provide all the welfare that a ton of this country is living on in the first place. American liberalism is so hypocritical. |
Basically the same idea... |
No one is a slave to anyone. Financial situations should not force people into slavery. |
All business from the smallest to the biggest will do anything to sell you anything so long as its not assential. Catering you ask basically... If you have to have it they will compete.. If you dont need they will find a way to make it easier, of course this goes along with after they have made you want it.
So thats really the question... Your own free choice to buy. Right but the econonmy blows because there is high tax on what you need... Gas being one of the biggest.. and lower tax on what you want. Its my free choice to do anything... No one is a slave to big business ?? Enjoy higher taxes after the next bail out. |
^^^ you dont have an option^^
The government does not control gas prices opec does.. Thats were a S%^& ton of your problem is. So no one can afford to go any where and nobody can spend on anything else... 4.00 a gallon rediculious
It wouldn't be 4.00 a gallon if there were no taxes. There is way to much regulation in the business world from minimum wage to anti-trust laws.
I understand you libertarians want to blame everything on the government being too big but that's simply stupid in this case. Clinton and Bush and the Congress and Senate under them have been getting rid of things set up during the Great Depression for the past ten years as well as deregulating businesses (though this part was more Bush than Clinton.) It clearly hasn't been a good thing. I don't know how you can honestly say these bail outs are the cause of the government meddling with the economy seeing as everything that's happened points to the opposite. |
Yeah the taxes on gas hasent really changed since you bought your first gallon at 99 cents or less for some of you.
I actually believe it has more to do with all the shartty loans that were givin out. Ok now you have a person that 2 years ago could apply for a loan and now they cant. Which might not be a bad thing!!! Now the 55 about to retire man that made an honest living is losing his job because his company made cuts. Shart... |
Number two was a generalization, but it is true for a lot of people. Quote:
Secondly, freer economies bring more successful businesses. Our economy has never been a completely free economy. In fact, what we live under right now is VERY restricted capitalism. So the notion that businesses fail under capitalism is false because we operate under the absolute worst economic system, moderated capitalism or mixed economy. Quote:
Man we should go back to how things were in the '20s. Yea.
this thread = ethan vs inuzuka
And what does "moderated capitalism is worse than socialism" even mean? Is socialism an inherently bad idea? Definition: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Sounds like your only beef is wanting to have Adam Smith's children. |
Almost every big recession and war has happened on a Republicans watch. Just look at the 3 depressions this country has been in. Big business is the newest for a capitalism in the United States. If you actually think they should not cater to the public thats absurd. When there working conditions are **** and they pay less than the rising cost of living I would say that's a bad thing. As Wayfarer said, they have proven themselves incompetent and unable to run things on there own because of corporate greed and bad decision making. |
Of course the rising number of jobs lost and cars repo'ed probably has ppl doing a f ton of walking. that in its own right snuffs the demand. |
Minimum wage is a bunch of garbage. If everyone wanted they could be doctors. And anti-trust? If it's their prerogative to charge people out the ass then so be it. That's what the invisible hand is for. Make the rich richer and the poor poorer. You know what I mean? |
Maybe if we become a communist nation we wont have to worry about this...
How can you feel comfortable when you government supports banks that give loans to babies?? Risk taking? More like epic failure. Think about how brainwashed so many americans are with image. This covers credit cards, car loans and home loans. Its both the fault of your ppl and your government and teaches us that if we do stupid crap dont worry. Its big business welfare. Now thats ****ty |
unequal distribution of wealth - That is what happens when minimum wages are not raised, and corporate America is hand fed everything they need. |
Don't forget with this statement that these minimum wage jobs are jobs none the less. Also you must hold your own self responsible for what you have become. Every decision you have made is cause and effect of everything you have done up until this very day. Are you the person asking if you would like to super size? If so to me you are either young 15-20 or you are someone who has had problems in the past. Quote:
Once i did a charity drive for the angle tree (free X-mas toys and what have you) and i was in awe to see that the ppl coming to get free toys were driving in 40000 dollar Cadillac Escalades and had about what my car was worth in rims... I know it might sound racial but its not these ppl were of all races. Tell me that its not the greedy American? |
You have obviously not been brought up having to struggle for everything you have because if so you would realize that often it is not just "up to you". Layoffs, stock crashes, technology, being flat out poor, and many other factors can put someone out of luck. |
Also, we are not talking about giving people free rides or being created equal. It has to do with the fact that EVERY citizen should be able to get a chance to move up in society. That is the reason this country is known as "the land of opportunity". Moving up in class and stature are critical to the way everything works. The government and the rich would like everyone to think that if a person is of a lower class it is always entirely there fault. Point is they want to stay in power and in the ruling class. This is simple sociology. (Which of coarse is slowly being eliminated by the government and rich) Quote:
How can the first bold statement and the second bold statement both be true? We have operated under a completely free economy before. If you thought corporate fraud was an offshoot of government intervention than you're dead wrong. The government's hand was forced in because businesses don't operate on some Randian code rationality they just want to make money...which means taking advantage of people. I understand you think progressive presidents are evil socialists but they didn't create recessions and economic problems you know in fact their policies have helped pull us out of them. Economies naturally go through ups and downs; having some regulation isn't what causes the downs. |
And dont even get me started on the conservative view on warfare. It seems today it is better to be PATRIOTIC AND LOYAL than intelligent. Why else do you think the people in office are not to bright? |
1. I entirely disagree with the not "****ing debatable" fact. The only reason it is called a recession when it gets bad and not a depression is because the government does not want the public to lose faith in them. AKA them losing there power and say in how the country works. 2. And to Wayfarer, if you would like me to elaborate then it will. Because apparently I don't "even know what the hell" im going on about. (And I wont begin to go into how you have not even begun to describe any of your points, just simply state how they are correct) Conservative right wing thinking does this country very little good. Yes it encourages some basic freedoms such as gun ownership and many other small personal freedoms, but does so blindly and with little insight. Most major wars and invasions in the US have happened on a republicans watch. McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft leading up to and WW1. In Vietnam after the entire country wanted to leave a few years into the war Nixon and Ford continued sending massive amounts of troops in. George H.W. Bush in 91 in the Persian Gulf War. Afghanistan and Iraq with younger Bush in 2001 and 2003. (This is of coarse discounting examples like WWII in which we were forced into the war while a Democratic resident was in power) The right wing way of thinking is not with your head but with a gun. Mainly if you in any way say something against the president or government in office it is unpatriotic and makes you a bad American. Next on this list is the right wing love for big business as displayed in the last 8 years of this countries leadership. While big business and corporate monopolies have turned into the new version of Capitalism (it is constantly changing).These huge companies pay their workers next to nothing, (yet it seems hat you dont mind that and its the peoples individual fault) and keep hour and working conditions disgustingly bad. CEO's of today make 20 times what they made 30 years ago. Ford paid his workers much higher than anyone today, and he made much less because of this. Republicans allow this to happen, not only turning a blind eye, but seeming to encourage it. Do you think its fair that the CEO of a company walks away with 40 million a year while the works get less than what they need to live? I have to go to work but I will finish this post when I come back. |
At least Wayfarer has the decency to reply calmly and respectfully. Every time I see you disagree with anything on this forum you start swearing or have a hissy fit. Act your age, and if your real young...act older. |
And a Democrat was in office for all of WW1. Have you heard of Woodrow Wilson? He ried to remain nuetral and stay out of the war. |
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